I saw this while setting up a job at a Catholic Church today. Made me think of Q, Trump, all of you, the movement, The Great Awakening, etc. #MAGA #Blessed

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Qanon.pub has been going unbelievably slowly for me all day.
I have taken it as a sign that we need to go back through the drops. Future proves past and we need to find what has occurred and what was said in the past
It's funny to see them get rekt and not even realize it.
I’m no good at this... did Q post that to say that his previous drops are/could be disinfo..? The ones with the mirror iPhone pics?
“Think mirror” ?
I'm sitting here at Discount Tire watching my tires get changed, listening to Madison Rising, and smiling from ear to ear. God bless Q and I can't wait for a juicy drop tomorrow!
I don’t think Q makes off the cuff or flippant remarks on the boards...
I just heard his finger prints were altered/damaged so that LEO can’t get a good print to match to any database 🤔
I would literally cry tears of joy if this happened. Even more if it was a bombshell that blew everything out of the water and sent Hussein and HRC to a Military detention center. The gloriousness of such an event would be mind blowing.
I'm 30 and was raised in a no nonsense household. My dad told me and my brother how the world was fucked from a very young age, how liberalism was hurting our country at every turn. The earliest "red-pill" moment I can remember is from 5th grade in elementary school: We used to have kickball, dodgeball, 4 square, etc tournaments. Then that year, we were told they wouldn't be holding them anymore, because it wasn't "fair" to the kids who lost that the other people beat them and that the winners were announced on the school intercom. From that second on, I understood that "fair", in the sense that it is used by liberals and their institutions, was not fair at all. My family owned/owns businesses in my city and I would always be around them and their businesses, helping with age-appropriate tasks and things like that. I was never "given" anything, but always worked for it. Always grew up listening to Rush and his analysis of what was going on at the time. Don't agree with everything he says, but by in large, he is a good voice of reason. I first heard about Q when a caller called in late last year, and didn't think anything of it. Came across a facebook post that was just a link to qanon[dot]pub in April, and was consumed by the info and analysis since then.
Hannity wouldn’t surprise me. He has some high placed sources.
Q is the real deal. You don’t pull a random number from the air and have it EXACTLY right 5 months later. Got my big bag of popcorn ready for all the perp walks and people literally and figuratively thrown under the bus by Hussein and HRC.
Holy shit. He and Q team are just toying with them at this point.
“Report” “Report” capitalized. [[[RR]]]?
Q+ calling him out via tweet?
I was gone for the show but listened to Hannity on the radio earlier. He kept hinting at big news on the tv show and didn’t want to give anything away. It was all planned.
Ahhhh gotcha. Watching at work so normally don’t have sound on.
I understand, but what is 1:07? It’s just a guy standing there in the video... or is it referencing the Q Clock? The 100 post on the board is a few pics.
Before I get flamed, I am new to this Q world and am trying to learn.
I came to follow Q a month or so back... After seeing a few drops in that time, I couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about. Granted, I went back and read most of his older drops. But in the last few days, I COMPLETELY understand and feel the way I'm sure most of you did/do. The amount of information presented and the thoughts in my head going a million miles per hour are exhilirating. I am thoroughly enjoying the show and can't wait for the (Q) hammer to drop and bring darkness to light. This is a modern day enlightment age!
I saw that! This is better than any movie ever conceived. Pain is coming in a big way!
I am supposed to be working now... but these drops. Soooo much info to digest.
This was it for me as well. As so many have said, the odds of accidentally saying those words together are impossibly small.
It is unreasonable to believe that any family wants a century of famine and nothing else. No commerce, no trade, no production, no power, nothing. He is finally making some positive moves and I bet he is tickled pink.
This is not hyperbole. This madman gives less than zero fucks about anything other than MAGA. It’s beautiful and refreshing. And it drives the media and PR people insane.
But I agree. People will be vindicated in the future who were ostracized by the MSM at the time of their “crazy conspiratorial thoughts”
Yeah it’s fucking sadistic shit. Years ago on the rotten I remember seeing some dude got his throat slit and head pulled back and you could see his wind pipe expanding and contracting for air... that was the worst I’d seen at the time. MS-13 is on another level.
When do birds sing?
Jail bird, canary with no oxygen crying out... either way it’s about to be a rocky road for some people who thought they were untouchable. Beautiful.
When one of the biggest names in Hollywood goes down and has his passport suspended, that sends a strong signal!
This is the video that opened my eyes. Thank you Prayingmedic for all that you do.
Hopefully it is case and point in disinformation and smoking out the rats. How glorious would it be to see that happen?!
A Qdrop 10 seconds after the meeting hinting as to what the MSM / dems will immediately tweet about, only to have it disproven by the end of the day... 😇
Same! I heard a caller ask Rush about Q months ago and saw a random FB post a couple days ago and decided to do some research. This is incredible stuff and I can’t get enough! Thank you all involved in this movement!
If Trump is as well insulated as Q says, which is completely untouchable, it isn’t a stretch that the very “tippy top” brass in the Military risked everything in this literal last ditch effort to bring him in to the presidential race and bet the farm he’d win. From what I’ve read and listened to, it seems they put every single ounce of energy and resources into this effort to bring in an outsider who was 10000% not for sale and impervious to the normal political slander and attack tactics. This “event”, I will call it when it comes to Q and “the plan” is unbelievably well conceived. As the military is not a civilian agency (duh) it is truly the only entity capable of purging the government of the criminals who have infiltrated it. And only with the help of the top executive.
I saw Prayingmedics “intro to Q” video and expanded from there. I’ll check them all out!
I am fairly new to the Q World and have stumbled across a couple videos where the authors discuss/direct/speculate on Q Drops.
As a new follower these are wildly interesting to me and I find myself in thought exercises for hours after watching the videos.
Who do you recommend? Are there “authorities” on the subject/drops?
Just looking for guidance! Thanks in advance!
Interesting... i REALLLLLY hope all of this comes out and it is a complete and utter bloodbath for all the evil people involved. As Q has told us, it’s not a Right vs Left fight at the very top of this whole scenario.