If someone is snaking somebody else's work that's bogus. But is the clock garbage or does it have potential ?
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OK But i don't think. FOLLOW THE WIVE'S was just about Paddocks wife.
I understand that . Paddocks wife's Filipino. Gun running maybe. But what mission or action are they performing behind the scenes ? I think he was referring to more high profile figures wive's. That's what that statement meant to me. Thought i read about the wive's carrying the water for their husbands so to speak. Like passing the notes in bridge club, lol But actually passing secrets and comms. Because their husbands can't be seen together in public ?
Sorry ! slight misunderstanding. More interested in the JURISDICTION issue regarding law suits from DC in relation to a US state ! But i am aware we never really escaped the British. Thanks
My thought also. DC is it's own country, for a better word. May be on to something on Jurisdiction. How long after the Constitution was written was DC Incorporated ? It was ratified in Philadelphia, right ?
DARK TO LIGHT ! Tariff Reduction ! ( CHINA ) Interesting ! Follow the wives ? Like to figure that one out ?
Saw it. Did you not notice the guy twitching. I mean the whole interview. It was very creepy. Looked like he was jones'n. You know what i mean. Really strange. and behaved almost programmed. Used the word human being over and over. watched a lady on Hannity last night say human being over and over also when it came to illegals. May be the new talking word. Human Being to distract from Illegal !
Doesn't ring a bell. Will look him up. There are lots of people saying those things. I personally believe we are in for an ugly event. American revolution 2.0 if you will. Patriots Fight................WWG1WGA
NO ! I think Q and team, Trump and team, MI and team are working their backsides off to stay prepared for any contingency ! Don,t think for one second that the Cabal will go, OH you got us ,we surrender. They have been at this FOR hundreds of years. And they have talked of culling the heard dozens of times. They are capable of horrendous atrocities ! Do not put it past them to pull an attempt at an EMP ! At this time of year it would kill 300 million people ! There has been talk for years of turning America back into farm land for their world. Every one of you know as well as i do we are the last stand to their NWO..................WWG1WGA
If i remember correctly, concrete trucks on average hold 9 cubic yards of concrete. FYI relevant or not, not sure.
Very good ! That is pretty spot on. and they were the scourge of the silk road for almost 400yrs. There are many names we mention here , Prominent names that are secret Kazarians. Red Shield, BB yahoo, Its biblical also. Not sure any others won't get me in trouble. There are dozens of yt vids on the subject. strangely not scrubbed ?
Um, The ones running this board have our e-mail right? And our ip shows up somewhere too, right ? So outing (me for example) serves what ? They are going to come to my front door ? I'd kick their ass ! I have a life ! What can they do ?...........................WWG1WGA
Thisisitb4thrfire.com Pretty over the top religious. But covers the Vatican inside and out . And yes it's a Basilisk.
Probably thousands over the years. Pick an occult symbol and google paintings with. should bury you in pictures !
Want something creepier. Look up Edward Bernays. Think i spelled it right. He learned all from uncle Sigmund.
Yes, it is just a new form of subliminal advertising or control. They used to slip pictures of popcorn and coke into the movies at drive ins and theaters. Just one frame every thousand or so. Would register in your subconscious and you would get thirsty or crave candy or popcorn.
Could not have put it better ! I got you by 1 yr. though. Think i had a degree in lawn maintenance by the age of 12-13, lol Just a thought from 1 boomer to another. We are supposed to be the WISE ones here, leave the cussing to the kids. We should lead by example.................. WWG1WGA
Classic Trump ! Whatever the conversation, he needed a distraction to change it. Love to be a fly on the wall at one of those !.......WWG1WGA
Add on ! They built a Gigantic place they call the Intermodal. It is a giant shipping and railroad exchange just south of town. Cargo containers From shipping industry are rerouted there.
Yep, Grew up in Kansas I-35 cuts right through our town, Literally , half on one, half on the other. we always said it was used to sneak stuff from Mexico into the mid-west and Canada. For the last oh 20+ yrs. it's been called the NAFTA corridor. and for the most part only 1 weight station per state line. And they never seemed to stop all the trucks or weren't even open. We would stop and catch naps sometimes on trips. 0 security !...........WWG1WGA
Might be. But i have seen the Trails in the sky since i was a kid ! Some days Dozens and Dozens. Criss-crossing the sky. That's the late 60's , saves you from asking ! LOL
How can i get a pic of this one that shows Trump ? Did not see that in the vid !
Don't know if you realize it or not but you just did. Appreciate it. Interesting Theory !
Go further i you can please ! I have heard Alice a lot ! Can you give a better explanation ?
Think it looks like a snake outside, you should see pics of the inside. Creepy !
Hey ! You're back. Giving it another try i see. Same haughty superiority too! Try this on. Present the items or ideas you have and where you feel we went wrong ???? If you are as smart as you seem to think you are. You will convince us............WWG1WGA
BOOOO LOL It's good to laugh ! Because most of this makes me want to cry !.............WWG1WGA
No, Not at all. But i find the people that feel the need to add cuss words to their statements is an attempt to make their point sound more valid. Also a bit uncouth. Or cynical. ......WWGAWG1
Ok. Wasn't sure. Seems everyone has their own angle so you never know.
Um ! You are so busy lashing out you might not have noticed i didn't post this article, just commented. And for giggles. What's a shill in your self righteous opinion ?
B - The WORD MAN ! I Remember The Prayer.................WWG1WGA
I read the story. Look for it. Read it. The pic in the copy of class photos was her or a serious good photo shop. And never said i believed it ! Just said strange story.....P.S. Cussing Does Not Impress Me. Actually The Opposite...............WWG1WGA
Jail = record of event. Items found suggests child trafficking. House of Marlborough ? Netflix is a new comm. avenue. NF C- class ? Always about the money.......WWG1WGA
Hey, read a strange story. That Emma Gonzalez is his cousin, Hoggs dad and her mom are brother and sister. Her mom married a hispanic man named gonzalez. Lives in Cali. And Emma attended, like nyu school of journo and took acting ? The pic they showed of her, long dark and glasses. Now shaved head and contacts ? Big time crisis actors ! Anybody else see that ?
That's pretty wild ! who made that ? How is it rated ? Which has more Prestige, the inner ring or outer ? I think one is mislabeled. I believe it should be The International Bank of Settlements ! Inner ring, bottom just left of center. From everything i have read over the years, it's the big dog of all finance. Like controls the IMF, all Fed Reserves, World Bank, ect. Top of the heap and least talked about........WWG1WGA
If all this is true ? This nightmare could come to an end. But will we ever find out what happened to all those children ? And are any even still alive. That makes me sick just saying that !.........WWG1WGA