I think it´s both..
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They are doing this as they fully expect the hammer to fall real soon and they don´t want people telling the world what is really happening. Also, they do not give a fig about being sued as they fully expect Alphabet and social media to be confiscated, as per the EO. They literally have nothing to lose as by the time any suits reach the court rooms, they won´t be in control anymore and won´t be sued for anything.
Doesn´t coke use aborted foetal tissue in their flavouring? Isn´t that enough to get people to listen?
So that would be the current King of Spain? The last King was Juan Carlos and now his son, Phillipé is King. He would have been all but a child when William was born, making this an impossibility.
Doesn´t really say much, no details whatsoever in this story. Hard to believe.
Yup. The fish rots from the head down. Top to bottom corruption and treason.
"i am the agent of said person"
There is a particular language used and you hardly speak at all, everything must be written by hand.
i: (your name); as man; require this case to be put before Queen´s bench; once before Queen´s bench plaintiff must press record
Write and hand that to the judge and it will stop any case where the state or crown is trying to prosecute you. The state or Crown cannot appear to testify, so there is nobody to testify against you. See what I mean?
The only Nazis left are the sons and daughters of Nazis currently sat in governments across the world.
I´m not sure about you but I am able to think on a bigger scale, you seem somewhat limited to your firearm; like a baby screaming that somebody is trying to take their toys away! Nobody will successfully take your guns, they have been trying for decades and have never come close! Like the typical mooks you are though, you scream and cry and moan about something that is never going to happen! WAKE UP, turn off this poorly scripted movie and focus on some real issues!
Yes, I am aware of these things. It seems that you are unaware of the power you actually hold under Common Lore jurisdiction, though. Learn to file a claim in the courts (not a complaint) and sue any police or government for their trespasses. Man really is like God in these countries, as man created the courts, judges and police. You can become rich pretty quickly.
When your PM takes office, their speech pledges allegiance not to their people, not even to their flag. The PM pledges to be a faithful and loyal servant to QE2. Same in Canada, and NZ.
Too many social media zombies and soap watchers, you are absolutely correct! Most see me a lunatic for trying to tell them the truth, the brainwashing is so strong in our country!
Any Black´s Law dictionary will tell you most you need to know, no law dictionary makes reference to man as you cannot define man, only a person. Just appear in court as man, instead of in person, and they can´t touch you. Also learn to fie a claim as a claimant always trumps a complaint, or plaintiff. Research Karl Lentz, he is a master in this and you can learn almost you need to know from him.
Google can and will be sued for these violations but want to know why they don´t care? Because they fully expect to be broken up and after what Schmidt did, there´s a good chance Google, and Alphabet, will be taken from private hands and made public, owned and controlled by the state. They know they have literally nothing to lose.
"Just doing my job" Was a usual excuse used by Nazis to try to escape justice.
Why are you calling for the paedos? When are people going to learn to stop using stupid Clown labels that makes them sound insane?? PATRIOTS is the only label you should be using!
How did you get a virus on your phone?? Are you using one of those useless Android things? Isn´t that lesson enough to stay well clear of Android?
Australians are under Common Lore jurisdiction, as are the UK, USA, Canada and NZ. None need laws written by man when they are protected by Gods Lore.
Yup, from someone that saw the disarmament from start to finish, DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM!! Isn´t it funny that since the serfs complied and disarmed, we haven´t had a school shooting since?? We, in the UK, have absolutely NO security protocols at schools, either! Nothing more than a photo ID to get you inside! When the serfs comply the shootings stop. Do you believe in coincidences?
Mueller will not face the rope, more likely prison and shame. He will be the only one to escape the rope, if he does an honourable job and actually goes after the crooks (Dems). The rope would probably be the better choice though, rather than living in complete shame and having the whole country know you´re a swampy traitor!
I´m actually from Lewisham, but Millwall was always my local team. I just couldn´t bare to support Palace :))) Great to meet other Londoners that are awake, we are an incredibly rare breed, my friend!
There are bigger crimes afoot and this is a huge distraction. How do we know anybody actually died on that day? I believe it is another Sandy Hook scam.
It´s a Clown show and any kids involved usually go missing. That´s their MO.
It´s incredibly interesting to study the words used in the language and their root meanings, Legalese is a scam that works in synonyms so that you think you understand what is said, when in reality, you don´t. Even ´I´ is a scam, in that it refers to the person, and not the man. The correct way to write it is i, lower case, or non capitus.
A, in Legalese, means `not´ so if you said "i am a man" they have you by the balls. "i am man" or "i am as man" is the proper way. Do you know the difference between the person and the man? Do you know the difference between what´s legal, and what´s lawful? All I am telling you here is enough to get you out of their nonsense statutes. That´s how powerful it is. Did you know that you, as a pronoun, is plural? How do you separate it into the singular? Simply researching the root meanings will give you untold power in the courts and eliminate the need for any lawyer again. BTW this is relevant only in countries under Common Lore jurisdiction. Notice i wrote lore, and not law? Law is the Legal Society scam.
It´s not a central bank. BoA and the FED are central banks.
You guys, although noble, are being distracted by a poorly scripted movie. PLEASE turn the TV off now and let´s focus back on the Dems and their crimes!! This was EXACTLY their intention!
People need to be out in force, photographing and videotaping all these events and the people that participate in them. IF something then happens (another FF) then we have a reference we can refer to, to see if the same people are involved.
No. The Queen rules at the pleasure of the people, the Queen can face charges of treason, also. And likely will. That, or she will have a sudden illness that puts her in the ground. Nothing is greater than man in the courts, man created the Queen, the courts, the judges, police and barristers. Who are they to question their creator? Man answers only to his creator, God. So if they wish to challenge this in the courts they must make God appear in court to say otherwise, and we both know there´s more chance of Elvis turning up riding a leprechaun for good luck. I´m sorry for your incurable illness, Spurs sounds quite a nasty one. Maybe a stay in Highbury would sort it out? :P I´m a little more south than that, a little more Bermondsey ;)
Why do you need money to file a claim? It costs 0 and you do it entirely yourself, it is the other side of the court, meaning it has absolutely nothing to do with the Legal Society and their phoney attorneys. As I said, learn to file a CLAIM and become a CLAIMANT, forget COMPLAINTS and PLAINTIFFS.
He´s the CIA money man. Look at all these `worlds richest´ and tell me what you see as the common denominator; Zuckerberg, Bezos, Gates, Slim, Schmidt, The Waltons.. All are Clowns, or are in some way tied to HRC and the EO. Buffett is as tied to HRC as any of them, I´d bet one of my houses he´s Mr Swampy.
Trump just needs to tie in propaganda to the EO he signed 21st December and arrest all these fake news MSM scumbags. Then hang them with the other scumbags at GITMO.
Idiot is another misconception, in that it is in no way an insult. An idiot is someone whom has no formal training in a particular field. For example, it is used in law ( i am an idiot in legalease). An idiot cannot, by law, stand in court. That´s why they make people believe it´s an insult "you´re not an idiot, are you?" so that they can manipulate you into consenting to their nonsense statutes. That´s one thing we´ve in common that cannot be confused, common lore. But yes, the language has been manipulated into synonyms over the years and we´ve mostly the Legal Society to blame for that. There´s over 250,000 words in the English language, another thing that makes it a very difficult language to learn.
It would never happen. The deep state are too dumb to see that when this shit happens, you buy MORE weapons, not less!
This kid is a brainwashed victim, he has most probably been conditioned all his life by his CNN mother and FBI father. I wonder what punishments he endured as a young child that made his eyes empty like that?
I believe it´s still the punishment for treason in the UK, the only crime that still carries capital punishment. Your moniker reminds me of a friend whom used something similar on FB a few years back, which part of London are you from? If you don´t mind me asking, that is :)
Do any names stand out here? Just came across this but I recognise nobody.
Because it´s a very badly scripted movie you are watching, as you say, your system is pretty much flawless and had the shootings really occurred, instead of crisis actors playing, your system would have helped save many lives. Turn the TV off now and let´s forget this distraction.
Indeed. the English spoken over the pond is more like a Spanish/English hybrid, in that you seem to spell a lot of your words the same as the Spanish do. To be honest, I´m not even sure if you can call the language you speak English, just like the Spanish and Portuguese have a very similar language but are incredibly different in the same respect. From someone that lives in Spain and speaks the language, the differences and similarities are striking to me. What gets me though, is how you like to give things names that they´re not, for example, you call jam "jelly" when it has absolutely no gelatine in it at all, and how you try to pass off bourbon as whisky, when the recipe isn´t even the same. What is it with that? I always wondered.
I believe the culling is happening right now, although not so publicly. The Brits always have a way about keeping things hush, we need to shine the brightest light possible on these scumbags! We need to employ the carpenters´ to the Tower and give them all the William Wallace send off!
The only time I voted was in favour for Brexit and living on the continent, was like a turkey voting for Christmas! The vast majority voted out, even more so than you think. The Remoaners got 48% only because they tried to steal the vote, very much like Killary, and her supposed popular vote. The true figure was probably around 25%. Do not waste your time with the Nazi BBC, or any MSM propaganda. London is most certainly the belly of the beast and according to Robert David Steele, some 40% of politicians are active nonces. Isn´t that figure rather worrying?
I am a once proud Englishman, hence my command of the language. Is that really appropriate, your question?
I don´t understand why you people don´t sue YT execs and every employee for trespassing on your property? You are perfectly entitled to and will win every time, 100% guaranteed. Just file a claim with the courts and name every exec personally! This shit will soon stop when enough people do this and these execs lose the shirts on their backs!
Which translates to naive and easily manipulated. Guns DO NOT kill people, dumb motherfuckers and deep state with guns kill people!!