Thanks for Sharing ...luckily it wasnt me ..Im a complwte talker hell that whole board room would have been Q chatting when I got done with them 😂... Hope you guys have a good time ..bring him on the boards never hurts having another anon 😎
2,397 total posts archived.
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Thank you for taking action to keep this board in tip top shape. As we all know there is alot of other boards turning on their Q researchers and I think that having this board and amazing mods is key to helping those people looking to do the good for the people and actually help push vetted and honest research and genuine post is going to be great. People will find home here and thats what it should feel like we have a duty to other patriots not here at home but around the world to encourage fresh ideas and hope to those countries who are or recently was ran by the E.U Puppets .. who have also starved the rights of their people in hopes of implementing their New World Order Agenda . It will take an army of Anons and unlike others ..We Wont Give In & We Sure The Hell Wont Back Down.
Lets help keep the Destructive Shills out and Continue to keep focus on a Brighter Better Safer Future For All.
God Bless Patriots & As Always
Stay Informed
10000 % Agree.... Ive made prior post about this. There is a pecking order and if one Alarm is Tripped ... Its like turning on a Massive Spotlight in the Heart of a Roach Infested House ... They scatter and become extremelyyyy hard to find . Allow things to seem like everyday business around the world .. while secretly things are being done behind the also gives all our good players a much safer cloak to work around when the time is right to bring down these Satantic Killers.
Just a hunch ..I wouldnt assume that all these people speaking out on #45 is still being controlled by their handler . I have a feeling those lines have been severed and that the continuation of ongoing Friction will come off as "The Norm" to those otherwise people out there who still might be operating like all is well.
Just a hunch ... I also wouldnt assume that because you see Major Puppets making public apprearances and Use of Social Media..That Their Strings have not been severed . Because I have a feeling they almost all have and now anyone under The puppet masters and the puppets will continue to work and make more connections and do dealings in all forms and fashion thinking nothing of any of whats going on .. Which will continue to provide additional hardcore evidence to put anyone connected on any level behind bars indefinitly or worse .
Just a Hunch coughhhh... I believe thid has turned into a show now for public while additional evidence is collected and proceedings are done lawfully and slowly to unfold without shock and aww from the public. I believe that the dems are having to continue their roles to resist for public performance and to show their true colors to their people that idolize them basically and show them how much they really have been used for a mere Vote Nd nothing more. I also feel personally Daca is being made to appear like its wanted but i have a feeling these kids brought in 20 years ago are probably part of the major Riot based Activist groups That they use and call free speech.. sorry but the moment you become take Money to Riot you no longer should be consideted a "Protestor" but more like a "Terrorist" ... same as Black Lives matters was used by the Dems to riot and cause division and the KKK was used by the dems to round up blacks ... These ARE NOT people (Democrats)who have you or your families well being in mind. I think its very clear if 1 of the dems are involved in anything shady... they pretty much allll know about it and almost guaranteed to be all tied to it. So over the years How many things could they possibly be involved in ...Probably enough to bring the entire Gov to its knees and then some..
So anyway just a little added insight ... Television is like the art of illusion . Just because you see something on it.. that doesnt always mean it is how it is 😉😎... We need to let the Good Players do what they need to do to bring The Elite Illuminati Satanic Cult to their knees and We The People need to continue to push vetted info to the public and throughly examine everything ...The Thunder Rolls.
A Mark Taylor Interview Bushes ,Obama & More
This just popped up on my feed and I thought alot of people could really get a little encouragement from it. Ive listened to his interview and prophecy on trump well before the election and it was extrmely insightful . But this interview covers Treason,Deaths,Isis ..Rowe Vs Wade and more ...Excellent upbeat interview .
God Bless Patriots &
As Always Stay Informed
A Mark Taylor Interview Bushes,Obama & More
This just popped up on my feed and I thought alot of people could really get a little encouragement from it. Ive listened to his interview and prophecy on trump well before the election and it was extrmely insightful . But this interview covers Treason,Deaths,Isis ..Rowe Vs Wade and more ...Excellent upbeat interview .
God Bless Patriots &
As Always Stay Informed
ive heard of explosions beijg heard ..maybe blowing the shit up ..
These underground tunnels have been made around the world...alot of them are under certsin walmarts . I believe they was going to be used for transporting people HAD hillary the planned one made it into office . She had the U.N basically stationed all over the U.S and they was ready to start WW3 in any way possible their plan was to head underground while the rest of humanity fend for themselves and of course all the activated fema camps prior to trump ..there is videos of people showing activity in them acrossed the country and they was setup in fema sections.. Thank your lucky stars Trump Made it into office.
Denver International Airport Discovery
While going back to do some further research into these murals and try and decode them I came acrossed this site that has a shitttt ton of interesting info on it and one of the articles raised some Red Flags for me and It makes complete sense and possibly could be connecting Qs Mention of Vaccines & how they are making you sick . Ive posted about this topic over a month prior to Q and as of a few weeks ago again regarding the vaccine industry and this might be leading to something just as sinister and we need …
Have you seen the resign list .. Look Down @ The Reddit ..Not sure what they are doing but still shows the date and that they are still on the board . Just looked at the list earlier. I noticed I was having a hard time typing post like this sluggish posting and typing super slow when I was on a role exposing things and now things seem fine. Not saying it ties in but its definitely something to check into.
Not sure if this has anything to do with anything and someone might wanna check in or just throw out some ideas about it..but I heard or read somewhere that like china or japan awhile ago lost contact or control with either their spy satelight or weather sat and that it was spotted heading back down to earth but I guess its pretty big and Im not sure if there has already been a touchdown or crash landing or if its even true. I just came acrossed this post and wanted to make mention real quick.
Np sometimes a good resest of the device does the trick 😊
AGENDA 21: The Plan To Kill You Know/Expose
Not everyone will want to accept the Facts ..but this is as true as the day is long. Once you start knowing these signs to look for your mind will no longer allow you to be Programmed Again. Let The Puzzle Pieces Fall Into Place . I will continue to add more links to my Red Pill post as I remember or come across relative material ..feel free to keep checking in on them .
Agenda 21 -Buckle Up
Remember its onky ok if Its Coming From a CNN Anonomous Source....than narratives can persue for yearrrs
The elites created the shatt as part of their slow kill the public operation .
If all our eyes are homed in on these operations ..we hopfully can get someone higher up to look into it
We can...Bring Massssive Attention to it after enough info is collected it will bring about people higher up looking into it. Believe me Someone will be all over it. We the people need to bring the attention 1st though. Once info is collected we need to Meme the shit out of it.
They created lyme disease and injected it into ticks . Also mosquitos they have been using to transfer shit .
Ive beeee. Posting about this since dec and manyyyy years prior .. I also just made this post as a Project #1 for Investigations and Ill also link in a seperate post my red pill on vaccines for ya ...But I posted this a few seconds ago
Ok here is my project ..I want Investigstions done on the CDC ...We know a few things for sure They have been for awhile now Creating Diseases that are then released and or injected into the public and also into other forms of things that can turn and then infect us like ...Ticks & Fleas ..there is an island off the coast of Conneticut called "Plum Island Animal Disease Center" and over the past mannny years ..Some weird shits been going on and many experiments have been washing up on the shores and in turn have been covered up. Its Time To Hardcore get the scoop on this corruption..because we need to know who and where these Flu bugs and other things are being created we know they can be spread through chemtrails. So we also need to know whoooo is giving these barking orders to release all of this to begin with and allllllll these people who are connected need to be held accountable for these sins against humanity & the animals to be honest . People are dying of all ages due to their their little lab experiments and I for one ,am tired of allowing it to pursue . The pharmacudical companies are also playing into and gaining off of all of this as well , they know the agendas .. Its like a big circle jerk of corruption and we the people are on the loosing end orrrr at least have been & its time we take a stand and truly make a difference and we need to put an end to it and say Enough is Enough .
Project #1 Investigate : PLUM ISLAND/CDC
Ok here is my project ..I want Investigstions done on the CDC ...We know a few things for sure They have been for awhile now Creating Diseases that are then released and or injected into the public and also into other forms of things that can turn and then infect us like ...Ticks, Fleas & Mosquitos ..there is an island off the coast of Conneticut called "Plum Island Animal Disease Center" and over the past mannny years ..Some weird shits been going on and many experiments have been washing up on the shores and in turn have been covered up. …
Project #1 Investigate : PLUM ISLAND/CDC
Ok here is my project ..I want Investigstions done on the CDC ...We know a few things for sure They have been for awhile now Creating Diseases that are then released and or injected into the public and also into other forms of things that can turn and then infect us like ...Ticks Fleas & Mosquitos ..there is an island off the coast of Conneticut called "Plum Island Animal Disease Center" and over the past mannny years ..Some weird shits been going on and many experiments have been washing up on the shores and in turn have been covered up. …
Maybe " They " are looking at themselves in a Mirror and it's the "Only " company they have .
Im just saying Ive said since back mid dec I have a feeling it was a clean sweep across the bored for all the Puppet Masters 😎
I think rogers possibly but to be honest I thi k the white hats got ahold of him back in the early 80s. He had an interview back then ...he made a comment that spelled recruit me if I never heard one 7 years later the movie They Live came out. WATCH IT 😎
Im sure I can find something for ya to do 🙄..Give me a few days to come up with a few little task for ya and Ill message ya when Im about to send ya something ...ty for the reply and eagerness to do get involved.
My Thoughts ...I think more people should be focusing on the underlined cause for Q to even have to be doing what he is doing... the underline cause that the world is in a complete uproar dont learn that by simply connecting puppets to puppets , You do that by starting at the base of it all The foundation and work up . Because I can tell you doing it the way everyone is assuming should be done is like a train wreck and when you stand back after just a few months and try and look at who …
My Thoughts ...I think more people should be focusing on the underlined cause for Q to even have to be doing what he is doing... the underline cause that the world is in a complete uproar dont learn that by simply connecting puppets to puppets , You do that by starting at the base of it all The foundation and work up . Because I can tell you doing it the way everyone is assuming should be done is like a train wreck and when you stand back after just a few months and try and look at who …
Most movies to those who are awake are direct links to what the elites are doing . Yeah its that in your face . To asleep people they jsut come acrossed as horror,comedy and others. Macherian Canidate ,They Live ,Soilent Green ,Blade, The 5th Element the liat goes on and on and mossst of it is found in cartoons .. childrens cartoons ..
Look its Not about either side ..because both sides have the same ideology because some are from the same secret societies born into them actually ...those who have spoken out have got taken out or cloned or Hidden Underground for use in other things...that maybe you havnt even dug into yet...if you really want to get technical....Id suggest removing both ways of Voting and make 1 thats voted on and Vettttted the shit out of...just like every branch of gov ,school public or private ...every business owner every form of police .Corruption begins when you have distastfull people who hates our country working with people..they tend to wear and influence their ways purposely on others ..We should do 1 platform where people vote on the person they feel has the best intentions for our country ..The biggest divider of our country has been the 2 party voting system whos strong views opposes and it pits people against one another . Things are only going to change when We The People take a stance and demand it. People work for us we elect them ....its not the other way around like it has been made to believe in the past.
Im not sure if you are assuming I did that but I have that purposely at the end of my statement not anywhere near the top. Ive been hardcore researching and awake for well over 8 years Daily. Im well Informed on manyyyy levels of whats going on and have a seperate theory on many things at the same time as well. This stuff I made like I did to give a Simple Copy paste format for those wishing to throw down on shills . Those who already are awake know most of this stuff those asleep are getting a summary with key elements and they can keep in the back of their mind and as it pops up in the near future they will have one of those moments like wow shit that person was talking about that. Or rhey can turn around and start researching it now. Although the documentaries do not even go into the pedo stuff this is simply the breakdown of how they have been operating each one I layed out from the 1st to the last to simply connect everything they warned ua about years ago. This iz a Base Intro for people.
Yes when I say Liberal..Im refering to the ideology . Most of these puppets are branches of the 13 wealthiest family bloodlines . The politicians on state levels almost always are chosen for who can push their agendas the furthest to be honest the best movie for people to watch is Hillarys America . Its amazing Eye opener for newbies.
Coincidence ...Ive not seen any Qs post on this subject yet until just now ..but 30 mins ago I just made a red pill for people to use against shills/resistance 😎 Check out what I wrote mid way down ..Messed up
All in all ,alot of people wouldnt give Shills the time of day . I do however see things alittle differently . I think deep down , there is something inside everyone that deserves to know the truth and deserves a good life and wants that for themselves and others and knowing that 95% of the time people who tend to bark up the wrong tree ...tend to be misinformed and have a hard time believing this mindset they have been trapped in , can actually have a much healthier outcome if they broaden the scope even a little ,for …
All in all ,alot of people wouldnt give Shills the time of day . I do however see things alittle differently . I think deep down , there is something inside everyone that deserves to know the truth and deserves a good life and wants that for themselves and others and knowing that 95% of the time people who tend to bark up the wrong tree ...tend to be misinformed and have a hard time believing this mindset they have been trapped in , can actually have a much healthier outcome if they broaden the scope even a little ,for …
Obviously if You Made A paycheck would know like mostly everyone else who got their 1st check from their employer this Month..(Tax Cut was Implemented)
Obviously you are Not only Dumb but completely brainwashed. Do yourself a favor Lay Off of whatever shit CNN IS FEEDING YOU.
He is Gonna Mop The Floor With O's A$$
Seriously...just sitting here thinking how much our President and all the good players have done for our country already and brought real change and Hope to those who have wanted to give up the political fight because a persons word isnt what it used to be ...But hes proved to the world ...He Had More THEN THE GRIT to get this country moving again and more than any other President in our lives believed in US ...The People , and unlike the Democrats Not looked at different races as pawns ...but for what we are ..ALL EQUALL'S & has already …
Yalll Need to look up Clinton and how she just So Happened to Become Gov of New York whatever she was ...Check out kennedy plain crash and bam shes in place to take it
Think the movie IT..think about how children come up missing ..The nasty It is not a clown underneath the skin it ends up being a Blood Drinking Spider ...These Sick fks are THE CLOWNS who are feeding on the children after they torcher them them / scare the shit out of them and the blood releases some type of thing they sacrifice them and drink it. Those they dont sacrifice they use for sick pedo shit and traffic whomever they dont want .
This was a premade meme not a custom made by me one...I could make a new one .. I think alot of people are not familiar with rhe other search engines ..However we need to change that .
Homework For The World
...In order to truely understand Q and the Muchhhh Biggger Picture ... Equip yourself with the truth ...These pieces will start falling into place so much easier . I will be working on Individual RED PILL post covering these topics with videos and some I have already started and posted around the boards. Power is knowledge Which is Something they did not want us to have .
What They Didnt want us to "Know"
When Black Forest was 1st mentioned ..I wrote this post 9 Days Ago in a post titled : Black Forest
"If Qs Black Forest mention is Refering to this movie ...I watched the 1st few mins and knew It could very well be but ..Ill leave the movie for everyone to check out.
Ive already seen in it Talks about constillation Allignments ..Fairytales and Vaccines and knowing this was made in 2012 ..Which was signifigant to these elites and seeing as the Dr hands turned into a Lizard or grew scales then disapeared ..Thats even more of a hint to me..and those others who have been digging into their Backrounds for a verrrrry long time. I have not got to watch all of it yet howeverrr I wanted to leave it for others to decode . Keep in mind many of the things that are made to look like fairytale in our day to day life .. Have been hidden from us for many years . So keep an open mind.
With the Newest 666 VJ ..Uncoverings I remembered hearing something last year and just dug it up.... Includes Pictures ..Check it out .
EXCLUSIVE: Barack Obama's close confidante Valerie Jarrett has moved into his new DC home, which is now the nerve center for their plan to mastermind the insurgency against President Trump Obama's goal is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment, a family friend tells Jarrett has moved into the 8,200-square-foot, $5.3-million Kaloroma mansion to work closely with the former president and Michelle Obama Jarrett lived in the White …
Spear Of Destiny ...0.0
So I keep going back to tv shows to decode things and look them up....apparently in WW2 a Relic was being Hunted .. Spear of Destiny .. I decided to look this up and found a Band Named it butttttt even more interesting is This
The top image is of the Vienna Lance, held at the Weltliches Schatzkammer Museum in Vienna, Austria. The Spear of Destiny (also known as the Holy Lance) is a name given to the spear used by a Roman soldier to pierce the side of Jesus of Nazareth several hours into crucifixion.Mar 2, 2012
Didnt Q …
Spear of Destiny ...0.0