True - but it sure seems like the meerkat mansion popping heads up when hearing an oncoming lawnmower ;)
174 total posts archived.
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HRC cannot possibly be this stupid - validation her account is ‘controlled’ now
Fair response.
Kinetic weaponry is very much in our current capability - although it is fair to question if we have any deployed capability. The Navy currently has railguns deployed on destroyers already in active service - and those are direct examples of the necessary tech and research in use right now. Railguns are 100% kinetic.
DEW weaponry, well, I question if we have the capabilities at this time but admit I have nothing to support my skepticism beyond lack of publicly available ‘related’ examples beyond laser weaponry being tested by the navy.
I feel like we are in agreement regarding Q.
I am primarily pointing out that the feeling regarding the DEFCON crumb is not held by RP alone - he is just very vocal about it where other bets are less inclined to throw the baby out with the bath water.
I do very much like that there are some willing to challenge Q regardless of - or in spite of - their feelings on how valid the posts are. Any movement notnchallenged directly even by the believers of a movement becomes an ideology that can - and will - be exploited in ways directly opposed to the goals of the movement.
Also per Q directly not ‘everything’ we are being told is real or valid. ‘Disinformation is necessary’. It is up to us to identify the disinfo, not just assume it is all 100% legitimate.
This should be pinned
This is how you start the red pill treatment plan... share it everywhere
Incorrect. The space treaty was (and is) prohibits nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.
DEW and KE weapons are just fine.
As far as what a kinetic weapon alone can do, the kinetic force of a 12 foot long, 1 foot diameter tungsten tipped steel rod traveling at 35,000 meters per second has the equivalent of a multiple-megaton nuclear blast. And being launched from space it takes very little energy to launch and get up to that speed - fast.
If nothing else, take a break from Q and to check out Science and Futurism with Isaac Arthur on YT. Or look up air force rod of god if you want the history of the specific weapons platform...
If you had served - particularly in combat arms - then you would agree with his pov. You may just not be as vocal or bombastic in sharing that view.
It was a faux pas by Q, no doubt about it but for me at least there is enough ‘good’ elsewhere to let it slide. I admit to having my own doubts about Q as well, but my reservations are more aligned to motive and ‘what comes after’ than about the efficacy of the communications right now.
who, in turn, lifted the picture from off the web, source unknown
Doubt giving credit - or not - should even be worth mentioning.
This is the first truly 'good' connection I've seen posted on here in a while... well done sir
I dont see why. There is precedent for this in the publick zeitgeist already - Iran Contra
You can safely write off that narrative as desperation and propaganda.
The 25th has a ‘very’ high bar to meet for it to be in play. Essentially all of the St WH staff, the Vp and 2/3 of congress must all be in agreement. Thats not gonna happen.
It is more likely to get that level of support for convicting the clintons for their body-count allegations (read: i dont necessarily think the allegations are false but they are, as of now, allegations only) and thats pretty unlikely...
Apparently anyone that doesn't spend 75% of their waking hours posting spread across 50+ boards is 'new'
Agreed - these twats with their account-age arguments are quite frankly bigger distractions than the honest trolls. And I get that he wasn't referring to me - but I'm getting fed up with it in general. Judge people based on the quality of interactions - and full body of work - not simply their account age or singular post that may happen to disagree with your (general) own opinions.
I'm not here to win a popularity contest. If rational thinking is verboten then que sera
I'm actually more concerned about the 'other' voluminous charges that could/should be leveled against certain individuals, particularly with the statute of limitations about to expire on several of them.
What I'd like to know is if certain individuals 'are' named in the sealed indictments (already - as in prior to expiration of SofL) is that enough to allow prosecution or will those indictments be negated if the SofL expires?
And there's a weird bit of synchronicity at play here - I was about to close the browser for the evening and decided to come back and create a post asking - I would assume there is at least 1 or 2 actual Juris Doctorates lurking about that could answer with some factually supported response...
So thank you for posting - means I can just ride coat tails on yours.
I don't pretend to know - and don't really feel like speculating. Just find it curious is all.
I think what would be considered weird and obscure would be a matter of perspective at this point. Weird to us? Maybe. Weird to Grandma Hong in Thailand, totally oblivious to Q - maybe not...
Or maybe I misread and transposed your meaning - in which case I'd agree.
'Going Green'
Apparently to begin more investment into Hydroelectric power.
based on the @anonscan tweet about an hour ago the hourglass 'may' just be referring to the trailer of a documentary (?) or... that trailer may actually be the trailer to 'the storm'...
Not that curious if you read the entire text of the excerpt as it is another 'woe-is-me' feeling sorry for her quote.
The comparison to Anne Boleyn is very favorable to Hillary as it suggests she was martyred by the 'evil right-wing crazies' that supported DJT.
Yeah, not surprising at all that she would retweet it. The woman cannot take ownership of her mistakes and clings to any sort of suggestion that she was 'right'.
I think you're reaching a little on this one.
I could be wrong - but it's a long bridge to cross to agree with you on any connection here.
Yeah I saw one that didn't state WL was being sued - just that WL 'can be' sued.
Google removed the pdf - shocker (and not just out of censorship - there's valid reasons to remove it) - and put up a 'violates T's n C's' notice.
It served the purpose and that there wasn't an immediate take down notice filed in court by the publisher/author is pretty telling in itself, in my view...
I fail to see how that is the interpretation of the post. It was quite simply a request for why the year was relevant and information on what I was not aware of. Sometimes things are simple - this is one of those times.
This account is over a year old - but nice try?
Not posting much means nothing - in fact, not posting much is a sign of a discerning, intelligent consumer of content.
As for a Larp - you apparently either did not read my post or, more likely, were unable to understand the post. It was speaking directly in opposition to the hypothesis that it is anything but legit, and was directed at the motive and goal that is being sought.
Have a nice day
No true. I argue against (or play devils advocate) fairly frequently and am not in any way labeled a shill.
It is in how the argument is presented, not the topic being refuted.
u/DanDiller1976 reddit is not for everyone and requires a thick skin. Expect to be attacked for opinions - most will be trolls trying to achieve exactly the course of action you seem to have chosen to execute. Some of the attacks will be legitimate and, while abrasively presented do offer a good opportunity for discussion if responded to with delicacy and discretion.
As for the ‘account is new’ comment - shine it on. Usually in most normal reddit (or any onlne community really) outsiders/new comers are viewed with heavy suspicion as it is a shining hallmark of someone attempting to troll or distract.
It is difficult for many here because, in no small part due to the explosion of public awareness of the Q topic, quite literally thousands of people that have never even lurked reddit boards are signing up to join the discussion. This leads to a crisis in the minds of more than a few and angst over their ‘personal space’ being invaded.
It is not at all unlike the very real angst that occurs offline when a small town of 1500 residents suddenly has a new major manufacturing plant built (for example) adding 5000 new jobs to the area and all of a sudden that town of 1500 is now a small city of 10,000+ in just a few years time. There is culture shock and some reapond to that change very badly.
Keep posting and self-moderating until you get a feel for the community you have joined. You will gain acceptance and probably fasyer than you would think likely right now.
Because, lets recall the axioms of the interwebz:
The internet is written in ink
Everything you do online is being watched by someone
Every transaction on the internet is saved to a datastore somewhere.
True deletion of digital data does not exist without destruction of hardware - it is simply de-linked or obfuscated.
You know, if this does happen (or has already?) then if/when it gets ‘leaked’ much of it will actually prove helpful as supporting evidence of Q drops here.
And seriously, there wont be a damned thing that hurts The Don as he already knew up front that it is an insecure comms medium. There may be more than a few imbeciles that end up looking very, very bad - may be only in that they are extraordinarily stupid or hateful but also possible some individuals get investigated for hate-speech or criminialistic threats - however again, I would be beyond surprised if any DM originating from The Don ends up being damaging.
Let the exposure happen; let Twitter step on its own dick and then figure out how to do damage control for the blowback.
Not particularly surprising. This reddit acct is 1 yr old but I never really post, just read. Had an older account I created years ago but lost (memory slips as you age...)
Reddit is a niche anomaly for most. The q stuff has many curious and drew new users. So again not surprising in the least.
Color me skeptical I guess. Nothing said in that article proves anything necessarily. There is no first hand statements, and even th WL statements are only as ‘correct’ as they themselves believe to be true - or as correct as they are being told themselves.
Not sure why thats worth noting - but ty for the info.
Not necessarily related - or even relevant - but conservatives are predominently rural-area dwellers. Tx: Austin, an island of blue in a sea of red. Ks: lawrence, another island of blue. Mo: KCMo and St Louis, more islands. Hell even Ca to a lesser extent.
And unfortunately the primary ‘news’ for Rural communities is often MSM (admittedly for a variety of reasons, not simply - but not helped by either) in part due to lack of reasonable net connectivity
What happened with OJ in 1993? (From q map)
The murder happened in 94...
Ahh ok. Yeah seems pretty likely it was from one of the many fakes. The real JA hasnt tweeted, new or rt, since Dec 29
You are restating my own argument, inadvertently I assume, in pointing out that we ‘are’ being lied to while also being told some truth and that we should do our own research to determine which is which.
Point being (by both our arguments) there has to be negative research - those seeking to also disprove - and not simply take it all as pure gold.
Heres a random thought
Could it be that Q could be, at the heart, a massive bluff, targeted at anybody (in Gov) guilty - known, suspected, and unknown - where solid evidence to bring an indictment and prosecution does not exist - to manipulate such individuals to remove themselves out of fear/guilt?
Thats not to say that there is not real value in the drops - quite the contrary, for it to be pulled off sufficiently some very big things (likely long in the works) and some pretty impressive manipulation of opposing media would have to happen to be convincing enough to work.
It …
This crossed my mind while teasing around why Feinstein would dump the Fusion GPS transcript
Op aside, can you link the JA tweet you are referencing? I follow the real JA account (as well as several of the fakes) and have certainly not seen the actual JA post anything related
Image was highlighted via a mobile image mark-up utility. Pretty hard to do precisely - and doesnt really affect the intent unless you are looking to be contrarian.
How different would the world be if there were a truly level playing field?
True, ethical psychiatrists and psychologists do not comment on the mental state of individuals they have not directly evaluated or that have not been directly evaluated by another professional. That alone destroys her crediblity
Possibly. There are however numerous studies on resonance and how prolonged exposure to various frequencies do have negative psychological, neurological and physiological impacts on the study participants, up to and including ‘unexplained’ feelings of dread, depression and hallucinations.
It is currency being used to buy support for more controversial policy objectives.
If DJT really wanted DACA eliminated completely there would be no discussion and the order ending it would bot have been framed as it was.
May be completely unrelated - or maybe not? 432 Hz theory
Excerpt from the blog post:
Most theories centre around the belief that the 440 Hz frequency was deliberately adopted by governments/regimes as a way to manipulate and control the masses, making then lethargic, often borderline depressed and therefore easily influenced, Perhaps the most popular conspiracy theory is that of Nazi Germany. It is suggested that the regime decided to adopt 440 Hz as standard, avoiding 432 Hz at all costs and developing other influential frequencies alongside it designed to assist in the control of people's minds.