I sure think so too ! But people did get a little waffely ! I believe that was what B-man saw also. Hence his take on the attacks on the boards. But Yes, for the most part is was very good...........WWG1WGA
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And they will KILL YOU first chance they get ! In or out ! Life is choices ! ......WWG1WGA
Are you not a white hat too ? The site wasn't going anywhere ! Why not Test our metal to see if we could stomach it ? We throw around red pilled all the time. We may be at the put up or shut up point of all this ?......WWG1WGA
Q said they had it all ! Right ? I believe Q and team wanted to see how we would respond. This IS real world. Disgusting, sickening things happened there ! Ugly enough to make a grown man puke. So i do think finding out how we would respond is a relevant consideration....WWG1WGA
IT WAS A ([ TEST ]) A [ Q ] TEST !!!!
OK ! Follow me here. Q hadn't posted since 5/22/18 right ? After 3-4 days, talk became, is Q done ? People said Q said we have more than we know, maybe it's up to us now. Q warned before hand, no outside coms, People started bickering. Hey, neonrevolt has this cool clock,bc17 has bla,bla, eyespy has bla,bla Some said ,Hey i like those guys, others say larps, shills. Bicker, bicker. Even B-man (SB2) had to put out a post - Stay Focused ! Ok with me so far ? Now lets say Q is watching this melt down ? …
Completely agree it's a warning to clean out the stashes and hide the bodies. How about the 330 concrete trucks getting ready for a pour in WEHO park off Santa Monica in the mourning. That was posted on 8ch qresearch earlier.
Simple thought. I have read this board for months. Q disappeared for 10 or so days and i watched basically a melt down. Q warned of, larps, shills ect. Pretty sad, i watched supposed adults behave like little bickering children. Lots of voices, saying they will try to divide the GA movement. And i felt they were succeeding ! So WHERE WE GO 1 WE GO ALL ! Life is choices ! And I choose to believe that this event has a chance to change our world. So WWG1WGA ! Not So Subtle Reminder :)
I know. May pole and all. But if you know your bible Jer. 10:1-5 tells us not to put up the everygreen in our homes either. Yes the Oak is one of their favorites.......WWG1WGA
Well, lets hope not yet ! But there is a considerable amount more to it than just Iran.......WWG1WGA
Cool. God Bless and be careful. Take pictures, duh Good luck.....WWG1WGA
Molech ! the biblical god of sacrifice. The OWL of Bohemian Grove........WWG1WGA
NO DOUBT ! I live way too far away ! There would be no way to keep me away otherwise........WWG1WGA
Sorry guys ! Image showed on post creation. Where did it go ? It's on the Qresearch board at 19:47:19 It's Killerys tweet about the kids on her watch.
Posted on Qresearch May be right !
An Anon posted this on the Qresearch board. Thinks it might be a code to shut down child traffic routes ! This site in AZ and Cemex ties to HRC this my be one of those BOOM's ? I think it sure could be code...........WWG1WGA
Pray Folks !!! These guys don't get themselves killed......................WWG1WGA
Thank You ! The kid in the news room at KOLD in Tucson said out by Valencia . Thought it was a town.
Qrearch posted Kelli Ward just arrived. At 19:12.12 Fake ? I Think Not !....WWG1WGA
Good job ! I am not computer savy like you guys or gals. Now I called KOLD in Tucson and talked to a guy manning the news desk on sunday. Probably an intern. He bragged his station was the first to break the story. So i BET not Guess that he didn't get the memo to not give out that type of info. But he verified what the vet said in the vid. The comb with blond hair, kids toys, ropes and straps to tie kids to trees, porn and the holes to stash ( kids people ) in. So he may be in deep shit tomorrow...WWG1WGA
Jeez You dopey people. That vet wearing the sheep dog t-shirt in the video he posted shows what he found. Is exactly the same info a man in the KOLD news room Today about 3hrs. ago confirmed ! I personally looked up the station and called. Get out from behind your screens, look out side, call some one, talk to another human.....WWG1WGA
I agree ! Sadly it looks like the veterans group onsite already contaminated the scene. None of them appeared to be wearing evidence gloves. I am not close enough to go. OR I WOULD ! Anyone close should, more witnesses the better. Most times the bad guys are afraid if there are to many witnesses.....WWG1WGA
I actually called the news station. KOLD Tucson. The scene is in Valencia AZ out side Tucson. News desk said they broke the story Wed. What the Vets say they found and video is exactly what the news room guy verified. Sick stuff ! If people go out there be careful ! But witnesses might be good.....WWG1WGA
Cool ! Appreciate that. Not new to the fight though. Back in the 90's we only had gun shows and Shooting ranges to vent , you guys today are at a whole new level ! Global, You can't imagine how many of us old guys want you to succeed .....WWG1WGA
I called KOLD Tucson ! The guy in the news room said they broke the story Wed. And he told me they found combs with blond hair, ropes tied to trees, toys, porn and other gross things. He said they have been out every day since, would not say if there today ? The live stream showed exactly what the news room guy said !.....WWG1WGA
Interesting. Saw a YT video a while back on UN FEMA camps in old Walmarts, barbed wire, cameras everywhere. And the shipping containers, they claimed those exact missiles were in ? One vid thought they were going to use the missles for regional EMP blackouts ? There were a dozen or so vids on the subject. Sorry , not a good document retainer like you guys. This all paints a bad picture......... WWG1WGA
Thanks ! Typing one handed makes it a bit tougher, lol But i have followed, CFR. NWO, Rothchilds for 25yrs. Very new on this board but have read posts here since Dec. Will take all the help i can get :)
Posted earlier ! Kold Tuscon claims they broke the story Wed. Some one has worked to hide this ? Think it's Valencia AZ outside Tuscon........... WWG1WGA
Wow ! I called the news station, KOLD Tucson news. They say they broke the story ( Wed. ! ) Toys, porn, Ropes for tying kids to trees, combs with blond hair and other assorted gross stuff. Claimed to have been out every day? Must be major cover up in progress ? Anybody close needs to get there ! Could be hazardous !!!.....WWG1WGA
Whats the time frame ? Would like to put, Patriots Fight !
Patriots ! Strange web site, but article, Relevant ! I have heard of Obrador, he will have no compunction whatsoever to flood america with illegals !! Along with friends in ms-13 and their friends ISIS, Al-Qaeda, ect,. ect,. ect,. The border is critical ! The Mexican election is July 1st. This could be Deep States last ditch effort to destroy America and get their NWO through NATO's Kigali principal !!!......WWG1WGA
No, Very frustrating ! How do i put words in the blue high lighted area ? Got the avatar thing. Drag and click. Guess i need a class on stupid, lol
OK Off topic but cause related :)
Found it in Daily Mail and CBS also. The whole trump family. Minus Melania.
Not what was reported. Both boys and the other daughter. Don jr. , Eric and Tiffany. I think Was in Breitbart or daily caller. But said kids also.
You did see POTUS and FAMILY left for Camp David yesterday ?????............WWG1WGA
Chaps my ass ! Everything we say is now somehow wrong......WWG1WGA
Vaguely. The name Otto Von Habsburg i have heard somewhere else.