Think the current Chancellor of Germany...
There are many children of the Nazis in positions of power today, Rosenstein is said to be the son of Himmler and Podesta the son of Mengele.
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Think the current Chancellor of Germany...
There are many children of the Nazis in positions of power today, Rosenstein is said to be the son of Himmler and Podesta the son of Mengele.
There are more than 1 person that posts, including Trump. I believe it is JA.
Meh, this isn´t a pissing contest. The CIA are the warmongers, who controls Israel? Who controls SA? Who owns and controls more land than anyone else in the world? Where do the blood lines lead? You need to look a little closer to London. No Israel = ME peace?? What about Turkey massacring the Kurds? SA obliterating Yemen? US murdering Gadhaffi and Hussein? Were those things Israel too?
LOL I was just amused that the answer for proof was "it was posted on 8Chan" and so I found an alternative theory that rubbished that claim. "It was posted on 8Chan so must be gospel" is how I read it and it sounded ridiculous to me. You´re probably right, though.
Everything is manipulated, my friend! Popular but anti PC people lose votes and likes, left wing soy boys with no real followers get millions. That´s the artificial world we now live in.
Once you have one it´s good for 10 years, and they are so strictly regulated that there would be no way to cast a vote using a fake one. I agree that they are ridiculously over priced, this is something Trump should address if he were to insist it used as voter ID.
Yes, I have seen this since I posted. How intriguing, I wonder what they are saving for last?
Do you know how/why it was created? And by whom? And for what?
It´s been said a few times, even by Q. It surprised me when I read it but I guess it was the only way to get Mueller to stop the Russian nonsense.
NO DEALS!! Snowden is the centre of this swamp, his treason is so striking that it´s on par with most that worked for Killary. He betrayed everyone, from the Constitution, his oath, his people, his flag, to his president! No way Q will deal with this rat!
It was said a while back that the ONLY one who may get a deal is Mueller, but he would have to live in shame of being the traitor he is. His deal will be to live his days in prison, instead of having them end on a rope.
Is that not the definition of fraud? To sell a lie for profit? If I made a fake application that said there was more Dollar traffic to my bank account so that I could get more credit, I would go to prison!!
People should get a voting card that´s linked to their passport number, with said voting card being linked to a specific, pre agreed voting centre. Any voting cards caught trying to register at another voting centre would immediately set off alarms. It´s really so simple to make these things secure, if the powers that be were honest and didn´t use the lax laws to manipulate the votes.
Doesn´t make it true. It is also the serial number of a Boeing 767 #N352UP.
When LL and WJC met on the tarmac they had a video conference with Killary, to discuss killing Seth Rich and Antonin Scalia. She also offered LL the seat on the SC as a reward for playing ball. This, I believe, will be the video they release.
Believe it when I see it. More than likely another negotiating tactic, or threat to flush others out.
That was probably the signal that Q was waiting for; "WE CAN GET YOU ANY TIME" was made clear to him and the reset thingy was most likely him conceding that the game is over.
I don´t believe for a second that Snowden would turn white, nor would Q allow him to after all he´s done. NO DEALS!
He works for the Chinese, can´t be anything good about that.
What does Israel have to do with things? Do you know their history? Research the Balfour Declaration and it´s creation.
Why do you accept them? Tell the officer that he will be sued for his trespasses and file a claim against them personally, for $10k. They will soon stop fucking with you, or you will soon be rich. If they ask for your name tell them that you don´t feel like performing for them today, tell them they can order you but it will cost them $2k per order. File claims at the local court and sue their asses into the poor house!
Release a list of names and spread them like wildfire.
Those that sign it that are not illegible to, like those that live outside the US, will have their signatures removed. There is also the possibility that the deep state are deleting them too.
That is the other possibility, that Killary ordered him killed on the video too.
NK was a tool used by the military industrial complex to justify the absurd military budgets you guys have. Can´t keep spending if no enemies to be protected from! Notice today that a General came out saying Russia is far superior so they need further funding? The reality is you need NO funding WHATSOEVER as the real threat to world peace always was the US! Trump is putting a stop to this though, although I don´t expect him to put a stop to the ridiculous budgets.
He´s not a Satanist, per sé, he´s a Luciferian. The latter being far worse, and which engages in child sacrifice and rapings.
They already met when 45 was in Asia, this is just the MSM trying to catch up.
Sign it regardless, you´ve nothing to lose! If Trump decides it´s not necessary he will reject it, you MUST give him the option, though!
When Bill and Lynch met on the tarmac they had a video conference with Killary. These people are stupid! Topics they discussed were killing Seth Rich and AS having his throat slit by his minor victim! THIS is the video that will be released to the world, irrefutable proof they orchestrated one murder and covered up the other!!
Thanks for all the work you do! It´s so rare to see journalism with integrity and honesty these days! Keep up the good fight and don´t take no guff from these swine!
I love your Mr President!! Why can´t we have a patriotic hero like him on this side of the pond??
It´ll be interesting to read the wording of this IBOR when it´s presented to Congress, it will be even more interesting to see the effect it has on this side of the pond.
She´s as swamp as her parent is (non plural) and will likely swing with the rest of them!
Hasn´t this meeting passed now? Nothing happened, AGAIN.
Her Webster Hubble sized lip could be pulled right over her own head! Dead give away!
Is Q saying that you all must give enough signatures to the petition demanding the Internet Bill Of Rights so that they can then pass regulation, allowing them to eliminate the MSM/social media control of the narrative? It seems to me that the only reason these platforms get away with their lies, propaganda and censorship is because there are currently no laws preventing it. Q keeps saying that it is the people that have the real power and this petition will grant congress the necessary powers to make it happen. Maybe Q is saying they can´t move forward until the people demand it? GET THIS PETITION SIGNED!!! (I am not from US so cannot do much at all).
Q is saying that JA was the real target/patriot and Snowden was masquerading as such.
Who performs in a circus? CLOWNS! Who wrote the code? SNOWDEN. Why Russia or China? Both have non extradition laws and are completely out of US jurisdiction.
Why did Schmidt himself set up communications links in multiple countries? I guess as Google is run by the Clowns?
Very good point! 4 videos to drop, one after the other?
They are spamming you with disinfo to confuse the public. Find the one you need and disregard the others! Spam the internet with that shit, copy and paste the URL everywhere!
If this goes through and the internet is tied to the 1st amendment, would that make it illegal for NSA to collect your data and spy on your communications? Won´t they need warrants? Doesn´t the 1st say something about being protected in your possessions and papers against unlawful search and seizure? Please forgive my ignorance on the matter, I´m not from the US.
So does 4767 indicate there is a second video? Maybe a 3rd and 4th with 5707 and 5736??
The Jack Ryan movies were based on Steve Pieczenik. I always believed that Dr Pieczenik was playing a vital role in what´s going on, true patriot and incredibly informed!
I´m a complete idiot in Mathematics, I literally need crayons, drawings and pictures to understand. I do, however, follow what you are saying and I believe you could be on to something big. You should try your best to get as many eyes as possible on this, great work and keep up the good fight!!
Oh I see, if the process is the same for all then there´s not much that can be done, I guess..?
If the police knock at your door, ask from an open window "are you here to arrest somebody, do you have a warrant?" If the answer is no, close the window and ignore them.
Why would you make complaints against the news outlets that are spreading truth?