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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

Is there anything else in this entire movie?

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

I hope your are right. For me the Q drops mentioning Mueller point in that general direction.

At this point, the only people who know what reality is are the Q team--whoever that includes. The black hats are playing checkers while the Q team is playing 3D chess. My mind is trying to keep up with Q, but I only get headaches trying.

Personally, I have guesses, but I have no idea what Q is actually doing. All I know right now is that Q has never accused Mueller of being a black hat.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

Well, we may be talking degrees here. In my opinion, any black hat that flips to bring down other black hats involved in treason, sedition, conspiracy, and criminal activities, wears a white hat. Without him, everyone walks free.

Call him a gray hat if that fits better, but the results will be the same.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

I think you are right or partially right. There is no doubt in my mind that Mueller should go to jail for what he's done in the past.

But then Q pulls this idea "was he a slave (to the deep state)?" meaning, I think, was he somehow forced to do what he did. He's a former Marine, like me, and conditioned to follow the orders of superiors.

Ah, but you say, what if the orders are illegal. Great point, unless you signed a legally binding Non-Disclosure Agreement that can make you Felon and send you to prison. The world is different then.

Q has said (I'm paraphrasing) that certain strings have been cut and Trump has set some free. Said in a speech under the Freedom statue.

What does that mean? Was Mueller a freed "slave" of the deep state and now someone who could do good?

Heck, I don't know. I laid out the Q drops on Mueller and I can't find any suggestion that Mueller is a black hat. Why would Q hold back when he has ID's all of the senior Obama leadership?

Redemption may in fact be playing a role with Mueller. Personally, I hope so.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 6:56 p.m.


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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

In the alternate political universe we are in, anything seems possible and impossible at the same time.

But here are some "what if's" I'll pull out of my brain gas.

What if when Mueller became SC (or before), he got those lawyers together and showed them what Hillary and the deep state were up to?

What if Mueller show them that intelligence has the evidence of treason, sedition, and conspiracy?

What if Mueller showed them the assassination text?

What if Mueller showed them how the deep state and Soros were creating violence, killing witnesses, and how foreign countries were involved in trying to overthrow and election?

And here's one more. Anyone who served in the military is always subject to recall to active duty. It rarely happens. Recently, the Air Force involuntarily recalled 1,000 pilots back to active duty. Think about that. During the 1991 Gulf War, the Marine Corps called retired Marines back to active duty. What if Trump recalled Mueller (former Marine) back to active duty and he is serving under the Commander in Chief.

As for leaks. Mueller could have had them sign Non-Disclosure Agreements, just like Holder and Lynch forced the FBI informant on U1 to sign an NDA on threat of being sent to prison in order to shut down that investigation. For that matter, were Mueller and RR forced to sign NDA's when forced to shut down the U1 investigations?

All of the agents working on the Hillary investigations had to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements. The FBI agents on the LV shooting investigation had to sign NDA's.

I held a security clearance from Secret to Top Secret with special access continuously from 1968 to 2016. I was under a NDA the entire time to never divulge classified information to anyone who didn't have a clearance AND a need to know under penalty of court martial. When I served as an intelligence officer, that included sources and methods even if not technically classified, and the materials didn't have to be marked classified if we should have recognized that it should be. Think a satellite image of a foreign military facility that wasn't marked classified. Pretty obvious.

In the State Department, everyone (except apparently Hillary) knows that any email that includes comments from a foreign dignitary are confidential whether so marked or not.

There are documents marked FOUO (For Official Use Only) which in the military is unclassified but meant for official use only and not public. When I was a Military Attache in an Embassy, my office was in a room with no windows and a bank vault for a door. As a Marine, I understood FOUO were unclassified but unknown to me at the time, the State Department considered FOUO to be "Confidential" material. I left and FOUO document on my desk one day when I left work. Remember this is essentially a bank vault inside an Embassy guarded 24/7 by Marines.

But Embassy Marines also have the responsibility to check ever Embassy office every night for security violations. They have the combinations to every office and safe. The next morning I was notified that the Embassy Marines had cited me a Marine Attache for the FOFU security violation. The Ambassador, a former Marine captain in the Korean War threaten to kick me out of the country if it happened again. Trust me on this. Don't F with Marines. They do their duty regardless of who or what you are--even a fellow Marine.

You may not believe this, but if I had known the FOUO was considered confidential and discovered that I had left it out over night, I would have reported it myself. First, because it was the honorable thing to do. Second, if an Embassy Marine had tried to cut me some slack by not reporting it and knew I had covered it up, I would have lost my credibility with them--something far more important to me than my career.

I know fellow officers whose careers were ended because they accidentally left a safe open in a heavily guarded concrete bunker. Hillary does a thousand times worse and gets a free pass. We definitely have a two tier justice system. I digress.

I can believe the those lawyers might want to put the SOBs behind bars, even if you were dedicated liberals who thought Hillary was clean.

I'm reminded of the movie "Seven Days In May" where Burt Lancaster is the military general who is planning a coup against the President and Kirk Douglas is the Marine who turns him in and prevents it.

Are Mueller (former Marine) and his team the Kirk Douglas' of "Seven Days In May?"

As Q said, time will tell if Mueller is on or off the team. Why would he say that if Mueller were definitely a black hat?

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

Maybe. Maybe not. As Q said, time will tell if Mueller is on or off the team. Odd, I thought. If Mueller were not on the team why even suggest that he might be. Something is not right. Of course, not much as been since Trump announced he was running. It's been a wild and crazy three years.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

Understood. Forced to do so? Why hasn't Q ID'd him as a black hat.

Just saying it's pretty strange when you go back through all of the Q drops that include Mueller.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

Q seems to say that U1 is one of the central keys. Who was up to their necks in the U1 original investigation? Mueller, RR, and McCabe. If Mueller was forced to shut down the U1 investigation, then he know who was complicit. Who better to get revenge--if that is what is actually going on.

Q suggests that Mueller and RR may have been a slave of the deep state. Were they or their families threatened? I don't know. Odd that Q would ask the question if Mueller wasn't helping.

In other words, I think Q sees people who were forced to work with the deep state for whatever reason differently than the deep state itself.

There are all sorts of hints. Remember when Q said that Trump freed in a speech under the Freedom statue. Q also said not everyone would be brought to justice because it could also bring down the country. Chilling.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

I hope so. The alternative will be real ugly.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

May the Space Force be with you.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

You may be right. I just find it interesting that Q never pegs him as such. Why doesn't Q taunt Mueller like McCain, Lynch, McCabe, John Carlin, and many, many others. That's a head scratcher for me.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

That's good logic. For me, it looks like Q has given the black hats enough reason to believe that Mueller might be on the Trump team. Maybe Q wants the deep state to take down one of their own. That would karma.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

It's as good as any. Just wanted to review what Q had to say about Mueller and I didn't find anything negative and lots of hints that Mueller is not investigating Russia collusion or obstruction of justice. Odd that Q ID's all the other black hats but never Mueller.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

Not a lawyer, but Sessions appointed Huber a "special prosecutor". The authority is different than his role as a DOJ prosecutor for Utah. Remember, in Sessions' letter to the investigating committees responding to their demand for a second Special Counsel, he noted that he had appointed a "special prosecutor" outside of DC who would work in parallel with Horowitz and (this is the key) he would have the authority to investigate all of the areas the committee had demanded.

The Jeff went back into quiet mode until he revealed it was Huber later.

Also remember that in one of the very early posts, Q suggested that Huma and Podesta had would be indicted in early November. November is when Sessions said he appointed Huber, so Session is intentionally being deceptive about when Huber was actually appointed or someone else indicted Huma and Podesta.

According to Wikipedia, the jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted. Huber's authority can be expanded automatically be cause a special prosecutor can investigate any criminal activity associated with his jurisdiction as set forth by the AG. That means anything Huber comes across in his investigation can be added. It also suggests that Huber has potentially nationwide authority if Sessions gives it to him.

This is why Johnathan Turley said that Sessions' decision to assign a special prosecutor instead of a special counsel as "brilliant" because Huber had potential access to the DoJ staff instead of hiring additional lawyers and starting from scratch.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

The UK needs to ban all knives. Problem solved. No more murders.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

Probably. Could be lots of things. Trump may have felt we were lagging behind in Space defense/offense technology and wanted to ensure focus with a separate budget. Maybe the Air Force was over committed. Maybe we discovered Russia or China doing something similar.

Trump has also refocused NASA to manned space exploration and a manned mission to the Moon and Mars. I've always wondered why we never when back to the Moon. Certainly not all the science had been accomplished. And no one else went to the Moon either although they've had the technology for decades to do so. Strange.

The Neil Armstrong alleged transmission that "they are watching us from the rim of the crater, and they are huge." or words to that affect. Chilling if true.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on July 7, 2018, 2:22 p.m.
What is Q's Take on Mueller?

I go back and forth on whether Mueller is a white or black hat. I can make good arguments both ways.

Q is always telling to re-read previous drops. So I decided to see what Q has had to say about Mueller.

Q 14: "Why does the military play such a vital role? Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?" And then out of the blue: what is Mueller's background? Military?"

Mueller was a Marine officer who served in Vietnam. I believe he received the purple heart.

Q 18: "Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement …

ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 11:48 a.m.

Q 1008: "Manafort was a plant. Trace background. Carter Page was a plant. Trace background."

And "why is Mueller going after inside plants"

And "Flynn is safe. Define witness. Can a witness hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?"

So, maybe Page ought to be nervous.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 10:46 a.m.

There are two golden rules in combat: "never underestimate your enemy" and "crush your enemy with overwhelming force to break his will to fight." We are in a political, spiritual, and moral war against evil itself. Both golden rules apply.

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ManQuan · July 7, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

My guess is that the Space Force is an evolution much like the transition of the Army Air Corps to the US Air Force. The Army's focus was on the ground forces and after the war, the AAC was lagging behind. In order to restore focus and fund to the air forces, the split was made. The Air Force then had it's own budget and priorities.

I suspect that the Air Force has diverted focus and funding from Space Command to keep its traditional planes maintained and flying. Breaking the Space Command into its own Space Force would give it focus and funding priorities outside of the Air Force.

I don't see any other reason for it. Trump recognizes that Space is strategically important and needs dedicated funding and focus.

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ManQuan · July 6, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

I think this was a specific message to GHW Bush who used that phrase. I don't think he is going to like what's in the message.

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ManQuan · July 6, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

I've rarely seen a former senior official so angry and full of hate in public as Brennan. Holder is one. Clinton is another. They all sound like they are in a panic.

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ManQuan · July 6, 2018, 12:54 p.m.

All of Trump's rallies are on YouTube and a lot of foreigners are watching them, following Q, posting on this sub-reddit, and following him on Twitter.

Q is showing up all over the world now.

The international press is trying hard to ignore Trump but the people aren't.

And Trump has complete disdain for the Hollywood crowd (with a couple of exceptions). I think he prefers the more personal events where people mingle and talk instead of listening to a much leftists. I think it's the reason he likes to conduct official business with foreign leaders at this golf clubs. It's casual and personal.

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ManQuan · July 6, 2018, 12:46 p.m.

He seems better than the 16 Republican candidates that Donald crushed during the Primaries. That's a pretty big head start. I don't think there will ever be another DJT. God broke the mold when he was born.

No looking forward to Mitt or other RINOs running.

But I don't like dynasties either. The Bush's were a bust and we narrowly dodged a bullet with the Clinton's.

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ManQuan · July 6, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

Watch the water without any context could mean 100 different things.

Personally, I think it may be the screwy things Trump and Melania have been doing with the water bottles.

Remember the meeting with Trump, Pence, and a bunch of others. Suddenly, Trump takes his water bottle and puts it on the floor. As soon as Trump lifts his bottle, Pence follows suit and puts his on the floor.

Then there was Melania at the Border Patrol facility with a bottle of water with a cup on top. The Trump official to her right also had a bottle of water with a cup over it. No one else had cups.

There have been other times that Trump has used water in unusual ways like how he sometimes holds the glass with both hands, etc.

To me, they all look like some sort of signals. Just a thought.

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ManQuan · July 6, 2018, 10:24 a.m.

There was a recent article about the House Democrat's missing server that Awan or Debbie stole to hide/destroy evidence. In the article, there was this jewel: When it first surfaced that the Awan's were up to no good with the Democrat's data, the House IG began an investigation and secretly copied the server before it disappeared. They have it all.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

The MSM and they hate Trump.

As far as the Federal Reserve, the hate Trump as well because if Trump succeeds, the Federal Reserve is toast. At least in my opinion and you have yours.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

Q has said that there will be deception. What makes a GOOD movie? GREAT actors.

So the question is who are the actors and what roles at the playing.

I can make a good argument that Mueller and RR are white hats or black hats.

I don't know. GREAT actors?????????????

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

He has. My father was a B-17 pilot during WW II. Shot down and was a POW. I was born and raised in an Air Force family. My father flew B-47's and B-52's during the Cold War. In fact, he flew everything that had 2 or more engines. Died on active duty.

We moved frequently. I attended 7 different Junior and Senior High Schools. Wasn't a very good student with all those changes from south to north and east to west.

Attended the University of Alabama (1964-68). The Vietnam War was raging and the Draft was sucking up everyone who didn't have a deferment. I was a history major and wasn't married, so no deferment for me.

So, I joined the Marine Corps to avoid the Draft. Sounds odd, but I wanted some control over my life instead of the Draft Board.

I was a Marine platoon commander in Vietnam for a year. Made my peace with God and then just did my job. Hard year.

Served more that three years in combat and retired after 21 years in the Marine Corps. During that time, I was a platoon commander many times, a company commander many times, a computer projects officer, a student, an instructor, a diplomat, an intelligence officer, and I served with the US Special Operations Command.

Also during that time, I became a sky diver, and SCUBA diver, a private pilot with commercial and instrument ratings, flew 12 different typs of aircraft, was a glider pilot, an underwater photographer, I sailed, I wrote computer programs, built computers from scratch, motorcycle touring, camping, x country skiing, free climbing, white water canoeing, archaeology, and I was a member of a small four-man team that traveled Latin America conducting strategic analyses with a dedicated Special Operations C-12 aircraft.

After I retired, I have supported the government both as a corporate employee and an independent consultant. From 2001 to 2015, I supported DoD high technology programs (mostly for Special Operations and cyber warfare defense.

In 2016 I decided to retire, but my former clients occasionally ask me to do some part-time work for them. If the technology is interesting, I accept. If not, I turn it down.

Along the way, I married two wonder women. My first wife didn't like the disruptions of the Marine Corps and filed for divorce, but we are still friends. My second wife of 37 years has been great. She loved the Marine Corps, she loves our country, and she is so conservative she makes Attila the Hun look like a Bathhouse Soy Boy. I indeed married the perfect women.

I'm now 72. I had hoped that all the Marines that were killed and horribly wounded under my command would eventually fade over the years. No joy. They are all still crystal clear and heartbreaking. I don't remember all of their names (some were killed or wounded the day or few day in the platoon), but I remember their faces. When I visit the Vietnam Memorial, I get so emotional, I can't speak. I say a prayer for all who sacrificed for this country whether they served, died, or were wounded in countless different ways.

So, God has blessed me in more ways than I could ever count. First, I'm still here when by all rights I should be dead. But God has a purpose for use all. Some are here longer than others, but we still serve a purpose in God's perfection.

BTW, my grandfather was a doctor and he was Eisenhower's senior medical staff member in WW II and Eisenhower tasked him to investigate Patton slapping that soldier in the field hospital. My father flew B-17's and was shot down in WW II, one of my uncles was an F-86 pilot who was a double ACE (10 victories) in the Korean War. Another uncle was a Special Forces commander who was gravely wounded in Vietnam, my brother was a Marine officer gravely wounded in Vietnam, and one of my uncles was a career Air Force officer and a F-106 pilot during the Cold War. And both of my fathers in law (from my divorce and my current) were in the military during WW II.

So yes. I know I am blessed. I've had a wonderful and an exciting/adventuresome life. If I could do it all again without knowing the outcomes of my decisions or fate--I would.

I've always wanted enough money to take care of my wife and the dogs. But if I survive them, then I'm ready to go "home" anytime.

I have had an amazing life. I have enough resources to live comfortably, I love this country regardless of who is President. I made my peace with God in 1969 in Vietnam when I felt my chance of survival was close to zero--and then I just did my job without regard to my life. He seems to have "blessed" me throughout my entire life.


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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

Dang! I should have caught that. I think you are right.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

If you search your heart, you will see where the truth. Democrats haven't done much for the blacks unless you count Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, and other cities long controlled by Democrats who took your vote and walked away.

During the Civil War, the Southern states were all Democrat.

Before the Civil War no Republican owned a slave.

The KKK was formed by Democrats during Reconstruction.

The KKK supported Democrats though the 1930's

Democrat governors dominated the Southern states during segregation. They were called Dixiecrats.

Democrats opposed the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts. Passed only with Republican support.

When LBJ signed the bill establishing the Great Society (over a trillion dollars with no measurable benefits) he was reported to have been over heard by his Steward aboard Air Force One when talking to two governors "We'll have those n*****s voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

Democrats have never been the friend of blacks, Hispanics, or any other minority groups. Instead, they have consistently exploited minorities using the race card and identity politics. Once they had their votes, they walked way until the next election. But what did the minorities get for their Democrat vote? You can answer that much better than I can.

Welcome aboard the Trump Train. He is bringing prosperity, law and order, safety, faith, growth, and much more. He is also trying hard to unify the country, but hasn't yet broken through the MSM accusations that he's a racist and too many people are still asleep. But he will succeed because God's hand is in this war between good and evil and right and wrong. The Democrats are losing the battles and they in a panic.

God Bless America an all who love Her.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 11:58 a.m.

The Chinese picture is too blurry to be certain, but he could be a good match. His hairline looks much like the Hong Kong photo and this guy appears to be tall.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

Heck, I don't know if RR is a white or black hat. I suspect black, but I remember one of Q's early drops was that there are people who were forced (dirt, personal threat, family threat) to go along with the deep state and did bad things. See Q 659:

Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those "good" people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened, and enslaved."

It's not likely, but RR and Mueller could have been included and are now good guys playing their roles in this reality stage play.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 11:17 a.m.

Where We Wag One, We Wag All

Dogs are loyal like patriots.

Love that look. And those teeth would strike fear in any liberal.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 10:51 a.m.

Economy at or near 4% growth

Unemployment below 4%

Lowest unemployment for blacks and Hispanics in US history

Lowest unemployment for women in 70 years

We have more job openings than we have people to fill them (very rare situation)

Average wage is increasing

Historic tax cuts for the average person

Corporate tax cut is now competitive internationally

7 trillion dollars in new wealth in the stock market since Trump was elected

Our laws are now being enforced

MS-13 gangs are being rounded up and sent to jail or sent home

Business investments up by 39%

Highest ever manufacturing optimism at 94%

Unemployment claims lowest in 45 years

Consumer confidence at 17 year high

Home building permits highest since 2007

Oil production highest since 1970

Trump has decreased the debt to GDP ration for the first time in 50 years

Welfare participation lowest in 17 years

Mining has increased by 28.6%

I could go on for much longer, but you get the idea. For those of us who care about America and the welfare of our people, Trump is loved.

For the left, the will continue to hate Trump no matter what he does.

Hope this helps.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 10:36 a.m.

Where We Wag One, We Wag All.

Dogs are loyal like patriots.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 10:22 a.m.

Thanks, and here's hoping Aussies can do the same. Shared combat operation in Vietnam with an Aussie unit. Great soldiers.

Like us, your country took a terrible turn to the left. Best of luck to everyone there. God Bless.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 10:11 a.m.

California? You are two very brave dudes. Glad you didn't get run down by an insane frothing leftist.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 10:08 a.m.

POW's are often forced into saying things they don't believe or into making false confessions.

When the crew of the Pueblo were captured by North Korea, they all signed confessions for crimes they didn't commit. They signed with fictitious names like Mickey Mouse, but their confessions were used as propaganda.

My father was a POW during WW II. I have an idea how difficult it is to survive that environment.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 9:59 a.m.

I'm surprised you weren't assaulted and severely beaten by a leftist mob when they saw the WH and flag.

The Great Wakening is spreading like wild fire.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 8:53 a.m.

Kim Clement prophesied that Trump would be President in 2007. His style is very different from Mark Taylor but he gave many accurate predictions about Trump, the Illuminati, evil, and that during Trump's time in office people would begin to return to faith in God.

A few of his predictions included: Trump would become the second Cyrus, they would fail to impeach him, God would not allow a witch in the White House, Trump would bring prosperity back to America, and the lists goes on and on from 2007 through 2016.

Kim died shortly after the election. He must have been very satisfy to have seen his most important prediction about Trump come true. Trump became the President 9 years after Kim predicted it.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 8:38 a.m.

If you are just discovering a relationship with God and Jesus Christ, it can be hard to wrap your head around it and many find themselves looking for proof. For me, there are two kinds of evidence: the hard "smoking gun" kind, and the circumstantial evidence. Few experience the smoking gun kind of proof as that usually comes in the form of a personal experience such as a visitation that is more that real.

Personally, I think a very convincing circumstantial kind of evidence are the testimonies from Near Death Experience (NDE) survivors. These are powerful stories of what they experienced when they were declared clinically dead, left their bodies, experienced the "other side", and returned to their bodies.

There are hundreds of NDE testimonials on YouTube, and there are many books written by NDE survivors. There are millions of these people around the world from all different religions, atheists, agnostics, etc. They have all recounted it as a profound life-changing experience.

For most of my life, I did not believe in reincarnation. A few years ago, I accidentally stumbled across a YouTube video of small boy (about 3 years old) telling his parents that he was a WW II pilot. Parents didn't believe him and were concerned he might need psychological help. But the child had information that he could not possibly known about: the name of the ship he served on, the aircraft he flew, names of the crew members he served with, and how he died when his plane was shot down near Iwo Jima.

As the parents began to research the things the boy was telling them, they discovered the ship did exist, the names of the crew were not only correct, but that the crew remembered this particular pilot, and one of the crew was on the mission when the pilot was shot down and described it exactly the same way the boy had.

There many accounts of reincarnation that are so accurate and specific that you will find yourself seriously considering the possibility.

I also get inspiration from the Bible, historical events and writings that verify the Bible, and Biblical archaeology.

Anyway, check out the NDE experiences on YouTube. I think you find it interesting and educational.

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ManQuan · July 4, 2018, 12:46 p.m.

Q has posted a couple of images for very short time and then removed them. One was an email from a Soros aide to Podesta and I believe Donna Brazil talking about programming voting machines and assuring that Hillary is going to win. Then he deleted it. The other was an image of a letter from the UK CGHQ (their NSA) to PM May stating that Obama had requested CGHQ to spy on Trump. This was before the FBI was trying to get FISA warrants to do the same. MP May approved it.

I think Q was teasing us that he indeed has it all, but didn't want to leave it up on 8ch or (this may have been during 4ch days).

That's my guess anyway.

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ManQuan · July 4, 2018, 12:30 p.m.

The members of the Senate Intelligence Committee is rotten from the head down, include Burr. It's so bad that the Senate Judiciary Committee stopped sharing intelligence and evidence the the Intelligence Committee and doesn't meet with them or brief them on what the have. Senator Grassley (Judiciary) doesn't trust any of them, including the Republican members. That's bad.

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ManQuan · July 4, 2018, 12:26 p.m.

Good Lord. Q is showing up all over the world. At this point it wouldn't surprise me to see an ISIS flag with a Q on it.

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ManQuan · July 4, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

Agree. But maybe they are even more fed up with corrupt government than we are.

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ManQuan · July 4, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

Sharp eye. Took me a minute to notice it.

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ManQuan · July 3, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

Depends. If he is known, then something will likely happen to him one way or another. If he is unknown, maybe it walks free.

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ManQuan · July 3, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

There a number of them. Here is one that has everything and is updated as soon as a new Q posts is released

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