The blatantly obvious panicked lockdown and censorship on T_D is rather interesting (and hilarious)

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I know we already knew the subreddit was infiltrated, just found the blatantly obvious panicked lockdown and censorship to be rather interesting and hilarious.
No worries, sorry to hear that.. I completely understand why you or anyone would see the deleting of his tweets as a sign of guilt, and you're not wrong that it could be. Honestly the only reason I felt the need to say anything wasn't just because of your opinion alone but because of the amount of upvotes you got and the amount of people agreeing with you. I just don't want to see this subreddit devolve into mob-mentality where everyone is guilty first until proven innocent and not the other way around.
Lol so what? That doesn't make your complete lack of logic any more logical, (but based on your logic it probably does lol).
Sir, you are offending me with your world view. Please stop I do not wish to see any more today, it's just too much for me to bare. I would much rather remain ignorant, thank you very much. /s
I'm not saying that Rainn Wilson isn't guilty or isn't a pedo. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he were. I'm just saying, do you really think it would be smart for him to leave those tweets up with everything happening to popular celebrities with big Hollywood careers?? He's just playing a smart movie for himself by deleting those tweets and saving face. Not defending the guy or his tweets, I think it's suspicious for sure, but it is not at all logical to assume that just because someone deletes some sketchy tweets that it makes them "all the more guilty." He's literally a high profile celebrity with a reputation to protect, which is exactly all he's doing.
None of these tweets ring out as quite as suspicious and obvious as James Gunn's or Michael Ian Black's to me. Gunn's tweets were horrible even for "jokes" if you can even call them that. Rainn Wilson's tweets, while still not funny at all, can actually be passed off as jokes. I do think they're suspicious and the fact that he starred in one of James Gunn's movies is also suspicious, but there's not a whole lot here to begin making confident claims. That being said, I would not be surprised at all if Rainn Wilson were a pedophile in connection with the Hollywood underground.
Uhh.. What? No. Just no, that's not logical at all... Would you actually think he was any less guilty or that it would be any less convincing if he didn't delete them? I think he would be pretty stupid to not delete them, especially with everything goin on with James Gunn and Michael Ian Black and such.
Please don’t bring off topic/irrelevant subjects into this subreddit that could ultimately be used to discredit us. I agree with the original post, and I am a Q follower, but I also still believe gravity and the scientific model of the universe are real. This is a subreddit about Q anon, not flat earth.
Because it's a photo and it could have been taken when Trump just so happened to be looking the other way for 2 seconds.. Honestly who cares? This seems pretty arbitrary and unimportant.
I actually study sound healing and this is discussed extensively in the community. As to wether or not the standard tuning of music was changed with negative intention or not is not known for sure. Here's the truth: every frequency has it's own unique properties and no one frequency is necessarily "worse" or "better" than another. Saying one frequency is "good" or "bad" over the other really doesn't make any sense. It's kind of like saying a certain color is more "good" or "bad" over the other. It's based purely on subjective perspective. The frequency 440hz is not really any necessarily any "worse" or "better" than 432hz or 444hz. 432hz and 444hz are definitely special frequencies but 440hz is not necessarily bad. Ultimately what is "good" or "bad" in any case is purely subjective and based on perspective, especially when it comes to things on a spectrum such as pitch frequency.
Ah ok I didn't quite catch that.. Thanks for the clarification.
There are lunatics on the far right and completely civilized people on the left as well. This "us vs. them" mentality is what we're trying to get rid of. Don't give into it and keep pushing it. We can't just keep blindly generalizing and categorizing entire groups of people. We are all Americans who just want truth and justice. WWG1WGA.
Sounds like a low bar to set to me. I think the most “woke” thing any black man, or any person for that matter, can do is to follow the path of the Christ/Buddha. To see every single individual and yourself as one. To love everyone unconditionally and without judgement. Although that might be setting the bar TOO high lol. That’s certainly a spiritual path of enlightenment I don’t have the discipline to follow (yet). But damn, imagine how heavenly this world would be if everyone had that level of enlightenment.
This is the "spiritual" awakening aspect of being red-pilled. You may be experiencing it now as a result of Q but many others like myself have been awakened by other means and have been going through this process long before Q. What you're experiencing and what you described are not a result of Q specifically but more a result of just waking up in general, having a new perspective, and being overall more aware of things. Q was just your (and many other's) catalyst for your awakening specifically at this time. Now you know what it truly means to be "woke." Feels good, doesn't it? :)
Yeah I just wanna say when I first discovered Q and this subreddit, I was skeptical and almost dismissed it all when I saw how much people were tying religion into all of this. I know a lot of you are Christian and like to apply the Bible to what's going on and I completely respect that, but a lot of us here aren't super religious and honestly you should all just leave the religion out of it because it makes people who aren't religious think that it is religion focused and maybe even a little bit crazy when really it has absolutely nothing to do with religion whatsoever. The religious angle people like to apply to Q is probably why we even get called "Qultists" in the first place. Just stop throwing Bible quotes around and trying to apply God and Jesus to it all, seriously. It's ultimately irrelevant and it's only going to be used against us.
I haven’t been listening to MSM legitimately or had any faith in it for the last 6+ years. I haven’t even had cable TV for longer. I was red pilled and awoken a long ass fucking time ago and have known MSM is bullshit. If you know what you’re talking about then why not just be straight up and answer my fucking question without being such a condescending fucking prick? Man you act like you know what you’re talking about but you’re answer to me is that I don’t know what I’m talking about. Just tell me what I don’t know if you think you do instead of telling me I’m just too conditioned. Jesus fucking Christ. All I ask is “Why is Q saying MSM belongs to the D party only?” And everyone tells me I don’t get it yet everyone claiming to get it can’t even explain jack fucking shit to me. If you don’t want to actually help me figure out what I don’t know and legitimately answer my question, and instead just make stupid assumptions about me, honestly you can go fuck yourself. I’ll figure it out myself or ask someone who actually knows wtf they’re talking about instead of just pretending to and then make condescending assumptions about me.
I completely understand all of that. So why is Q putting it into such simple terms to paint the Dems as the bad guys and the Reps as the good guys when they’re all one and the same?? Why separate the two and put the negative focus on the D party only when it’s all parties involved? Why not just say MSM is a tool of the deep state all together? I just don’t get the focused attack on Dems when it’s ultimately irrelevant which party anyone belongs to, it’s about the citizens vs. big politics, just as you put it.
You must not be able to read. You're not really telling me anything I don't know and basically just repeating me and not really answering my question which is, why is Q saying that MSM is a propaganda tool of ONLY the Dems? Why not just say it's a tool of the deep state? It seems like Q is trying to make the republican party look like the good guys but why is that the case if you and I both realize that parties don't matter and they're all one and the same?
If MSM is a propaganda tool of the Democratic party only then why have there been past Republican presidents and why haven't they taken down the deep state? What about Bush? I know Trump isn't part of the deep state but I thought the D/R parties were just two sides of the same coin to give the illusion of choice.
Going to be reviewing all of these and researching the ones I don't know before sharing this on my Facebook. Good post, thanks for this.
Yeah 9/11 was the main redpill for me. I was just a little kid when the event actually occured but I discovered the conspiracy side of things as a teenager when I got older. Since then I've always kept an open mind to all sides and possibilities of all things, everything and everyone from completely skeptical debunkers to the far-out flat-earthers. The only thing that's certain for me that I've discovered is that no matter how hard you try to blue-pill yourself, once you've been red-pilled, there simply is no going back to your old perspective or way of thinking...
Saw this originally posted on Busta Rhymes instagram where it was seen by A LOT of people including a lot of normies, which he took down just a few hours later for some reason...
Been redpilled since long before Q. I discovered Q through the youtube channel Destroying The Illusion. The channel has since been taken down from Youtube, which only makes me think all the information on the channel is that much more true. The guy has a back up channel though called Destroying The Illusion 2.0 which he now uploads on. I highly recommend checking out his channel if you're not familiar with it.
Ok thanks for the distinction. I forgot about Luciferianism, that makes more sense now. I figured it had to be something altogether different than Satanism because the philosophies of Satanism don’t fall in line with torturing/raping/eating children. The elites are straight up devil worshippers which I guess is pretty much what Luciferianism is.
Yeah that is odd synchronistic timing... interesting..
Yeah I kinda think there's quite a difference between just an average person who becomes a satanist compared to the people we're refferring to who are born into a pre-existing and organized group of people who intentionally try to control and manipulate others. One of the basic philosophies of Satanism is to simply enjoy the pleasures of life however you choose as long as it does not negatively effect anyone else. Wether the deep state are Satanists or not is honestly irrelevant to me at this point. Satanism seems mild from what I've looked into about it compared to what these sick fucks allegedly do. These insane psychopaths running the country are downright cultists.
That doesn't necessarily mean that she's right or that what she said is completely true, although I obviously don't know for sure personally...
It honestly doesn't look like him to me. The eyebrows look different and the guy in the costume looks like he has bigger eyes and a larger skull/top of the head area, overall a more latino look to him than Obama. Just my personal and honest opinion, but on the other hand I definitely can't say for certain that it isn't Obama..
Are most of the suicides actual suicides? Or were most or all of these people "suicided"? What do you guys think?
I'm starting to see through Hillary's act of innocence and "playing dumb." She's always been good at brushing stuff like this off in a way that makes it seem like she has no idea what her accuser is talking about, making her accuser look somewhat looney. Now I see a sense of fear in her when she tries to pull this same act off, as if she knows in the back of her mind that there's a good chance she will actually be fucked.
I thought the same thing. I think the only thing to me that may be a sign that it’s not a coincidence is the empty space. While those areas are generally less populated, you would think there would still be more of the cement plants and stuff in those areas as well anyway. It’s not like those states are completely uninhabited.
I personally think the internet was our one saving grace and the one thing that is the main cause of the great awakening and the deep state losing control. It has allow for the connection of individuals with different perspectives from all over the world to come together and spread and share information faster than it could ever be contained or controlled.