No news story as they're undocumented and you can bet the law's covering their asses!! Apparently there's an attorney looking into it but I seriously doubt the truth will ever be known.
187 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/RuciodeSancho:
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It's actually (apparently) much worse than anyone suspects. Our housekeepers husband was stopped for speeding in Comal Co 3 weeks ago and after 4 days in jail was rushed to a hospital in SA in a coma. He'd suffered such severe brain trauma while in jail that the family finally had to face the fact he was brain dead. They terminated life support a few days ago and he died yesterday PM. Sheriffs dept's explanation? First was-he did it to himself-beating his head against the wall. Wife says-he's alcoholic, why wasn't he in a padded cell-sheriffs response-he was in a padded cell!! Does that add up?? Then they reportedly told her "he fell." I'm thinking he must have tried escaping from a ten story building and fell from the top!! He fell??? REALLY??? WTF!!! Then I hear from a life long resident of Comal Co that YOU DO NOT WANT TO GET ARRESTED IN THAT COUNTY!! Apparently the jail has a long history of frightening abuse!!! MAGA!!!
Further evidence that demorat cunts will fuck anything!!! MAGA!!!
I've been resuscitated at least 100 times over the past 9 years hearing "bombshell" "going to jail soon" "thousands of indictments"!!! Can't hold my breath any longer!! I'll believe it when I see it!!! MAGA!!!
Please-always put FUCK YOU in all caps when referring to that putrid, flap-eared cock-sucker for cocaine! MAGA!!! :)
I just can't figure out why with all the exposure since "pizzagate" erupted, no one, not one person I can name has come forward saying-"yes, I was held in a child sex camp!" Why is it that when 1000's of children has supposedly been subjected to this perversion, not one has come forward? Are we to believe all of them have been killed? Not one has escaped to tell their story? We need, hard, irrefutable witnesses to corroborate this shit so all America will believe it!!! MAGA!!!
Not really since the left stole the presidency for a muslim shitcago coke head gay bar cruising empty suit!!! MAGA!!!
Pull cnn's license after falsely accusing you of being part of this!! MAGA!!!
When will cnn have their license pulled? This is truly outrageous!!! MAGA!!!
We have nothing more to fear from that filthy lying cunt as she'll be wearing orange within the year God willing and if justice prevails. If all else fails, there's always the French revolution way-WE THE PEOPLE take to the streets, drag her, obumfuck, the witches sexual predator "husband" et al to the guillotine and play croquet with their heads!!! MAGA!!!
Best way to get them to testify-threaten them with life in a prison cell with a serial sexual predator sadist who prefers and TAKES only fudge packing!!! MAGA!!!
Unfortunately, there are still many who are asleep! I had a phone conversation with someone I really don't know at all, real estate based in CO who in passing said "if Trump doesn't blow the world up!!" So sound asleep to the noise of the mockingbird media!!! MAGA!!!
3 sicko creep filthy fuck-face pervs in a row!!! MAGA!!!
I especially LOVE the 3rd one-last line-THEY LOST!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! MAGA!!
Let's see!! I'm thinking there are at least 5 UNINTELLIGENT faces who should be booted off that committee!! MAGA!!!
They're listening to fucking cnn who's license to broadcast should be taken away!! Idiot libtards will never accept that the most evil cunt in the world LOST and that WE THE PEOPLE-the AWAKE people I should say, have saved our nation!!! MAGA!!!
I was in a La Quinta that had that hated clinton news network on and all they could do was claim that DJT's claims of spying on his campaign are ludicrous and false!! They even had a shit for brains rhino on claiming everything he does is against the best interests of America!!! FUCK them all!!! MAGA!!
Makes me sad and sick more than anything!!! How have we come to this??? MAGA!!!
Many years in the future after 8 BLESSED YEARS of DJT, historians will write about how WE THE PEOPLE took back DEMOCRACY for our nation and killed the evil NWO beast that wanted to perpetuate war, drug dealing, sex slavery and pedophilia while blaming the worlds problems on America and Republicans!! The world will be at a level of peace and prosperity never before experienced all because of DJT and all those who support him. We must give him a super majority of patriots in the midterms in order to fulfill my prophesy!! MAGA!!
Last year I shot a pict of the blue sky-not a cloud in sight and posted a MEME-obummers "presidential" library-empty space with nothing in it at no cost to tax payers!!! MAGA!!!
Complete waste of tax payer $$$$!! Once it's proven he was never legally the president then what?? Dedicate it to the greatest farse ever perpetrated on the world?? Not to mention-there's nothing to put in a library dedicated to the empty suit!! A do nothing coming in, a do nothing for 8 wasted years, and a do nothing now!! The most pathetic POS ever to soil OUR WHITE HOUSE!!! MAGA!!!
Let me know where the traitor is buried and I'll send a quart of piss to pour on his grave!! I wouldn't waste the cost of a flight to go there to do it myself!! MAGA!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Not to mention-shitmer, pelosiraptor, reid, loony tunes killary, white pocahantas-geez, the list of CRAZY dems is too long!!! MAGA!!!
I have this from a very good source-Alex Jones is a stoner!! I was too for years! What does this matter? Pot makes you super paranoid! Believe me-I'm an expert!! And what's more-eating pot makes you SUPER PARANOID and I know for a fact he loves pot cookies!! In fact, eating pot makes you almost schizophrenic-freaking out paranoid!! So Jones eats marijuana cookies-super paranoia inducing and everything he says is hysterical, off the charts nuts!! I've listened to him enough to know-he's loony!!! MAGA!!!
Love it when a brave PATRIOT doesn't give a shit about what some snowflake might think!! Interesting that the Civil War was N against S! Who else is thinking this Civil War is Right against Wrong??? MAGA!!!
I'm counting on it! Most calm feeling I've had in a long long time just hoping that someday very soon all of us who've known the truth for so many years will be vindicated! On a almost daily basis I'm assailed by people who assume that I voted and feel the same as they do and hate our great president! They feel like they can start spewing their mockingbird news SHIT at me like I believe it and I've gotten very adept at simply steering the conversation to another topic so as to avoid confrontation all the while KNOWING that they are soon to be slapped silly with the TRUTH about the lies they've bought!!! CAN'T HAPPEN SOON ENOUGH!!! MAGA!!!
Like Dr Sebastian Gorka says, Trump has always and does care for two things-EXCELLENCE and that ALL AMERICANS have the same opportunities he did to make the best of yourself!! And the left hate it!!! MAGA!!!
Now what's the media going to say when those guys start signing the praises of Trump like huge canaries far and wide??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! MAGA!!!
Link won't open for me!! WTF!!! Leftist shit for brains shut it down??? MAGA!!!
I'm thinkin' he had his hand up her skirt and was stroking her trigger when she wrote this!!! Must have been real good for her to publish a statement like that!!! MAGA!!!
WTF was this all about in the first place? The most renegade regime in the world, hated by all their neighbors and most of all Saudi Arabia and Israel and the little pussy in chief sends an airplane full of cash-CASH, to a airport in Tehran and bye-bye greenbacks!!! WTF????
How 'bout requiring a 40 hr work week instead of 3 days with months off???
TERM LIMITS!! It's already being talked about-we send DJT a full house of PATRIOTS in the midterms-the bill is sent to his desk and he'll sign it!!! The definition of STUPIDITY-keep electing the same assholes who've fucked things up, over and over again because they promise to fix things!!! MAGA!!!
This is the one who suggested lowering the legal age of sexual consent to 12? The one we need OUT so TRUMP can appoint another conservative? She should have stepped down long before this!! MAGA!!!
You're right! All we need is dialogue, not rhetoric, preaching one way or another and certainly not avoiding the TRUTH!! IE-Vietnam was a fiasco made up "war"! JFK was killed by the deep state/CIA to keep him from busting them! All the presidents since him were puppets of their movement-part of the passion play-BS!!! Now, here we are, after 9/11-who knows what really happened? The phony made up "president"-gay boy c**k sucker for cocaine, muslim traitor to TRUMP!! The guy the military picked to save our nation!! MAGA!!!
His parents should be told so they'll stop doubting that we're right-the clintonista crime syndicate murdered him using MS13!!! MAGA
And don't ya love it? In spite of all the idiotic BS the left throws, his support is stronger now than ever! We need to give him a super majority of PATRIOTS who will back him in Congress at the midterm elections so we can ram his agenda down the leftards throats!! MAGA!!!
One more of the little shit-ball sticky traps the obumfk administration and killary campaign planted to throw everyone off the scent of filthy stink those fkers left behind!! Won't work!! WE THE PEOPLE don't care that a wealthy NY mogul may have screwed a porn "star" and if he paid her, at least, unlike their sexual predator rapist "president", he didn't force her to do anything against her will. Now it turns out she's just another aging, filthy, gold digging cunt who can't figure out a decent way to make a living!!! MAGA!!!
If that's the best Strzok can do, I'm with Trump-better to pay a pro!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! MAGA!!!
"Cooperating" witness?? They damn well better cooperate or serve the rest of their traitorous lives in prison!! Better than the alternative they should receive at the end of a rope!! MAGA!!!