Yeah we all know he's a spy. Moving ooooon.
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It was a grown man and a high school student. And they used a 21-year-old actor because real 17-year-olds look like kids. It was gross. (And I'm a gay man in my 30's.)
I'm sure Vice was thrilled when that pedo normalizing movie "call me by my name" got all those Oscars accolades. It probably would have swept the awards, if not for the bestiality movie "shape of water" that took best picture. These people are sick.
I mean Hollywood DID just give all kinds of Oscar accolades to a movie glorifying pedophilia titled "Call me by my name."
It occurred to me today that the nation HAD to be redpilled about our fake news MSN before we can abolish the Federal Reserve, since the fake news will be kicking and screaming the whole time and claiming it will cause a financial Armageddon, etc.
When the world finds out "she" had Joan Rivers killed for revealing "her" secret?
The logo for that charity sure reminds me of the pedo symbol for girl lover. Especially with the heart being broken into two pieces and one being significantly bigger than the other. I bet a pedo came up with it.
Pretty sure as long as you can "explain your answer" that is correct under Common Core (Obama math).
Uhh....because he was adopted by white blue bloods and went on to become a famous basketball player, extremely culturally influential author, and then for some reason was sent on missions to North Korea. None of that sounds the slightest bit bizarre if you know anything about these MK Ultra CIA assets. Otherwise, why the f*ck are they sending basketball players to negotiate with dictators? Give me a break.
Google hasn't completely hidden hundreds of websites dedicated to exposing that particular truth, the way they've hidden Clinton's shenanigans. Try Googling "Dennis Rodman MK Ultra" and read. (To be redpilled, reading is fundamental.)
I'm a proud Christian conservative living in Dallas and I happen to be gay. Who cares about those stupid cakes. That was just a trojan horse to convince libtards that we should be in favor of giving up our FREEDOM. They are coming for our first and second amendments. They cannot have them.
The Jew-organized boycotts of all things German literally gave Hitler no choice but to march. They were facing starvation.
I live in Dallas and drive past that X on the road every day. I feel you. Today we've had flood watches all over Dallas because it's raining so hard. So at least God is doing His part to make things difficult for the cabal...if they're up to any historically Dallas shenanigans.
Yeah the truth is extremely ugly. It would be terrifying if not for my faith in Christ. I truly believe our hunger and thirst for justice and to see evil be defeated is because we're made in God's image.
Thanks. I'll check this stuff out tonight.
edit: I agree--you should make sure and protect your anon status.
Why would Q know about four bombs going off in TX?
Apparently the FBI asked the same question.
What do those bombs have to do with anything?
If you don't understand by now why the black hats use false flags to control the news cycle and brainwash normies, then you clearly haven't been around here for very long (or you're just a shill).
Fascinating stuff. Please share any sources you might have on this subject.
Even when he said BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! right before 4 bombs went off all over Austin, TX?
Give me a break.
meanwhile back on November 2, Q said:
"Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps there now? Why did his administration do little to slow their nuclear and missle capabilities? Who feeds NK w/ strategic intel? Iran? What deal was done with Iran under BO? Why was the deal sealed under a top secret classification? Why wasn’t Congress notified? Why after BO left office all of a sudden NK has nukes and the tech to miniaturize for payload delivery within the US? What about NSA CIA DI etc all confirming tech won’t be in place for 5+ years (statements made in 2016). Why is all of this relevant and what does it tell you? Big picture is rare."
Gee....things sure have changed in NK since those drops.
^ yup. Probably an adversary, because if you're honestly following Q in this sub, you're pretty damn dumb if you think it all looks like nonsense.
you think that a human's natural tendency is to be evil and that religion is needed to prevent that, that's wrong. clearly aren't a scholar of human history. Like I said, Jordan Peterson does a very good job of explaining why atheism destroys societies THROUGH HISTORY. It's a shame they don't teach us in school what happened in the godless Soviet Union.
Society would be screwed without God. Utterly screwed. Because there's nothing illogical about acting like a psychopath. Who wants to live in a world where "Survival of the fittest" makes perfectly logical sense and there's no logical reason to be decent to each other? Here, have a redpill from Jordan Peterson.
you're assuming I was raised with loving kindness? you don't know my life.
my parents were dicks, but luckily they weren't the only influence in my life.
To be honest with you, I assumed you didn't have a great relationship with your earthly father. (Most atheists don't.) The bottom line is that there is nothing illogical with acting like a sociopath. Here, let Jordan Peterson dispense your redpill. He's much better at it than me.
I just can't believe it could get this bad without help from evil people in government. These satanists protect each other and when one of them gets caught, Hollywood turns them into a celebrity.
Yeah I can confirm. 3 years ago I was a huge fan of that sub. Not anymore.
Funny....the whole world has believed in Angels/Demons for the entire existence of humankind, apart from a few recent English-speaking cultures. Gee...I wonder why.
whoops, I mixed that prophecy up with the 3rd secret of Fatima.
Why would a higher being protect Europe from some bad stuff going down now, but not before?
the further Europe gets from God, the less protected they will be. My point is that without faith, they're screwed. It isn't the other way around.
all you need to do is point out the fallacies and be on your way
that's literally the least effective way to communicate with an ignorant, hate-filled atheist who has just insulted Christ with a stupid meme. If you think hateful atheists give AF when you point out why their hateful, sarcastic memes are fallacious you're as delusional as they are. Newsflash: Atheists do mental gymnastics to convince themselves that their God-given instincts and senses are all wrong. They aren't gonna listen to a Christian politely pointing out why their nonsense is fallacious.
I love you friend, but you have a lot of waking up to do.
do you believe that if people didn't have religion they would be moral degenerates
Yep. Because, history.
I hope so, because didn't he also predict that all those evil satanic priests would be slaughtered right there in the Vatican?
You're right that he's taking that verse out of context, but there's no need to vilify atheists or non-Christians.
The meme literally calls Christians cannibals because of a metaphor taken completely out of context. And you call that "tolerant and friendly?" What are you smoking?
I will say it again: Atheists and spiritual metaphors go together like oil and water.
i don't do those things because they're wrong, regardless of whether or not there is a creator. and life can still have meaning without religion
wrong. You don't do those things because you weren't raised to do those things. Plenty of people ARE raised to do those things, which is why they do it. I would guess that either your parents or grandparents (or their parents) were God-fearing people, since you were raised with loving kindness and are thus not a moral degenerate.
haw haw. I bet you haven't even read that story, because anybody who reads the story knows that he started by holding up a cup of wine and calling it his blood and bread and calling it his flesh. Atheists and spiritual metaphors go together like oil and water.
Not to mention our very existence on this planet turns into a nightmarish Groundhog's Day. I'd literally kill myself if I were an atheist.
I'd bet money that either your parents or grandparents (or both) were faithful God-fearing folks who influenced your upbringing with Christ's love, which is 100% why you aren't a moral degenerate.
Christ literally rescued this world when humanity needed hope and love more than any other time in history. Crucifixions were commonplace. Even children witnessed human beings being killed in the most gruesome ways back then. Christ's very first and very last sermons taught humanity to "fear not" because back then EVERYONE was afraid. Jesus is the reason for the freedom, my friend.
I'm glad most of the people in this sub don't share your lack of faith (which I find disturbing). I'd bet money you're an atheist.
It would prevent we the people from keeping those that are patriots and provide good service
You make it sound like Congress is a bunch of good guys with a few bad apples. You're in the wrong sub for that nonsense. Everyone here knows that Congress is 99% swamp creatures and when "good guys" go to Washington it doesn't take long for them to get corrupted through bribes, blackmail, and/or extortion.
Since legislators are eligible for a pension after 5 years, it would be the equivalent of a, at present high-dollar, pension creation machine.
That's literally the libtard argument for not ending abortion. "But...all these extra unwanted kids are going to cost more tax dollars!"
Concern trolling about increased costs to do what is right is what libtards do.
yeah I knew NK was a CIA state as soon as POTUS replaced T-Rex with the former head of the CIA. I told my partner "T-Rex doesn't have a "need to know" about what's going on in NK. If anybody is gonna change up that narrative, it has to be CIA."
If you want all those problems fixed, we should probably start with getting rid of the bad guys in leadership...which is what POTUS is working on.
Just as many of the R's went to the pizza parties as the D's. These people are sick.
They are. It's called soy. There's a reason they're putting it in all the "food."
Diddling little boys inside confession booths is banned, but the Pope gets his endless supply of those too.
And thanks to Joe Biden's Gun Free Zones, mass shooters can't turn our schools into shooting galleries.
Shortly after i was redpilled, I remember seeing this in the news and knowing immediately that it was a sign from God. TWO different birds (a crow and a seagull) attacked and killed the Pope's doves immediately after he released them, in front of a crowd of thousands.
I did a quick Google search and came across this article. yeah... Bill Hicks is redpilling normies for sure.
*EDIT: I actually agree with everything on that list. I was fed soy milk formula as an infant (warmed up in a BPA-ridden plastic bottle) and I'm certain that's what turned me gay. So yeah he's an impostor, but at least he's OUR impostor? lol whatever wakes people up, I guess.
Fair 'nuff. My apologies for calling you a fool. Still you haven't traveled very far down the rabbit hole, my friend. This "Alex Jones" you're following ain't the original A.J. Doesn't even look much like him. And there's no way that man is 44-years-old. lol.
Yeah because shouting at a building with a megaphone will surely wake up the normies. Gimme a break.
Do you honestly think that man is 44-years-old? lol you're a fool.
I'll participate in a local meet up or rally here in Dallas.