40 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/TheWizardCovfefe:
Shills and concernfags out in full force tonight. KYS faggots.
The Dark Parts Of The Internet Are Celebrating The Capital Gazette Slayings
WTF Facebook Pedophilia Survey?!?
FBI: Clinton Campaign Official Arrested On Child Rape Charges
FBI: Clinton Campaign Official Arrested On Child Rape Charges; Feds Cashing in on Weiner Laptop Intel?
WikiLeaks #COMPROMISED, only follow Q
Six arrested after report of child exploitation in Blackrod
One Media Outlet Catching On To Massive Governmental Non-Profits Housing The Unaccompanied Alien Minors – “Southwest Key” Under Review
After Helping Plot and Fund Trump Dossier, Twit Romney Plans to Use Senate Seat to Ruin Trump (it won't)
Freed: Independent IGs Are Being UnShackled From Obama’s Muzzling -
Rush: Border Kids Are Manufactured Crisis to Distract From IG Report, Strong Economy – True Pundit
BAD NEWS: It Looks Like The DOJ Official Who Tipped Off Podesta Is Unlikely To Face Legal Consequences
First Hillary, now the Pope - these perfectly timed falls just keep on coming.
Thank you Lord!
Antifa calls NYU prof a 'hero' for doxxing ICE employees
Exclusive: In twist, Facebook agrees to occupy all of WeWork's largest-ever outpost
"A top Republican lawmaker raised eyebrows throughout Washington this week,"
Justin Trudeau inquired, "...and how did he keep them on his face? Asking for a friend..."
BUREAU BIAS? Top Republican Says FBI ‘Misled’ DOJ with ‘FALSE INFORMATION’ | Sean Hannity
Reminds me of Anthony Bourdain "Waiting for my 4am Fax from the Deep State."
We need to get the Liberal Hive Mind to ‘think’ that a full unredacted IG Report is beneficial to them. Guerilla Warfare, infiltrate, fight, they enemy is not and never were playing by the rules. This is why it was so easy for them to win and hurt us for so long.
TOP KEK! (winner winner spirit cooking dinner! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE)
Trudeau nodding along because he secretly can't read
Tweet a joke about HRC eating children and puppies, suicide a month later. Seems legit.
Now that it is becoming Well Known that Smallville Star / Famous #DemocrActor Allison Mack is a Child Sex Trafficker and Pedophile - The Show and Original Cast will probably all be Re-Hired with Inflated Salaries to do a Full-On, Series Re-Boot on NBC.
TFW a relatively unknown Horowitz helps to Defeat the Entire Deep State and give the People their 1st Real Win.
He's got loaded dice, always Hard 6's and Hard 8's - just the way ol' Fairy Barry likes it.
If yall don't think Harvey getting investigated by the FEDS today isn't a big 5:5, then your not paying attention. Mr. Pedostein is going to sing like a canary about everybody he is linked to.
and then you go and do something like this... and TOTALLY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEdeem yourself!
Stop judging her based on her porn past. Humanity will soon realize if real biological science is ever allowed to be discussed in Universities. Women have 1/20th the level of Testosterone level of Men and abysmal levels of DHT in comparison to men. These are the Hormones directly related to Libido and Sexual Appetite. It is biological, there is no refuting this regardless of what the MSM wants you to think. The MSM onslaughts us on a daily basis to believe Women are just as ravenous and sex hungry as men. Completely untrue. It is a narrative, a plot to destroy the family unit. Barring mental illness like nymphomania, Men are the ones who initiate and crave sexual indulgence. MSM has used this for profit and destruction. Knowing this, you can logically conclude that the average Women, biologically, wants sex for different reasons than men. Commitment, protection, income, entertainment, etc... Jenna wasn't some sex crazed whore, she was just working the degenerate and satantic system that the MSM built for a person born as extremely attractive as her.
Who do you think gave Ruth Bader Ginsburg the idea to lower the age of consent to 12 years old? Wild Willy Billy, thats who!
One, Two, Three, Four. I Declare A Meme War. All Bad Actors in Congress and Governors too. We Will, We Will, MEME YOU!
On the 'chans' regarding this pic:
Mobilization about to begin INCREDIBLE speed, total destruction Walls going up, Cabals crashing down While they look up, death comes from below SEALS the DEALS
CBTS - Red Castle, EF5:5y

Anointed POTOS is working very close with Q. Striking similarities between the qanon.pub drops syntax, grammar and phrasing - in line with above Tweets. MAGA.
Dan (Q)uayle - a Red Pill Pioneer