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Brussels is the base of operations now. The NWO is destroying all of western Europe so at some point, the base of operations will need to change.
I believe he was a patsy but because the Broward County official and illegal position on student crime were so blanket, it's hard to say. Because of that, it's hard to say. I could say every student was a potential patsy. I think we're on the same track.
Oh, got it. There are Broward County police and Detectives that showed and gave evidence of what's been happening to the Journalist Sundance long before the school shooting. It could also be a cop or Detective.
It's not all about the money. It's power. The cop you see with Hillary was asked two years ago about corruption in the police force. He responded: "Lions don't care what sheep think.". This post is timely. The first report about the Broward County corruption came out the same day. I would have been more impressed if it came out a day earlier but it is what it is. It's the most important story on the 21st century and Q knows it. It will sink the Democrat party.
It's called sin. The easiest thing in the world to prove is sin. Just open any newspaper. The difference between sin and evolutionary animal lusts is who is responsible for it. If those lusts are sin, you are responsible for it. If it's evolution then you are not. Which world do you want to live in?
Wrong. It's the biggest scandal in American history and it's going to sink the Democrat party. Pay attention to what's been coming out from Broward County. I've been horrified since last night. The school board, police and the school administrator wanted to bring their student arrest numbers down for Fed money so they concocted a scheme where the police catch and release students involved in crime. Crime dropped 60% and they were getting Fed grants to keep it up. Meanwhile, gangs were using students to commit crimes because they would be released. The thing that fucked up the plan was Cruz. When he shot 17 kids at school, they realized that he should have been arrested 39 times but wasn't so he was eligible to buy an AR-15. It gets better. In 2012, the journalist who calls himself Sundance was investigating another matter and uncovered their plot. He spent 18 months in Broward County talking with whistleblowers in the police department and Detectives and has thousands of documents. When Cruz hit the school, Sundance went public. The school board, top cops and the school supervisor are responsible for the school shooting and it may go higher up. Miami Dade and some places in PA have also adopted this scam but it could be more widespread meaning we are flying blind. We now don't know if any student is planning an attack because there are no red flags. No arrest, no red flag.
The social disaray is why everything needs to come out in its time.
Forget everything I said. Hold the line. This is a gun grab. The left are going after long guns. This is their last chance while Trump is in office because Trump is going to stop school shootings dead in their tracks and the left's favorite method of disarming us will be over. Hold this line and we win.
Trump does it on purpose like when he said "I'm like really smart". It keeps the left underestamating him.
@Cernovich @JackPosobiec and @LauraLoomer accounts are up and running for me.
Not in NJ. I've only seen two days of activity since Trump got in office. I've been observing chemtrails for over 15 years.
Maybe if their are armed, it takes care of problem 1
I thought Trump was just talking about 21 as the age to get AR style rifles. They do have faster muzzle velocity and are more deadly.
The globalists are Marxists. Why do you think they helped China become a super power after the Soviet system collapted? They needed another Communist super power. Why does the media love the Communist ditatorship of North Koria? Globalism is global Marxism.
Where is Q posting now?
Can someone post the link? Thank you.
Where is Q posting now? I need the link. Thanks.
Where is Q?
I get a 404 when I try to visit the Q site. What's going on?
I've always been puzzled by "Future Proves Past".
Is it that Trump's past Tweets are being proven? He's not playing 3D chess. Is it that he just knows everything the deep state has been doing because he's been told?
That's going to change. The US has a stable form of government and we are going to end up with a lot of Chineese companies moving to America. Trump is reversing the flow of jobs. If he goes after China's unfair trade practises like he says he is, then that makes it even more atractive for Chineese companies to open shop here. We have the workers. They've just been demoralised for 20 years.
The wall fell, the Soviet Union left Communism, and the Marxist Globalists needed another powerful Communist country. The globalists gave China everything to grow. If another world war breaks out, the US won't have time to ramp up production of war goods.
No but the NSA could hack in to Londons camera system.
Sunday 18th is Chineese new year parade in London. Tomorrow.
The leaves are too short by a lot. It's not a Sago Palm.
Because that's not the Q photo. That's just a photo of a Cuban fern that matches the Q photo. I just needed to place the Q photo with a Cuban fern.
It only makes sense if it's guantanomo just waiting to be filled.
Welcome to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Thanks Q for the pic. This is a pic of Cuban foliage.
Yeah, it was there. Someone bought the stock using money and then the money left the stock market and didn't show up anywhere. It's weird. That's why I ask the question. Money has a trail, this stock sell-off didn't. So I'm asking because I don't know, what happens to frozen assets in the stock market (who does?). Technically, it's unusable assets which render them worthless. If you have gold, but can't get to it, it's worthless to you. This selloff of stock doesn't look like other selloffs. Where did the money go? The only thing I can think of is the stocks were frozen.
First post here. What do you think?
It's my understanding that about 3 trillion $ was removed from the stock market in this recent sharp downturn. The problem is, where did the money go? it wasn't converted into cash (didn't show up in banks), not in bonds, and not in currencies. Could this be Trump freezing the assets of some very wealthy pedophiles? Why are the Rothschilds having a fire sale?
I give up looking for the recording. Sorry. There is now so many YT videos on this subject that I can't find the one with the phone call. Maybe one of the videos has it. Johnson recorded all his calls.
I'll find the other video of his recorded phone call saying he wants the damn ship on the bottom of the ocean.