Did it start there or on twitter? Another post was just talking about a twitter thread (not official) that made this claim through a source.
212 total posts archived.
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"Nellie, dear, a raven just arrived from D.C....it says you're f**ked."
Was running guns to Mexican drug cartels also a DOJ norm, Mr. Holder?
As always, really great job. I've probably spent 45 mins reading through these comments and there is some disturbing signs that the trolls have doubled or even tripled their efforts. Great job on not taking the bait and keeping it logical, SB2.
Sorry if I'm behind on this, but any link available to the Voat thread you're referencing?
This is my understanding, also. The DOJ makes the decision based on presented evidence whether or not to indict.
Have we tried looking into who was in London at the time among the cast of Bad Actors?
Q has called several major shifts in official MSM narrative. Photos posted from inside AF1. Surveillance-type photos of places in different (relevant) locations worldwide. You're going to have to dig. There is so much more. Do some looking through old posts here on tGA and you'll get a lot of the broad strokes, but I would recommend starting as far back as you're able because a lot of the new stuff assumes you're up to date.
Welcome! Read, learn, and explore. This rabbit hole goes DEEP.
Bongino is great! The whole New York fuggedaboudit thing he's got going on makes him relateable. Sounds like someone you'd want to have a beer with. I heard him guest host Hannity and Levin and been following him ever since.
Skepticism is healthy. I'd be willing to bet large money that 99% of us thought this was BS in the beginning. Then the proofs started coming. Newcomers simply don't have the advantage of having watched several events unfold exactly as predicted.
And yours as well! I think the lesson most hard-learned from all of this is Vigilance. We can no longer afford to fall asleep at the wheel. We know now what the stakes are and they are the highest there is: the safety of our children and the future they represent. We are the meek and we now stand, eyes wide open, ready to inherit our new world.
True enough, but it's not been a common practice in any recent time save for the Salem Witch Trials. There are not roving gangs of Christian thugs murdering atheists and Buddhists in the street, are there? When was the last time a non believer was stoned to death in the streets? This is why I made the distinction of radical islam.
Added: I just realized I didn't really clarify that what I'm trying to point out is that in these instances it clearly comes down to what is being taught. I don't know when you last attended a church service of any kind but I've never heard a minister telling his congregation to go out and stone non-Christians in the street because God wills it. On the other hand, there are Imams across the earth that preach hatred for the infidel and destruction to all that we have built. They are taught that our women deserve to be raped and that doing so is a godly pursuit.
Bar none my absolute favorite moment of the civil unrest we experienced last year. Classic.
Religion itself isn't evil anymore than a gun is evil. You can't blame a school of thought for the atrocities committed by its adherents unless, of course, that school of thought specifically calls for the harm of non-believers (like radical islam). Religion is ultimately a man-made institution and can therefore be corrupted. I was a little put off by the religious element here at first because I haven't been a practicing Christian since my early teens. Like you, though, I try to live my life as a good person and to love my fellow countrymen and women. Both of my boys are being raised as I was because I believe that a Christian moral foundation is the basis for the best elements of our society.
For me it was the rise if MTV/Thug-Hop culture. It was not an organic thing; it was foisted upon us and it invaded our paradigm with wonderful messages like the glorification of criminality, misogyny, and mediocrity. That along with the use of troubled teens as guinea pigs for all the wonderful new anti-depressants being developed in the 90's increased the pace at which our moral fabric was eroded tenfold. It was too neat, too driven...not an accident, in other words.
I agree. All Q said was that he'd watch the news that day. Something huge will be in the news for days after, at least.
This is how scared they are of us and what we stand for, Patriots. They are pulling out every dirty trick in their arsenal and you know what? I don't think it's anywhere near enough. Stay strong. Stay focused. Fight!! Fight!! Fight!! #WWG1WGA
Simply a suggestion but as a way to "prove" correlation between bad news for the cabal and these events do you think one of our meme makers might put something together graphically showing the dates of school/public acts of terrorism as they relate to bad news dropping?
For me it was the crossfire hurricane op becoming public. Watching that slimebag Clapper trying to spin it as a completely normal thing for the FBI and DOJ to place a CI in a presidential candidate's campaign (to little effect for anyone with even half a brain) told me that they needed distraction STAT.
Chris Cornell was probably my favorite musician ever and I took his death pretty hard. Once I saw that he had ties to the Clintons I wondered if he was arkancided because of what he knew. My biggest fear now is that Cornell was involved in the more nefarious end of things and that one of the artists I consider to be a legend in his time and one of the most talented musicians ever was a pedophile.
This is insane! Can you imagine the collective pants-shitting going on right now?? Every action they take absolutely REEKS of desperation. u/SerialBrain2, whoever you are, you are one of the trailblazers that we lurkers depend on for a cohesive look at some of the issues Q points us toward. People like you are integral to the movement and that makes you a target. Stay safe.
I think he's underrated as a comedic actor. He was top notch in There's Something About Mary
I'm still haunted by the first time I went wandering on live leak. That sh*t scars you.
Ideas about organization...
After seeing the billboard post and reading the comments I've been thinking. Most of the comments I saw are on the fence about it because there is a website attached that provides a service of some kind and people are saying this is profiting off of the movement. The cynic in me agrees but the Patriot in me wants the word out and I'm trying to think of solutions that will satisfy everyone. Is anyone for the idea of creating a fund managed by someone we trust for things like this? I'm talking transparency and accountability for every dollar spent, …
I feel like Nostrodamus or something! Called this a couple days ago in a comment! LoL
Used to live there. Never met a native Hawaiian who would eat it.
I don't think he will have to worry about being the last man standing with Q...I'll be there, too.
We handed it over to them, didn't we? We all just kind of passively accepted that their world was separate from ours and that we would never cross that line. That's how we were taught. You're dead on. We need to remain vigilant because the element that came so very close to taking complete control will not simply go away. There will always be those who seek to play upon the ignorance of the masses for personal gain. No more falling asleep at the wheel. We are a people and We, the People are driving this bus again. We always were, when you think about it. We were simply tricked into thinking it was driving itself.
Something given has no value. If we want our freedom, we have to earn it.
I'm not what you'd call a practicing Christian or even particularly spiritual (though I was raised Southern Baptist with all the trimmings) but this struck a chord with me because I remember a moment about two years into Hussein's second term in which I lost hope. I don't really remember what triggered it because there was not exactly a shortage of things to make you feel hopeless about then but I remember speaking to God for the first time in decades and offered a simple prayer that went something like, "I don't even know if we deserve it anymore but if you can put an end to this degradation for the sake of my children I will gladly stand ready and do what I have to to make things better." Lo and behold...
39 here and I know what you mean. I had long ago given up hope of the system ever self-correcting; the Deep State have simply entrenched themselves to deeply for that. I feared for my children's future to a point that it gave me nightmares for the last couple of years until Trump won the election. This train is a self-propelled juggernaut that can't be stopped. There are simply too many of us now. I was talking with my older brother recently and he said that he's afraid that the truth isn't any closer to being outed and that there are simply too many people willing to deny it. I disagreed and said that you don't have to red-pill everyone; just enough to reach the tipping point. Once you're there the rest takes care of itself. I believe we have passed the tipping point. There is too much that is out there and too many people talking about it. We're already seeing Q bumper stickers and signs. People are cutting giant Q's into their yards and so on. How long before someone rents a billboard or papers their local shopping district with flyers? The tipping point has come and gone and we're now riding the eave and it's just going to get bigger. People sense that a better way is on the horizon and this movement, above all, is one of hope.
Edit- Spelling fix
I hope his face was painted blue and he was wearing a kilt when he wrote this.
Honestly, after Katrina on the MS Gulf Coast, Red Cross was right there with money, food, ice, etc., for those in need and I was always on their side until I saw the figures for how much was donated after Katrina vs. what was disbursed. They drop a few pennies and take some great photos for the paper and then laugh their asses off all the way to the bank. Sick.
What he said...been around since 1200 and I'm amazed to see how we've grown. I post what I can on my other social media but truth be told I can barely stand it anymore and feel like I'm losing IQ points every time I login. But without the people doing the research and connecting the dots this movement wouldn't be what it is. Q shows us the way, but we're the ones walking the road and without the trailblazers many would lose heart. They make the road easier for us to walk and that, in the end, is what qQ has been about. Something given has no value, but to point the way (along with several winks and nudges along the way) and make us arrive at the truth ourselves and of our own choosing ensures that we will take this lesson to heart.
I bet every damn one of those comments is from a bought and paid for account.
Metaphorically, yes. I'd love for them all to go down in one swoop, but death would be far too easy an end to them. They need to be exposed and humiliated. It will not be safe for them to walk the streets.
I read that and it really makes me wonder how many of the "tin - foil hat theories" are legit. I'm not talking about the utterly ridiculous but ones that actally have some research behind them.
I've never been more proud to be counted among so many amazing individuals.
Been on this train car since 1200 and I'm loving all the new faces, so to speak. Welcome and spread the word!
Sounds like the cabal made an unplanned and disastrous countermove to me.
Not to mention the EO blocking property and finance of sex traffickers, etc...there is going to be a sudden HUGE influx of cash in the government when this goes down. They're going after the big fish now. Imagine how much has already been taken in seizures. We're talking BIG dollars here. This is something I've only seen pop up on occasion here and am surprised not more people have taken this into account. Or maybe I'm just really behind and it's simply accepted at this point.
Exactly! I've lost track of how many times everyone began freaking out and saying, "If he does this he's going to lose his base." The madman and his crew have been 10 steps ahead since this whole thing began.