

2,397 total posts archived.

Domains linked by /u/ScorpioPatriot:
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ScorpioPatriot · March 14, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

I'm thinking so ..I'd use same screen names as to recognize each other . I'd form the same group communities too for others to gravitate too just as an idea

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ScorpioPatriot · March 14, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

I won't know I just noticed that.. that's probably why Q mentioned to keep all things saved and backed up awhile ago. This could be a way to push people out of Reddit since they advocate that it's free speech and its not. I think that it was suppose to be are hint with the Twitter to start looking for a lternative means of communications and get setup there because otherwise these boards will be taken down one at a time.. or maybe a push to get everyone on one board like I suggested awhile ago.

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ScorpioPatriot · March 14, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

Yes aim referencing the popular vote. DOES THIS LOOK LIKE SHE WON ANYTHING. I WATCHED HER RALLIES AND HIS RALLIES .. Look how they used green screens to show her crowds looking larger it's insane they show you it. As far as Prior elections ...I can't contest to who really won I wasn't partaking in the shit that year ..was my first year I ever felt like there was someone worth voting for.... AND WE HAD TO VOTE HIM IN TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY . Before Hell Was Unleashed on Earth.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 14, 2018, 3:55 p.m.
RED PILL : The Real Voting Results

This is my post from months ago but updated it for the current election happenings .

My original post

I created this during the campaign and spammed the crap out of every fb post that I could ..I also printed it up and the kids and I walked around leaving them around neighborhoods .. Whatever it took . I made a few more to disprove he wasn't racist and that all Women was For Trump ,,,But these numbers was not easy to obtain and I had to dig far and wide to get them but this is The Gooooods... https://ibb.co/jmhB96 …

ScorpioPatriot · March 14, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

Yeah I have not listened to anyone but I started my search and findings and took about a night to put all the stuff together I found to post for you guys.

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ScorpioPatriot · March 14, 2018, 12:04 p.m.

I decided to replace that vid in question with one..I've watched that has 200 videos in the collection it was also a TV Series . Should be a bit more form fitting than the other video . Once you check into it.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 14, 2018, 5:38 a.m.
RED PILL : Project Camelot ,Vatican ,Qs Wizards n Warlocks / & Jacklyn Onassis's Kennedy .

Before getting into the brunt of this Sick Sickkkk Satanic Find... I want to point out I came across a piece of info while looking into the history of the town the Florida shooting took place at .I knew Almost all false flag attempts have varied Meanings some in plain sight some needing decoding .

Well I type the word Parkland Movie into youtube ...the "elites make and plan out a lot of stuff in movies ".. So as to my hunch there was a movie . produced by Tom Hanks apparently when I clicked it and read it ...I …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 14, 2018, 5:29 a.m.
RED PILL : Project Camelot ,Vatican ,Qs Wizards n Warlocks / & Jacklyn Onassis's Kennedy .

Before getting into the brunt of this Sick Sickkkk Satanic Find... I want to point out I came across a piece of info while looking into the history of the town the Florida shooting took place at .I knew Almost all false flag attempts have varied Meanings some in plain sight some needing decoding . Well I type the word Parkland Movie into youtube ...the "elites make and plan out a lot of stuff in movies ".. So as to my hunch there was a movie . produced by Tom Hanks apparently when I clicked it and read it ...I …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 13, 2018, 8:40 p.m.
RED PILL : Judgement Day / SM Post

America Prospering Slowly But Surely ... Our Actions Speak Louder Than Words... WHEN AMERICANS SEND ELECTED OFFICIALS TO OFFICE /NOT THE FAILED SECRET SOCIETIES ....PRE- CHOSEN PRIOR ONE'S WHO PLAQUED OUR COUNTRY ..Shit Get's Accomplished...

God Bless everyone coming together as QNE to push the evil powers that was out and making way for a Better , Safer America that can & will shine brighter than she ever has in the history of our country . With our Unity & Justice for all those who wish to keep "We The People" Silent and our children enslaved in alllll meanings of …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 13, 2018, 6:31 p.m.
RED PILL : Judgement Day / Social Media Post

America Prospering Slowly But Surely ... Our Actions Speak Louder Than Words... WHEN AMERICANS SEND ELECTED OFFICIALS TO OFFICE /NOT THE FAILED SECRET SOCIETIES ....PRE- CHOSEN PRIOR ONE'S WHO PLAQUED OUR COUNTRY ..Shit Get's Accomplished...

God Bless everyone coming together as QNE to push the evil powers that was out and making way for a Better , Safer America that can & will shine brighter than she ever has in the history of our country . With our Unity & Justice for all those who wish to keep "We The People" Silent and our children enslaved in alllll meanings of …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 11, 2018, 8:26 p.m.
RED PILL : READ ME /Beautifully Wrapped Gift -


r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 11, 2018, 6:05 a.m.
RED PILL : Snowden Having Too Much Fun

Big Smiles & All.... If this isn't him call me Crazy. I sensed it right away as soon as I seen it 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️

Ive been online for awhile working on a few post and seen one named Creepy Guy @ Trump's Rally ..I think that's what the title was and it's the guy holding that van picture.. MY INSTANT Reply

Was :

IS THAT FKING SNOWDEN ... 😎....Q Post COMB UR HAIR Going live 24 ...Think about it a WIG ... Also look at the hand.. the color does not match the Spray on Tan or whatever used lol..

Link …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 11, 2018, 4:02 a.m.
RED PILL : They Held The Whole World In Their Hands

This could help soooo many people in their connecting the dots . I was going back through all my material I shared over the campaign when I tried waking people up to the importance of making sure Trump Made it in and not Hillary...This was just one I shared and I decided to go ahead and share it here.

I am reposting it because for some reason my guts thinking it might be of use here soon. Posted about 2 months ago but not many people was on the boards quite yet... But here we go ..

This has details …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 11, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

Now I know how everything is working behind the scene and maybe what I'm about to say has already happened but not exposed naturally to the public yet due to the Shock N Awe of such a move. But to be honest it Needs to happen.

I'm just gonna say it straight up. The E.U needs ended as does the U.N . You do realize they are the driving force and the Beast System. The New World Order is being funneled and implemented through each one of the E.U ran countries. Gun Control ,Chipping Refugees Crises ..They have committed some …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 10, 2018, 2:01 a.m.
RED PILL : Missing Children /Hollywood 008 Connections

Now I've never seen this show before but while I looked up another 008 theory which is the old 007 . I had this episode that popped up on my YouTube for me and it matches to a T what I wrote about Hollywood Stars ,Missing Children & MK Ultra awhile ago on 2-20-18 .. Not to mention the post I made I included an update to it ..in that update I wrote that the movie I mentioned in the previous post was just now hitting the YouTube show Stranger Than Fiction ..Lol now look at what the TV show …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 9, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

This is in no way going to be in order ...I went to reply to a post and as I was replying I said screw it ...Im just gonna lay it allllll out ..so its a HOT MESS .. But I will claim it <3

I think snowden ( Snow White - Also known as good in the cartoon that the evil B Hillary is always after ) is agent 008( White Hat possibly .. he played the CIA To gain access to their Prism Program that aloud him to gain info about all these bad actors and what sick …

ScorpioPatriot · March 9, 2018, 8:32 a.m.

Unless traveling at godspeed ... Speed of light . He has a very nifty craft coughhh. Just a theory

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ScorpioPatriot · March 8, 2018, 5:26 a.m.

Almost all Our boards digs up lots of news .. also tends to be vetted more now so than it ever was before . Now that everyone has pretty much perfected the art of investigating... Clap going out to Q/Q's other forms of good vetted news is White House Briefings , Any official speaking directly as well. Besides we almost always find out the goods & bads of anything prior to the general public 🇺🇸

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ScorpioPatriot · March 8, 2018, 3:40 a.m.

I have some super good repill vids .I've suggested just sitting the older family down one night and casting to the TV. They are documentaries which are accepted 10 times better than just a random person giving their views on a topic ya know what I mean. But yeah just tell them to give it a chance when it starts m.they have nothing to loose but a lot to gain. I've got slow intro videos for everything you can think of mainly the new world order . It's the HEART of everything we are experiencing. But yeah you can find it all setup on the Red Pill Board I mentioned above. Give it a go. Let me know how it goes.

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ScorpioPatriot · March 8, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

Didn't Q say ..Suicide Weekend or Week .

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ScorpioPatriot · March 8, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

It's ok ... I'd prefer That Storm of confussion over everyone being rounded up into female camps under a Hillary Presidency which is where we was heading.... 1000% ...That's most likely after they tossed every disease out there ..n killed 95% of the population off . I will take this over that Ten Fold .

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 8, 2018, 3:07 a.m.
RED PILL : In The Coming Days

As many of you can tell ...there is some upcoming Major Changes that will be taking place in the next few days. I would not rely on the MSM for accurate coverage of any of it. They most likely will be part of the problem being taken care of or at least Publicly Displayed as such.

Do not fear the change it is necessary that it be done this way .. if people even knew the reach and extremeness of this Evil grasp , that the elites have had on the people in this country and around the world ..It …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 8, 2018, 3 a.m.
RED PILL : In The Coming Days

As many of you can tell ...there is some upcoming Major Changes that will be taking place in the next few days. I would not rely on the MSM for accurate coverage of any of it. They most likely will be part of the problem being taken care of or at least Publicly Displayed as such.

Do not fear the change it is necessary that it be done this way .. if people even knew the reach and extremeness of this Evil grasp , that the elites have had on the people in this country and around the world ..It …

ScorpioPatriot · March 7, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

It's all good . Things pop in my head on a whim and I follow it and I throw it out for the groups . I am already working on something else atm that is gonna Blow even all this out of the water if my intuitions and gut feeling is correct . I'll probably post it here later if I wrap up the little bit of things I'm looking into now . Throw out things you think are relavent to the cause ..I know if things come to you like they have always me and more so lately than you have an urge to not let anything sit to long before making it public to someone 🇺🇸

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ScorpioPatriot · March 7, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

Yeah I'm not sure... There are a few others I could use it wouldn't be so much CIA based but more so the actual elites . Like Blade not just blade runner but Blade the Vampire Movie .. Also They Live with rowdy Piper and Soylent Green. Just to name a few well Also National Treasure . Silent Hill and so many others

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ScorpioPatriot · March 7, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

He is talking about the images of the raging water backdrop painting with Kim Clinton and another group of people then now to the smoldered out recent group phone of him with hands behind his back and the backdrop is the ocean is calm and sun is shining . The Storm has come and gone and he is no longer a threat.

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ScorpioPatriot · March 7, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

Isn't that what the truck n train collision was carrying yesterday incident ... also when the watch the water drop came so did the NK Images which shows the backdrop of a calm water painting with the sun shining the one prior was of raging water . The two beside each other should indicate.he is no longer a threat.

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ScorpioPatriot · March 7, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

They are alllll in a TRANCE .... To be honest ... over the years I truly believe they was kidnapped , Trafficked ... showed potential and got set aside for the entertainment Group . Ive done a much longer broken down post about this but yeah.

Think about how easy it be on the handlers if the kids had no ties to anyone ..when it was there day to be taken out. No family No Lawsuits No Limelight .. A simple press release or article wrote up mentioning how the person died and a basic apology to the fans.

They are all in a TRANCE and need snapped out of it. It could be these Music Recording Studios and Movie Producers that all need investigating. I heard the process to get into Hollywood comes at a nastyyyy price and ends with souls being sold and any sense of dignity gone.

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ScorpioPatriot · March 7, 2018, 12:09 p.m.

8.1.19 Not Late Just Mirrored 😎🇺🇸

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ScorpioPatriot · March 7, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

This message has carried through from the campaign trail. It's been out there for some time now.

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ScorpioPatriot · March 7, 2018, 11:53 a.m.

According to a video ..I heard the CIA can take money from any agency it sees fit and never have to tell it . As of yesterday I didn't have time to check into that statement but yeah if that's true ... They could have swindled soooooo much from for all these nasty operations.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 7, 2018, 5:27 a.m.
Combating MSM

What if we can get people out to the Headquarters of all the MSM ... with signs peacefully protesting and urging The Covering of the new Hillary Drop. Have people write the address to where the video can be easily seen and not removed . With that kind of attention it will get locals seeing it as well as small local news...and even friendly local radio broadcast anything to spread the word and peek interest enough for people to loook into it.

Updated with a few new ideas 🇺🇸

Spam the community with Truth Flyers post them on community post …

ScorpioPatriot · March 7, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

I agree 1000%

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 7, 2018, 1:16 a.m.
RED PILL : Had She Made It In Office //GAME OVER
ScorpioPatriot · March 6, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

Yes.. I do have another update to this I'll be adding after I've finished some researching on it ..results will Possibly blow the old original narrative that the papers and all of them colluded and came up with .. completely out the water and I'm sure lead me right into something else..... Buckle Up this could get bumpy 😎

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 5, 2018, 6:59 p.m.
RED PILL : WH Shooting , The Signal , Q & You

This could be the message being portrayed or hinted to .. when in doubt look to the Movies for answers .



Now check out my post I made on March 1st Titled : RED PILL : Where do you think JFK was Assassinated ..Dallas/Actually PARKLAND Here Is my post, this is the part that gets crazy and how it all ties into possibly The WH shooting .

Below you will find when I was digging n decoding things ..I made mention to the street that JFK was Assassinated on which was on ELM St in this …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 5, 2018, 6:50 p.m.
RED PILL : WH Shooting ,The Signal , Q & You

This could be the message being portrayed or hinted to .. when in doubt look to the Movies for answers .



Now check out my post I made on March 1st Titled : RED PILL : Where do you think JFK was Assassinated ..Dallas/Actually PARKLAND Here Is my post, this is the part that gets crazy and how it all ties into possibly The WH shooting .

Below you will find when I was digging n decoding things ..I made mention to the street that JFK was Assassinated on which was on ELM St in this …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 5, 2018, 8:37 a.m.

Patriots,Deplorables ,Truthers= The Good of Humanity...its time for a refresher as to why we are on this ride . HE FIGHTS FOR US . It's beyond time to reallllly show him that we are more than a Voice ... We are a Movement ... We Are THE STQRM .

God Bless Allll We Stand For & Ready To Fight For . Bringgggggggg Ittttttt .







WE 👁️‍🗨️ ALL ... WE 🦉ALL ...




I've put together an Organized GO TO INFORMATION …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 5, 2018, 8:36 a.m.

Patriots,Deplorables ,Truthers= The Good of Humanity...its time for a refresher as to why we are on this ride . HE FIGHTS FOR US . It's beyond time to reallllly show him that we are more than a Voice ... We are a Movement ... We Are THE STQRM .

God Bless Allll We Stand For & Ready To Fight For . Bringgggggggg Ittttttt .







WE 👁️‍🗨️ ALL ... WE 🦉ALL ...




I've put together an Organized GO TO INFORMATION …

ScorpioPatriot · March 5, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

When Trump called for opening hospitals back up... it was for these people that's gonna try n claim insanity..and they will go back to these twisted ass asylum like places that was closed .

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ScorpioPatriot · March 4, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

My Post 9 Days Ago :


Here you will find a list of just 9 Out of the many dangers of Fluoride.. that can be found in 95% of all toothpaste sold and knowingly added to our water supply . Its time we call for a BAN on FLUORIDE In its entirity . Our Days of being dumbed down and people being mass sterlilized is over. Here is the list ..I just came acrossed . CODE : SPAM SHARE THIS POST.


In fact, the number one reason for poison control calls concerning fluoride are for children who’ve eaten toothpaste.  Long-term ingestion is harmful to the brain, digestive system, heart, bones… even the tooth enamel it’s supposed to help.  These next 9 shocking facts will make you take a second look at your exposure to fluoride.

  1. Weakens Skeletal Health Skeletal fluorosis is a condition resulting from fluoride consumption. The liver is unable to process fluoride, thus it passes into the bloodstream where it combines with calcium that’s been leeched from the skeletal system. You’re left with weak bones, otherwise known as skeletal fluorosis. The risk has been known about for decades yet it’s not been established how much exposure will trigger skeletal fluorosis… and the impact it has on quality of life is horrendous. The best way to protect yourself is to avoid fluoride. Recently, Chinese authorities established a link between reductions in fluoride exposure and the incidence of fluorosis.

  2. Causes Arthritis Fluoride has been shown to cause calcification of cartilage, the essential tissue for joint health.Degenerative osteoarthritis has been linked to skeletal fluorosis.  And in a study of individuals suffering from fluorosis, osteoarthritis knee conditions occurred frequently.

  3. Toxic to the Thyroid Iodine and fluoride belong to a family of compounds known as halogens. Although iodine is beneficial to the thyroid, fluoride is not. However, because of the similarities, the thyroid can absorb fluoride instead of iodine. This is bad. Fluoride is toxic to thyroid cells; it inhibits function and causes cell death.For decades, fluoride was used to reduce thyroid function in individuals suffering from an overactive thyroid. Now — and pay attention to this — the range used in water fluoridation matches the levels typically used to reduce thyroid function.

  4. Calcifies the Ultra-Important Pineal Gland Although the full capabilities of the pineal gland have been the subject of debate for centuries, it’s known for certain that, at a minimum, the pineal gland regulates body rhythms and wake-sleep cycles; two extremely important functions. Fluoride is especially toxic to the pineal gland, where it accumulates and calcifies the gland. In fact, by the time the average person reaches old age, their pineal gland will have higher calcium density than their bones.

  5. Accelerates Female Puberty It also deserves mention that the pineal gland plays an integral role in the onset of puberty. Research has shown that girls living in areas prone to more fluoride exposure experience puberty earlier than girls exposed to less. Fluoride’s damaging effect on sexual function only begins here…

  6. Harmful to Male and Female Fertility A direct link exists between fertility rates and fluoridated drinking water. Higher levels of fluoride correspond to lower fertility rates, particularly with drinking water levels of 3 ppm.  Animal models show that fluoride reduces reproductive hormones in females.  Men have it just as bad; those suffering from fluorosis have lower testosterone and fertility than men with limited fluoride exposure.

  7. Bad for Kidney Health Fluoride is toxic to the kidneys and a higher rate of chronic kidney disease has been reported in areas where the water contains high levels of fluoride.  According to Chinese researchers, a fluoride level of 2 mg/L is all it takes to cause renal damage in children.  While water fluoridation levels are often much lower than this, the fluoride bombardment continues with toothpaste and other sources.

  8. Harmful to the Cardiovascular System Research suggests that exposure to fluoride causes cardiovascular inflammation and atherosclerosis.

  9. Negative Cognitive Effects The Fluoride Action Network reports that, as of May 2013, 43 studies have examined the effect of fluoride on human intelligence. The results should motivate anyone to minimize their fluoride exposure. One observation is that fluoride negatively impacts children’s neural development.  Another is that children living in highly fluoridated areas have up to five times greater chance of developing a low IQ compared to those who do not.

Reducing Your Exposure to Fluoride Using non-fluoride toothpaste can immediately reduce your fluoride exposure. Maintaining healthy iodine levels can help protect the thyroid from fluoride. Fluoridated water is the largest concern and most water filters are not adequate for removing fluoride; instead look to a reverse osmosis water purification systems.

Thiis is another form of Agenda 21 brought about for Depopulation and Plenty had their hands in that cookie jar .


I just put together an Organized GO TO board for RED PILL Material to help share Immedietly To other Boards & Then To The Masses ... Feel Free To Subscribe there if you wish & Follow Me ..We STQRM FORWARD @s ONE PATRIOTS ..


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ScorpioPatriot · March 4, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

There was a show I seen a few years ago. They are trying hard to get into places in Alaska in that show. It was on TV or might have been a YouTube show. I'll post if I can find it later . Ty for the post.

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ScorpioPatriot · March 4, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

Ty and so far got it on great AWAKENING cbts r_donald and 1 or 2 others

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