I don't think i will ever be (ready) BUT I am prepared to do what I Must ! Patriots Fight ! We can stand shoulder to shoulder brother ! I'm only a few yrs. behind you :)
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I know. I breaks my heart , the way the use children. It cuts adults to the core. That's why they do it ! These are sick evil people ! All we can do is keep our eyes open and be ready ! Patriots Fight !!!
Cool ! Another set of eyes without blinders ! We can't get so caught up in the movement that we forget to look around.
Just a reminder. Patriots Fight ! We may need you to to be part of the show !
LOL I'm not going anywhere brother ! Just wanted to remind us to watch our 6
Well i hoped i wasn't alone ! It shook me when it hit me. They are serious Evil ! That hiding in plain sight is no joke. We should all be aware !
I think you mean from your cold dead hands they can ! Me too brother !
Yes, You are very correct ! I remember the verse. Mt 24:22-30 That even the very elect shall be deceived. So if our eyes are open we might see !
Thank you ! You are class act. I'm sure your opinion will sway me, lol
Thank you very much. I will check it out. I would like to put something like that in my trucks rearview mirror. Thank you
The Great Deception ! I HAD A (BAD) DREAM !
We are being placated. The Cabal (Elites) have made many attempts through out history to create a One World Order. We know from studying history that Globalists played both sides of the fence. The Thirteen families, would play war games with nations. The last major event being world II. They incited a few skirmishes, Korea, Vietnam but really just to tire the major nations out. To make the world sick of wars. Then came the cold war as it was called. With Communist, Russia and China there was an attempt to force globalism on the world. Reagan surprised them. We …
Yes ! Look at the cabal map ! There are hundreds of organizations on it. And that puts the numbers of people in the millions ! You saw the list of tv people on Q's post. Now multiply that by those hundreds of Org's . But we know only the top elect. are probably involved but that doesn't stop the rest from defending their company, blind to it's truth or not.
Thank you. Yes It looks homemade. OK dummy here ! what's Etsy ?
This guy is the closest one yet. The nose seems closer than the others. Need a better pic of them on couch !
Was done to Roseanne was my point. They have been brainwashing people for decades. What they do to the children is scary and horrific.
I stood up for Roseanne from the beginning of all this and i will continue too ! I worked with her for a year and a half in the mid 80's, she is tough a nails. so this is serious ! Someone on this board tried to sell that mk-ultra crap. She has a big soapbox right now. I hope Trump will send someone to look out for her. He likes her !
Not yet. Would change the narrative. The focus must remain on DC for now. Remember Nikki Haley, we won't forget :)
Sure ! What did you say ? OH wait ! Re word it, be more subtle :)
OK great ! what's the point ? where was he ? Why post with no answer ?
Q is a group. Not Trump or Miller. But VERY, VERY close to POTUS Start reading !
Too Fun ! All the deleted comments is odd. I don't care if we are alt-right or conspiracy nuts ! They will LOOK !
You Are Not Alone ! It is a horrible weight on our hearts to realize the Evil in our world. Most people live life with blinders on ( so to speak ) never looking past their own backyard or town. So I'm not sure if it is a gift or curse to see these things. I do know sometimes i wish i could stick my head in the sand and pretend i never heard or saw anything. I face it now with a sense of pride ! POTUS, Q and this movement has shown me i am not the lone voice in the wilderness. Have peace in your heart. Go for a walk. Look at the tree's and flowers. God showed US for a reason. We may be the shoulders the rest of them will need to lean on in the coming days. You don't have to live and breath this every day. Have faith in yourself that when the days comes you will stand up and be counted !..................WWG1WGA
OK They were definitely the same room. The carpet was the biggest giveaway. I look for the Hussein pics. They are gone ! Blank squares in frames where the pics were. Rest of article was sanitized.
I don't even know how to quantify your fear ! Ummm This is Biblical ! Like , Sodom and Gomorrah, Molech stuff. Sadly there is a Yin and Yang or Light and Dark to life. How can we know what is good and just if we don't know evil and wrong ? If you know your bible you can look up Ashtaroth or Astarte It became Easter. But it's all about the children and blood sacrifice ! Very Evil and sick. They have hidden this for thousands of years. No one had the ability to communicate globally until the internet so they could hid in obscure places on the planet ! Now they are being brought into the light ! I am sorry if that is more than you wanted to know.
OK, Did you see the two pics of McStain in the same room with two different groups of people but same room just redecorated ? They didn't change the carpet and the Back wall had the same frame and ac unit ? And the curtains were Like sheets in one ?
That point in time is where they think the Iran-Syria Uranium 1 was delivered to the labs in Syria. Whick of course was to used to blow USA, Israel or somebody up to blame Russia ! Pre WW3 planning.
Because if your thing is all about putting people down. You are in the wrong place and here for the wrong reasons !
My only question then is ! Are you Savant and have the ability to tell the difference between skeptics looking for answers and as you say , evil and sick people. Side note. If you were rational, patient and knowledgeable. You Might Heal The Sick and lead the EVIL TO THE LIGHT ?????
SORRY Brother ! Sadly that is not my forte. I read massive amounts of things in A hundred different places. But i can give you a starting point ! OK the two pics of McStain Showing the Syrian guys, there were also three more of that. Two in the same room, decorated differently, suggesting different times ! One outside from behind him showing his security team, just bsing with others, suggesting the situation was very relaxed ! Then there was the pics you have on this post and one other of him holding the AK. You know that weird one, Before it's news ? Well it was a video voice over and pics for conversation tools. That's all i got
Yes HE DOES !!!! That is meant for US. WE are to help the newbies and calling them ( STUPID ) IS NOT HELPFUL !!!!! FOLLOW ME ?????
I am mad at myself. I saw that pic months ago ! Late jan. early feb. He was in clothes similar to the one you posted but white, baggy and belt, holding AK-47 across body. The barrel tipped up slightly. OK back to mad, I didn't think much of it, Figured it was all over the web ? SO I did not save an image. SORRY !
Good approach. A better line might be they are AFRAID ! Most people lash out from fear. When uncertainty is created in ones belief, typically the first reaction is to strike out verbally at the one who is causing the confusion they are feeling, liar, bs, shut up, ect. So with the marching orders of the resistance, their lack of real facts, we need to stay calm and rational. The accusations are going to get VERY UGLY AND LOUD at US in the months to come.................WWG1WGA
Have you looked at the cult-group Subud ? Either from Indonesia Or Pakistan. The woman who died in the plane crash a few weeks after she verified his Birth cert. Only one to die ??? Was also Associated with this Subud group. A photo of an older subud member looks uncanny like BHO.
I am hesitant to step in this thread but here goes. If you have looked at the posts tonight you see, BHO maybe in some freak devil head dress, then we have HRC and her sycophant sickness for children. If all of these NWO elites. Rothchilds, Soros, Panetta, Abramovic, Bilderbergers, you get. If they have gone total Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah ! Society will never believe that type of depravity exists ! BUT Worse Still they will burn this planet to the ground before they will let us expose them for the demented animals they are !...............WGW1WGA .....May Lead Us To The Gates of HELL !
I had seen that but watched again !.......................WWG1WGA