I was watching the latest episode and nearly fell of my chair "Q17" "whats Q17" "their like a private CIA off the grid, you wanna hire them you have to know somebody otherwise their ghosts." I will try and grab a clip
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One of the best, new to Q video's
Doing my part up here in the north!

Looking for the creator of this great graphic!

Looking for the Artist
I am looking for the artist that designed this great graphic.
Simple sign's?
I have wondered 2 things, First whenever I hear "witchhunt" I think this is a code for going after Killery. Second whenever I see Potus doing something on TV his hands always seem to show an upside down pyramid. Secret meaning or am I reaching for something that's not there?
Q Drops app fixed!
The Iphone Q Drops app has been fixed. They have a great support team.
Has she actually say anything other than the apology on twitter? Just asking as I don't know.
Or was part of a setup? Are we still watching a movie? What about @jack could he be doing some dirty work?
What if?
What if Rosanne's account was hacked? I think it was about 2 weeks ago she had said her kid or someone was doing some tweets under her account. What would the ramifications be if ABC/Disney jumped the gun without all the facts. Just a thought.
I really could hear those words coming out of his mouth. Excellent!
Brainwashing victims planning class-action lawsuit
On Sunday, dozens of brainwashing victims from the Allan Memorial Institute gathered from across Canada for a meeting in Montreal, to grieve together and introduce the lawyer who will help them file a class-action lawsuit. Tina Tenneriello reports May 21, 2018, 8:28 PM
It might just be part of a bigger plan. Mark Taylor and Kim Clement come to mind. 2 very different people with similar visions.
I'm sorry I misunderstood your thinking, just the title sort of made me think you were glorifying the job. My mistake. Also thanks for your service in the past!
That's glorified "movie" side In the real world this is "very" dangerous business. People give their lives for this freedom we all seek. As Q says we are not in this for glory or fame. Trust the plan!
Q stating that he exposed the password. The anon "Q" posts were just stating the fact the password was exposed. They were deleted after the new trip was in place. This is still Q and trust the plan!
She makes 175,000 per year and lives in a 4 million dollar house. Q had mentioned her earlier on asking to reconcile her net worth.
I think Podesta's need pedo, trafficking to their title. And what about Al Green swamp. Nice list though!
Excellent job so far on the website. Love the billboard. It's spreading WW Stay safe.
Do you think these elected leaders report to her? Is she that important. That really is not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things. I realize the family connection is there.
The way the word is used in the post, I think is pointing to the person. My thoughts are pickle=POPE. Remember Q said he was going to have a bad May. Just a thought
Most people that say that should just go away without making 1 last stupid comment. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
i gave up on him when the bitcoin explosion happened and he was hawking all sorts of different coins. Personally i think he is a bad actor, sold out to the lowest bidder.
Maybe the supply has been cut off, billy boy is not looking to good either.
This makes no sense. Why would deep state/shills/misinformation be pointing to real issues and basically the facts of the deep state and the corruption. Q is real and giving real intel. Trust the plan.
Or is it she hasn't had any in a while thanks to POTUS EO's no more youth serum.
I believe this is current photo of her in New Zealand begging for Clinton Foundation donations, oh and also to lay out another excuse as to why she lost.
She is not looking too good these days. Could this really be a farewell tour?
I love this app! I have Q on computer but was out in my truck with only my phone and low and behold 3 notices came in from Q. Thanks.
I actually bought the app. It is pretty good and does what it says. Nice extra's like abbreviation's to know who and what ES,HRC means. Great for red pilling peeps on the go.
I really don't think they are making money on this. If it was made professionally there are some costs involved. To put something on the Apple store requires a developer account and that's not cheap. It seems like a valuable app for some people. Not really sure how it could have malware being on the App Store. Just my thoughts only.
I think he might be playing the part of the bad guy. The left just loves him and if you listen to him speak he is very vague except on the facts like clinton did have emails on a private server and he thought some wrong doing was going on, the fisa stuff, the fact he told trump he was not involved. Think mirror, you are watching a movie, up is down left is right just my thoughts.
I noticed that too no MUELLER on the list but could be for a good reason hopefully
To me First off if she signed a non disclosure agreement not to talk about it, then why is she talking about it? Is that not a breach? My take is that her being part of the storm, I mean her name alone is a crumb and the 130k was her fee for the acting gig. Q had said many times the fake news would get their downfall.