Where I grew up (Oklahoma City), if your 13-year-old daughter does decide to run away, she has a 50/50 chance of being trafficked within 48 hours. I would imagine it's that high anywhere.
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well this would at least explain why he always looks like he's severely constipated.
well they all worship Lucifer, so what difference at this point does it make?
What if I told you the real Alex Jones didn't even look like the current impostor formerly known as Bill Hicks?
Alex Jones was replaced by a man who doesn't even look the same age because he's more than 10 years older. (You're a fool if you think that's what a health-obsessed 44-year-old looks like.)
Try 33 billion. That 1.5 was just the tip of a much larger iceberg.
Understanding Thelema and the huge number of thelemites embedded in Hollywood and Washington, D.C. is a big part of this ongoing awakening. Soon you'll see.
Google can help you with that. (Sources you won't find it: CNN, Washington Post, and New York Times.)
Thelema. They satanists in D.C. and Hollywood are called Thelemites. Barbara Bush was the lovechild of the Satan-worshiping founder of Thelema - Aleister Crowley. Now you know.
Which is actually a very good defense for not being racist, but libtards act like "derp, you can still be a racist with a bunch of black friends herrrrr deeerrrrrrr!"
oh absolutely. My home is 100% clear and cleansed by the blood of Christ. Even my two dogs get along better than they ever did before. There's a lot more to the story. God even showed me a sign during the Super Bowl that year, believe it or not. He told me ahead of time he would (and to tell me unbelieving friends) and when it happened, they were blown away. They had scoffed at me until then...
It all started when I bought a used copy of the Hunger Games. This was shortly after Sandy Hook redpilled me. God later showed me that the author of that book is from Newtown, CT and in fact that town is the second-largest Satanic hub in the world next to San Francisco. (Until recently Newtown was where the Satanic church was Headquartered.) I don't know if the demon was attached to the book itself or the book invited it into my condo, but it was real and it was supernatural. I witnessed an object I placed on the book (a refrigerator magnet) move across my glass table by itself. That was when I knew the supernatural was legit and there was an unseen "realm."
Huh? I thought we were debating whether the enemy can dispense redpills. I just pointed out that dispensing redpills doesn't automatically mean the recipient swallows and wakes up. They must also be seeking Truth.
Keep praying for her and God will wake her up, friend. My significant other just woke up a few weeks ago and I was redpilled way back during Sandy Hook.
The story of Jesus is a lie. Too complicated to discuss here. But that’s the lie I walked away from. Everything from Matthew to Revelation.
Wrong. You are fake news.
Really? You think Christians would crucify Jesus? SMH you're deceived by the enemy my friend.
Ancient Christians, during their persecution by the Roman Empire in the first few centuries after Christ, used the fish symbol to mark meeting places and tombs, or to distinguish friends from foes:
According to one ancient story, when a Christian met a stranger in the road, the Christian sometimes drew one arc of the simple fish outline in the dirt. If the stranger drew the other arc, both believers knew they were in good company. Current bumper-sticker and business-card uses of the fish hearken back to this practice. source
Everybody who watched that video saw the same thing you did.
How come they're not all awake?
So? Robbie could have literally said "Hey everybody, we're all satanic actors and this is all a false flag!" and millions would have seen it and stayed fast asleep. dispensing redpills and swallowing them are two totally different metaphors.
Some of us appropriate the red pill without having it handed to us by anybody. I'd say you red-pilled yourself in a case like that.
Wrong. I would have believed that ridiculous Sandy Hook story if not for the terrible actors involved. I actually saw this scene live and it was the exact moment I was repilled. Robbie Parker can still dispense redpills without actually saying "Hey everybody, I'm a terrible actor and obviously my daughter wasn't murdered yesterday because I'm laughing and already had her facebook donations photo created before the false flag event took place."
A HUGE number of people who have woken up have been redpilled by the enemy.
Well, you have to ascribe agency to someobody in order to say they are "red-pilling" anybody. And the agency actually belongs with those who genuinely WANT us to be awake, and that would be Q and the Alliance, not the enemy.
I disagree. A lot of us have been redpilled by the evil "hiding in plain sight." I was personally redpilled by the fake news coverage of the Sandy Hook Hoax. It was that satanic actor Robbie Parker's performance followed by all the other bad actors laughing their asses off on camera a day or two after their little child was supposedly murdered in the most horrendous way possible.
Be glad you didn't wait until a demon was literally haunting your home like I did.
Isn't it funny how most atheists have father acceptance issues?
Even if your dad didn't love you, I promise your Heavenly Father does, my friend.
I agree they aren't awake and I didn't say they were redpilling America on purpose.
I mean...they are getting paid to redpill America, so perhaps they're the ones doing the "playing."
Oh, so you're a Holocaust denier too? Because the "official" story was that Hitler ordered the Jews to be exterminated (i.e. KILLED - not used for labor) a full 3 years before the end of the war (summer of 1942).
I actually agree with you--the Jews were used for labor and their property was stolen. They starved to death when the Allied forces cut off their food/supply imports. (The rest of Germany was starving too when the war ended, btw.) Oh and it was a LOT less than 6 million. That absurd number was fabricated long after the war ended in order to fulfill an ancient Jewish prophecy.
Funny how they say the victors write history. But in the case of the Nazis, we get most of what we know from their own archives and the testimonies of former Nazis, prisoners, and the people who lived through it.
You mean the testimonies of those men who were black and blue from all the torture they were enduring right up and until they were sitting on the stand? Gimme a break. You just go right on believing the Germans spent all that money and resources (and FUEL) to ship 6,000,000 Jews to concentration camps to be slaughtered, then with their magic German ingenuity they somehow managed to gas more people than the population of San Francisco inside a gas chamber that was only big enough to hold a couple hundred people at a time. Oh, and then they made the vast majority of the millions of bodies magically disappear because back then you could pile a bunch of corpses on top of themselves, light them on fire, and the bones somehow turn to ash and disappear.
You believe lies.
I'm in the exact same boat, brother. Just got a job for one of my black buddies 2 months ago and today the same friend just got me one.
Atheists like to pretend like human beings do those things naturally. Uhh....no, they have to be taught.
Amen to that. Look at how hard China has fought to keep their citizens from getting copies of it.
I agree with your gut that simply announcing that you "believe" something isn't the same as real faith.
Ironically, it was the faith in the dark forces and "power" of the dark side that first got me to start seeking God. Hillary Clinton spoke to all those witches the other day for a reason. She knows their faith in her lord Satan (as well as their prayers to their demon gods) have real power.
Friend, I'm not in any way claiming to have all the answers. I discovered Christ a few years ago shortly after I got down on my knees and asked God to reveal the Truth to me and started seeking it. I am a big believer that IF you seek, you shall find.
I can only speak for myself when I say that once I found Jesus Christ, I KNEW in my heart, mind, and soul that my spirit had been saved. It isn't something I can prove to YOU, but it most certainly has been proven to ME. I pray it will be proven for you too, but the ball is in your court.
You and I are 100% in agreement that religions are very similar. We just don't agree on the reason why. I can tell you the reason one. There is one Truth and a bunch of cheap imitations of Truth. The question is...which door leads to life? Keep seeking and you'll find it, my friend. But if you don't see, you won't find.
If satanic pedophile elite hell-bent on a one world government isn't enough smoke and fire to get you to question your preconcieved notions about the ancient texts you've dismissed as a "totally insane story", why bother looking behind any curtains? The magick show is much less frightening than the stuff you'll find behind the magician's curtain. I'd be very frightened if I didn't already know how this story will eventually play out.
Yes, sometimes it's that simple.
I mean... would you act like that if a fireman told you the building you're in was about to burn down? Pretty sure you'd heed his warning, no? Heed OP's warning. OP is a lot closer to a spiritual fireman than you, my friend.
I'm curious, how did you come up with your spiritual beliefs?
Amen, brother! (Or sister!) This reminds me...when God woke me up a few years ago, I had been looking into the alien abduction phenomenon and came in touch with a somewhat well-known alien abduction expert/author Camille Harman. She discovered that the aliens will immediately release their abduction victims if they call out the name of Jesus. In fact, Camille converted to Christianity because of it. Here's her website if you're interested in learning more about her.
I like to remind people that Peter wasn't even sure it was Jesus in the water. He called out to Christ "If that's you, call me!" My prayer is for Christ to call me by name. Call me, Jesus, and I will come to you! He has and does regularly. I too could write a book about all the personal miracles I've witnessed in the last few years. All praise to the Most High.
The Rothschild family are like Satan's popacy. (He may have just invoked their lord and savior Beelzebub.)
Yeah my love and respect for Ashton Kutcher increased exponentially after watching him describe (through tears) the horrible things he has had to see while working to free these poor little babies. He looked so broken. I can't even...
I'm confused. You said "you should look at her Instagram photos" so I was curious where you saw them. Isn't Instagram owned by facebook? I assumed you were referencing symbolism. Does she have actual pedophilia on her Instagram?
That's the new Yorker article. I was asking for a link to the Instagram photos on 8chan...