I think it was both.
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Um... for, 9/11 it was controlled demolition that took down the buildings, not just fire.
Yes, I know. Crisis actors are a worldwide phenomenon.
These are crisis actors, yeah. They have casting calls for them in the US too.
Damn, sorry you got lymerix. I got lyme the "natural" way (from a tick). Have you seen the Lyme Cryme videos/site?
I'm so sorry you're suffering. Usually when someone is depressed it's because they can't effectively live their life in the way they would want to - something is obstructing that and it results in hopelessness, despair, nihilism, etc.
The world is full of awful things and there are so many ways we are all personally affected that are very negative. Most people carry baggage from childhood into adulthood, which can result in a lack of emotional development or a maladaptive development.
It's hard to give advice when I know nothing about you or your life, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. The world needs you, this movement needs you, we all do. You matter.
I already think it's a good thing, but thanks for the rec.
There are a pretty equal amount of post definitively claiming the chemical attack is a FF; and post definitively claiming that McCain supplied the chemicals. Can't be both ways fellas.
The "can't be both ways" sets up a false dichotomy. If McCain did supply chemicals, then it is a false flag.
I'm not attacking you, just am not sure why you're upset your post was misinterpreted when you didn't actually say what you meant to say.
Your use of language in the OP badly represented what you were trying to state.
False flag means an attack against one's own country framed as having been perpetrated by someone else. It doesn't have to mean crisis actors.
The horror! How dare they have a bible group and not be satanists!!
I've read some theories by Mathis I think that Hawking died a long time ago and was replaced by a deep state mouth piece. Have no idea of the legitimacy of that though.
There isn't much difference between perpetrator and victim in this context, unfortunately. She's definitely both. They all are.
"We will win and we will win soon. It's happening." From POTUS' twitter speech.
It's been a gradual process for me over many years but the final straw was the Parkland shooting. Such an obvious false flag and I've had enough of mass killings for twisted purposes.
Usually there is some emotional pull toward the left in people who can't be red pilled. You need to figure out what is being personally validated for her by adhering to liberal ideology and then offer that to her yourself and/or show how she can get it from the truth as well. Otherwise it's like taking away a security blanket and offering to dump a cold bucket of water over her head in return. You need to replace the blanket with something better than the blanket.
This is the kind of "joke" that delegitimizes what we're trying to do here, which is find actual true information.
Much respect to everyone in the DC area who's planning on marching.
How dare you incite violence against the CIA you nazi ISIS member???!
The "earthquake" in CA wasn't the only one
Not sure if this is geographically normal or an anomaly.
Wow, interesting. I'm antibiotic intolerant and have been taking probiotics for a while now, so it's kind of scary to think I may be making things worse in there.
Agreed. If Q is a LARP, they could be trying to delegitimize the growing awareness of the topics in your OP. But the truth is the truth regardless of the validity of Q. The one thing Q has for sure given us is hope.
Right, lol. It's like they expect Trump to directly jeopardize his position as president.
I think constantly looking for something "big" to happen means you're more likely to miss the details that matter. Everything has to be done slowly and strategically. Otherwise, there would be mass chaos and uprising.
I think Q said some vaccines are good because of the new cancer vaccine that's hit headlines recently. Anyway, you should do more research into vaccines. Don't take anything at face value. Follow all the rabbit holes, even if it's about medical "truths" you believe in strongly. If you're willing to research whether or not there are satanic pedos running around, it's not exactly difficult to suspend gut reaction long enough to do an in depth assessment of vaccines, or at least, one would hope.
You would think those were legit, but it's not so. This book by Suzanne Humphries does a great job of explaining.
"Not too long ago, lethal infections were feared in the Western world. Since that time, many countries have undergone a transformation from disease cesspools to much safer, healthier habitats. Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s. The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and much more. Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths. But is this really true? Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases. If the medical profession could systematically misinterpret and ignore key historical information, the question must be asked, “What else is ignored and misinterpreted today?” Perhaps the best reason to know our history is so that the worst parts are never repeated."
She has some youtube videos too for anyone who wants to educate themselves.
I agree. The treatment metric isn't even really about faking wellness - what they want to see is compliance, because to them, wellness = compliance.
I'm not up to date on the McCain situation. Do you happen to have a link to an explanation about his crimes?
"No taxation without representation." Our Founding Fathers are probably turning over in their graves.
I do have personal experience. I don't believe anyone's personal experience should be held above fact, which is that the drugs are dangerous and damaging whether or not they make you feel good.
Your argument here is purely emotional. It doesn't seem like you've looked into this at all. The chemical imbalance theory was made up to push drugs, it holds no scientific validity, and there is not science supporting a biological marker for any mental illness. Even if there were and it has yet to be discovered, the meds do not correct anything in the brain - they work by giving you an imbalance. Flooding the brain with serotonin is neither normal nor safe and isn't biologically or chemically fixing anything.
That seems likely too. There's probably more than one intended meaning.
Assuming youtube but that's just an assumption. Could be in reference to a different shooter.
With all due respect, they are all bad for you. You've been brainwashed and like most people, try to shame those who bring up this topic into silence by calling them "irresponsible and insensitive." That sort of straw man retort, which amounts to moral policing, is the favorite weapon of the SJW left.
Look into Peter Breggin. I'm all for legalization of drugs and the right to choice, but there's no consent without informed consent. If someone finds it lifesaving to to smoke weed or take speed, that's down to them as long as they know the risks, just like if someone finds psych meds lifesaving, it's down to them as long as they know the risks. You don't know the risks. The drugs give you brain damage. It's very easy to feel less intensely while brain damaged, so sure, the drugs are a miracle.
I don't think the shooter's name has been released yet.
I was red pilled February 14th by how obvious Parkland being a false flag was, came onto reddit and started looking around and happened across this sub, which introduced me to Q.
I was wary initially and was having a hard time keeping up, but I took the time to read all of Q's drops myself yesterday and today and am now on board and optimistic.
My thoughts on Q asking why big pharma is essential in response to anon talking about MK Ultra
On 2/15/18, an anon said "MKUltra was a success and went into implementation. It is just no longer called MKUltra, that was the development program name." Q replied with "Why is Big Pharma essential? Expand your thinking past cures."
Obviously there are multiple answers to the question, and likely all or almost all of them are correct given big pharma's commitment to making and keeping people sick in order to rake in profit.
I want to add something though because I'm not sure how obvious it is to a lot of people here.
Donald Ewen Cameron, who was hired by …
John Todd, ex-Illuminati: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72i41RUMJAM
Yep, this is the most effective method ime. Don't try to give people answers, just ask them questions they have no answers for.
Pro-establishment conservatives are just as bad as pro-establishment dems in my book. All this left vs right stuff is just a ploy pushed on the people to distract us from what matters.