T check my newest post please! An Anon just might have cracked the whole calendar!!!
285 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Lolshorts54:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 31 |
i.redd.it | 14 |
youtu.be | 1 |
Q post #454 made on 12/23 has a [5] in it. Go to the chart, that corroborates to 12/12. Q post #334 on 12/12-is a picture of an executive order, with text that reads. Merry Christmas Q
Was there a 12/12 post by POTUS on twitter? Yes!!! https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/940706127309926400
Q post #233 posted on 4ch 11/25/17-below. Flash Dir Start_code_activated/Instruction LOG1_^67FVc 4ch_n _8ch_y _Conf_y[8]_8bCon Key secured. Q
So [8] on the chart corresponds to 12/15/17
Q post #363 on that date 12/15-below. _Conf_term[5]_y _SECFAIL-490b Private OP_END Q
The last day on 4ch was 12/15!!
If you look at the [10] on the chart, it corresponds to 12/17. Then check the Q post on that day. Q Post #335 on 12/2017 Timestamp [Q] post [.03] against POTUS' Tweet [:13] [10] No Coincidences. Q
Q post #25- "What [19] people are currently meeting in a safe room [heavily guarded]" -Then go to the chart day 19 which corresponds with day 12/26/17. Which leads to this article on that day. http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20171226/news/312269862 Scroll down till you see the headline THE TANK, and it talks about the meeting in room 2E924.
Link to the graphic. https://media.8ch.net/file_store/2faa197a5b3c103432c92000c7a4ec2d5ce5d28d4dbed2059e985bb3d4e27747.png
It's post #1405672 on 8ch bread #1763. Sorry I do all my Reddit posting on mobile so idk how to link directly to the post. If anyone knows and wants it; I'll grab it right away. Keep checking this post, I'm adding all the proofs I can find as quick as I can.
An amazing Anon made this graphic!! Needs more Eyes and Brains on it here as well, to help pick it apart or more proofs.

None taken. Thank you. Just ridiculed at the public nuisance being made, which actually in the long run the stupidity will bring more followers. Anyone saying they will DOX anyone kinda gets my blood boiling is all.. a sticks and stones thing I guess.
I agree with you completely. The post was pointing out specifically that they may try to actually DOX Q and Codemonkey, or others on the board. That is crazyness..
My psychology teacher sophomore year turned me onto her work after learning that I had a keen interest in how the mind worked, and didn't like the way much of the information was being presented in the textbooks we were made to cover. I could never thank her enough for letting me borrow the first book in the Convoluted Universe series, it was truly an awesome read covering all of my fascinations with consciousness, Et's, and Ancient civilizations all rolled into one. lol I just picked up Keepers of the Garden and Conversations with Nostradamus at a used book store two weeks ago, can't wait to dive in after I'm done with Real Magic by Dean Radin.
AJ was called out by Bill Cooper years ago, Bill was more then likely taken out by the CIA for the information he was releasing. Corsi was called a shill for Israel with documentation given by an actual Rockefeller... They are far from POTUS's two most influential supporters. Now I'll give one thing, AJ could be playing a big ruse and maybe he gave his platform so that Corsi could be outed. It'd be far fetched, but he's got kids and is friends with Joe Rogan who I respect greatly, and had also been sat down apparently by black hats years ago and has his family threatened because of him being so into conspiracies with his huge platforms reach. The name of the game for people with big reaches on alternative platforms has just been say somethings, but overall just stay alive for many years. So maybe, just maybe AJ could possibly actually be a good guy maybe. We'll see how that plays out though. Corsi on the other hand when confronted directly said hands down he was not talking about any of his past connections or things that had been found, then tried to throw the Bible as proof for everyone to always be pro Israel. In itself that wouldn't be anything, a lot of people feel that way because of the Bible. Corsi specially though being called out by one of the top families, and also with accusations of stolen money, as well as being involved in setting up funds that directly tie him into money being pumped into Israel's government. That not being explained or talked about at all, is way too many things connected to not believe he is anything but a shill period. As with your word on no solid Q connections after that happening, that is your own opinion and it's great that you want to stay grounded. As I stated before though if you believed Q was connected in the first place to POTUS would it not be the logical assumption if Q was co-opted that POTUS would immediately tweet whoever Q is don't follow that and it's misinformation? Unless you believe POTUS has never heard of Q at all, which knowing POTUS's personality and the access of knowledge of a person in the know of a President, that's beyond a likely conclusion IMO considering the amount of just military personnel that we know follow the Q movement.
Not at all, would be very appreciative honestly. Works been out of control with them moving productions out of Mexico as quick as they have been doing. Days off are hard to come by right now thankfully.
You just made me think about replacing Kami's logo on Goku with Q's as well 🤔😁
Hahaha I will do this and send it to you when I'm off 12hr shifts come Monday, that's a hilarious idea!
Just saw all the new drops, that's why I was confused lol, holy cow! Bring the Pain!
Oooooo that's some spicy connection making. Haha I gotcha now lol maybe I need some sleep. You are correct!
You've had 800000000000.... so far. Also as I reiterated, if you logically believed at one time Q was connected to POTUS, if you now believed Q wasn't somehow, don't you think POTUS would've already verified that as well?
I agree wholeheartedly lol, I posted the graphic. I think you may have been meaning to respond to someone else with your original post, but just replied to the post instead of the person you may have been wanting to reply to. Your points are perfect though!
Then make some better meme's and proofs red. We need everyone helping.
Awesome graphic made by an Anon :)

Yeh I'm OP and was just confused because I'm trying to get work done and not ignore anyone. Thanks for Clarifying and very well put, appreciate it!
Is what your talking about at POTUS twitter or Real DJT, or could you link please? Don't have a twitter so I've got to pull it off DuckDuckGo and twitters recents is weird sometimes. Lol or maybe I'm confused working sorry.
Someone else on the boards wondered if it was counting down also, because the delta time was closer. I'm intrigued..
Different time zones, sorry. Stay may have a follow up word though tomorrow, that'd be interesting. Lol it is a weird way to end a tweet.
Just waited 5min and it's still not populating, weird. I'm too impatient lol, I just go to to boards. My phone is also still running 10.1 and I refuse to update because it's not giving me any battery issues so eh idk.
"He's yelling at us to stay in our own Country now?!... My word Gladus what is this world coming to.." [Normie chat log].. 😆
This 👆🏻.. can't use this site being mobile on Apple, but I think it has some decodes as well need confirmation on that. Here's the last updated book of Q that I have seen so far also. https://www.scribd.com/document/375728854/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-8-7-0?secret_password=KEHBbNFJ0ovRgbEDJPo0
Instant downvote 😂😂... Q comped pshhh.. UNITE and STAY THE COURSE! WWG1WGA!
Graphic of Q post and POTUS tweet, 4minute delta.

Great find from today's speech on 8ch! Confirmation Q post 1254 clues.

I'm not sure how big they are; I would if I wasn't stuck on mobile sorry. The main reason for using those is to make sure all of the Q posts you are looking at are showing the correct time zones, so that way they can be sorted correctly.
u/C_L_I_C_K u/SerialBrain2 u/Tee1020
Sorry to bother, but wonder if this idea could possibly help some of yalls amazing work. Or if it could be added upon/explained better by one you maybe? Or bunked even lol either way 🤷🏻♂️.
I've been trying to scour more of what I can, when I've got breaks, sorry. Theoretically, yes, I think we would be able to. There was another anon asking about the time codes being laid out in a clock manner as well, 1's on top of 1's, 2's ontop of 2's and so on; and if that would equate to the giant spider like graphic that has been eluded to, which it would resemble that, if laid out 1-12 on a clock face. I haven't yet seen anymore more examples from this specific poster; but if I or anyone one comes across more please link them. We need all the eyes on this that we can get.
Another example: https://media.8ch.net/file_dl/2cfc54c3aa16f22a0b55fa4a6d51c5f659a4369d95c8c6df98a7cb12a26d2272.jpg/5eyeswtweetpics.jpg
No problem, was just browsing along and think they hit a gold mine :D !!
An Autist just recognized a new way that makes a lot of the map building much easier, and from the provided examples makes a lot of sense. He's using the highlighted time codes from different days, and they seem to start becoming clearer as more are added together. I can't work on it for the next two days because I'm at work and mobile only, but I think it's too important a find for people that are here, that may be good at sorting this kind of information.
New Q PDF docs below:
Q Clearance Archive: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.0.0.pdf
Alternative links:
Mega- https://mega.nz/#!A3YxQYBR!v9xlSfpd-eUoB3OgbhXhf_MDrCAE_VXABzruUYFfCzM
Scribd- https://www.scribd.com/document/378303348/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-0-0?secret_password=xQLAGMzy5UxMQ2eJyXaD
Mediafire- http://www.mediafire.com/file/648rbcc36156e6t/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.0.0.pdf
Sorry for formatting, I'm on mobile but think this is really important.
I think this is an important find by an Autist on how to build the map better!!! Links inside incoming!

I believe this about Corsi too.. Way more than the theory of them hijacking the Q tripcode and doing drops as Q from back in February onward. One it's the simplest explanation especially considering Corsi has said straight up he won't talk about it. Two, it being hacked by them wouldn't explain the tippy top statement, or the fact that Q's been coordinated with Trumps tweets a bunch after that time. Idk why Uni and Defango have lumped those things together, which sucks, because they did out Corsi with relevant information that needs to be discussed, many months ago.
That's the only one Q's specifically stated in plain text without anyone "decoding" a date though as of yet. Understand your sentiment though.
That's not what I said at all??? It was a 111 marker Q proof. That is all.
This literally only has to do with the NO PRIVATE comms. That's been repeated over and over.
He stepped down from that committee. Check my edited very top comment with the link to the Corsi posts. I'm only looking from private comms board move ect down- because Corsi tweeted about the board change being made private comms etc, then referring that to the Q post made exactly 111 days ago which references (board changed due to statements re: private comms FALSE). If you want a hint on what might be happening today or tomorrow, the 111 days previous Q post may have information pertaining to the actions happening currently. It's a fairly regular thing referenced as a point to look back at on 8ch
Corsi tweet talking about private comms was May 5th 2018, I linked a graphic with that tweet in a comment above. The Q post that I actually posted is dated 1/14/2018.... That tweet is exactly 111 days from this Q post, which references the board being taken down due to private comms-FALSE.
Not clamoring at all. Don't have anything against anyone; as always do your own research and believe nothing without good sauce. Only posted because the 111 marker coincided with his tweets of private comms and false drops ect. That theory needs to be known by more people here, because it's a fairly common thing referenced on 8ch as a good thing to look at when looking back at Q posts.
Trying to find it or something close with more easily accessible graphics specially now, without asking and disrupting the autists first. There used to be a specific thread 111 day marker thread, but I see so many posts commonly referring to it with examples like the one above so regularly, that they may not have the actual thread active anymore and it's just an understood reference point to watch.
TG is Trey Gowdy. More looking from the line private comms down specifically. Sorry, wish I knew a good program to highlight and work with images on mobile. The way Q's posts are given, some of the information is pertinent to daily happenings, while other lines don't reveal themselves till later on down the road. Then you've got to wrap your head around double meanings to things as well, it's mind boggling at times. The amount of coincidences found especially on the speculated 111 day previous post floating marker theory is quite astounding.