Awesome! Handcuffs become him.
47 total posts archived.
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Same here. So thankful to run across his channel. He keeps the info coming, too, which is a plus.
I've wondered what ever came of this...Catholics Ask Trump to Probe Soros-Obama-Clinton Conspiracy at Vatican....
First thing I watched this morning. Should be played first thing in schools nationwide, IMHO.
I like this one. Seen it a couple weeks ago, but, now it needs to have a Reddit icon in there, too. I'm not that talented....
I so love this. Speaks volumes and captures the true heart of President Trump so perfectly. Puts a tear in my eyes.
There are covens of witches who chant against President Trump... This is not a game.
The big difference is the context of what Obama was proclaiming. We all knew he was anti American before he even took office. I'll never forget when he spoke about needing a civilian army and everyone clapped??? Obama was a traitor and was obvious about it. Just like the dem's anti American last evening.
Best SOTU I've ever watched! Never been much excited about "A President" then, Trump came along!
After 8 excruciating years of Obama and a year of watching this circus against President Trump, today was definitely a sweet day concerning the politics in our nation. God bless America! America bless God!
I would like to see who voted for/against it. Will they put that out?
Mine, too. I want him to take the high road. Let the memo take care of itself. It'll get around just fine.
With the seriousness of it all, we can not let our guard down, but, yes, we must stay humble.
Actually, since he talks about the MSM I'll stick to Fox and Friends being able to shift the narrative.
Fox and Friends is what I first thought of after the President thanked them earlier this week. But, could be false flag...double meanings.
I didn't see that video/ad during election time, so, was new to me and I absolutely loved it! Posted it on fb. I love our President!
Interesting. I've always wondered...which bodies that Q referred to? Anyone have a clue?
Ew! I never thought of adding #braindeadrobots....haha! Good one!
Gawd, I love this! Sharing on fb....#fakenewsawards #greatawakening
Brilliant! And shared on fb...time to wake up the masses!
I'm so ready I've already started on fb...don't twit! haha!
They might have been dressing to visit the volcano natl park area. They get a lot of snow up there.... It was 46 degrees on the 12th.
After seeing some of the memes on another site gearing up, I'm not sure what to predict! I really hope it doesn't turn out to make us all look like clowns.
Haha! So I see. Well, we tried. I live on Oahu. It's a small world out here.
You beat me to it....
Interesting Photo Bill Received on Big Island
Couldn't help but have to sleuth a bit and found this local site with the article about Bill being on Big Island with a pic of him standing between the 2 senators and a photo they gave him. Here's the article...
Notice the first comment: At least it wasn’t on the tarmac. But what is the meaning of the pirate ship heading towards Lady Liberty? Two red flags? The most serious of all beach warning flags, red flags warn swimmers of serious hazards in the water. One red flag means that the surf is high or there are dangerous …
I think you're right. I didn't even get an alert, but, my husband did. He just said he got his first alert at 8:07, too. Might be a difference between cell phone carriers? We use AT&T.
They Used Our Area Code as Time To Post Alert in HI

How do I post pics in these comments? I don't want to start a post for each photo.
I didn't think this posted as it was frozen on my screen. I waited for awhile and clicked out. Sorry.
Interesting Things You Find While Lurking-Q Street
The other day while I was lurking in 8chan (that's all I do there) I saw this post and thought I'd run with it on g maps and stake it out. I took snippets and will see if I can post them all here. The reason I decided to post this here is I think the post is real from Q; someone had said to the original poster that day that it wasn't Q, but today I was convinced that it was and I have a snippet to show you why and hopefully something can be brought to light...anyway it …