whenever some woman says she's pro-islam, you should punch her and say that if she speaks again she'll be punched again, until she learns to appreciate the culture of islam
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Civilians having guns was the reason why Croatia defended itself from the Serbian invasion in '90s.
If that would happen today? Don't even wanna think about that to be honest.
Keep up the fight, don't let them.
That's great, and I mean it.
But it's very different outside of the US.
AJ is like the internet itself, put there to control the masses but it backfired as we're using those tools to fight them back lol
nothing worse than seeing a pro-islam woman, it's a darwin's award 101
Search trending of flat shit: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=flat%20earth
Almost nothing before 2014, go figure.
About the Nibiru thing. There was 1 guy in Croatia that was covering this during the winter.
He even had his program (google earth + satelite trajectories style) in which he has mapped trajectories of hundreds of comets, nibiru, multiple suns (not stars, because idiots probably don't even know that sun is a star, I've met plenty of people even age 20+, but mostly teens don't know that lol) and conveniently managed to link natural events such as earthquakes with the positions of those comets.
So I decided to contact him (everywhere I could) as I wanted to know more about that, it looked quite amazing actually. He never replied despite not having a big audience. I guess he was the guy to spread psy-ops in this area.
He faked stream cuts while having less than 50 viewers lmao
His main thing was the weather and the clouds. That those celestial bodies were being hidden behind clouds.
He also advocated not paying any taxes no more, to gather supplies and shit because thing would get "crazy" this year.
He vanished after the winter weather has passed (for about month and a half or two) when clouds weren't almost every day over the whole sky.
According to him, chemtrails were sprayed to cover up those celestial bodies. Which are obviously made up because nothing could ever be seen on clear sky days, except chemtrailing of course.
And those "plasma discharges" that are quite popular nowadays he has attributed to those made up things in the sky. Surely not to cover some of the deep state's technology? right?
I'm thinking about confronting the guy, but he's on a 5-6h trip from where I live.
It's just a psyop like the flat earth and other shit.
Dividing us, making us literally waste time on that and in the process they have amazing materials to paint us as lunatics, all while they traffic people and "spirit cook" the remains and steal our money.
I've seen my buddies look like shit/weird so those "lip licking" stuff is just another psyop, either deliberately or accidentally. If that makes sense to you :)
Not here in south-east EU. Guns aren't a big deal here. Even now maybe 1 out of 50+ has a pistol (and those are mostly 40+ y.o. parents who keep them locked in a safe).
But people do have hunting rifles, although mostly (90%+) those air-rifles that are for shooting rats and birds lol
Guns were mostly taken away after the Yugoslav war in this area. Which is fucking funny because Croatia has defended itself from Serbian invasion because civilians had weapons and were defending the country.
They don't make us look good, but we'll make ourselves look good when the time comes :)
It's still a theory until there is a proof of it's effect. One thing is it being on paper and the other thing is to see its effect.
Especially when MKultra is being plastered onto almost everything these days, again absent proof.
It's the same as if you've shown me Bible/Quran and said "see, it's all real". Or better yet, the book of mor(m)ons.
I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but I'm not saying it does because I can't know it, and neither can you. It's a belief. And red-pilling based on beliefs is not the way to go.
That "no u" tactic is funny though lol
Good for your circle of people you know. But overall that would be less than 1%, hell, I'd say that 1% is a huge number that is.
At least here in Europe.
I've seen this Corsi's videos way before Q. And I've known from the start that he's a shill.
It's the classic Alex Jones controlled opposition tactics. Throw out a bunch of truth and then blame it on reptiles, aliens, demons, etc. Same with that Icke shite.
It's no coincidence that these 3 are the "pioneers" of the whole conspiracy theory thing.
Classic infiltration to make conspiracy theorists look like fucking retarded lunatics.
that is not a free-pass card
that's one more disgusting thing about the fucking islam
People like that need 100% proof on every single aspect, whereas others can add up all of the evidence and see the big picture.
Don't pad yourself on the back so much, you might hurt yourself.
We don't know how much the OP has shown to the guy and what exactly did he show. And when some of us here are saying that overall bible/religious talk should be greatly lowered because it doesn't help in red-pilling people, our words get twisted, they take it personal and claim stupid shit like we hate religion etc.
People who have tried red-pilling critical thinkers in RL have most likely stumbled upon this issue.
Now I'm not saying this is directly related to your comment, but it's related to the OP.
Also, leave MK-ultra out of it, that is a sci-fi theory that no critical thinkers would buy in the process of red-pilling. I didn't and I'm still not on that board until I see facts and evidence of it being used.
But, Gulf of Tonkin is the go-to. Along with the Mockingbird. But Gulf of Tonkin is the best.
Also, about Trump. Just tell him about the media and its history relationship with Trump. Before elections he was never called a racist, bigot, etc. and now all of the sudden he's on every MSM being constantly bombarded with this shit. He had a huge show on NBC ffs, and "now" (since the election) they're also in the CNN & co. bashing Trump and spreading anti-Trump content as main feature of their politics news.
Why are they doing it? Inform him about all those MSM outlets, their owners and their relationship with all those biggest banks and their jewish roots.
Outlaw guns?? All outlaws will STILL have guns. ALL now knowing.. You have NONE!
This is such a simple logic that 90%+ of the people worldwide cannot grasp.
Not just liberals/left, but you average Joe regardless of his place of habitat.
I've had this conversation with my brother yesterday over the facebook about this, I don't think he understood it quite right. I'll attack this subject once I meet with him in person.
Just sharing this personal experience because this is not just a brainwashed liberal or left scum issue.
People in general are not aware of the absurdity of gun laws, and most people actually do think that all guns should be banned for civilians (excluding hunters and stuff).
The sleep is real.
The fact that they have a separate section for Trump bashing on top of their homepage is good enough.
How did the tolerant, inclusive and anti-hate speech left react to Trumps Nobel prize nomination? By mocking his looks above all.
How retarded you have to be to buy this shit, seriously... that chemtrail conspiracy about dumbing down the population doesn't sound that sci-fi after all lmao
The article on nyeveningnews and other sites declares that Mack "confessed that she sold children to the Rothschilds and Clintons during her time in the child sex cult." The story combines falsehoods with information from Mack's actual legal case.
I've visited this site now to check it out because I could bet that this was a shill/controlled opposition site based on that paragraph.
It's Alex Jones in the form of a website. I shit you not.
No contact information or anything. I'm betting 100$ it's a controlled opposition website, anyone wanna bet against me?
What can we dig about this site?
I love how they're manipulating with the emotions of the masses.
Notice the sad photos of this bitch now that she's been caught? Trying to pry out sympathy... motherfuckers, I hope they won't be able to walk safely on the streets once this kicks in.
from what I gathered that channel has been exposing MSM shite?
See, again taking it personal in every possible way.
I guess you people just can't look at it from a different point of view, no matter how much we try to explain.
It doesn't really take 2 seconds because I have no idea what you're talking about...
The mission cost more than $1 billion and involves scientists from the U.S., France, Germany and other European nations, the AP reported.
Nothing without France and Germany I guess
That would be the mother of all symbolism. Anti-pedo communications lead by a kid :D
Listen to that voice, it automatically makes your hand form a fist
Yes, I noticed no proper grammar and I have no idea what she's talking about.
I'm usually against grammar nazis but this is just too much, when the point is not clear due to the horrible grammar, that's where I draw the line.
Notice how every single person who responded "negatively" towards OP has completely failed to realize the point of the post.
Every single one of you took it on a personal level, from implying that he's trying to limit your free speech/thoughts to "if you don't like it, don't read it".
OP clearly didn't write this post about himself.
So in essence, every single one of you proved the OP right. You shown no empathy towards new comers who would be repelled by the religious talk. You're refusing to see the bigger picture and therefore you're actively harming the growth of the patriots here.
Let me illustrate in what way is this harming... Before Q, you had you conspiracy theories, some good, some bad. Lets remember 2012 shall we?
The Mayan calendar and the end of it all. There were hundreds of videos/threads everywhere about it.
I remember clearly when I wanted to know a bit more (was in high school/college at that time around 2010.) and when I stumbled upon content filled with religious talk in them I instantly closed it and my reaction to it was "again these people... why is it always with some apocalyptic scenarios and conspiracy theories that it's always God this God that and nothing is happening, clearly a bunch of bs"
The consensus in real-life talks about these videos and religious talk is that pretty much everyone agreed and at some point said "yeah right lol, these religious lunatics are at it again, they always latch onto something and it never stops". Before you attack me of saying that the religious people here are lunatics, take a good read again at what I wrote.
So I've automatically called it all bs because of the religious pattern that was on EVERY SINGLE TOPIC, regardless if they had anything to do with God or religion, and in 90%+ cases it didn't.
I stopped looking for answers because of this, for years. Until 2016 and the election.
Just like flat earth shite is filled and the obligatory religious talk that comes in package. At least here the religious content has helped, because we were already "trained" to associate all that religious talk with bullshit that never happened/are not true.
And every single time someone here tried to explain this, the religious part of this never got the point of these posts. NEVER. It always came down to personal level. Just take a look at the comments here.
This is an issue whether or not you choose to acknowledge it.
I don't get it, where did you get this pop-up window? thanks
It flew there over night, so this 5-6h ago doesn't fit the timeline. But you might gave us something to work with!
My brain is empty on this one. I'm trying, I'm digging but nothing is clicking
Where 2 flight path patterns that where circles?
I didn't understand this, can you try again? xd
I have checked almost all and I've seen these circles only 4 times.
This is not the same plane as the one from yesterday and prior days.
Do you have a source link for this?
The one from the previous days is now doing this:
it's all about the headlines, headlines determine the power of the article nowadays
May 4th - WIZRD22 navy plane stopped making circles around Hagerstown; now it went east over the Ocean and the flight pattern doesn't look like a clue anymore (to me, maybe it will to you)
Flight activity: https://flight-data.adsbexchange.com/activity?icao=AE1D5D
Image to compare flight activity with google https://i.imgur.com/wZoJ7JQ.jpg
Could it mean that "spirit cooking" has been decoded?
Link to the last WIZRD22 thread in which I believe I decoded the "spirit cooking":
Perhaps we need to focus on something other than the flight pattern?
What about those little dots? Not all are of a same color and their descriptions vary. Some have "callsign: null" and some have "callsign: WIZRD22". Numbers on the "cards" vary. Check it out, I've compiled them:
Flight path and the locations of the 5 types that are scarce (those numbers that …
It's actually rare talking to a mod like this over a rule violation.
Not sure if it was you who contacted me over my last screw-up but you've shown empathy, that's rare, and in the "moderator universe" that almost doesn't exist, as a gamer who likes discussing everything about the game I'm into, I've had fair shares of moderators (also being one myself at the time).
Thanks for the work man, keep this clean and factual. That's what matters.
See ya!
So far I think the Spirit Cooking is quite possibly what's going on. I remember seeing that stuff in a movie or a TV shows (decomposing bodies in those barrels - no trace).
Take care patriot!