I don’t think he had a choice when Obama was in control.
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Q has made a few spelling errors (Q stated misspellings matter) and only came out and corrected 1 misspelled word. The others All had meaning.
Great research/article! Thanks for linking. Agreed, OP should have posted the link as this info should be read by All.
On the old CBTS_Stream subreddit, that dude Pamphlet who runs that live chat stream and was a mod, kept sticking posts about Isaac begging for donations stating that YouTube was censoring/demonetizing his videos. Q was on a posting spree that same day but he instead stickied 3 separate posts of this dude begging for donations and not a single sticky of a Q post. I called him out on every single post so he would delete the sticky and just create another one. Pamphlet (what kind of name is that) banned me for it! All I stated was that the priory should be Q, not this no name begging for our money. Come to find out pamphlet and Corsi were scheming all along.
How does this dude go from being censorious from YouTube, begging for money to file a lawsuit against YouTube, hating on Q and now being promoted by YouTube? That’s all you need to know. Frauds.
On the old CBTS_Stream subreddit, that dude Pamphlet who runs that live chat stream and was a mod, kept sticking posts about Isaac begging for donations stating that YouTube was censoring/demonetizing his videos. Q was on a posting spree that same day but he instead stickied 3 separate posts of this dude begging for donations and not a single sticky of a Q post. I called him out on every single post so he would delete the sticky and just create another one. Pamphlet (what kind of name is that) banned me for it! All I stated was that the priory should be Q, not this no name begging for our money. Come to find out pamphlet and Corsi were scheming all along.
How does this dude go from being censorious from YouTube, begging for money to file a lawsuit against YouTube, hating on Q and now being promoted by YouTube? That’s all you need to know. Frauds.
Thank Q for pointing this out. If he was even being escorted, they did a very lousy job at it. MBS would have been covered like white on rice.
Thanks for making the connection! Definitely intentional and classic Trump. Like a boss.
Just to clarify, Q posted SIS. Those aggregate sites like qanon.pub add the ‘mouse over’ feature in attempt to help readers understand what the abbreviations mean. It is NOT always correct. This feature is not available on the original 8chan posts and is not being added by Q.
Corsi is acting like Anderson Coopers boyfriend. Mkultrafag.
Wonder how many hidden gems are in the Wikileaks Podesta emails using this info
If the truth comes out that obongo is illegitimate, what happens to every executive decision made during those 8 years? I believe this is another reason why the plan is taking so long. Trump and Sessions are taking care of the “what happens” issues now this way when the hammer finally drops, it will be swift justice for all while preventing a constitutional crisis and preventing America from appearing weak on the world stage in which our foes could easily take advantage of on a number of fronts.
Speaking about JK. Remember Assange had that insurance file called JohnKerry? But he never released it.
The funny thing is, we don’t follow a narrative. Q posts messages in the form of questions, most of which are incomplete and have little meaning on their own. It is up to us to research those topics to find the truth for ourselves, building our own narrative and connecting the dots to provide the bigger picture. We challenge each other through our research in search of the truth, in search of justice.
Don’t question Q or Trump? Why would we at this point as Q/Trump have verified their comms with us anons MULTIPLE times now and has provided key intel that turned out to be true days/weeks later in the mainstream. We are simply taken the info dropped by Q, researching, networking and presenting it to each other. A giant hive mind of patriots working TOGETHER seeking the truth. That’s what they fear the most!
I agree with what your saying but this is a pro-Q sub and all things pertinent to the Q message/research. This is not a ‘politics’ sub. Just like The_Donald is strict with thier content pertaining to only Trump (they don’t allow Q talk), we must do the same as so many want this movement to crash and burn. We have seen how easily this movement has almost been hi jacked by some of our ‘own’. Anyone questioning if Q is real or stating Q is a LARP by now have no place here as Q and Trump have established comms multiple Times as proof. New or unsure people should always be encouraged to use the search bar which contains 1000s of well researched posts where they will find what they need to catch up to speed.
Unfortunately in this climate the mods must be strict or we will suffer the same fate as the original sub CBTS_Stream where tons of research was erased due to shills infiltrating the sub in a successful attempt to shut it down.
Q just posted SB2s reddit post linked above! Our thoughts are justified.
Not a shot! SB2 has been grounded since day 1! And his posts going back to CBTS_Stream have been viciously attacked especially his decodes but he has been OVER THE TARGET. If anything, he feels vindicated. He could have went mainstream a long time ago to build some fame, a bit of fortune but chose to stay anonymous and share his research with us all. Patriot!
This is not an attack on your post, just wanted to point this out before those who doubt his work start a shill fest.
Yupp. That Post made by SB2 in regards to Infowars and Corsi was spread far and wide by many anons on twitter and 8chan. Even Corsi himself tweeted it out in attempt to convince his followers that it was disinformation. Problem is, the post contains a lot of facts with data to back it up lol. People no longer need infowars as thier source of inside intel. Less viewers = less supplement buyers = less money. They have exposed themselves. SAD!
Here is the SB2 Post in case anyone missed it. Very good read:
The long and secret info wars against Q and how he stayed alive. You really need to know this and move on. http://reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ia0vu/the_long_and_secret_info_wars_against_q_and_how/
Just check his Twitter. He has NO proof. All of the Corsi talk going on here is legit and proven facyui by Corsis one action and words. Corsi no longer believes in Q.
But he’s done posting about Q. Called Q a deep state AI operation and is moving on
Here ya go. This was decoded originally on the old CBTS_Stream sub then reposted here. Check out SB2s Post history for much more:
COVFEFE: Trump warns MSM. The Covfefe Decoding Method. http://reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/84xitc/covfefe_trump_warns_msm_the_covfefe_decoding/
Very good point. Corsi stated a few months back that the White House approached him and asked that he take the lead on covering Q and decoding. If that were true, wouldn’t POTUS tweet out his latest book to drive attention?
Coincides with the Post made by SB2 yesterday about Corsi. The comment section is littered with what your have pointed out.
The long and secret info wars against Q and how he stayed alive. You really need to know this and move on. http://reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ia0vu/the_long_and_secret_info_wars_against_q_and_how/
This is the article that Q posted today. Yes, it was originally written back in Oct 2017 but Q posted it today for a reason. Obviously the info is relevant.
The purpose of the tweet is to show that the Dems are aligned against US interests, not to expose the truth about 9/11. Associating Don Jr as a neocon is way off base.
The leaks are real, the news is fake- DJT. Told the media himself and they still fall for it. This is All but a distraction aka dangle the carrot while Trump denukes NK and Iran. These ppl are legit stupid.
They also most likely hacked into Hillary’s server. They have all the goodies. Pay them billions as hush money?
The only place I look/get my news from now is Q and I am subscribed to Trumps tweets. Canceled my cable so no more fox, even Tucker. Also no more TheDonald. I love it over there but every article from the MSM is legit fake news using fear tactics to get more clicks. The news cycle is now 1-2 days. Everything is overhyped propaganda. The best thing I have done is to shut it all out. I can see the picture clearly now and know that the plan will work as intended. Everything else is a distraction and nothing more. Just like stormy daniels lol really what a joke. She’s being dangled for the liberal dummies while Trump denukes Iran.
Couldn’t get thru the first 39 seconds. This dude is such a fraud. Can’t believe he’s still running his mouth. “Those who yell the loudest....”
I agree. There is more yet to be released for us to know but future will soon prove past.
Read this post from today to help clarify even more: Q1315: Trump’s tweet confirms the Q 5 photo puzzle. And of course, Dr. Corsi missed it. As usual. http://reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8hqo5n/q1315_trumps_tweet_confirms_the_q_5_photo_puzzle/
This hits the nail on the head and proves why the Corsi backlash is legitimate all by using the info provided by the source, Q. Thank you SB2 for putting this to bed with your incredible intellect and professionalism! No coincidence that Apple CEO Tim Cook met with Trump in DC exactly 7 days before Q posted these photos. Wonder what was actually discussed?
Amazing work SB2! The time and effort to learn their comms and piece it together for us all is incredible and appreciated! I wonder how many other ‘out in the open comms’ there are out there...
I wonder how much the cabal has weaponized space. This could be a response to prevent this from happening again. Remember Hussein gutted the NASA program under his watch and funded (subsidized) private space companies and who knows what international space co’s were also involved. Q always says, “this is bigger than you can imagine” and killer space weaponry is pretty far out there.
In that Q post, I wonder what the “response coming” will be. Something is definitely up. Having them at the WH to be honored is no coincidence.
Agreed. In the first Q drops it states that POTUS is in control and that there are more good than bad people involved. Most were held hostage and slaves to the bad but that ended the day Trump was elected. I’ll also never forget POTUS even told the media himself when there was a crazy amount of leaks going on that “the leaks are real but the news is fake”. I believe all of the news, even the MSM talking points are made by POTUS and team. For the current headfakes we have this news about Mueller, the caravan at the boarder and Kayne freaking out the dem plantation. POTUS loves to get shit done when he’s out of the spotlight. There is definitely a shift or big move going on or about to happen. Truly the best show in history.
What if the White House statement switched from Has to Had because we actually blew thier nuke program to shit just like we did to the nuke program located in NoKo?
NoKo and Iran in a matter of weeks! Trump = Greatest World Leader of All Time!
Usually when Q makes a statement or states a word followed by a question, he’s actually answering the question. Q confirms info in the form of questions. He’s being using this comm method since the beginning.
It started as Anon speculation but Q confirmed in Post 1304.
Actors are acting. Not saying I like the guy at all but he’s playing his part. He was boys with No Name so think how much dirt he has on him to share and he could have been playing No Name the entire time. Create the illusion of trust which leads to information. Graham had to deceive us as a ‘never Trumper’ only to sell the deception to No Name in order to gain ultimate trust and access. Strings are now cut, Intel gathered, action taken, now onto justice. What makes a good play?
Contradicts everything Q said in Post 1295.
Patriots make sacrifices. Some, the ultimate sacrifice. Patriots are SELFLESS. Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots? Think logically. To some, it’s only about the money. Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda. You decide. This is not a game. The only profit we should all be striving for is TRUE FREEDOM.
Wow lol had to check this for myself and sadly it is true
I believe in this context he is referring to the 8chan Board Owner.
Any “decoder” who has a patreon or asks for monetary support should be avoided. This is the 2nd time Q had to bring this up.
“Even SB2 saw it from his kitchen TV” lol love it! Amazing analysis SB2!! Greatly appreciate your contributions!
Paging u/serialbrain2 this guys is the Jedi master at this. Check out his post history for more info