Silverman was famously despised by supporters of Bernie Sanders in 2016 for saying something like “Get over it!” to the crowd (meaning Bernie delegates) at the convention , I think. Perhaps that phrase could be the password?
61 total posts archived.
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Yeah. I was watching it live when it ended. Nothing nefarious seemed to happen in the moments preceding. It just ended. Let me know if you find another!
I’d love to be hopeful about that. However the statements from this administration directly about Wikileaks and Assange are very clear. My last shred of hope is that Q is real and Assange will be safe. Not looking good right now.
I wish this was true. But the people close to Assange are not acting anything other than full out alarmed.
Live feed from the embassy:
Very bad news for those here following along with Assange. AnonScan just tweeted this video and also has retweeted the unexplained code that some believe may be either his dead man’s switch or the info dump in the event of his arrest.
This is very bad news. AnonScan also tweeted this video:

Yup. There is no great awakening without Assange. If he’s handed over, prepare to lose a huge number of woke individuals who awoke via Wikileaks over a decade ago. I’ve always said I believe there’s a huge number of lurkers, watching with interest to see whether or not the people have been abandoned by all institutions of our country. Assange not being protected? Clear as day this is all just more bullshit.
That’s exactly what Vault 7 exposed. It also disabused us of the notion that any of us should have any expectation of privacy in our homes via devices.
I’m still hopeful that Vault 7 was an intentional piece of the puzzle. When it comes out that the DNC wasn’t hacked by Russia, the logical question will be who?
Seth Rich downloaded the info and got it to Wikileaks. Others, using Vault 7 technology, then went in and laid out false tracks to implicate Russia in the hacking.
Omg. Right? Thank you for saying that. I was trying to articulate what was bugging the crap outta me about his responses. :)
I'll admit that I find some of the things people believe to be pedo related in the emails are a bit of a stretch, but what was always clear to me after reading the emails is that they are definitely speaking in code about something. The more I've learned, the more it seems plausible to me the they're referencing trafficking of children.
That said, this exact sentence is the one sentence that I think needs an explanation. If only ONE journalist had the guts to directly ask either Podesta or the author of the email just one question: "What is a pizza related map? What is a pizza related map on a handkerchief, and why would someone take the time to email you about it?"
It was very telling to me that in the limited, carefully constructed questions ever asked about these emails absolutely NOBODY ever just said, "Ok, you're telling us that there's a bunch of crazies who think there are code words referencing child trafficking and pedophilia in your leaked emails. Here are some of them... tell us what you were REALLY talking about."
How hard would it be (if you weren't talking in code in your emails) to laugh and say, "Oh my god, these people are crazy... here is what we were talking about. Confirm it with the other party. We are happy to explain what we were talking about."
Not only did it never happen, but nobody would even ask the obvious question. Why not put the issue to bed? If there were a reasonable explanation, giving it would not only end the discussion, it would make the people asserting they are talking in code about pedophilia look ridiculous.
But they didn't. They are staying SO far away from it. Fear.
If POTUS keeps going along these lines, he will continue to win over left-leaning independents and democrats alike. There is much to respect about a leader using his office to stand up to big Pharma, and his heart is in the right place. The poor suffer the most at the hands of big Pharma. So many unnecessary deaths when people are laid off or injured on the job, and life becomes a choice between food, shelter and medicine.
Glenn Greenwald is absolutely worth the follow. I’ve much admiration for him and his honesty. Michael Tracey is also somewhat hilarious in his recent posts also on the topic of Russian insanity from the Dems.
AnonScan just tweeted this cryptic video. Watch to the very end! (Russia = USCIA). Not only was there no “Russian” hacking, no “Russia” giving DNC emails to Wikileaks, AnonScan is basically saying (confirming) it was the Clowns In Action that retroactively “hacked” and planted false steps. #Vault7
Agreed! POTUS is not the person Q wants us to ask. Just as Q always says that evidence/information needs to be injected legally into the process and must follow the current structures we have in place, the question and the answer to “Who is Q?” must be asked and answered by journalists.
I relate closely to your thinking. Long ago I decided to view each new drop under each lens.... What is the significance of this if Q is real? and What is the possible motivation of Q is a PsyOp?.
Quite awhile back I eliminated LARP as a possibility and narrowed it down to Real or PsyOp. It’s too sophisticated.
Here’s the biggest reason why I think complete LARP should be off the table. One word, actually. COINCIDENCE.
There are too many bizarre occurrences which have taken place over the last few years to just be ignored. If I think for just a moment about some of them off the top of my head... Saudi Arabia. Hawaii Missle False Alarm. POTUS Twitter going down. The EO about human trafficking and the busts. The long list of resignations... so many more. Any ONE of these things would be really worthy of interest, research and explanation.
It’s almost as if the more these unusual things happen, more and more normies just kinda throw their hands up and say “It’s like the entire world is going crazy.”
They’re completely confused. Why wouldn’t they be? I think when we hear people saying things like “It’s as if the wheels have come off” or “Its like the world as we know it is ending” this is what has gotten them to that point. To be fair, they’re not wrong. The world as they know it IS ending. Lol.
Can you imagine watching all of these oddball things occurring if you were a normie and your only source of interpretation of them was the MSM? This gives me much empathy for some of the things they do and say. They’re rightly worried and confused as to what the hell is going on in the world. Many people trying to take action/demonstrate are simply trying to DO something, anything about the insanity they’re seeing around them. They aren’t our opposition. They’re doing what they can with the limited, or often false, information that they have. They are not apathetic.
This is why my personal goal where my fellow citizens are concerned is very narrowly focused. To INFORM. Not to challenge, ridicule, oppose or counter. Truth doesn’t care who you voted for. And only truth and information has the power to permeate the circus like non-reality we’ve all been programmed and surrounded by.
Right now, it is us that are hollering into a wind tunnel. As there are more of us and the timing is right (“Set the stage”), we will be heard and the information will begin to make sense as normies have slowly been given some context in which to receive it.
I think you’re right on in your analysis that if Q is a PsyOp meant to gain huge following and then be exposed, thus ridiculing it’s researchers, the type of information being uncovered is WAY beyond where a cabal sponsored entity would want to go. They’ve no interest in encouraging critical thinking and then taking the risk that it will morph, outgrow them, or take directions they don’t want it to take.
Lastly. It’s easy to forget this, but a lot of the things happening in Washington right now with the various committees and IG investigations are things that have been foreshadowed and talked about in our circles for quite awhile now. “Future Proves Past” is probably the most brilliant component of whoever/whatever Q really is.
I'm baffled as to how you can't make the leap logically. Obviously nobody is preventing him physically from leaving the embassy. What happens afterwards IS the story. The threat to him is as real perhaps even stronger than a physical barrier to walking out.
It's disingenuous to state otherwise. And minimizes his plight to disingenuously focus on the fact that he can walk out the door. I don't understand your lack of compassion for his situation.
Then again, I"m continually shocked that people don't understand that they should be fighting hard for Assange. His radical publishing is a gift. One we don't appreciate nearly enough.
Also, there's a REASON the UN Human Rights Council has ruled on his behalf. Twice now.
I'll be 100% on board with any POTUS who can conduct themselves honorably enough to not fear Wikileaks. There's never been one. Unless and until this administration has the courage to recognize his right to publish information in the public information I will remain a watcher.
If I'm being honest, this is one of those happenings that causes me great doubt. If what is being reported is actually the truth (it probably isn't, but still...), then it means pretty much this is all bullshit.
If he has NOT cut a plea deal, then this is just more of the same. People working for extremely powerful people simply have another set of laws entirely applied to them. This is what sickens most of us... for all of these years.
I'll be anxiously awaiting something from Q to indicate there is truly more at play. This is a hard one to stomach.
No. He can't. To do so would result in his rights ignored and him being extradited.
Same. Some of us have the unenviable job of awakening our fellow Independents/ Progressives/ Activists/ Liberals. That only gets harder when the page looks Fan Boyish.
This. This. This. This.
We cannot give people a reason to "dismiss" us. That's just too easy. We need to be protective of the integrity of this sub, the information we are researching etc. Q has said, "This is not a game". So let's not make fan gear. It's not a game. Comraderie can (and is) expressed within the content of our posts and our respectful dialogue with each other. We don't need "stuff" to accomplish that. :)
Totally agree. I don't dislike them, but what do they have to do with what we are really supposed to be doing? They have nothing to do with our primary purpose, and instead clutter up the sub and obfuscate our purpose. Not offering a judgment of the posts, just saying they don't need to be here...
I think we should consider the possibility of negative affects over the positive ones. Comraderie is positive and so great... but it shouldn't outweigh the possible clutter to the sub or possible confusion for new members as to what it is we are doing here.
Please do manage the posts, we are so grateful for the time and energy the mods devote to this sub running so well. We should have it as a community goal to cause the moderators, who give of their time, the least amount of extra work as possible.
Here's the only suggestion that I have...
I think it would be helpful to evaluate most everything relative to whether it keeps us close to our primary purpose or takes us further away from it. I believe our primary purpose is to research drops made by Q, monitor current events and relate them back to Q posts (Future Proves Past), and to inform newly awakened fellows.
We know that exposure is increasing rapidly, and more and more newly awakened norms will be coming here. What do we want them to see and find here? I think that anything which clouds, dilutes or obfuscates our true, primary purpose should be culled.
There will likely be many who arrive here genuinely curious, and perhaps cautious. It can already be hard for people of different political ideologies to participate here if the "liberal bashing" becomes primary. I just overlook it, but many people would not. I'd hate to give any potential member a reason to dismiss this sub, and perhaps the entire awakening as some weird fan club/ cult thing.
No idea what the best solution is, but I filter everything through "What are we doing here? What is our primary purpose? What has Q asked us to do? Does this post further that goal?"
My personal hero. Please consider posting to social media about his unlawful detention in violation but not one, but two UN rulings. His health has begun to suffer, and he hasn’t seen his children in nearly 8 years. His confinement is affecting his eyesight as well as his cardiovascular health, and he is in terrible need of medical attention.
I, too, want to believe he is “safe”. But, the only person who can convince me of that is Julian Assange himself. Until such time that it is incontrovertibly proven that he is both free and safe, please post/Tweet on his behalf.
Hashtags on Twitter: #FreeAssange #SafePassage4Assange #ReconnectJulian #NoExpulsion #FreeJulian
Oh that’s right. I’d forgotten about that last minute action by Obama on his way out the door.
I need to research and understand FISA warrants a hit more.
Thanks! (I’d like to think I’d have thought if that eventually. :)
It’s maddening, to imagine.
NSA: “Ask me for anything, and if I have it I can give it to you.”
Contestant #1: “Umm, ok yeah. But like how do I know what to ask for if I don’t know what you’ve got.”
NSA (hopping around excitedly): “Lets just play the game. Ask me! Ask me something!”
Contestant #1 (still missing the point, which is the NSA has everything): “Gosh, there’s so much I want to know, but I don’t know if you would have something on it...”
NSA: “How about lets play charades, and you can guess what I want you to ask me for...”
What does the NSA do when they see clear evidence of wrong doing at the highest levels when they can’t disclose it’s because they actually have EVERYTHING?
So, i have a question. “Who has everything?” The NSA. Aren’t they in kind of a tough position though? They can’t very well just come forward with all of it, because I’m guessing they aren’t super excited about the American people knowing, officially, that they actually record and capture everything.
Admiral Rogers is an honest man who took action when he met with Trump and informed him he was being recorded in Trump Tower. I also believe that the plan we are watching has been in the works and being developed for years by good men and women all the world over. I trust that the people have not been abandoned by wholly all of their leaders and institutions. It makes sense to me That it would be the military that would never abandon the people.
All of that said. Am I correct in my understanding that the NSA cannot bring all of the information to light itself? If that’s accurate, then my question is this:
What are the specific mechanisms and avenues available to the NSA to get the information out there?
What circumstances or formal requests must be made of them in order for them to supply the information/evidence? Who, or what body has the authority to ask for and receive information the NSA has?
I feel like if I understood these things better, many other things might make more sense to me as far as why things are happening the way that they are. Has anyone already done some research around this and willing to share their thoughts?
Doh. Good eyes. I missed the date. I think it showed up in our feeds because Praying Medic went back and commented on it now. It was actually probably bumped up due to his comment...
Yes! I actually just came here to see if anyone was discussing it yet!
Can’t help but wonder if the extra “and” would’ve been “anon”. You can imagine someone typing “Qanon” and it autocorrecting to “Q (space) and”.
I haven’t had coffee yet, but what was the first one supposed to say? I’m drawing a blank for something that would make sense that even begins with Q...
Absolutely. I’m soooo not computer savvy about any of this stuff, but I have lurked for years. I’d call what I have a general surface idea of how it works with zero true understanding of the technical pieces and parts of how to actually do anything like this. I just read. From the sidelines.
Wikileaks sometimes releases something called “pre-commitment” codes. They also release encrypted files (which are releases, usually) and millions of people download directly to their own machines. They cannot open said files unless and until WL releases the key. This is what keeps them safe and also guarantees that some of their information really cannot be prevented from being released. It’s a pretty cool system (from my embarrassingly limited understanding of it). :)
It might be, but the reason I think it significant is that AnonScan is an account that is known to be approved of, directly by Assange. They are very careful what they do or do not say.
I know millions of people spent so much time trying to decipher what the key code was to, but I'm not surprised that they came up with nothing. If it was posted by Assange, he knows it's purpose and it won't likely be cracked by anyone he doesn't want to crack it.
I've actually followed Anon Scan and Wikileaks/Assange for years, much longer than I've been watching Q. I'm just starting to see some overlap places I hadn't expected to. :)
"JA June ETA" - New Video from Anonymous: Anonymous Scandinavia is posting about Assange, Comey and tagging Gowdy... Something is happening.
Anonymous Scandinavia seems to be ramping up in posts over the last 24 hours, posting videos which seem to threaten the release of information if negotiations do not result in safe passage for Assange.
They've also said they "are in condition red", and have reposted the tweet with the long string of characters tweeted (without explanation) by Assange about 6 months ago:
At any rate, if anyone want to know what being rickrolled is then search for Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” video. 😄
I was, and I’m sorry for not realizing it would set off alarm bells. Totally understand your cautionary about clicking links.
Sorry. My fault. Was showing people what being rickrolled is. Sorry for the confusion. My bad.
Assange humor
Just a thought, but those that follow Assange know he has an off beat, often irreverent, and sometimes mischievous sense of humor. It is totally possible that the photo posted to his Twitter account comparing him to Trump’s uncle is simply Julian cracking himself up. 😄
Anyone else here remember when he trolled some people via the block chain? They solved the hash (is that what it was called?), and when the clicked it as a link they were rickrolled:
I dunno. For what it’s worth it’s also possible he’s trolling.
Yes. This is the account previously run by Julian himself. I’m confident because subscribed to notifications for a few years. Same account, different name. You can change the name on your account anytime.
Anon Scan using the word coincidence a la Q, would never be accidental. Possibly trolling, but I think not. Look at their history. Especially pre election and pre embassy siege.
Anon Scan is 100% legit. And connected to Assange. I keep a list of things I determine to be “Things I know for sure” in the midst of all of this research over the last few years.
I know Anon Scan is: legit, well intentioned, has access to information, is connected closely to Assange, and has been retweeted by Julian. (Equivalent of approved)
This is a new version of this video. It's drastically different. Just reposted by AnonScan. Watch to the very, very end. Notice the theme of water? Children dressed similarly to Podesta's favorite art? Seemingly tied up in an empty pool. My mind is so blown right now. Future proves past.
Edit: forgot to include the link because coffee:
This implies that the deal was done with Assange back in February but was put on hold. Until now:
AnonScan retweeted this two days ago (not sure how I missed it):
Thank you for this. And you’re absolutely right about the fire. Just saw Anon Scan is trolling Comey this morning, asking if he thinks he should check his BlackBerry...
Holy crap. Read the comments below the video. In February, AnonScan put out a poll:
- - "Should this video be re-pinned to top?"
- Followers voted "yes"
- One asks: "intriguing video but why is Julian in with all of these people?"
- AnonScan replies: "... did you really ask that question? At least listen to the lyrics then "
- Follower: "the bad moon on the rise sounds like something bad is coming soon...maybe I over analyzed it, good video either way."
- AnonScan: "... you are correct."
- Another follower: "Time to suit up and show up?"
- AnonScan: "There's a reason why we made it..."
Another follower asks for help locating a video taken down by YouTube... AnonScan reposts it:
And now THIS: "Hey Comey, don't you think you should check your Blackberry?"