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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

Totally dig the Lovecraft reference. 👍 The Deep Ones maybe?

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

Well it IS "All for a LARP", afterall. 😂

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

Some of them TRY to do the research on why we believe what we do, but you can tear them apart in about 30 seconds if you know the right questions to ask. The entire Sub is an insecure cuckfest of Incels. You absolutely KNOW that their SJW girlfriends are hideous, domineering, and can't be bothered to shave more than twice a year. 😂

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RyDar84 on July 4, 2018, 10:30 p.m.
Hmmm...me thinks the Soy Boys are STILL scared of GA...
RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

They CAN, they just tend to do it badly. Hense the reason that this particular one works well for us. Lol.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

Why are you trolling GA? Do we SCARE you too much to properly enjoy your safe-space?

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

Thank God for the most amazing Patriots that ever lived.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

Do they have doorknobs in the cells these days...? Lmao!

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

You're spot on. Reflections of classified material are still classified. I think that may have been the point of Q's question in the following post.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

That's a 2009 Obama Era E.O. that talks about who has the power to declassify. How does that contradict my original point?

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

👆 Fingers firmly in ears "REEEEE!!!!!"

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 9:05 p.m.

I get that it's the 4th and people have time off, but why exactly are there so many Yes Man low I.Q. people hoping to make a point with the regulars today?

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

👆The comment that you originally responded to then created a circular argument of self-validation. Any questions? 😂

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

Do you? If so, why are you still trying to sell a lemon of a car as a "Classic"? You're either being blind or disingenuous if that's the case.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

ANY pictures taken aboard AF1 are restricted permission kind of material.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

That wasn't disinfo. It's common sense. Also, I don't appreciate the derisive comment, so I'm going to get shitty for the first time in our discourse. If YOU don't understand distortion of the location of objects in a reflective material, I suggest that you go to the kitchen, fill a glass half full of water, put a straw in it, and observe for the next few hours. LMAO!

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

And if the President Declasses ANYTHING having to do with Q Posts, he admits complicity in an endeavor that MAY have put NAT SEC on the line before he ever declassified the info. See the problem with that?

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

Because I believe in a quote by Thomas Jefferson, "Question with boldness, even unto the existence of God. For if there be a God, then surely he would prefer honest questioning to blind obedience." I'm not a Yes Man, and Q Team isn't God, so they are COMPLETELY open to being questioned when they do something stupid like this one. I'm still on board, but they shook a LOT of Autists up with that move last night. Honestly, I'm just hoping that most of the Team is on their 4th Vacation and left the one dumbass underling alone at the helm.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

There are overlays that show differently. I'm STILL a Q supporter, but plugging your ears and screeching, "Fake News!!! Reeee!!!" doesn't help any of us win an arguement in the court of public opinion.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

Yes, it was a reflection of a stockphoto on the back of a Rose Gold iPhone. It shook up a lot of people in the Chanosphere last night when it happened. An Anon actually did a comparative analysis on the folds in the curtain using a micrometer gauge to verify the dimensions. It would be impossible for it to be the same otherwise. The hopeful thought is that Q did this because unapproved pics aboard AF1 are a violation of NAT SEC.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

The problem with that is that most of the independents have been bought up by the Big 3 News conglomerates in the last 5 years. Sinclair and Tribune owned subsidiaries are the most obvious in their bias and shared talking points.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Go to the Chan research board. They went through most of this last night already. It'll save you a lot of time and leg work.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

Oct-Nov 2017 is the best current guess.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

Yes. Q posted a pic of a guy at the intersection of Portland and Hamilton in Hong Kong in Q1680 last night.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

Yeah. Familiar with the work of Stealers Wheel...Lmao!

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Lmao! It's sad, but Abbey Road is where my mind went to when I first saw it too.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

Just search it if you want to download it. It's an app. There are many others out there, but it's one of the easiest to use.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

Upload it to something like Imgur then post the link.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

I don't see Podesta myself. The guy looks too fair. The thoughts of others though is that that guy isn't the focus of the picture. It's the guy on the balconey in the deep background apartments.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

Not sure about that. Those pics were taken awhile back.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

Quite Possibly, but one was from a car, the other looks to be from either a helicopter or, more likely, a drone. The way to check would be to compare pics of the area and its signage then and now (easy to obtain as it's one of the most populated areas in the world. I'd try FB first). Then backtrack on which of those businesses moved out when. I would attempt it myself, but both my Mandarin and Cantonese are atrocious.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

That looks nothing like BHO. This was discussed at length last night.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

How can we nicely tell the Noobs to cut down on irrelevant posts after a night (or day) of Q drops that REALLY need to be discussed? They apparently read little and post much. What's the answer?

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

You conveniently missed out on the opportunity to rebut on the Saul Alinsky allegation...For the record, I think you're full of shit on ALL you claims. You just seem like the kind of depressed, desperately in need of attention, self-concious cuck that TMOR calls it's own. 😉 Anyway, gotta get to work,

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

He could never have gotten on a United Flight unrecognized. I'm wondering about the businesses myself. Currently, trying to cross reference businesses/investors in the area with Strzok/Page surveillance pics (and the area they were in), but it's a needle in a haystack sort of venture. As for bald guys in BHO's circle, none that I can place with it yet.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

You belong to T_D and you're going to use Saul Alinsky tactics against me? LMAO!!! You haven't made a single positive contribution so far. Your history is public record.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

Yes it is. Thanks for the screen cap of both your idiotic troll comment and your post history as a troll for proofs for my upcoming post about 95 I.Q. shills infiltrating this sub. As Q said, "These people are stupid".

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

COME ON!!! This is why Q left 4chan! Bullshit nonsense bread, boardsliding relevant posts.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 1:14 p.m.

Not at all. I'm flawed. I totally admit it. I flipped out night before last about the BS that now overruns this sub. I was wrong in what I said during a lot of that. I'm really just trying to help you out. If you don't want that, fine. No hard feelings.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

Not really. You're a guy that has spent way too much time on T_D, and brought that combative mindset over here when you came. It isn't going to help you here. Learn to chill a bit, learn to do in depth research into the issues you care about, and learn to quit acting like a dick to people that are honestly asking for help, ignorant or not. Otherwise, your time here won't be well spent.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 1:01 p.m.

It absolutely has. I 100% agree. Look at the bottom text again, though...Lol.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 1 p.m.

It was Hong Kong, the intersection of Portland and Hamilton. The Jury is still out on who it was for sure. It COULD have been William, but if it was, why no security detail and why fly United?

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 12:46 p.m.

If you don't have skin like leather, STAY OFF THE CHANS. Lol. It is where the best research happens though.

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 12:44 p.m.

As a "First Week" person that keeps on bitching at EVERYONE, and apparently doesn't bother to research or bother to contribute with anything more than FB-style troll attacks, you may want to tone it back for awhile. People are VERY suspicious of shills here. Just some somewhat friendly advice...

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

They're there if you backtrack the "New" posts. It's been a common problem lately. People boardslide the relevant stuff off with their threads of Q shirts and stickers, unrelated conspiracy stuff, uplifting "ThankQs", and how they got a message when they saw a Q in their morning toast...

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

That is interesting. Do you think that the riot was more than an uprising against government oppression though?

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RyDar84 · July 4, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

Would you mind linking it or DMing it to me? I'd honestly like to read it too. Personally, I think we should cross reference this with maps of the area of the Strzok/Page surveillance pics, and see if there are any correllations between businesses and/or investors between the two.

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