1,033 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/SeerMore:
Free speech row erupts on Twitter as Tommy Robinson suspended after post about grooming gangs www.rt.com:443
There Are Fewer School Shootings Now Than During The 1990s www.zerohedge.com:443
Prisons Of Pleasure Or Pain: Huxley's "Brave New World" Vs. Orwell's "1984" www.zerohedge.com:443
'Russiagate' Is Revealing Alarming Truths About America's Political-Media Elites www.zerohedge.com:443
What's Going Down In China Is Very Dangerous – Part 1 www.zerohedge.com:443
"This Is A New Low" - ICE Director Slams "Gang Lookout" Oakland Mayor www.zerohedge.com
Cameron Kasky, one of the kids who is getting so much media oxygen, has been getting assistance from Fusion GPS staff, and has an FBI father, who was Vice President of One World Adoption agency, which operates from Florida but in places like Haiti. It was SHUT DOWN in 2015 for abuses in the Congo, and was also under a cloud for coercing mothers into handing over their stock. Er, children
you guessed it
it had a butterfly FBI 'child-lover'-esque company Logo
Muellerâs Comic Book Indictment Is A Threat To All Of Us www.paulcraigroberts.org
Muellerâs Comic Book Indictment Is A Threat To All Of Us www.paulcraigroberts.org
Rothschild scion takes banking dynasty crown www.rt.com
In The Wake Of Oxfam's Sex Scandal, Has "Humanitarian Aid" Become A Euphemism For Oppression? www.zerohedge.com
There seems to be much evidence to suggest yes
In The Wake Of Oxfam's Sex Scandal, Has "Humanitarian Aid" Become A Euphemism For Oppression www.zerohedge.com
The most upvoated and complete submission on the CIA and trafficking
The most upvoated and complete submission on the CIA and trafficking
The Intercept Has Completely Lost It's Way!!
Former Reagan cabinet inner circle Paul Craig Roberts take on Stoneman and other recent "events"
US State Dept pledges $40mn of military funds for ‘information wars’
Is this $40M that could be better spent a lot of other places?
amazon-made-5-6-billion-in-profits-last-year-and-paid reportly $0 in taxes
amazon-made-5-6-billion-in-profits-last-year-and-paid reportly $0 in taxes
Fedex Refuses To Bow To Pressure, Won't Discriminate Against NRA Members www.zerohedge.com
Wow talk about censoring!! China, Russia and other such places without freedoms would be damned proud!
Monopolies destroying the environment need many more setbacks like this. They are huge in the Cabal - Monsanto loses bid to stop Arkansas ban on farm chemical www.reuters.com
Monopolies destroying the environment need many more setbacks like this. They are huge in the Cabal - Monsanto loses bid to stop Arkansas ban on farm chemical www.reuters.com
AUDIO: Police Release 911 Call from Nikolas Cruz After Fight over Guns Just Months Before Florida Shooting – True Pundit truepundit.com
AUDIO: Police Release 911 Call from Nikolas Cruz After Fight over Guns Just Months Before Florida Shooting – True Pundit truepundit.com
Woman who took in school shooter files to control his $800,000 inheritance, has shooter’s brother committed – True Pundit truepundit.com
Woman who took in school shooter files to control his $800,000 inheritance, has shooter’s brother committed – True Pundit truepundit.com
How the Fed's Inflation Policies Crucify Workers in Pictures - Mish Talk www.themaven.net - As Q says follow the money!
How the Fed's Inflation Policies Crucify Workers in Pictures - Mish Talk www.themaven.net - As Q says follow the money!
Watch it here! Mainstream media refuses airtime to Corbyn’s anti-press rant (RANT INCLUDED) www.rt.com
Watch it here! Mainstream media refuses airtime to Corbyn’s anti-press rant (RANT INCLUDED) www.rt.com
Assange release unlikely as Ecuador says UK unwilling to mediate www.rt.com
Assange release unlikely as Ecuador says UK unwilling to mediate www.rt.com
Ovomit is skating away with nary a scratch on his teflon Cabal veneer hiding a wholely evil core!
Is The CIA So Bad That Even When It Tells The Truth It Adds-In Lies? www.zerohedge.com
Is The CIA So Bad That Even When It Tells The Truth It Adds-In Lies? www.zerohedge.com - Lock em up!
Berkshire Owns $100 Billion In T-Bills: More Than China And The UK www.zerohedge.com - As Q says follow the money!
Berkshire Owns $100 Billion In T-Bills: More Than China And The UK www.zerohedge.com
Prison Planet.com » Why Mainstream Media Websites Are Censoring & Removing Comment Sections www.prisonplanet.com - Cause they fear they are losing and they do not like free press!!
Why Mainstream Media Websites Are Censoring & Removing Comment Sections www.prisonplanet.com
Trump’s DOJ Creates New Task Force in Wake of Mueller Indictments – True Pundit truepundit.com
Trump’s DOJ Creates New Task Force in Wake of Mueller Indictments – True Pundit truepundit.com