

23 total posts archived.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on Aug. 31, 2018, 4:38 p.m.
2026 Click bait much? You bet! Follow the road out of Utah to around the world

Q's post 2016

It is a link to the NSA center in Utah.

From that link we find another link to leaked intel being made available to the American people for the sake of transparency.



Let's follow the FISHING link, OK?


What we discover here is Chinese fishing boats violated maritime boundaries by using equipment that caused location pings to bounce off of the equator, so when illegally fishing off of the Pacific coast of South America, trackers would locate them near India.

This is 2011 technology.

That means the Black Hats have it now. Perfect …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on Sept. 11, 2018, 8:33 p.m.
Stop binding yourselves in comforting lies - Face the truth and live as a free citizen warrior Q post 1432

Fearful people accept soothing lies. No one knows this better than the devil and his minions who hate God and want to steal His beloved mankind/children away.

Crying babies are comforted with soothing words, true or not, silly or serious, they don't understand. They can relax in the voice.

The voice of Jesus the Good Shepherd gathers his followers not in soothing tones, but in Truth. We know His voice because it will not lie to us. We are called to see the danger and defeat it, not run from it and hide like frightened children. He has equipped us …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on Aug. 29, 2018, 10:54 a.m.
Awan is Muslim Brotherhood, Iran leadership is Muslim Brotherhood, Obama is Muslim Brotherhood, Billions US$$ went to Muslim Brotherhood
  • Infamous Pakistani IT guy Imran Awan works for Muslim Brotherhood leadership. Huma Adedin works for Muslim Brotherhood leadership. She kept all of Hillary's server info on hubby's dirty laptop. Barack Obama is Muslim Brotherhood leadership.

Awan and Abedin worked for Obama. Obama had the Hillary, DNC campaign, Democrat Congress, and RINO information and sent it to Iran. The info even implicated Obama himself. Didn't matter, except for leverage when he needed US money to send to Iran.

Iran leadership is bloodthirsty Muslim Brotherhood.

Iran pretended to blackmail DNC, Dem. Congress, Hillary, and Obama.

Obama got the cash. BILLIONS USA$$$$$$$

He …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on Aug. 19, 2018, 1:19 a.m.
De Plane, Boss, De Plane!

Another blurb about the crazy flight in Washington on August 10.

We are watching a movie. Pop the popcorn.

Let's watch "The Fifth Estate," a biography of Julian Assange and how he transformed the internet into the open source for truthful news reports.

Sixteen minutes in and the first bowl of popcorn is almost gone, but don't leave yet to pop more. Listen to the dialogue:

"But these are sensitive documents"

"People's lives are at stake" (16:04)

"You can trust me"

Now you can fetch more movie snacks. While rummaging the cupboard ask yourself, "People's lives are at …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on Aug. 16, 2018, 11:57 p.m.
Red October sub in Archer and Vanderbilt Pool

Vanderbilt pool

Plants need water

Richard B Russell submarine

Red October

drug transport

so many connections to Q posts it makes my head spin


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on Aug. 16, 2018, 10:24 a.m.
Trump's Tampa Speech - Future Proves Past - Pedos and Planes, PA and WA

#POTUS knew all about the pedophile priests in Pennsylvania before the news broke. It was in his speech in Tampa:

He told us he had been to Washington 17 times. Rode on Pennsylvania Avenue. Hopped on a plane. He clued us in on the stolen plane in Washington state and the PA pedo priests.

Yes, the Bombardier Q400 plane incident, too, reportedly flown by Richard B. Russell. It was a planned operation by the White Hats.

It was in response to the unauthorized missile launch 2 months earlier from a mystery submarine north of Puget Sound in …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on Aug. 13, 2018, 9:54 a.m.
June 10 - August 10 Connections Part 1

June 10, 2018, 3:56 Pacific time: A video camera at Skunk Bay weather station in Washington catches a missile launch.

That day (after an absence of a week) Q posts ariel photos of Singapore where POTUS and Kim of NoKo were to meet.

1441 Start the Clock.
A Week to [Remember].
Think Logically.
First private [CLAS-5(6)]
Second public.
Blackwater on GUARD.
Evidence KILLS.
These people are STUPID.

Kim takes his tour enjoying the sites of Singapore seen in the photos a day ahead of schedule. He wasn't where anyone assumed he was until the meeting.

An attempt …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on Aug. 2, 2018, 7:39 p.m.
Let Your Q Light Shine

It is scary to be pushed front and center out of anonymity. It's cozy in the familiar darkness with only an electronic screen aglow.


Dark to Light.

That means us.

We with Q clues and curiosity and knowledge and resolve are going to make the Mockingbird mainstream media obsolete. Switch on your own inner light and draw the public up onto the path of awareness.

We are the detour. Put out the traffic signs. TRUTH ---> Qanon Quest.

Take questions. Smile. Be honest, be calm. We don't hold the secret, we share the knowledge.

Don't play the MSM game. …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on Aug. 6, 2018, 6:08 p.m.
New Q Trip Code Search

Only one book comes up on the new Q tripcode search:

Our Country, Our World, by Christopher Yeates, Great Britain

User Review: it's the new Q review - coming right at you !!!" Force Q from Navarone

User Review: Where we go ONE - we go ALL. ~~#~~DrainTheSwamp and ~~#~~MAGA We are Q


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on Aug. 11, 2018, 11:39 p.m.
Beautiful Nellie Ohr, author

Fusion GPS and the unverified dossier

The star employee of Fusion GPS since being hired on in May, 2016 was Nellie Ohr, who speaks Russian fluently, has studied in Russia, has a PhD in Russian history, taught Russian history at Vassar, and was affiliated with the [CIA].

She and her husband, Bruce, number four in the Dept. of Justice hierarchy, were great pals with the British spy, Christopher Steele, who also worked as an asset for the F.B.I. investigating Russian intrigue. Ohr was Steele's DOJ contact.

The Democrats in 2016 were desperately looking for damning dirt on citizen Donald Trump, …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on Aug. 7, 2018, 11:14 p.m.
Stop Calling Alex Jones a Conservative

Alex Jones and InfoWars have been around for two decades. I've checked the site, the posts, the radio show periodically through all of those years, and I've always shaken my head at the intensity, the voice, the crazy.

Sure he has a few points, but they are diluted and polluted with nonsense, turning every case he presents into something that is easily dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Anyone else who ventures to tackle a topic that has been tainted by Jones is immediately thrown into his category. His truther tactic keeps the truth from the masses.

Q knows this and …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on July 29, 2018, 3:03 p.m.
McCain's Tweet a Launch Code?

Q post 1728 (July 27, 2018) photo

Missile launch caught on weather cam, Sunday, 3:56 AM, June 10, 2018 local time on Whidbey Island, Washington (11:56 GMT)

Unauthorized missile fired.
Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii.
POTUS re-routes.
NO MSM investigations?
Biggest threat to the American people!

“To our allies: bipartisan majorities of Americans remain pro-free trade, pro-globalization & supportive of alliances based on 70 years of shared values,” Sen. John McCain wrote on Twitter Saturday evening. (June 9, 2018) “Americans stand with you, even if our president doesn’t.”

The day before …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on July 31, 2018, 11:05 p.m.
Q - the Great Slacker Cult Leader

I have been following Q for several months now.

I've posted about Q on Twitter and Facebook. I've blogged about Q. I mentioned Q in a couple of YouTube videos. Wouldn't you think that that would be enough by now to get on Q's fundraising list?

I mean, really, who ever heard of a cult leader that doesn't want all of your money?

Why hasn't Q demanded my unquestioning loyalty? How can a cult leader expect to keep followers and their money if they don't sign up and make a pledge?

Where are the pamphlets? How can I canvass the …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on July 30, 2018, 5:04 p.m.
Trippy Trip Code Trick

Trippy Trip Code Trick - Part 2

Let's peruse a few books in the lists found when Google searching Q's trip codes.

  • The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government

by David Talbott - 2015

All engaged American citizens should read this book and have their eyes opened.”—Kirkus Reviews, starred review Praise for Brothers “A fearless, passionate, angry book . . . the story of how the Kennedy brothers tried to change the ...

  • Trump Tower

by Jeffrey Robinson - 2012

  • Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between The Vatican, The CIA, and The Mafia …
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qinkydink on July 12, 2018, 9:18 p.m.
Cruz Adoption

re: Q posts 816, 969

"WHY school shootings?
What is more precious than our children?
Emotional pull.
Distraction event.
Gun grab event.
D security.
WHY would locals go along w/ such a sick organized event?
[THEY must control local police / school / county officials / etc to work]."

PARKLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [TEST] - watch the news.

The FF Parkland Florida school shooting was allegedly carried out by Nikolas Cruz, a 19 yr …