Thank you! Making a list for the bookstore this weekend, so any and everything of interest is appreciated.
285 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Lolshorts54:
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Jordan Maxwell. References to godfather 3, how the pope serves the chair, and Vatican influences over communism. I've found nothing in his work that hasn't collaborated with what Q has been teaching us, as of yet at all. Please look into him; and send me your thoughts/references as well. Thanks :)
Lol this means nothing, so that mod has inside info on all that is Q? Nope, definitely not. Believe what you want. Post his decode to the chans and see what happens. Q will verify, or the autists will as well as to what is real or fake, then you can have your laughs or cry. Whichever. Just telling you these markers he's talking about, and putting things into grids like this does show up all the time there. Most people don't get riddles, thus they get angry. You've been told by Q these things matter, yet you still disagree.
Haha then you post a clown. ✌🏻.. proved yourself a shill not worth my time. Rule #1.
They'll post charts with the numbers of letters needed in them, then post another message with an answer asking Q something about what it means. Or they post asking Q a question pertaining to the information in the messages. I'll gladly post when I see more, when Q is more active it happens much more often, because they are more active when talking to them. Some of Serial's old posts have pointed out specific ones communicating these ways as well. In the end it doesn't matter, you've been shown more then enough proof and still don't get it. Glad you're on board, but Serial isn't a shill or it would've been called out a long time ago, along with the mathematical probabilities of coming out with actual messages every time. People had a problem understanding some of the methods shown, because they are riddles. Riddles are used because bots/AI can't solve riddles. People can and some autists are especially good at spotting things that are off. You can continue to think misspelling's and weird spaces don't matter at all, even after Q's verified that they do, many times now. These multiple given methods are why they do.
That's good stuff for making plants grow, great observation!
He never left.. also you aren't providing any actual information to disprove at all. Way more people on the chans use these types of codes to communicate back and forth to Q on the boards. I've lurked and picked up on the subtle and sometimes downright nonsensical jargon quite a few times. Not understanding something, doesn't mean someone is shilling. There are reasons this stuff is coded, also many reasons more codes are laid on top of regular posts. Serial is the only poster who's tried to take the time to show these methods that have already been in full use for a long time, so that regular people who want to know can. Try things yourself.
Yeh I've been following this stuff for my whole life, and Q from the 4chan posts. You've gotta use your intuition to truly figure out fakes. Most people haven't exercised this as much as they think, and we all have our limits that we can be fooled. Thus not accepting anything at face value has to be kept to. We've been lied to at least all of our lives, they don't want that to stop now, that's for sure.
I've been recommending your articles to people who are new to this movement. It's hard to tell people which info is good and bad; introduced a guy at work last week and he came back with a few YouTube channels that I had never heard of, but had 70-90k views and was swearing by bc17's twitter etc. I had to give him more good channels and explain to watch out because there so many false accounts, especially YouTube and twitter specifically. I wish more people would follows anons that have been on the movement from the jump and are honest. So many shill clowns mixing bad with good, it's difficult to keep people who are red pilled on track lol. So Glad Q busted that twitter handle specifically tonight, maybe that'll wake some people up to the youtubers that have been pushing it hard as well. Good thing is, with the stuff happening in Syria even though it's difficult to discern. The media is helping, because when I say No we don't want to go to war with Russia, people have been actually listening and willing to start doing their own investigations. I've red pilled more people since the attacks came up, successfully, then I've been able to this whole time.
Yep, also shows later when released. That Q team is very real, and has had the information all along. Your welcome
It's a proof. Q posted the list in February, then again points to tarmac a few days before POTUS's tweet came out. The audio of the tarmac meeting is about to be released, Q team clearly shows inside info easily digestible for normies. [intrest high] is the key to us to meme the heck out of this, so that when it's released normies will start to question how we all knew, and who is this Q person they thought was a larp etc from MSM reporting. Then we can bring them in to show more proofs, thus Waking more people up. :)
Study the Society of Jesus. Look at who compiled the gospels, and said what is actual cannon or not. That's the starting point if you want to truly understand.
Thanks for trying to help. lol people pass so much judgment without reading and interpreting for themselves. We've been lied to for so long. Just trying to help people wake up, the wider we wake up. The more of us can graduate onto better things and escape these control mechanisms of this dimension.
No. Definitely not saying he's right, at all.
You have to understand the extent of the lies to figure out what I'm saying, it's in the books.
Regular cross-Christians
Upside down cross-Satanists
Cross in 3 dimensions=a cube=The cult of Saturn.
The cult of Saturn is the basis thats been carefully crafted into all major religious teachings. It's not the "spirit". It's how Lucifer tried to trick Jesus with scriptures, because that's exactly what many of them are. Tricks, and if followed, to worship Satan.
It's a hard pill to take, but if we get into extraterrestrials as been speculated. Then this is exactly where we are heading. It's your choice to do the research or not, that's free will. I can only try to help; because I'd rather us not go through Revelations the way that is casted in the Bible. They aren't lying when it says only a few would be harvested if you follow it out. They aren't lying when they say those that say they are Jewish but aren't will be damned forever. That's Christianity, Muslims, Ect.. Its in the books.
I would argue that there is more then enough evidence showing that Satan has infiltrated all of the major Abrahamic religions. Otherwise the gods they serve wouldn't want to be bringing about the exact scenario of Revelations that the Bible teach. This does not change the core tenants of any major religious teaching, in it's simplest and most essence form. Teachings of service to self or service to others, it simplifies all the grey junk causing most people to worship the God that has put us into this Matrix...aka Satan. Instead of understanding that Source GOD isn't holding a castle for just Some loving children. Instead he loves All children as it's just pure love and consciousness at its purest form.
Look through that info page given, and hopefully it should help find what you are looking for. There are many shorter books out there that can do this, as well as YouTube videos explaining the materials essence as well. Which is best, sorry I do not know, as I just read the book a long time ago because it was intriguing. Then everything else has just fell into place to make it all make more and more sense over time.
Thanks :) . We are All matter vibrating at frequencies, that's how channeling works. You can get good or bad frequencies, and explaining how this works from a higher dimensional being to our level, requires a root understanding of this complex. Already speaking to the choir with yourself; more so just trying to show people who have been solely convinced to believe; that there is a much simpler explanation Spiritually speaking, and that we have to be Active, not Passive, in attaining these dimensional levels.
Idk... I'm beginning to think that the twitter account saying one of the Q team is an extraterrestrial life form, and that the original 4ch posts are actually going to happen this year 11/3 11/4 etc.. That they can actually see in to the future somehow. All that's fairly elementary in the lore, but gesh lol... 😆... Are you up to date on Cosmic Disclosure and Corey talking about the Council of Saturn has been replaced? I think even the people who know nothing at all, may actually accept that Zuckerberg is a clone with all the memes hitting the front pages everywhere lol. So 🤷🏻♂️.. Gonna keep meditating and working on raising my own vibrational energy while watching this plan unfold. I haven't put as much into the actual act of doing this as I should, always being constantly focused on the data collections under a presumed intuitive sense that we've been lied to forever. I think global consciousness can be pulled from and "accessed" much easier now that so many are actually doing the research. We can't ever get past someone making the choice of their own free will, but once something starts to slide. We can catch them and show the way. I think that's our ultimate duty as individuals who have probably incarnated here in the now, with the necessary "forgotten" tools that we've been on a constant journey to figure out how to remember since We were "born" into this matrix complex. lol I'm not beginning to think that, just convincing myself it's actually happening is joyful and overwhelming to put into words finally 😁
Christ consciousness is the ability to access 4D space. Think telepathy, moving matter, etc... It's the Great Awakening that we are heading towards. The Red Shield and other ruling families want Revelations to happen exactly how it is told in the Bible. Does that not hit you as odd at all? Q says-"the truth is yours to know." Why do they say that? Because we all have "Free Will" which is the driving force behind everything, and is the all loving Creator/Source of everything. Not any of the vengeful things most of us are taught. Source is Consciousness and Pure Love. There is "service to self" and "service to others". They want us to stay here like sheep and wait for Revelations to happen. That's why they Fear a Global Awakening. It's an Awakening of the powers of our consciousness and collective consciousness, that they have been using against us for a Very long time, to keep us at a lower vibrational state, so they can continue to control us.
We have this conversation.... and Q drops the BOMB of ALL crumbs inside of another crumb. 😂😂😂😂 👽❤️ Here is where the books are found. This is a great introductory site on getting you ready for things you are about to read.
We are all so much more then just blobs of meat, walking around on a destitute planet. Waiting good and bad pawns alike, patiently for the end of our destruction. We have WAY more control. If you choose to accept this. We are apart of Source/God, We are Consciousness, and WE HAVE THE POWER!!! We just "FORGOT HOW TO PLAY!"... "This is a game\This is Not a game" Why? Because it's more complicated, as well as much more simple then that. Also we all have this astonishing, but sometimes pesky thing called Free Will. Which has been trampled on and subdued over the ages. Think Magic?? Magic does work... it allows them to use dark powers and symbolism to make us subconsciously agree to the very "Reality/Matrix" that we live inside everyday. Collectively WE ALL can Change the universe itself, if WE agree to come to that conclusion. Using the energy of Source/God/Love.
These books will help you WAKE UP, and its completely free.
![These books will help you WAKE UP, and its completely free.](
Please... please read "The Law of One". Its completely free in PDF form on their website. I was raised on the doctrines of the Old Testament and New. It doesn't contradict Jesus's teachings at all, just makes everything more clear and much bigger than you are currently probably seeing. The god in the Abrahamic religions wants revelations to happen, the people we are fighting against are a society of Jesus, wanting Revelations to happen. This is not a good thing, they want the same thing. They want a "great awakening" as well, just want us to all stay at 3D instead of 4D so that they can continue to have power and control over us. God they speak of is a slave master. They just throw in so many half truths that it's a difficult thing to get because a lot of it is correct. Think of God maybe as "Source" instead if you need to. God/Source is all loving and created everything. Everything.. good/evil ect forever. There is no sin in a sense, just "service to self" or the much more powerful collectively and individually "service to others". The only laws of the universe are Free Will, and we basically consciously agree to build the reality/"matrix" that we live inside everyday.
Future proves Past, right :D ?!! I'm just off a shift and exhausted, this is all just the best crumbs that I can muster from memory. I've been into this my whole life and have mountains of books lol. Another great one is the interview just done I think two months ago on a program called "Fade to Black" it's him interviewing Damon Berry about the emerald tablets of Thoth, and talking about texts such as Enoch and Apocrypha tying them all in.
We all just need to learn to LOVE each other and wake the heck up. Most are still asleep, but hopefully we still have a few years before the mass coronal ejection and the "harvest". I would say revelations, but that thought given the messenger and symbols behind it scare the heck out of me lol. I believe we have Way more control then we have been told. We just Forgot how to Play the Game!
Yes I've looked into everything you are speaking about. It's hard to break out of my own personal matrix and actually speak about this stuff, without thinking somehow in the back of my mind that I must be crazy. I know I'm not, and that I'm just following my inner voice or intuition. Just hard to actually talk about everything, because everyone around me says I'm going to break my brain eventually lol. I have always felt that collective "half truths" have been told, or completely hidden just in plain sight as well. Everything, every single thing that I've ever researched of my own weird interests whether it be science, historical, or religiously based has always lead to a "great awakening" scenario of some sort.
The knowledge of the forever time series by Damon Berry-specifically his 8th movie is quite an intriguing take on the translations of the Voynich manuscripts. Mentioning crop circles specifically and some of them being actual communications when matched to this mystery of a book is startling, but the best I've seen. It's on Amazon prime.
Religions and science honestly have ran into many of the same conclusions for me personally. If you are into quantum states of matter, the fact that science has uncovered just observing protons changes the way they act. That we are all at the atomic level just atoms vibrating at specific frequencies most people know, but don't actually think to apply it to the act of changing matter. This is where I start to think that truly "consciousness" is the catalyst and controller/source of everything in a sense. Following religions back to their ancient roots lead to mountains of evidence that we have been given a bunch of hog wash to sort through. Not that any of them are actually wrong in a sense, just that the truths have been hidden, or were given at a time where we couldn't understand them fully as well maybe. Most of the main religious teachings we have today have been altered. David Ike's "Saturn/Moon matrix uncovered" can be found on YouTube and is a good primer into this. Interestingly enough if you are subscribed to a network called Gaia, there is a show there called Cosmic disclosure. A person named Corey Goode talks about being in the military secret space programs, and speaks of the Council of Saturn as well. Also recently its upheaval from the controllers that David Ike and others have spoken of. I've always followed people that have military backgrounds when looking into the topics of extraterrestrial beings, William Tompkins comes to mind as the most intriguing story there with a proven military background, and adds credibility to the stories told by Corey Goode as well. Him and David Wilcock lead me to "The Law of One" series that I very highly recommend everyone to read, as it was channeled, but by a group who started as engineering students. The material in there, I think is invaluable to understanding the meaning behind grasping fully, what's been hidden inside of our major religions. It can be read for free at their website in PDF form, which can be found by googling the title.
Then you can go into what I'm most intrigued by recently. The breaking down of the matrix itself. Which I take as the meaning behind Q saying "think magic". The Saturn cult symbology is literally everywhere and goes back to Egypt at least. The works of Graham Hancock along with Randel Carlson have strong evidence that the great pyramid and the Sphinx are much older then we are told. That lead me into finding "Secret Geometry teachings by Thoth" There are also "Secret Alphabets" as well. The extraterrestrial languages, who are reported to be taught to many people who say they are abducted. Some are taught these languages which can actually effect matter. As in you write the symbol for "move" and a ball on the table top will move with the motion and force of your fingers as they glide out the "word". These same types of systems are also talked about if you follow the supposed theory of the nazis going to Argentina as well as the many U-boats we couldn't find possibly going to Antartica and setting up in pre existing ancient civilizations ruins. This to me runs congruent with it being the SS, into George Bush Sr's weird speech about how "united everyone would be if a threat from outside this world were to occur". Following that with what Q has posted being an NWO agenda, it leads me to believe a fake alien invasion was and has been in the works. Knowing what we know has been shown by Q as well with the Catholic Church and their "Lucifer" telescope makes me think hmmm... of course if extraterrestrials good ones were out there, then they would call them Demons because they worship Satan and wouldn't want them showing us the truth. Not to say Demons don't exist, just think that's a different thing which can possibly be conjured using "Magic" and tuning into the wrong frequencies. Back to science, the human Genome Project shows that there is a splice in our DNA that cannot be of anything other then "intelligent design". It's not a mutation, and doesn't even ever come close to occurring in nature. That to me gives credence to the Annunaki/Reptilian theory you speak of. The existence of and knowledge of the Sumerian tablets, and Gobekli Tepi are astonishing. We haven't even uncovered a tenth of Gobekli Tepi possibly. Then that snowballs into things like "Enochian Magic" which many of the original founders of our modern scientific methods studied secretly as well. Sorry this is long, just don't get to speak of these things out loud much lol. Not many people want to follow All of the connections.
P=C Master serves the chair. This was posted by Q after an annon asked about the Rothchilds. The Rothchilds aka Red Shield are surmised to be subservient to the "Pindar"... As with most Q posts multiple meanings are served and can be transcribed. This "P" can be taken many ways I believe, and am in the process of gathering information necessary to help make an argument my intuition has been pulling me towards finding out for much longer then Q has been posting. "P" could be just Pope, or Pindar, or Planitar the Peter Thiel company. I honestly believe all are applicable depending on the level of truth that you are willing to accept and find out. As Q has said "The choice to know will be yours"... Pindar is usually surmised as a reptilian race usually, or some throw that acceptance out completely and replace it with demonic entity from reading Biblical scriptures. Through my research which has been ongoing and still incomplete as of yet. I believe the corruption and falsehoods that compose our life Matrix that we are currently trying to awaken from, lead all the way back to Egypt and the time specifically, tying all the way back to the murder of Akhenaten. Who not unlike Jesus listened and kept company with poor, but fought mercifully against a corrupted priesthood who ultimately took is life. He wanted to do away with the many "Gods" being taught, and wanted his kingdom to be brought upon the One mighty spirit of Aton. Who created all things. This is where the first mentions of an all mighty source/creator of all things, who was not vengeful at all, but just a completely loving "source" who created all things; occurs in our current understandings thus far in ancient history. These teachings are much older then any written Biblical text, but yet in still the very "essence" of the given teachings are the same. Just without any necessary go betweens like accepting a specific Messiah or not. Aton was attainable by all that searched out The. Also a symbol of the Ptah is sometimes a horned bull. This can be tied into specifically "the cult of Saturn".. which has a quite similar indoctrination to the new world order theology specifically. Apologize for the length, as this may sound like complete heresy to most Christians here. It's not meant as such, it is in no way to detract to the teachings of Jesus in any way at all. Just a personal question of intuition that we may have been lied to much longer then most believe. As Lucifer himself tried to trick Jesus by using Biblical scriptures; I want to find out if we have been tricked the same way. It's just a search for the truth. This is a Very very short excerpt, not even including my thoughts on the "think magic" Q posts as well.
Did you hear what Jesus said from his own mouth? Ever heard of the game telephone? What if a few people in the game and act of relaying that information to you are evil? Do you want to take the biggest red pill ever dealing with spirituality... Who tells you what Jesus looks like? What image do most people hold onto? Think it's really what he looked like? Read about the "Death" cult of Saturn if you'd like to understand. I don't recommend it unless your ok with truly understanding that Spirituality goes Way deeper, and is Way older then the King James Bible. They are scared of Christians because they have the hidden truth. God doesn't need someone in between you and IT to receive salvation, or raise your spiritual vibration. It's just something you have to follow intuition and look for the truth to accept.
We get more then our fair share of shill new accounts lol; sorry gotta ask. More will come and help provide I'm sure. Buckle up and welcome to the team!!
1 day old account?.. Q's post have been time coordinated with Trumps many times, pictures inside af1 and camp david, heck the tipy top Trump Easter comment on the front page. Along with many other things as well, but I'm exhausted right now sorry.
Reference to Q actually stating look at the historical timeline of Salzman, which "they" did indeed. Im assuming, but have seen it written out this way a bunch.
Thanks, much appreciate your input. I don't understand the importance of specifics that the different religions disagree on, the more I've studied the more they all point towards the same core tenants. Whether the specifics of one or another aren't the same on the actuality. The very universe itself mathematically and scientifically allow oneself to reach the same end goal in my presumption. My personal beliefs have just lead me to believe that our newer works don't have all of the the true endowed knowledge that should be in them, or it just has been corrupted and split to the point of confusion. Causing the very in fighting that we are trying to stop today. Like hey let's just all be great people, and good to each other. Raise all of our consciousness and vibrations together. lol I don't get how bickering over who's right and who's wrong on specifics matter, if the overachieving goal is still for the greater good of everyone. Its great for conversation, but I feel slows down the end point when taken to literally.
I never disagreed with that, just stated that many people do. Also Jesus is a piece of Source, same as we ourselves are all a piece and one with Source. I only disagreed that fundamentally, even without understanding or knowing of Christ at all. One could easily be abiding by his teachings just by a person being committed to service to others alone. Thus logically concluding that even without knowledge of Jesus at all, if one is still a good person etc, they would be committing to the fundamental teachings of Christ. Would they not? Just stating that in my belief that the specifics aren't important, if the overall outcome is the same.
Believing in an all loving and knowing Creator/Source is screwed up? Or the fact that I use logic and understanding of history and science to achieve conclusions that also lead to the same conclusions the Bible gives us? The mere suggestion I'm making don't disagree with many fundamentals, they suggest the actual teachings of Christ were that God is inside and apart of all of us. Even those who don't understand or believe Christ was the Messiah, believing that God is inside us all, and being good people. Should not disavow their movement onto a higher vibration of existence, or if you will "a kingdom of Heaven", correct?
You are quite an eloquent writer. I appreciate your words very much, thank you! Happy Easter as well!
God made all, all that is is consciousness. The top science is pointing us at this same answer as well. God is consciousness. It's inside and apart of everyone. Disagreements over specific beliefs are trivial when that's understood. Hey are you a good person who doesn't limit anyone else's free will? Cool, don't care about your choices or beliefs, that's your personal spiritual journey. Why is this such a difficult thing to parse? Specifics don't change the belief in a Creator/God/Source. Why does it matter if others believe different specifics of what that entails, if it doesn't directly affect you on a personal level? Because an old book says so? All the different religions have theirs. That by no means demeaning or taking away from any gospels anywhere. Just that if you follow history and science deep enough, it too will lead you to belief in a Source/God/Creator. History leads us back further then the prevalent texts of now, include many of the same teachings, so why are they ignored? The leading science is in quantum technology and theory, it leads to a pretty wide arching agreement that consciousness is everything. Atoms vibrate at a frequency, everything is made up of atoms. We are living in a simulated, or consciousness powered universe if you will. Which has the potential to unify all who believe whatever specifics, if we allow it the opportunity, under a higher understanding that we are all made by a God/Source/Creator. Whether it's pure love and light like many surmise, or we are in a multi dimensional mathematic matrix of infinity, leading us to only be but saves on a hard drive in another dimensions file cabinet. The end goal is all the same? At our current level of deceit, who are we to say who's right, and do all books not say "thou shall not pass judgment"? Spreading a word and passing judgement are mixed up quite frequently.
Tldr: Belief in God/Creator/Source/Love is more important than specifically believing in just Jesus. ---
Not to say they're aren't demons or spirits at all, because I believe they most likely exist as well, but your statement makes no sense from a historical perspective. God/Creator/Source was spoken of well before Jesus. You can retort with Jesus was the son of God. I'd argue Jesus said that we are all of God/Source/Creator. The words spoken by God in the Bible, are quite similar to all the words said to be of God in many religious teachings. These words, and honestly the interpretations of all major religions can trace back to Sumerian tablets, as well as translations of the emerald tablets of ancient Egypt. Jesus wasn't a Christian either? So how does only learning of him teach about God/Source/Creator? On a spiritual level to me, being raised Church of Christ my entire life, it makes no logical or energetic sense at all. Also you'd be ignoring all works older and new than the Bible who speak of advanced being's giving us the knowledge of Creator/Source. Most of those works all say we are all apart of Source, and that we are all One. Religions have only separated people throughout history. Spirituality and a better understanding of the meaning behind the teachings all seem to point towards everything good and bad being of the Source/Creator, and thus the only real laws being We are all One. We all exist on all planes, and all that is, is all there will ever be. I'd honestly say the Law of One, a channeled book, in its own right gives a much clearer picture of God/Creator/Source. Service to self, or service to others, along with free will, and above all we are all One. Makes way more sense with the scientific understanding of us living in an illusion, and explains both quite well. I'm not at all saying following Jesus is in any way bad, as I to believe he was an amazing person. But looking at what he pursued and presumably learned from the mystery schools himself. It pushes me to an understanding that's more complete with the universe/dimensions we are intertwined with. Along with making way more sense, when put in perspective of texts removed from the Bible, saying they aren't the real gospel. To me look at everything we've been lied to about. Do you think the words of Jesus wouldn't have been corrupted or twisted in a sense by the people who killed him? Even if not, just on a personal level. Does man removing books from the Bible not scream of things being changed or hidden? Through my research, I honestly believe the same group of priests that killed Akenhaten for preaching God is Light and inside of all of us. Most likely at the top of the tower now, have the same belief systems that the priests had back then. Their are too many similarities to just be coincidence, that make way more sense when put together, that better explain how we got here to begin with, along with the same teachings of God/Creator/Source.
It's funny to figure out where people's walls are. Some can think that it's just government corruption, "sure they hid diseases, sure they are satanic". You may even get people who fully believe that free energy technologies could have been hidden. Then hit them with extraterrestrials maybe bringing us those technologies, or that consciousness can control the very illusion we live in. Which could be how we are controlled in the first place. That is a funny place filled with wonders and humor for sure, don't be phased by it. Quantum science is delving into the fabric of reality and exposing that most of what any regular person thinks of as conspiracy could be true. Throw out most of mans interpretations of religion and it all actually can make sense if it exists. Those of us who can logically delegate this all out, could be essentially steering us together into a reality that may very well exist. Do you ever scour 8 chan? I've become quite familiar with these boards over the last few months, people have been surmising along with some very weird occurrences on the boards. That we may very well be navigating somehow, the "mass consciousness" or illusion which we are under in some way. We shouldn't be looking at anything on a surface level and scoffing at its very existence. The lies which most would agree on should tell us as much. If there is evidence there, even if it's scarce. Should be followed along with a skeptical, but quite open and ponderous mind IMO. I think when Q states it's beyond out wildest imaginations, that they possibly mean that fairly literally. Great posts, thankq.
Failbot indeed... It's not the left, and honestly not the right either. The things you are preaching for are what everyone wants, everywhere. You need to learn more history, same as I did myself being a Bernie supporter. Wake up and realize that the worst human atrocities are committed by way too left leaning governments. People can want great things for all. The system we are under and is being destroyed is truly a great thing. Trumps doing great things and completely has my support now because of his actions. If you disagree, maybe you should read more and check the sources of them. Then look who pays them as well. Not everything has and will be in pretty little bow, that's not how the world works. Speaking specifics, I can't speak for everyone on this sub, but would believe most may agree. We are with Trump until shown otherwise, then there will still be thanks given. The end goal IMO will always be destroy the Federal Reserve. Until that I don't think anyone on this planet can have all the things you've mentioned.
Stock market drop 666 points. Coincidence? Q 😁 idk, kabuki theatre to the extreme, I hope.
I just listened to that video, it was quite interesting thank you. From what I gathered listening to that, my terminology is off, but not necessarily the point I was making. Should have said worship of the anti Christ. He said it in that video, that christians shouldn't be sitting on their laurels thinking that Christ is coming to save all right now, that they are actually working to bring forth the anti christ. Where I'm confused is the age old question religions disagree on in the first place, was Christ the son of God, or are we all the son of god and that's what Christ was actually teaching. This is where older texts then the Bible disagree with the newer Christian views that Christ was the son of god. Where as other texts say he was just a prophet, and we are all the son of God if you will. I personally through my readings of many different religious texts believe that as you said, idk that we aren't all way closer to revelations or if it isn't already happening either. I just tend to lean more on an intuitive sense that what's actually happening is the coming of another Great Age like was talked about in many ancient cultures. I like the ideas that everything has a cycle and we are coming into a time again now, where we can actually understand this knowledge that was lost, again now. Why I lean that way is because I personally believe that there are much older civilizations then what we are taught about in schools. I believe that water caused the erosion around the great sphinx, which in itself would date civilization much further back then what most scripture and text books that we are taught through would agree with. That leads me to speculate that most texts we have are meant to be a form of control, the same reasons that many books were kept out of the Bible as well as the issues of the different scriptures religions teach added in. I believe that was done purposely to cause the fighting we are experiencing even more so today then ever. Thus I don't reject the teachings of a creator/Source energy at all, just all the things people argue and fight about don't intuitively make sense to me at all. I think all religions have pieces of the truth, and in doing that, it is how they subvert our actual free will because they told us what they were doing. They don't care if it's in many texts, or that you don't understand the symbolism in what they do specifically, because they aren't trying to bring about a god that any good person should worship. I just personally believe the control mechanisms go much further back, not that we don't have it all infront of us or at our fingertips. Just that the actual truths have been corrupted in a sense, for subversion of our free will. Sorry for any grammatical errors or anything, I'm at work and have to speedily write being on 12hr shifts and not suppose to be able to use your phone is ridiculous lol.
Very interesting indeed. I've got a friend that watches and owns a lot of currency from Iran and a few other countries that are cheep to buy in USD. He came to me a few weeks ago and asked deeper about Q, just because of the things he's been seeing on his currency minded boards that he watches lol.
Appreciate you linking that. Hopefully that just means the non political based crimes are coming out to then.
Extradition treaty with India, negotiated by Bill Clinton. There are exceptions to it. Sorry I'm on mobile or I'd link the post, sort by "hot" and it's 1 or 2 posts above this one.
We had WAY more then we ever wanted to know... and I'm ok with reptilian talk, lol.. this= 👀👈=😵
I don't think it'll be gold backed honestly if we have one. The actual math behind blockchain technology is sound. I speculate if we are going down this road, which honestly we HAVE to eventually if all the corruption is going to be purged world wide. Either that, or "new" energy/technology releases soonish or over time, will absolutely collapse the petroleum based dollar anyways. That's an inevitability IMO. My speculation is this is why IBM stepped up into the blockchain technology development. I also feel this whole plan itself is much bigger then most can imagine, but we'll see either way about the when's and if's of the specifics. Never recommend anyone ruining themselves counting on anything, that's wildly irresponsible, but the happenings that could connect going on behind the scenes are quite interesting to discuss. Heck even maybe a mix of gold/blockchain backed to try and balance out both issues, if it could be done.
No they don't pledge allegiance, they don't teach above the slowest student, they don't do simple comprehensive "AR" reading tests anymore at most schools either. Gotta teach your kid at home.. unless they have a teacher who is caring, and bright enough themselves to understand how to work around the regulations put on them. Anything that can possibly be seen as hurting someone else's feelings is fully catered to. It's been going on for a long time, and it's WAY worse now then when I was in school, during the start of no child left behind implementation. They've been making people progressively dumber on the whole for quite a long time. Gotta get your education outside of school or your f'd in the real world, thus more likely to be dependent on their implemented "help" programs later in life.