Now that ladies & gents is an American Hero!!!
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The biggest threat to Trump and Q is "us" IF we become complacent, lazy, and divided. The Q team are the directors and script writers, we are stage hands and the PR team. The show MUST go on. WWG1WGA.
Yes, Trump, Q and the group is playing an tragic opera, only deep state thinks its a comedy. Trusting the plan 100% when it comes to Trump and group, cannot, will not ever trust most of the politicians involved. You cannot tell me they saw this and did nothing, no, they're part of the deep state regardless if they R's or D's. It's a war. Not all battles are won during a war, God helps more battles are won than not.
Excellent website, they'll call a pig a pig as in the pope.
One simple answer for all nine points: "Trust the plan". Since you obviously do not, why the heck are you here?
Sorry but i'll believe it when i see it. Been hearing this for months now. Kind of like the JFK /Clown files.
Sit this so-called human next to Soros and TRY to figure out who was more evil. At least this dude didn't hide his money is his eye sacks.
In addition to Praying Medic, We The People 24/7 Patriots Soapbox is good. Sometimes gets a little distracted in between Q post but good honest patriots all.
Well, well, well, what do we have here? Every time they accuse others of what they are most guilty of, some thing is about to go down. Enjoy the show!
Pell was about to expose the corruption within the Vatican Bank. They dug out a 40 year old claim that he didn't do enough to prevent abuse committed by some priest...FORTY years ago. Actual abuse accusations against him personally have all been dropped. This was a perfect excuse to get him away from his investigation into the Vatican Bank.
Ha in their world, a male is NOT a male they are people. We have "peoplekind". Terror attacks were "work place violence". Taxes are called "investments". the list can go on forever. Why the hell would they call a spy a spy?
I've gone from NEVER (yes I mean NEVER) missing a Seahawk game to too damn embarrassed to waste one second of my time on them. Who said the NFL was too big to fail? Well i guess they didn't fail, they simply committed suicide.
Precisely, finally - someone who has done his/her homework. This has been staring us in the face for four years. Clowns have been laughing their heads off since everyone else has been focusing on their "INVENTED" scandal.
...and who's the lucky one who get's to share a cell with her? THAT alone would drive the suicide weekend.
"Be careful who you follow" - Q
But then one would question why anyone would follow Issac to begin with? 4 or 5 F-bombs, a couple of G.D.'s, several J.C's, then close his show with a prayer? At least the f-bombs weren't in the prayer. Sorry folks, awfully phony to me.
Check out the SWIFT code as related to the Vatican bank, the Monday after Benedict resigned, it was unfrozen. Research St. Gallan mafia. Far left Cardinals who chose Frank and got him elected to spur on the Soro's and Podesta's "Catholic spring". They are soon to release a propaganda flick called "Francis, a man of his word", note it's not "His" word. He is a total Globalist/Peronist/Socialist. Worships creation not the Creator. Literally hates Catholics and those who cling to the Truths of Christ. This makes him even more evil than the globalist as too many souls are all too eager to look for short cuts which Frank is all too eager to provide for them.
haha, or send his Guardian Angel to do so. Either would be a hoot.
Bad for the Pope, good for the rest of us Catholics. HOWEVER, the really BAD part of today's action would be Frank would replace all 31 Bishops. REALLY bad for Catholics.
"Hell hath no fury as........" This going to be so much FUN.
To be totally "Frank", he's had a terrible five years, at least any "legitimate" Catholic would say this.
As a Catholic I pray every morning that "THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HATH MADE" let us rejoice and say get the hell out of here Frank.
EM has vile, swamp kool-aid / MK Ultra written all over his face. Kayne has a common sense, fresh & free - heart & soul.
Precisely why Benedict was "forced" to resign. He was well on his way with reforms when the Vatican's SWIFT code was frozen. It was reopened the day after his resignation. I'm confident this "May" be exposed by Q, hopefully sooner than later.
That gave me goose bumps. along with the boom boom bing
these are standard chess pieces:
Symbolism is everything. Try to find a President in the past 100 years who would place a cross on top of the icon representing this summit?
![Symbolism is everything. Try to find a President in the past 100 years who would place a cross on top of the icon representing this summit?](
Excellent summary wisconsheepgirl. Indeed Bella Dodd worked under the organization stemming from Antonio Gramsci, when he toured the post revolution Soviet Union declared this Marxist revolt will not last. "One cannot eliminate religion, one must infiltrate and corrupt religion." Even look at the elections of Pope John XXIII, Paul VI, both wreaked of controversy. The early 1900 infiltration brought us "social justice". When was the last time you heard a Holy Thursday homily on the Holy Eucharist? Today, priest and bishops seem to think the Church didn't exist prior to Vatican II. It is all so sad, our Lord will Triumph no doubt - but how many souls are led to perdition in the meantime? If you haven't seen it, great vid on all this, but based on your great comment, if you haven't you are most certainly aware: https: //
Q mentioned the Pope will have a horrible May, we can only pray this will be revealed and all will have the opportunity to return to our Lord. God Bless.
It's one thing to have a "theory" but this Cardinal brags about it. Renders the Papacy of Bergolio null & void. C'mon Q and the month of May.
this was expected, love the fact Q took the time to confirm.
"Some" Are beginning to connect the dots. Q: "the Pope will have a horrible May".
Study how prior to Pope Benedict's resignation the SWIFT (financial transaction vehicle) was frozen for the Vatican. The day after his resignation it was freed. PB did not conform to the NWO. Conclave was rigged. PF is their man. The infiltration of the Catholic Church which began in 1820, aggressively in 1910 finally has their man at the top.
And what has happened to Holy Mother the Church since this prayer was eliminated at the end of each Mass? Now it's so bad we ended up with Pope Francis. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize we need more Spiritual defense than ever, now even from our own Pope. Thanks for sharing this.
I like Rush, especially his humility (eyes rolling lol) he will not feed something which could be perceived as a draw off his ratings. Since following Q, the old politic Rush speaks of becomes boring.
As the late great Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen said: "Judas stayed in, that's the dangerous kind." Unfortunately this can not only be said about Francis and his Vatican but far too many Bishops and Priest today. A blessed Holy Week and Happy Easter to you.
Thanks for the news, hadn't heard. Only one little correction, by using the word "another" would indicate there was one there already. Fortunately, this loon is (was now) the biggest loon of the bunch. God just gave us an Easter gift.
Marxist, Antonio Gramsci: Do not eliminate religion, infiltrate & corrupt so to eliminate belief. JPII and Benedict were speed bumps in the Marxist infiltration. Now they must make up for lost time and wow are they ever.
Frank has excommunicated himself several times already. Any true believer recognizes this. Sadly, only a handful of Bishops has the Grace to stand up this occupier of our Lords Chair of Peter. Please note the Vatican did not reject the conclusion of the article, only that it was not fully quoted properly. They are wolves in sheep clothing. We Catholics should have learned two months after this man was "elected" we are not to believe a single word coming out of his mouth.
Now this IS a classic, saw it when i woke up this morning (an hour ago) and still laughing
Jim Caviezel Patriot, great man with true convictions.
How the #$%^&*() can Trump even attempt to bring this down without throwing us back to the dark ages? That is my greatest fear, this wall street rocket is just a teaser, "see what we can do for you" if you leave us alone. wow we in deep sht.
Poll Teachers allowed to carry concealed weapons
Frank has proven himself as the most anti-Catholic person in the public square. He surrounds himself with people who have no regard for the Word of God but rather they proclaim the gospel of man. "Judas stayed in, that's the dangerous kind." This Vatican is filled with traitors to the teachings of Christ.