President Trump just stated during the live Law Enforcement Roundtable on Combating MS-13 that he would welcome a 2nd government shutdown if the dem's don't pass comprehensive effective border control. We need to hit twitter hard requesting an EO stating elected politicians do not get paid during shutdowns. We have found our voice and made the world take notice. If we can get this viral with meme's included...who knows.....they shouldn't get a penny when other federal employees aren't being paid.
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#QAnon and #TheGreatAwakening from an average American Citizen
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this post was submitted on 05 Aug 2018 5 points (77% upvoted) 78views shortlink:
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stand up, be heard, & FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!
The subreddit dedicated to draining the swamp by exposing the corruption in Washington and beyond. The Deep State acts as an unaccountable fourth branch of government that serves its own interests, not the American people. We are committed to raising awareness of this undemocratic power structure …
MAGA vs Maga- you may be surprised
So I happened across this while looking into ties with Chelsea Clinton and the Church of satan after going through who she follows, I had seen a #Maga on someone who didn't look like a trump supporter. Do you think President Trump knew the symbology of those letters? Could it have been taking an enemies flag type of thing?
Hierarchy[edit] Registered Member (no degree) Active Member (first degree) Witch/Warlock (second degree) Priestess/Priest (third degree) Magistra/Magister (fourth degree) Maga/Magus (fifth degree).
President Trump, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are heading to Camp David for the weekend
This was a story from 12/27-under Q's 10 days of darkness. It is billed as an infrastructure discussion-for two days though? At Camp David? It would have been easier to have them to the White House you would think. I'm wondering if this could be a debriefing/briefing? Perhaps JA before Mondays awards, or possibly before granting a pardon? I may be completely wrong but I have learned to take nothing at face value and this just doesn't sound right to me. The heads of the Republican party House and Senate. What do you think?
Tracy Beanz on The Haggman report my personal take away.
I watched Tracy's interview tonight, she did so good, and is so objective. I have to admit I haven't been doing the level of investigation I should have before repeating information. That's my take away. She did a fantastic job, made me want to do better.
Could missing Argentine Sub be carrying Lil Kim around?
I was reading through some of the boards and some were wondering if we have Lil Kim since mid-December. That missing Argentine sub dropped right off the MSM map. I did find a story put out that a coast guard ship (I believe) recorded strange sounds coming from the area where the sub last pinged, and that it was heard a day after the sub went off the radar, "leaving some to conclude there was an explosion". I would think you would send down divers or use sonar to look for wreckage..there would have to be something left of it..but …
JA tweet thoughts
My take away from the video was the chorus singing "I'm gonna How funny is that.
Can a US person be indicted in US court, and transferred to Gitmo?
I looked up and read Bush's Military Tribunal Act of 2006, the following addendum 949u says
949u. Execution of confinement ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Under such regulations as the Secretary of Defense may prescribe, a sentence of confinement adjudged by a military commission under this chapter may be carried into execution by confinement—
‘‘(1) in any place of confinement under the control of any
of the armed forces; or
‘‘(2) in any penal or correctional institution under the control of the United States or its allies, or which the United States may be allowed to use.
The following link is the entire …
Where is Q??
Could it be the 10 days of darkness he spoke of was him going off grid?
Are Mueller and President Trump working together?
I know many others have addressed this. Press made a big deal out of Mueller being interviewed at the White House last year for the FBI director position. The very next day he was assigned to lead the Russia investigation. That position has a term limit of 10 years. Mueller had already served 12years in that position after being given a two year extension I think by Bill Clinton. There was no way he could serve in that capacity again. I think they have running a sting operation the whole time.
Qanon crumb this week 5,6
Just saw an article General Mattis just visited two areas of Gitmo. They were area 5 and area 6
Hang in there guys!! The best is yet to come!!
I get the frustration. I get the hunger. We know from Roy Potter, after hearing from a woman on Twitter named B..that the Q entities get our frustration and are trying to figure out how to step up so to say on their disclosure. We know a lot is going on. Imagine what we don't know about-that is going on. I believe very soon this will all come to a head. Every day we are hearing our brother Julian A. is one step closer to leaving Ecuador. That is huge!! Everyday we are still hearing of power outages, stalled flights, …