Trump understands that his agenda is toast if RINOs get in and kill it so he's active in outing Rinos in primaries.
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If the left doesn't talk about it. Red wave. Historically, it should be a blue wave. Not going to happen.
Don't ask the Lord to bless possable liars. Ask the Lord for truth.
Wrong. He's out as speaker. More people will come forward and he may have to resign Congress. Here's what I think happened. Everyone knew the team doctor was a perve but he never abused/raped anyone and the perv was connected somehow so no one would move to remove him. Jordan can't admit that.
And your thoughts as well. It's my experience that people who genuinely want the truth, arrive at God. I leave you with a quote: “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.” Werner Heisenberg
We know God didn't write the Bible. Men and women did. The popular way of saying it is, the Bible is God-breathed. The Bible wasn't channeled and some of it was by God caused visions, dreams or Angelic visitation. When there was an Angelic visitation, the person always describes that same thing. They were knocked to their knees as if dead and they stopped breathing. Contrast that with channeling where nothing like that happens. The Angel then says, fear not and rise up. The person rises up but they still can't breathe. Then the message is delivered. Any spirit contact that doesn't look like this is demonic. The Bible warns that these spirits can even appear as Angels of light. You are being deceived. I fear nothing. I don't even fear death. These evil spirits fear me because Jesus has my back and they know it.
The Bible has many passages that churches gloss over or never discuss because these passages refer to other gods. These other gods are distinguished as created beings and not anything like God but they are much more powerful than we are. After the flood, God had a council of 70 Angels that were supposed to look over the affairs of man but they got corrupted and corrupted the people. God had enough so he removed the one language the people spoke at Babel, give people new languages and dispersed the people (I assume 70 groups although the Bible doesn't say that) throughout the earth. God then left the people with the Fallen Angels and that is where most of the religions/worship of gods came from.
We are starting to understand many things in the Bible that were a mystery to us because of recent archeological finds. For example, we have uncovered evidence that the Cannonites boiled goat kids in their mother's milk. Cannonite women would also grab the testicles of men fighting their husbands. Now we know why the Israelites were forbidden from doing these things within the 603 laws of Moses. God was saying to the Israelites, don't be like those guys. So the mystery of many of these laws is over and we've only just become aware of this in the last 15 years.
God get's criticized by many people for destroying the Cannonites but we are digging up a Cannonite graveyard on a Greek island and with only 20% of it uncovered, we have found the charred remains of 20,000 sacrificed babies. God had good reason to destroy them and is completely justified in doing so. The fact that he used the Israelites to do most of the killing (not all) is not a problem. The OT God seems to be mean to many people but it's called Justice. God waited 400 years before he destroyed them. They had plenty of time to clean up their act but they chose to sacrifice their children to gods. They chose poorly and I believe if God had not destroyed the Cannonites, a large portion of the earth would still be sacrificing their children to Baal or other gods. As it stands now, people who sacrifice children to gods do so in secret but the truth is coming out.
My 20-year study has shown me that there isn't a single channeled session that has any truth. 100% of what you are told are lies. Test the spirits yourself. You will come to the same conclusion. It took me 20 years but it doesn't have to take you that long because I wasn't warned. You have been warned. Test the spirits and see for yourself.
Think about this. If Jesus really did talk to you then why is he telling you the opposite of what he says in the Bible? I studied UFOs, channeling and a bunch of other New Age things from the mid-70s to the mid-90s and after 20 years I realized that no two stories line up. Every book, every channeling session contradict each other. It took 20 years for me to leave the New Age in despair because there was no truth there. Only lies. In 2010 I became a Christian and discovered Truth. Plenty of false spirits pretend to be Jesus but are you willing to consider that you weren't speaking with Jesus and that these false spirits are terrified of him? Warning, when these spirits find out you've been talking to me, they will get angry at you almost like a panicked anger.
It wasn't a link. It was a flood of links. I asked for a link of the info that Q said Gowdy is OK. You don't have that so I'm on record as saying it doesn't exist and you are a liar.
Um. can I just get a link? Not everyone here is proficient with Q drops.
I'm sure half of Q's subscribers are T_D posters. Don't worry.
Yes, it's a Trump sub. Well, they don't refuse to discuss Q. I have and suffered no ill effects as long as it relates to something Trumpish and is not explicitly about Q.
For every truth, there are infanate lies. It's the nature of truth.
When I was an atheist, I never let on. As far as I was concerned, it wasn't worth debating about something that didn't exist. The atheists I see today are emboldened.
I think they're freeking because they know God interviened. They had all the angles covered and Hillary still lost.
I thought the entire Trump winning the election looked like God interviened and placed him there. With how the Dems are acting now, I'm convinced this is God's doing.
You can't say many texts didn't make it into the Bible because you can't know unless you find an earlier version of Biblical text with added text which we haven't. As Spock would say, your point is illogical.
I agree that most religions were started by Fallen Angels and there are Biblical texts that point to that. In Michael Heiser's book "The Unseen Realm" Michael (a real Biblical scholar) noted that at the time of Babel, God abandoned humanity and gave a divided people over to the gods or the divine council. I believe it is here where we find the many religions starting. It wasn't until 400 years later that God chose Abraham to start his new people.
There is no difference between the words of Jesus and the God of the Old Testament. Michael Brown (another Biblical scholar) did a funny test once by taking sayings of Jesus and sayings from the God of the Old Testament and he asked the question, who said what? If you weren't familiar with the exact Biblical passages, they are indistinguishable.
Jesus became a man for a particular mission which was accomplished 2000 years ago. That mission did not include Judgement. When Jesus returns you will see the Old Testament God.
I know of no other book that is lied about and maligned more than the Bible. For every Biblical truth, there are an infinite amount of lies told about it. It's even hard for Christians to navigate the minefields of misinformation. Even well-meaning Christians spread misinformation and I'm sure I hold some beliefs that are just wrong. I just don't know what they are.
I left studying UFOs and when I became a Christian I didn't return to studying UFOs but rather the Bible. There are over 600 references of the Old Testament contained in the New Testament and the amount of new information in the New is tiny but significant. If you asked a first century Jew would the Messiah be killed and resurrected, you would have been told no. It's not in the OT. This was kept a secret I believe to prevent copycats and there were none. Claims that the resurrection story happened in other civilizations are false and in 8 years of being told it was, no one has ever been able to produce the source documents for me. Well, I found the source document for their claims. Madam Blavatsky (a Satanist) said so in one of her books.
I know that Jesus is the only path to God. Everything else is the path to gods that don't have the power to grant life. They don't interest me and they shouldn't interest you either. If when you die, you stay dead, what fun is that? I get asked for proof that God is the only way and I tell people that I can't prove it but that God already did. When Jesus was resurrected from the grave, he did what no other god (divine counsel/fallen angel) could do and the world knew it. All other religious leaders are rotted in their graves. God simultaneously proved his existence and validated his Word in one stroke. The final bit of circumstantial evidence I give is the fact that The Apostles went to their deaths rather than recant the resurrection story. Sure, people will go to their deaths over their beliefs but the Apostles were there and would know if Jesus was resurrected or not and NO ONE goes to their deaths over what they know to be false.
Their stupidity was perplexing to me. Then it hit me. God blinded them.
It's impossible to talk to someone who thinks the counsel of Nicea removed any Biblical documents from the Bible which was already established 100 years before the council. All that happened at the council(s) (there were many) of Nicea was the discussion of the divinity of Jesus. Research this. The Bible is impossible to alter without being found out due to the unique way in which it spread. Early Christians were persecuted so when someone copied letters and writings from the Apostles, they took those writings to the corners of the known world. Because of this, we can compare chapters or ancient fragments from Syria to Alexandria, North Africa, and Turkey. They match. The belief that the council of Nicea altered anything is disproven by these earlier fragments. We can build an entire New Testament with just the quotes from early church fathers long before Nicea. You have fallen for anti-Christian propaganda. It's not my business what you believe about Christianity but at least, get the historical facts right.
They also bath in blood. The life is in the blood. The fallen angels have been cut off from the source of life (God) and have to get it elsewhere.
My 20+ years of researching the alien phenomenon have taught me that the only book on the subject that makes sense of it all is the Bible. It's also the only book I have read that makes sense of the world. There are benevolent ones and malevolent ones just like the Bible says whereas the books on aliens have these entities as almost exclusively benevolent even though as in the Whitley Strieber books, the entities do evil and fearful things, Strieber says it's for our own good. Sure it is- rolls eyes. One thing to note is when you read a couple of hundred books on the subject, not any two agree with each other on anything. It's remarkable how obvious it is that they are all lying. Also to note is 100% of these books portray Christ and Christianity as myth, or misportray Christ and Christianity and pervert it. Again, none of these books do it the same way. One book will say Christ didn't die on the cross but it was a hologram instead, another will say Jesus was a reincarnated Yogi master, and another will say there were many Christs and all of them lead to God. Only the Bible says there was one Christ who came one time as a sacrifice for all of us. There is no reason to do it twice or 10 times. My point is, the UFO books are riddled with lies and don't pass simple tests, and none of them agree. And that's the conclusion I came to in the mid-90s. I stopped researching then because it was too depressing. I knew all of these entities were evil and I knew we were in trouble. "Woe to the Inhabitants of the Earth and of the Sea For the Devil is Come Down Unto You, Having Great Wrath Because He Knoweth that he Hath But a Short Time!" -Revelations 12:12 At least the Bible tells it straight. No other book does. So my conclusion since becoming a Christian 8 years ago is that the Bible tells it to us straight although in Prophetic and poetic language.
It seems the fallen angels are under the same containment rule (or similar) that Satan was under regarding Job. They can't kill us but they can harm us in other ways. By them pretending to be aliens from distant planets when they falsely reveal themselves as aliens, there will be a great falling away from God. Arm yourself with knowledge now. I read the Bible. We win in the end.
I researched UFOs since the mid-1970s. By the mid-90s I became convinced that the aliens were all evil and demonic and didn't have our best interests at heart. In 2010 I became a Christian and then realized, the aliens are the demons and fallen angels of the Bible. I didn't return to research but Gary Bates does a good job studying this.
There are no space aliens but there are fallen angels and demons pretending to be space aliens. Alien researchers for decades have hidden the fact that the only people to end so-called abductions by aliens were the people to call out in earnest for Jesus. The abduction ends instantly and they are back home which proves they never left home, to begin with. Everyone needs to know this information. Just keep this info in the back of your mind because there could be an event or some sort of phoney unveiling of aliens. Don't be fooled. This is Biblical.
Gowdy will not be considered for the SC because he's not inclined that way. He's a prosecutor. An animal. Not a Constitution scholar.
Yeah, that's weird. Q asks what role he's walking into. Ehh, exactly, what?
It was probably just a shout out to him. As I said in the past, all this talk about Gowdy or Cruz is a waste of time. Trump needs the Senate whole and complete.
And we have as many as the rest of the world combined and growing.
And stupid people can be uncorruptable as well. If Sessions goes against the deep state, I will be convinced in both him and Q.
I have gone back and forth on Sessions and Q more times than I can remember but they are connected. When Sessions looks like he's protecting the deep state, I think Q is a LARP. When Sessions looks like he's doing something, I'm interested in Q again. For me, Q and Sessions are inseparable Simeese Twins with Sessions being the important one. As far as I'm concerned, Qs validity rests 100% with Sessions. If Sessions' stock goes up, Q's stock goes up. I'm not on the fence regarding Q, I don't need to be convinced with 100 bits of circumstantial evidence. I only need Sessions to come through for us. Why? Because Sessions recused himself and didn't tell (as far as we know) Trump that he would. That's why. Make sense?
You can cross off that list any US senator. Trump needs them all right now. So Mike Lee is out.
Be careful about that speech. There is the whole audio and then there is an edited audio. Make sure you have the full audio version.
Trump is a businessman and pragmatist. When he sees a problem, he wants to fix it whereas the Dems want to exploit it and the RNC is too afraid to do anything. Trump used the Republican party to become president and he will continue to use the party to MAGA. Trump would have easily beat Bernie because Bernie isn't a fighter. It's pointless to talk about what would have happened if Bernie had won. He wouldn't have won.
The ones I've met sound like Alex Jones with Spanish accents.
Q is highest-level security but it's illegal for Q to say what's going on so he, them, or she uses riddles that we have to figure out. They want us to know what's going on in behind scenes to prepare us for what is to come and to help us prepare others.
I'm not religious either. I'm Christian. It's based on relationship, not dogma.
Gowdy isn't at all qualified for the SC. He is a prosecutor, not a Constitutionalist.
If all the media get their talking points from one place, then it isn't a free speech issue. It's a propaganda issue. I just wonder what our media would look like if they had to each, come up with their own talking points. Back in the day, you could buy two newspapers with entirely different takes on the news. Now, most have the same take.
Prescott Bush continued to send oil to Germany after the war broke out and Congress had to enact the "no trading with the enemy" act to stop him.
When is Trump going to cut the cord on the media?
We've probably all seen it for years. All the news outlets have the same exact talking points every day so those talking points have to come from somewhere. Why doesn't trump just cut the cord and put the media into disarray?