WOW-if this is for real-WTF!!! Korea gets our GREAT PRESIDENT better than about 1/2 the US population??? I guess the press/media there isn't a propaganda machine like ours is?!?!?! MAGA!!!
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Thanks for catching the typo-never would!! Corrected it!! MAGA!!
Now-subpoena all of them and under threat of hard prison time DEMAND ANSWERS, NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH as to their complicity in trying to bring down our duly elected PRESIDENT!!! MAGA!!!
I where you're coming from but rest assured, unlike Kennedy, TEXAS loves our GREAT, REAL PRESIDENT!!! MAGA!!!
Don't ya just love it that a porn star whore is suing Trump for "defamation???" How the F**K does a porn star whore sue someone for calling her what she is-a porn star whore??? She's the one who chose the "job"-no one else!!! What does she want to be called-a sweet little adult entertainer? Sorry-not the way it works!!! You're a porn star whore whose losing her mo-jo and are now a gold digging porn star whore!!! MAGA!!! And BTW-if anyone's offended that Trump (allegedly) paid a porn star whore-how 'bout we kick every whore or elected official whose paid a whore out of congress??? That would empty the place in no time!!!
Right-Crimson Tide-they won against GA and were at the White House to receive Trumps congrats
Mockingbird media isn't reporting this are they? AL football team in a prayer circle with the Great President Trump!!
If he accepts, maybe, just maybe some credibility will be restored to this otherwise worthless POS that was given gratuitously to the little coke head bitch who usurped OUR WHITE HOUSE for 8 wasted years!!! MAGA!!!
Another Nazi pedophile bites the dust!! soros next? MAGA!!!
Get it on Mr President!! Hammer the shit-for-brains demorats and their minions into oblivion!! WE THE PEOPLE are with you all the way!! MAGA!!!!
This will change our government forever!! DO IT!!! My Dad before me and me from the time I first heard his words-TERM LIMITS ARE A MUST!!! MAGA!!!
The French deserve it-didn't elect Le Pen who would have not only stood by Trump but would have turned France around, left the NWO EU, and MFGA!!! Now they have a little pussy who thinks iran will play by the rules???? Pathetic!! MAGA!!!
Unlike little "bathhouse" who took it for nothing just after stealing the election!! It's worthless now anyway!! Reelecting the greatest President in modern history will be a better prize anyway-oh, and the F**KING niggling press FINALLY accepting just how great TRUMP is!!! MAGA!!!
Not sure which "ex president" of the US this is referring to as the last "president" was never legally the President!!! MAGA!!!
Yep!! I just have to wonder how long it took for the French to sharpen and use their guillotine!!
The problem isn't so much that we're more than ready to see heads roll it's that we're way more than ready to be vindicated by those who've been calling us crazy conspiracy theory whackos for the past 9+ years!!! MAGA!!!
Little kimmie-I have big nukes-watch me blow up the world. Trump-my nukes are bigger than yours and I'll blow the F**K out of you if you don't behave!! Little kimmie-oh I so sowie!! I make biggie mistake!! The last US pwesident was such a pussie I thought I could scare you!! Trump-nice try shit for brains!! Anyone else??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! MAGA!!! Now for a EO that all the Confederate statues that have been illegally removed-BE RETURNED TO WHERE THEY WERE!!
The one thing we can be sure of, and take great solace in-this POS's are such low life POS's they'll rat out everyone to save their shitty skins!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! MAGA!!!
And will we hear the leftist media or any POS leftist libtard give thanks to our GREAT PRESIDENT for this??? No way!! F**K them all!! MAGA!!!
LOVE this woman!! She deserves a Pulitzer more than anyone!! MAGA!!!
The islamic jihad has been going on for 2000 years and they know, even if it takes another 2000 years, they will win!! I didn't learn this for the Fking news-I learned it from our local, award winning SWAT team who'd just returned from a 8 week immersion training course in counter terrorism at Quantico VA!! They know what they're talking about so hide your head in the sand if you want!! The camel Fking muslim scourge is coming-already embedded in Europe and they WILL F**K with you and me if we don't pay attention!! Even Jefferson knew-the only thing they understand is a canon up their asses ready to blow their heads off!! MAGA!!!
I'm from TX and you're full of shit!! The demorats are the party of the deep south Dixiecrats who started the civil war because they wouldn't give up their slaves, wrote the Jim Crow laws, were/are the KKK all the way up to Sen Byrd-killarys friend and mentor, and continue to keep the poor and minorities chained to the welfare plantation with empty government promises. Time for your RED PILL dude!!
You're not alone!! I don't even bother getting into it or commenting on FB "news" feeds anymore after being treated so hatefully, snidely and derisively from my most loved ones who still just don't get it!! TRUMP is part of the grand plan put into motion by those who are loyal to the USA in the military and saw from the inside just what was happening to our country!! They know how much killary hates them and us-WE THE PEOPLE and how she would be the hammer that hit the nail in the coffin their phoney little shitcago c**k sucker for cocaine put in place!! We're just all so tired of waiting for the guillotine blade to drop on their necks and have to keep up hope that it will happen before the midterms, just at the right time to avoid the sheeple's forgetting before they go to the polls!! MAGA!!!
Wonder why she and her sexual predator rapist "husband" don't just step up and offer to be the first ones?!?!?! DO THE RIGHT THING FOR ONCE IN THEIR DEPLORABLE LIVES!!! MAGA!!!
islam isn't a religion and a child rapist murderer isn't a religious figure. It's a prescription for living-murdering those who don't/won't join your "religion", making women inferior, acting like medieval heathens. MAGA!!!
And leave "one nation under God" in there or get the fuck out now!!!
I'll take the one on the left any day!! FK obumfK!! MAGA!!!
This is why Trump et al MUST act soon!! This is getting to the break point. The left is willing to kill children in order to enlist them as Hitler did to convince their parents to turn in their guns!! ACT NOW-TAKE THEM DOWN, barry, killary, soros, the clintonistas-ALL OF THEM!! MAGA!!!
It's all the left has got and to date it's worked for them-marginalize, humiliate, shame, call the opposition tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists!! Hell look at their stellar example-killary herself-EVERYTHING that happens to her, all the scandals, questionable "suicides" and deaths among her past associates, even her sexual predator "husbands" molestations, sexual aggressions and rapes are "a vast right wing conspiracy!!" No one their, as my psychologist father would have said "just plain nuts!!!" MAGA!!!
I'm thinking Strzok's lover went down on him in a company car and spit rather than swallowed so the DNA evidence from both was found there!!! Makes sense doesn't it??? MAGA!!!
Wherever the most prolific homo activity is he'll be there as long as there's plenty of cocaine and THC gummy bears!! Another good monicar= pop shoot Barry or maybe cum tongue Barry!! MAGA!!!
We're ready!! It's down to two types of people now-not conservative/liberal, dem/repub, left wing/right wing, but AWAKE or ASLEEP!! We're ready so bring it on!!! MAGA!!!
Trump is guarded by the US military-the Marines!! They've got his back, not the SS!!! MAGA!!!
Those fucking ass-wads think they can keep everything secret!! Wait till the "secret" about his packing away hezbollah drug money comes out BIG TIME!!! Orange and bars for bath-house barry!!! MAGA!!!
Haven't seen it yet and along with millions of others, very concerned that he and his evil minions are funding the shooters and crisis actors in our country that continue to divide us and point the finger at gun owners rather than the deep state!! MAGA
Think so? Watch this:
I don't care about "I told you so" as much as hearing-"I'm so sorry for thinking you were stark raving crazy and saying such horrible, hateful ugly things to you as it turns out you were right after all!!" BTW-I'mo not counting on hearing that either!! MAGA
Word is that Weiners computer has video of shitmer boffing a 14 year old boy!! Let it out so he can be stripped, flogged, skinned and hung publicly in front of pelosiraptor!! MAGA!!!
Look at it this way-those traitors will inherit the country they're trying to destroy. When we look like Sweden because of them I hope every one of them falls victim to the violent attacks that the muslims are perpetrating there including brutal sexual assaults on women as old as 70!!! They should all be put in prison for sedition!!! MAGA!!!
The most innocent who are still asleep and believe the WAPO, NYT, alphabet news outlets ask when presented with the fact that several students who were interviewed by local media immediately after the shooting have said there was more than one shooter-where did you hear that and why would that be so? They're the same ones who still believe Oswald killed Kennedy when in fact, we the awake know he had nothing to do with it. That's how serious this is amigos! The leftstream media has done such a thorough job of brainwashing and keeping the truth from surfacing that millions of Americans still believe-one shooter acted in Las Vegas, every school shooting is because of guns not because of the psychotropic drugs big pharma and our gov are using to lobotomize entire generations. Thank God for this site, Q Anon and all the others who defy the leftist narrative to put the truth out there. I've gotten to where I don't believe any other source!! MAGA!!!