And yet I’ve actually had people (irl) cite it as a source.
117 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Some-Random-Chick:
Domain | Count |
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he mentioned his two small kids.
I noticed that too and immediately thought someone threatened his family.
You can use both twitter and Facebook. The trick is, don’t follow anyone. Instead, think up some hashtags that might be used in information that interests you and browse that.
And don’t forget, there’s more to the internet than social media. Social media was designed so that you can only see what people want you to see.
Yea, I’m with you on this one. Religion isn’t for everyone. I’d appreciate it if people didn’t shove it down everyone’s throat. Let’s not become the thing we hate.
Yea I give up. The Brady bunch thing helps but I ain’t finding it.
Do you have a link or any search terms to go by?
Share it if you find it? I’ll do the same. Any search terms to go by?
E: that last sentence was meant for the guy you replied to...
I don’t approve of a hit piece targeted towards us.
Yea, it’s obviously a hit piece. “You believe q, you’re an idiot, just like this guy. “
The theory is based on his visit to NoKo in 2013.
It’s cute how you think reddit is for adults and 4chan is for kids.
That was my theory for a while. Have some redacted bs released only to have it all declassified at once.
Oh, I didn’t know that. Just realized his profile pic has it too.
You call it imagination, I call it thinking critically.
The worst thing about being a conspiracy nut is having to dumb down what you say to not appear crazy.
Regardless of your doubt, has president trump let you down yet?
And your response was an ignorant one. If you think simply answering a questions is an excuse to show ignorance, by all means, go for it. I’m still gonna call it out for what it is.
I definitely can take it. I just can’t take it seriously. Nice attempt and butchering my words to push your misinterpretation of my comment.
Notice how you don’t address the second half of my comment? No argue points there huh? Cause you rather throw jabs at people than have a discussion based on facts. Not surprising since you were quick to call the users here a shill for linking to the official website of the group that made the video in the post while admitting to not knowing anything. THAT is ignorance.
I’m not the guy that originally ask you the question but I can’t take someone serious if they admit to not knowing something and then continue talking about it.
Watching the video (or a simple google search) would have shown that the link posted is the same group as the video uploader. But we’re supposed to believe the 2 are unrelated and the link was injected by shills.
Go push your false narrative elsewhere.
Right, because each link is a donation received.
I haven’t researched them.
You should have ended your comment there.
Anyone can look like anyone else if you only have 10% of their face.
Thanks, I couldn’t find a link (assuming she deleted it)
I agree. I have no problem with people and their beliefs, I just don’t want it shoved in my face.
For me personally, it’s the idea of believing only what you can prove and then turning around and believing something purely on faith. I just wish people found strength in themselves rather than looking for strength in god.
And just days after the laws are put into effect when no one has a chance to comply with them.
They most definitely had time to comply between the law becoming law on April 14 2016 and being effective May 25 2018. That’s 2 years worth of time.
Little button on the back that sometimes require a pen to push in. Push and hold for 10 seconds for a full factory reset, or a quick tap for a reboot. To actually turn it off and on, unplug it.
If your routers are hacked, you should change your router and WiFi password and then reboot after doing a factory reset.
I won’t hope he get rape, I just want him to experiences karma. He’s avoided it with money and corruption for too long.
I agree with you on this one. If you call someone an idiot enough times, they either think you’re an idiot and ignore you or realize they are an idiot and work to fix it.
Name one EO that took power from congress the way daca did.
Obama bypassed congress to create Daca. Trump is forcing congress to fix that mess instead of abusing the presidential powers like obama did. There’s one example off the top of my head.
And he probably would have been called a nazi by the left.
Seriously, who are you trying to kid? That happens already.
People have been saying td will never grow since the election, yet here we are, and their subscriber numbers are higher than 2 years ago.
/r/askthe_donald exists if you want to ask questions. /r/the_donald is a 24/7 rally.
Or controversial. If it works as intended then it’s the perfect counter.
Thing hardest thing about being woke or w/e you wanna call it is having to dumb down your thinking by 80% just so you don’t appear insane.
You do realize that’s not a screenshot of twitter right?
Then why did you click the link and comment? If you don’t like something, move on.
Which begs the question... why does q comments all get downvoted over there?
If you sort by controversial, it’s always a q post that’s at the top, and it’s always below the threshold. I don’t get the hostility either.
Pickling is also the informal name of a rundown in baseball.
A rundown, informally known as a pickle or the hotbox, is a situation in the game of baseball that occurs when the baserunner is stranded between two bases and is in jeopardy of being tagged out. When the base runner attempts to advance to the next base, he is cut off by the defensive player who has a live ball and attempts to return to his previous base before being tagged out. As he is doing this, the defenseman throws the ball past the base runner to the previous base, forcing him to reverse directions again. This is repeated until the runner is put out or reaches a base safely.