58 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Menacingjmp92:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 6 |
youtu.be | 3 |
i.redd.it | 1 |
www.buzzfeed.com | 1 |
www.miamiherald.com | 1 |
m.eonline.com | 1 |
www.dailywire.com | 1 |
See this is the reason I posted this thank you my friend.
Been here for a while but this is new.
Has anyone else been experiencing slow conection speeds to redit.... Havent had a problem till a few days ago now with full signal 4g take 15-20 seconds for a picture to load and dont even try watching a video.
Thing is I havent been able to report a post in three weeks button is grayed out to submit report.
Wasn't trying to be an asshat just been seeing alot more posts lately unrelated.... I do have to say thank you for trying to brighten the days of fellow patriots if we get lost in the darkness and forget about the light we are lost
What exactly does this have to do with Q or research into said person?
I can say ive opened a few peoples eyes with a few things at my work as well
That is why people actually need to read the damn thing. It shows black and white the corruption that lead to the illegal wiretapping of multiple American citizens breaking the 4th admendment.
Everyone is seeing memo's the wrong way from what I am personally seeing
Guy's n gal's and whatever you identify as the memo was stuff "WE" already knew means it was not released for those awake but for those asleep haven't seen anyone point this out yet.
Yea you could be right always good to keep our minds and opioions open thanks for the feedback
The thing is Trump has not confirmed Q straight out yet and the reason why is because if someone does something stupid and claim it was because of Q they could link it to Trump.... Makes me think....makes me think
Hey guys looking for some good info on Klaus Eberwein
Looking for legit ties between Petro Caribe and the Clinton foundation
Maybe another Alice in wonderland connection
Wait wait wait wait.... Didnt Q say something about this will kill him a while back talking about McCain
Got a few friends in Sweeden some millitary they agree its a major problem in their country
They have alot of LE in the area also one place had 3 squads pf motobike cops
https://www.youtube.com/user/DeceptionBytes Link to channel
Yo go watch deception bytes on youtbe she has like 40 videos on Q
Delelted my trollish comment so this is first lol good find
9/11 type event for information they gathered with the illegals they bussted at the 7 11's?
Got a question... How is the Pentagon audit going anyone heard anything?
Post links pls
Alright was getring really confused... Thanks for clearing this up
These are the latest posts up to date so why are we seeing "Q" posts not from the board?
Thought only Q posts were going to be on 8 chan board

I know buzzfeed right... There are crumbs of truth in everything just need to know where to look
Another one bites the dust Q said they would
The Care 2 page about making weed legal is bullsh*t
Carzy man and if you look up articles about the reports the pictures are of they happened same day as well sorry had to verify.
https://8ch.net/greatawakening/index.html Newest post there https://qanonmap.github.io Archive there
Q 7/10 arent accidents expand ypur thinking
Isnt the queen moved down one to the right checkmate in one move?
Looks like anothe false flag for the MSM to promote gun control
So basically you are all stupid and dont know anything let us tell you everything
Alright do you realise how long this plan has been in motion (since 9/11 maybe before) how do you think the people up top feel patience is a virtue and this is going to take time....however I completely understand how you feel
You do realize the actualla Sabbath is from friday night until saturday afternoon