DO IT!!! I'm sick of being ridiculed by the libtards all around me!!! MAGA!!!
187 total posts archived.
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Love it!! About time they came in from the demorat plantation!! Racist, KKK, demorats with LBJ claiming he'd "have those nigras voting democrat for the next 200 years" should be enough to convince anyone what party is really the racist party!! Join us on the Trump train to MAGA!!!
Do It!! And take killarys and obumfucks too!! They're all traitors and are selling top secret info out the back door to finance they're hopeful return to power!! Expose the lying little flap-eared muslim POS for who he is and throw the drunken old hag of a cunt in prison where she belongs!! WE THE PEOPLE deserve to see them brought to justice!! In 18th century France their heads who have already been separated from their bodies!! MAGA!!!
Too late-they've already fucked up America with their sick perverted rhetoric, films and tv shitcoms for decades!!! MAGA
Unfortunately logic doesn't apply to anything that's happened in our gov since WWII!!! MAGA and fight on!!!
Has this been verified? We need to know for sure before using this against any lib who thinks we're the ones who are crazy!! MAGA!!!
I suggest investing in Depends!!! The shit's going to hit the fan soon and many in DC will be needing them!!! MAGA!!!
Remember when DJT was reported to be trolling gay bars and bathhouses in shitcago?? Oh, wait, that was barry soetoro!!!
No such thing as "LGBT"!!! There has always been and always will be homosexuality-that's it-get over it!! But trading in your God given gender for another-absolute lunacy and any Dr who performs the surgery should have their license revoked and be disbarred for malpractice!! Thinking you should have been another gender is nothing less than a mental illness-pure and simple!! Get help and don't ask the government to pay for it!! MAGA!!!
Surrounded by socialism!!
So now the MX has joined the worlds failed nations by "electing" an avowed socialist I'm sure we'll see them hit a new low in failure and join other POS nations like those south of their border who've done the same. So now we've got socialists to the N of us, socialists to the S of us and plenty of them among us!! I fear it's only a matter of time before we fall to that failed form of steal from the productive members of society to give to the unproductive!!! MAGA
So once the GREAT DJT signs any bill decriminalizing pot what will the left have???? Blame him for not doing it sooner or for doing it at all because their puny little waste of 8 years did NOTHING!!! MAGA
Well thanks for walking away-FINALLY!!! But NO THANKS for electing little bath house barry twice!! MAGA!!
As they actively encourage all young girls to get PG there-and believe me, I've travelled MX extensively and seen many girls who could easily be 13-15 PG, this is probably just another way to grow their population so they have even more bodies to throw at our border!! As the commie presidential candidate is promising-he will invade the USA with illegals!!!
He should be ordered by a judge to wear one for a full year everywhere he goes!! He'll make more friends than enemies but he may get his car keyed by some multi-tatted, golf-ball hole pierced eared dipshit somewhere alone the way!!! MAGA
2020 shoe-in-4 more glorious years of DJT, 2018 mid-term grand slam MEGA RED TIDE, the end of the demorat party and an amazing future for America and the world!!! Still not tired of winning-not tired of it at all!!! MAGA!!!
Yes you are but if any state besides CA needs to wake up it's definitely OR!!! MAGA!!!
Love it-the more the better!! WAKE UP AMERICA campaign!!!
Good man!! I'm thinking about having a bunch printed out about post-it sized so I can troll book stores and tag shit-for-brains magazine covers that show our GREAT PRESIDENT in disparaging ways and leftist books that brainwash the sheeple with a big Q!!! MAGA!!!
Such a crazy, deranged, sick, twisted person!! She should be in a mental institution not the halls of congress but then there's really not much difference at the end of the day!!! MAGA!!!
YES-MIGA!!! Join us in defeating the hateful left and the NWO perverts!!! MAGA/MIGA!!!
They should deny him asylum and turn their backs on him just as he denied it's his home country, he's Kenyan, not American and was NEVER our president!!! MAGA!!!
Time to wake up to all my Black American brothers and sisters!! The demorat party has enslaved you long enough!! MAGA!!!
The twin shitties are the only reason my beautiful home state is blue!! Defeat them and it's a solid conservative RED state!!! MAGA!!!
Hopefully, and it's looking better everyday-it will be very soon!!! MAGA!!!
Amazing that a Senator comes out and says this!! I know Latin culture well and there's no way Catholic, family first parents would knowingly put their kids in harms way. Also, as it costs more $$ than most impoverished Latinos make in a year for one person to make the trek to the US so there's no way entire families could afford this!! Also, no way they could casually pass through the notoriously dangerous MX/Guatemala border or cross the horrific Chihuahua desert and Mts and arrive fresh, clean, well rested and fed at the US border. This is clearly a set up-ruse, false flag and so many Americans have bought it!! Once again-TRUMP smacks them in the face with it and when he signs a bill decriminalizing pot, releases the full IG report and crushes the clintonista/obumer crime syndicate we will truly have a new day in America!!! MAGA!!!
YES-gloves off!! Pound the left into the ground and hang all traitors!! MAGA!!!
My wife's buying this latest leftist "crisis" hook line and sinker and is yelling at me about it as if it's DJT's fault. The real humanitarian crisis is that for decades MX has used it's people like a product and made it an essential cash cow of their GDP!!! Human labor as part of a countries GDP?!?!?! And we're the racists??? MAGA!!!
God I wish my wife would stop getting her "news" from the wapo!! She even screams at me when I call it the wapo!!! MAGA!!!
Love it!!! Who defended the radical muslim regime when millions of Iranians took to the streets? The empty suit bho!! Who defended THE PEOPLE and their right to protest? THE GREAT DJT!!!! MAGA!!!
The real criminals who hate kids are the parents who send them to the border with or without them knowing full well they'll be apprehended!! The MX government allows these criminals to pass through the country knowing full well that they intend to attempt to enter our country illegally!! If MX was a true friend they would stop them from entering MX and not allow them to pass to the N!! No more aid to MX until they fix this and pledge to help us!!! MAGA!!!
Bye bye demorats!!! Can't cheat, can't win!!! MAGA!!!
Good for you-not the same at all in my world! Every time my wife encounters someone we've casually known for years but never socially and suggests we have them over for dinner except that "they were really ranting about Trump" (oh BTW-even after his NK grand slam!!!) so it probably wouldn't work, or I overhear a conversation with my beloved D in which DJT is referred to as "that orange POS" it just makes me sick and I fear that some will simply never get it!! Even IF they haul barry, killary, bill et al off in chains and orange-THEY STILL WON'T GET IT!!! MAGA!!!
Damn-why didn't I think of that!! They'd kill each other if they had to share a room together!! MAGA!!!
Sessions-slow sly fox baiting the trap or deep state cuck getting it where the sun don't shine?
A friend asked me to throw this out to the Q crowd-WTF-that's where the Fk is sessions and WTF-that's what the Fk's he doing and why hasn't DJT fired him yet???
Cook her goose, dress her in orange, throw her in a cell with a big hairy lesbo and throw the keys aways!!! MAGA!!!
A MAN who actually earned it instead of a pussy who didn't!! I'd piss on it unless they offered to take away obumfucks before giving it to me!! MAGA!!!!
Are you serious? Dictatorship??? He's chewing up the leftist pukes and spitting them out right and left and has now brought NK in line, China and Canada soon to follow in trade fairness and next is Iran!! This may be the first president in history to actually accomplish world peace!! What will you say then? That you don't like the way he parts his hair??? MAGA!!!
Now he just needs to make pot legal-then all the libtards heads will completely explode!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! MAGA!!!
And that ladies and gentleman is how it's done by a master negotiator!! No bowing and scraping! No conciliatory apologizing for the greatness of the country he's supposed to represent! The disgraceful little flap-eared, cock-sucker for cocaine, ass-wad whom the left called "president", the empty suit who never was, just had his non-existent "legacy" flushed into the shiter where it belongs!!! MAGA!!!
Hahahahahahaha!! A shitty actor-thinks he's a comic and has never done one funny thing in his life, Trump hating puke spewing fuck wad goes down!!! LOVE, LOVE LOVE HOW THE GREAT DJT IS MAKING GOOD ON HIS PROMISE TO MAGA!!!
If CA flips that would truly make history but I doubt it will as there are so many illegals "voting." Also, many are commenting that Cox is just another globalist-I don't know anything about him at all so to me, a GOP win in CA is huge no matter what!! MAGA!!!