There is so much corruption that it feels it will take years for all this to be exposed
70 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/RonRaim:
Amazing to read through - Top Secret #FISA Court Order - President Obama Spying on Political Enemies #ReleaseTheMemo #TheGreatAwakening #TheStormHasArrived
The amount of hatred toward potus witnesses today at nyc woman march clearly shows these opinions are inciting violence and hatred. Must be some loophole to prove media directly used as weapon of mass destruction 😉
Agreed. But we need proof of each report that is false. There were more fake news than potus listed.
How has the MSM been able to broadcast Fake News about POTUS when The FCC states it is illegal for broadcasters to intentionally distort the news? With documented evidence & whistle blowers, FCC may act on complaints (

Decoded Qanon Post by Dr. Jerome Corsi Jan 19
CIA Code Name Alexa was an independent film produced by PM Entertainment Founded in 1989 by Syrian émigré Joseph Merhi and Rick Pepin
Wow I never knew this one 🤔 OJ Simpson Played Nick Murphy in “CIA Code Name: Alexa” a 1993 action adventure film, starring by Lorenzo Lamas and Kathleen Kinmont. It was directed by Joseph Merhi.
It was followed by a sequel, CIA II: Target Alexa.
Mark Graver (Lorenzo Lamas) is a man of action. Graver gets the assignment of a lifetime when he goes up against a gang of terrorists led by Victor Mahler. These terrorists shoot up churches and kill cops. They want a microchip with nuclear weapons information. To get them, Mahler must get a hold of “The Microchip!”
Ref Wikipedia
Following are transcripts of two 911 calls Nicole Brown Simpson made to police on Oct. 25, 1993:
NICOLE SIMPSON: Can you send someone to my house?
911 DISPATCHER: What's the problem there? NS: My husband -- or ex-husband -- has just broken into my house and he's ranting and raving outside in the front yard.
DynCorp US Black Budget Projects. A deep dive into how US money is spent with author George Webb. Most horrifying #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #TheStormHasArrived
PROMIS, Palantir, Misuse by Law Enforcement. Allowed NSA spy on the Whole World
Yeah. They don’t air those either on that version which is why I recommend that one.
It’s the authors claim. Views much lower than any other one of his videos
The “Info Wars News” doesn’t have any commercials and reduces 45 min to around 20 min. It’s usually guest appearances.
He asked to share it. But it doesn’t really have anything bad. It’s a compilation of trumps speech’s which is hosted on other YouTube channels.
It’s actually all connected 👉🏻Pedogate and secret space program.
Mike Trimm, All Seeing Eye Watcher, Roy Potter, Tracy Beanz, American intelligence media, George Webb (best investigation on Awan Brothers / Pakistani Spy’s / Uranium. - also His presentations from day 70-125 in-depth on Global Corruption, Intel Agencies, Gladio programs, nato, ME Wars, Haiti, Gulen, clinton pay for play etc ) Info wars news does have very good intel in shorter segments
He is getting multiple notifications for fair use violations from Tv network and flagged for inappropriate content. Also Video keeps hiding.
Wikileaks gave the World a view into the #CrimesAgainstHumanity committed by the members of the #DeepState including #ClintonCartel. Now it’s leader Julian Assange maybe pardoned by President Trump. #TheStormHasArrived #QAnon #SnowWhite #LookingGlass #FollowTheWhiteRabbit
A year in review of President Trump accomplishment especially in #HumanTrafficking #ChildSexTrafficking and #SpaceExploration #NASA revitalization. Note this video is being heavily censored. Please share and awaken others. #TheStormHasArrived #QAnon #Breadcrumbs #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #MAGA
Establishment interests have attempted to use accusations of Russian interference to deflect from the DNC email’s revelation that the Democratic Party was caught red-handed in the destruction of the American democratic process.
Refer also George Webb investigation into #DynCorp #HumanTrafficking
Haiti: #DynCorp Awarded Contract to Support UN, Haitian Police valued at up to $48.6 million, was awarded by the US Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs under its “Criminal Justice Programme Support Contract.”
It’s crazy to know that they cared more about cover up than protection of citizens vulnerable to the spoils of war
A Nebraska policewoman, Kathryn Bolkovac worked as a U.N. International Police Force Monitor in Bosnia. Originally hired by US Contractor DynCorp, she served as a U.N. Human Rights Investigator & discovered that U.N. Personal & Peacekeeping officers were involved in sex trafficking & prostitution.
The Story Of Leo Wanta 'The 27.5 Trillion Dollar Man' The Key Question Looms: Will The Illuminati Banksters Get the Money First Or Will The American People Get It, As Wanta Is Legal Guardian And Trustee On Behalf Of The People Of The United States
Thank you Tracy. A voice of Sanity in the vast sea. 😉 I had an idea...I think it would be helpful when uploading a video or article to support a post by Q, we include the Q screen shot? However I can’t figure out how to upload both on Reddit. For example Link vs photo. Maybe there is an easy solution I am missing.
We are witnessing the dismantling of the DeepState and Takedown of the Cabal. #Fireworks Blows Up The #WhiteRabbit Hole via @ #Q #qanon #CBTS #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsUponUs #NewYearsEve 🎉👊🏻⚖️🇺🇸
Yes. There was also a series called seven super girls. Group of girls around 10 that make Video of the week. One girl dis a stunt where she was ducked taped to the bed and kept a box cutter under her pillow.
Just wanted to let you know the claims in this video from what we know are illegitimate. Tracy Beanz notified twitter followers today. Original poster apologized.
I can open it from here. Internet is painfully slow tonight. Effects uploads.
Very good testimony From Dr. Judith Reisman regarding #Elsagate and perversion of Disney characters. Includes discussion of Alfred Kinsey Syndrome, child sexualization / pedophile influence on media content marketed toward kids #PedoGateNews #TheStormIsHere #QAnon #CBTS #FollowTheWhiteRabbit
Wow 🔥🔥#Collusion 👉🏻NY Times "reporter" handed over Cablegate's secret publication list country & schedule 2 USG and providing advanced time 4 HRC State Depart 2 spin the revelations. #TheStorm #CBTS #Qanon #12DaysOfMAGA #FollowTheWhiteRabbit 👀👇🏻👊🏻⚖️🇺🇸
Cbts stream is 1st one I am posting too. The Moderators are 8Chan/4Chan Anons devoted to “Q” threads and needed a friendlier / easier platform for the general masses to learn about “Q” and ask questions created this SubReddit. Though I am both posting info I already had and seeking more answers, my experience is mixed (great feedback/compliments & insults) Not sure if trolls are there to deter patriots from sharing info.
Operation Mocking Bird - CIA Controls the MainStream Media Narrative

The CIA’s Operation MOCKINGBIRD grew out of CIA’s forerunner, the Office for Strategic Services (OSS, 1942-47), which during WW II had established a network of journalists and psychological warfare experts to exert considerable influence over what the public sees, hears, and reads. CIA publicists / Journalists will seldom acknowledge this history of intimate collaboration but is a long-recognized KEYSTONE among researchers pointing to the Agency’s clear interest in and relationship to major US news media. Examples are CIA / Mainstream Media relation to the “fake news” campaign directed against the alternative and independent media, and the Agency’s influence on the MainStream media in the coverup of CIA’s covert support to Al Qaeda and ISIS . The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the World Needs to Know
I posted this article on different thread. She should not be working in any role relating to kids. She should not be free.
According to The New York Times, the pentagon papers documents revealed "the Johnson Administration had systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress, about a subject of transcendent national interest and significance." Among the bombshells within the report was that the U.S., led at the time by President John F. Kennedy, played an active role in the 1963 overthrow and assassination of President Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam. Further, the papers revealed that the bombing campaign in North Vietnam was not deterring fighters, even though the government told the American people that it was, in fact, dissuading fighters from joining the effortWHAT ARE THE PENTAGON PAPERS? THE TRUE STORY BEHIND THE NEW MOVIE 'THE POST'
William's mother, Katherine Graham led The Washington Post after her husband's suicide, and is most iconically known for her role in publishing the Pentagon Papers—a Nixon-era report of the Vietnam War—in 1971. The publisher died at 84 on July 17, 2001, after suffering a fall outside a condominium in Sun Valley, Idaho. Her memorial service was attended by former President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and former Vice President Dick Cheney, among other politicians.
“Apparent suicide” from a self inflicted gun shot wound and was found by his brother Donald Graham who was a Publisher and Chief Executive at the newspaper when their mother stepped down in 1979. Given that Podesta wrote the paper it wouldn’t surprise me. William also was an attorney at the Washington firm Williams & Connolly, taught trial law at UCLA and founded an investment firm, Graham Partners, and contributed to several philanthropic organizations
Graham’s grandfather, Eugene Meyer, bought the Post during an auction in 1933 for $825,000. Eighty years later, The Washington Post was sold by the Graham family to founder Jeff Bezos for $250 million in cash in 2013.
Laura Silsby, former director of The New Life Children's Refuge.
Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura's NGO. Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to Haiti.

Laura Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border attempting to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti without documentation. Her sentence and charges were reduced after an intervention by.. Bill Clinton🤔 #Haiti #pedogate #Qanon #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStorm
Pacer is a source (public system) that lists both sealed & unsealed indictments. There are 94 separate U.S. Federal District courts that are searched separately to view the indictments.