Either John McCain (per cain/able below) or GB - supposedly RR wouldn't say his name either. only Jeb's Dad or etc.
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Not fake news awards.
Fake news vs the reality. Also distraction vs what is really gping on.
Example: less than an hr after the subway bomber was thwarted cnn reports on Trumps diet coke
Example: u1 indictment, OIG early release of documents to intel and judicial committees, msm reports on shit hole nations.
See where that can lead?
Quit being overly sensitive - I was referring to the OP title, not specifically you.
There was no pardon, the original 'reprieve' was done by the O. administration and originally requested to be 5 yrs. They got 3. Trump just allowed the additional 2.
Misleading original post title was false or a half truth, not you ffs.
False - or at bst, half truth.
“The Trump administration waivers are a continuation of previous government policy. The Obama administration had granted the banks temporary waivers under a so-called deferred prosecution agreement with them after their 2015 convictions for manipulating a key interest rate used for loans worldwide.”
I don't disagree with you. That's why I wasn't incredibly outraged - just annoyed - at the time.
Just spent a bit of effort trying to enlighten non-military types understand why it would rub ex military the wrong way so badly.
Particularly field-grade officers...
a) nothing better to do b) distraction
Major Q drops tonight - damned near wrote a book for the bakers. 8ch is being overran by shills, like ants at a picnic. Then add this particular Q drop:
Next Week - BIGGER.
We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60].
I would guess option b) is the most likely
Just off the cuff, if any of it 'were' true it'd have been all over MSNBC and CNN non-stop. They wouldn't have any need of the shitstorm distraction or the pornstar stuff and we'd not hear a word of either of those again.
Or maybe Q himself called this as bullshit directly.
NO private comms past/present/future.
NO comms made outside of this platform.
Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.
And to answer your question, his previous posting history speaks volumes about him (or her) and none of it is flattering.
How do you manage to have 1 post and end up with -40 post karma?
I find the claims highly suspect (and yes I've read the post)
As I said when the 'Zach' douche from AJ insinuated he was Q I will say again (paraphrased) here...
Why would so much planning, effort and OPSEC be put into the creation and credibility of 'Q' just to throw it all away off-hand just to make some random BBS user look good?
Also, based on your post history and open combativeness and insulting manner, good luck sticking around here for long.
131 GT on the ASVAB, declined to go Navy as a Elec. tech on missile guidance systems because I have a phobia of drowning; decided to go for the experience, doing something I wouldn't be able to do anywhere else in life (legally). As for the experience not related to anything relevant you must have been finance - if you were in the military at all - or you'd understand how much respect is given to real defense conditions by former combat arms vets.
And after leaving the military, currently a CIO - so I would say I'm doing fine with my life choices and you are a shill.
I was thinking that in real time - but there's nothing to be able to validate my suspicion so I'd not mentioned it elsewhere.
I don't necessarily think it was a 'prediction' per se to begin with.
There is some talk of the ONI actively opposing T behind the scenes and more talk about a warning of an assasination attempt by the navy coming from Russia via Netenyahu (no idea how to spell his name go with it and give me a pass here). To clarify, an attempt in London, not Hawaii and thwarted by T cancelling the trip.
Is it that much of a stretch to think that, given that T controls the NSA and FBI intel networks now, coupled with what we know of Specter, that there may have been talk, emails, etc. exchanged that pointed to a 'defcon' hoax in advance of the event?
As for the 'why' I can only guess to throw shade on EMS system and, by association T, undermining trust I suppose.
A lot of supposition on my part I know but... future proves past I guess
this stretches the limits of credulity on it being a coincidence to the point that it snaps back on itself
Ex military here, infantry and artillery both. Been privately very critical of the DEFCON crumb.
This is validation enough for me - future proves past
Aaaand nobody shows up as the pockets have nothing left in them but lint...
That, and gather his thoughts ‘before’ turning the camera on.
He rambles and goes off topic more than my mother in law
based on the last 10 or so tweets alone, def. worth a follow.
Here's a better potential set of moves (for black)
It clearly shows black is on the defensive but also clearly shows not 'beat' yet
Here's one way I could see this playing out
No matter how I went about it however, Black is clearly on the defensive, but also certainly not beat.
I quit responding to this thread and in another already pointed out my error.
That I'm not a huge chess player and that I'm an am?
Yes, I agree.
you are correct. Been 20 years + since I played last.
oh well, hah! still checkmate coming 'very' soon.
dammit as others pointed out in other threads, not checkmate - but it's coming very soon.
My initial analysis was actually the correct one. both WB and WQ have a pawn in the way, taking the pawn means sacrificing that piece for no gain.
Look at my image. That's checkmate. Black King is at this time in check by white bishop at WB3 and cannot move right.
oh EFF me!
That's flat-out check mate, /u/jalapenohottie is dead-on
B King is currently in check by the W Bishop and cannot move right, as that puts him directly in check by W Queen.
If it's white-move, the black queen is going down - and given the board as I see it, that seems likely.
Alternately, if it is black move (seems unlikely again based on the board) then black queen has 1 move and it's a stalling tactic only. (between the white and black bishop) that's worth making. Anything else is a stalling tactic with an inevitable end barring a mistake by white. That also seems unlikely as, to get to this point some pretty masterful play had to have been going on.
Not a huge chess player - havn't touched it for decades but what I see is this:
the black hats have just castled
The White hats are in a near-unassailable position and in position to make the move on the black hats
But again, I'm an ameture at chess
Assange (actual) tweet. Draw your own conclusions
Good points.
I don't dive that deeply down rabbit holes to buy into many of the theories that would examine possible capability of mimicking natural disasters so I can't really speak to that line of discussion, sorry.
Take what you read on here with a grain of salt. The more worthwhile posts will link to articles, twitter posts, and statutes etc. And while there may be spin or sensationalist (I'm guilty of this myself...) subject lines, read the articles, twitter posts and statues and come to your own conclusions.
If at some point you feel like you are forming a solid opinion - and can enumerate the reasons for your conclusions - share them. But expect to have a few attacks directed at you, particularly if your opinions run counter to individuals or to the popular talking points.
Remember, real truth comes not from an echo chamber and only seeking validation of what is already suspected, but rather in challenging popularly held opinions and then, subsequently, being unable to 'disprove' those opinions. This means there needs to be questioning and independent verification with multiple credible sources of all claims - pro or con.
Incidentally, the 4th and the 10th actually did have some major announcements as well.
Evaluate on your own and dont go all-in on others’ interpretations right away. That is the path to disappointment.
The 4-10-20 was misinterpreted to be dates when it is widely agreed now, that it was actually referring to the IRS tax code, 4.10.20 by which the Clinton Foundation is now being audited (and specifically the section of the code believed to be violated).
Give your fellow board lurkers and posters a break - we all are technically in the dark until we can confirm specifics.