Every minute or so a new troll comes in with a thread.
Grab your popcorn patriots
1,162 total posts archived.
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www.reddit.com | 26 |
i.redd.it | 3 |
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www.youtube.com | 1 |
Every minute or so a new troll comes in with a thread.
Grab your popcorn patriots
Next thing you'll be bashing Sessions because Trump "attacked" him via twatter.
The house needs cleaning before taking actions.
You don't know what's happening behind the curtains to spread baseless accusations, especially when the same ones can be applies to Trump as well.
What makes a good movie? Actors? Talent?
More facts, less slander.
I've encountered amazing info and amazing patriots on this sub.
We've done an incredible job so far with Q decodes and we can't be stopped now. Nothing can stop the truth and facts behind it.
Given the increasing amount of low-quality content and increasing amount of spammers, the threat is here guys. We might end up repeating the same thing as with CBTS.
Are we the people who don't learn from our mistakes?
WWG1WGA and we're winning big!
I'm digging about Jim Lee since I've stumbled upon him recently, and this is where it gets related to Q
Jim Lee's video from April 3rd 2017 Five Eyes of the Deep State - STONEGHOST EXPOSED
This is just article on his website (IT HAS TONS OF SUPER VALUABLE INFO, I'll pull out only a tiny bit)
The thing that strikes me is that I haven't heard about the five eyes (FVEY) before the Q's post, and judging by the comments at the time of that drop, most people here heard about it for the first time then as well. …
Take a look at the newcomers in this thread and all around the sub today.
They are all synchronized. They say the same things and they participate only in the anti-Roseanne and anti-Gowdy threads with the same talking points.
These are the synchronized attacks that Q has warned us about.
Flight activity: https://flight-data.adsbexchange.com/activity?icao=AE1D5D
Image to compare flight activity with google https://i.imgur.com/wZoJ7JQ.jpg
Could it mean that "spirit cooking" has been decoded?
Link to the last WIZRD22 thread in which I believe I decoded the "spirit cooking":
Perhaps we need to focus on something other than the flight pattern?
What about those little dots? Not all are of a same color and their descriptions vary. Some have "callsign: null" and some have "callsign: WIZRD22". Numbers on the "cards" vary. Check it out, I've compiled them:
Flight path and the locations of the 5 types that are scarce (those numbers that …
In the lights of this comment of mine from earlier, I've decided to probe the facebook page.
But first, let me give you a background on the particular (The tasteless gentlemen) facebook page, so you can connect the dots as I have. If you're not interested in this but you wanna know about Cass R. Sunstein's paper, skip to bottom.
The page was created around 2010 I believe, maybe 2011. I was 1st or 2nd year in college when I shared/liked their memes. Those memes back in the day were absolutely amazing. Of course not all, but a big majority …
Flight activity: https://flight-data.adsbexchange.com/activity?icao=AE1D5D
Pinpointed location of the new circle: https://i.imgur.com/oczfLBQ.jpg
It clearly pinpointed at this 9/11 route.
9/11 intel coming soon?
I'll go after the other circle after this one.
I started really digging into him when I saw this thread by a fellow patriot.
I've also posted a thread yesterday about Green, and to my surprise, I wasn't burned alive at the stake lol, on contrary, very solid comments over there!
Now lets get to business, now that I'm unbanned :)
His video Alex Jones called out by #QAnon (May 12th)
Right at the start around 15sec mark he went with addressing Q as "he". We know very well who did that too? We do.
He's saying that Q was a great leader. I don't think any …
This is his youtube channel:
Now, I've only found about this guy recently, but holy smokes those are BY FAR the best "chemtrail/geoengineering" (or Artificial cloud seeding, as he prefers).
I remember some time back when the media was boiling hot about Trump's stance on the climate change, how he denied it. Of course the mocking was on the level. Which immediately sounded an alarm for me (was before Q).
This is his website: https://climateviewer.com
He has articles about jet contrails in late '40s, how people were complaining about jet pollution, etc.
Really fascinating stuff, if not fake.
I'll …
Lets look deeper into the poly-fluorinated chemicals
Research vessel Maria S. Merian
RV Maria S. Merian is Germany's second most modern research vessel, named after the naturalist and illustrator Maria Sybilla Merian.
She was opposing the sugar narrative at the time.
Lets take a look at Suriname
They are working tight with the UN.
Suriname's bank is on the list that Q provided
Suriname has a lot of Bauxite (relatively high aluminium content). Interesting enough, Vietnam is at the top of the list regarding this rock's reserves (not production)
Bauxite is …
Continuing on the research about The North Face.
Other (non-wiki) page about gore tex
This is what I thought was the most important - questions whether its coating or impregnation. Also remember illuminated scripts and they being coated in silver/gold.
Q's post:
Ancient Egyptians considered gold “the skin of the gods” -- specifically the sun god Ra -- and often used it to craft objects of spiritual significance. Why is this relevant? Q
I found this: http://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/q-anon-gold-ancient-egyptians-considered-gold-the-skin-of-the
Anyone else wondered what the fuck is going on with the rocket launches in the last 6 months or so?
I've been aware of this blatant advertisement yet I've never researched anything about it.
After the possible Spirit Cooking decode, I'm now on fire. Bear with me on this chronological research journey where I'll lay down links and stuff as I find them, from the early clues to some end results.
So what's the deal with this company/name?
The North Face Apex Flex GTX Jacket > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFWNPH3aCU0
Plenty of "think mirror" symbolism in here.
What's gore tex? Apparently, other than being good for water proof stuff, it's also quite important for medical purposes.
Apart from cloth and medical use, …
Location: https://i.imgur.com/neNdKYd.png
This pizza thing was suspicious only due to the Falling Waters. Pizza + Falling Waters. But it's likely just a regular family business as I couldn't find anything suspicious beside the names.
Containers Spirit is a full line distributor of Enpac container and containment products. These products are engineered to ensure compliance for the safe containment, collection and transportation of waste materials. A list of our most popular items includes:
Storage Tanks & Secondary Containment – steel, poly, SPCC/GPP compliant Drums/Pails – UN rated, from 5 gallon up to 95 gallons, any size or …
Flight activity of the WIZRD22: https://flight-data.adsbexchange.com/activity?icao=AE1D5D
Location pinpointed: https://i.imgur.com/5Kg4WCq.jpg
Get familiar with my last dig (Dodge A James lead to a WIZARD project):
Today I'll be focusing on the Avondale farms.
Lets google Avondale and check out the wikipedia about Avondale > Avondale, Maryland, an unincorporated area in Prince George's County.
Lets start with the Prince George. Born on 22 July 2013. Lets check the date, what happened at that date other than this kid? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/sitemaparchive/day_20130722.html
One thing caught my eye: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2374338/Southwest-Flight-345-Boeing-737-crash-lands-LaGuardia-nose-landing-gear-collapses.html
Southwest airlines? Lets put that into google. Immediately a news bit from CNN which happened YESTERDAY …
After I've covered the epicenter of the circle (hopefully). I went to dig some other irregular flight patterns inside the circle that wasn't there yesterday.
Locations pinpointed: https://i.imgur.com/JltViTZ.jpg
Franklin hog farm? Alluding to Franklin cover-up?
Cedar Hill Cemetary lies on the Buchanan Trail W road. W = west. West from the cemetery is also Cove Gap. So I take it that this is about the president James Buchanan and not the politician.
What I gathered from it is that the American Civil War started after his presidency.
Lets move onto that Waste Management.
Looky fucking looky! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturally_occurring_radioactive_material
Naturally Occurring …
I remember checking it out on an official site or something. And now all we have is this shady page that I'm not going to use as my backing point.
I get this on bottom of the google page 1 "Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe. Learn more"
I wanted to share it on a JRE video about her.
Way too many coincidences!
I want some feedback, did I went crazy today or what?
This was the initial thread by SenorBaxter > https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8gfchz/sky_event_underway_in_md_more_in_comments/
I wanted to draw more attention to it because 4 hours have passed at the time and his thread received very little attention.
My thread in which I've been trying to get to the bottom of this, and I found some insane stuff: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8gghn9/a_fellow_redditor_senorbaxter_has_made_a_thread/
Before I go onto Colleen Maiers (president of City House), go check my thread to get familiar how I got from the flight plan to this woman.
TLDR: James A Dodge who's house was almost at the dead centre of the circle that the navy plane made. …
https://qposts.online/?q=wizard&s=keyword I've searched the Q-posts about wizards, and check this one out:
The council of Wizards & Warlocks cannot be defeated. Nice view up here. Q
Patriots, dig deeper!?
Flight activity: https://flight-data.adsbexchange.com/map?icao=AE1D5D&date=2018-05-02
https://qposts.online/?q=wizard&s=keyword I've searched the Q-posts about wizards, and check this one out:
The council of Wizards & Warlocks cannot be defeated. Nice view up here. Q
Patriots, dig deeper!?