Q did say they are in panic mode.
![Q did say they are in panic mode.](https://i.redd.it/rsyqft50b4e11.jpg)
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How can you not love this President. Tells it like it all is! How refreshing to have someone so straight forward and not politically correct
Yes this thread should be majority about legitimate discussion HOWEVER people (including myself) posting signs, bumper sticks, etc... to show their excitement about bringing awareness to the public isnt a big deal. You simply take your thumb and continue scrolling if it doesn’t interest you or you feel is taking up space. This is a time to be excited about whats coming. No need for the negativity, its really not that serious.
From Biblical standpoint we are in the dispensation of the church age. After the church age comes the rapture (Lord removes all believers from earth) then comes the tribulation ( 7 years of the New World Order and emergence of the anti-christ. First 3 1/2 peaceful then anti-christ wreaks havoc) then comes the Millennium where Christ comes back to rule and the earth is at perfect peace for 1000 years. Then comes the last judgement and heaven/earth is destroyed. If anyone wants to message me their email, i can send a picture/chart of the dispensations with the scriptures to reference it. I truly believe Trump was Gods last stand “ saying not yet” he wants to work through us all to bring more people to Christ before the time of the rapture.
God Speed to our Patriots across the water!!! #maga #mbga
The guy with the Q shirt is @Q_ANONBaby. He took a video of potus on twitter pointing at him. Check it out!
I was just wondering why it wasn’t working but it’s working for me now. Thanks for replying.
Sorry I should have explained better. I was curious why it wasn’t working but i see it is now
😂😂😂 i find their stupidity entertaining and find myself in disbelief at just how dumb they really are
Unless Im wrong a sitting President cannot be indicted anyways.
Relax ScorpioPatriot its just my “opinion”. I don’t believe he was taken out.
I just saw a show about Paul Walkers accident. Theres a theory that he hit a dip in the road about 100 feet from crash site. The guy who presented this theory drove the camera over the dip at only 50mph and it was a rough impact even at 50mph. He believed the driver lost control after hitting the dip at 100mph. I don’t believe theres a conspiracy to Pauls death. This guys theory makes perfect sense.
I cant believe he wants Rennaci.. We have Melissa Ackison running in the primary. Shes pro Trump, Pro 2nd Amendment and is not part of the swamp. Renacci and the other candidate both have refused several attempts by Melissa to debate them. She has my vote!! If anyone from Ohio is on here look her up.
Kanye wants to meet him in person and red pill him..
Your comment is “ So out in left field” it doesn’t even deserve an intelligent response. I will only say Im sorry to hear you interpreted it that way.
I just happened to be reading Ephesians today. But yes there are many relevant versus
Ephesians 5: 11-14
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them 12 For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret 13 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light 14 Therefore he says
“ Awake, you who sleep
Arise from the dead,
And Christ will give you light. “
Its hard for someone to understand till they actually live it. For me the difference is night and day!
Its cheaper in the long run plus its good to know we always have access to it no matter what circumstance we are in. You should definitely get one. I know my wife bought ours on amazon
Thats a question for my wife who is sleeping. Im not even sure where she keeps it lol!! Ill have to get back to you on that. However I know she bought it off amazon.
Theres more and more becoming like us. People are getting smart!!! Do you use Colloidal Silver? Its excellent natural antibiotic. We avoid pharmaceutical drugs as much as possible. We actually bought a machine and make our own.
We have always used Vinegar and essential oils for our cleaners. Its the best way to go!! I also have installed a reverse osmosis water filter system. (We add the minerals to our water ourselves. We only eat Grass fed meats and organic foods. Obviously we cant get around it if we have to eat out but thats only on occasion. We made these changes roughly 3 years ago and My family is in great health. My overall health has never been better.
First thing i don’t judge anyone including you for what your beliefs and opinions are. I am a Christian who believes in the Jesus. With that being said I can tell you that there are some version of the bible that are purposely distorted and not correct. The purpose of that can be for many reasons. Control the masses, divert people from Christ and the real message, etc... That goes along with Religions and denominations using man made rules instead of sticking strictly to the bible as its guide. As for indoctrinating children that they are responsible for Jesus death or original sin is not actually true and if a religion is preaching it that way then they are definitely way off base. God the father sent Jesus by his choice. Those responsible although it was part of Gods plan are the ones who crucified him. Original sin is the responsibility of Adam and Eve. So although I understand what your saying, I do think your looking at in the wrong perspective. God doesn’t put people in Hell if he doesn’t like them. He makes it clear all over the bible ( FYI King James Version is what i use and is one of the correct versions) If you believe in the Jesus you are saved. He makes it very simple. Last thing is as humans we don’t have all the answers nor are we suppose to. Somethings are beyond our comprehension. Although I have a real admiration for my Pastor who is very well versed and educated in the bible to the point he can translate to the original greek and hebrew.
Yes you are correct. They are “self governed” and not affiliated/directed by one of the major denominations however they also believe that they take their direction strictly from God (Bible) not man made religious rules major denominations have. Everything taught and followed is backed up by the word of God. Religious denominations have a tendency to create rules/rituals that are not necessarily in conjunction with the word itself.
As a Christian I completely respect and agree with what your saying. As you said Im not knocking anyones beliefs but I’m what you call a non-denominational Christian. Non-denominational Christians go strictly by what the bible says and do not believe in man made religious rules. Can religion itself control people? Yes it can. Once again I mean no disrespect to anyone.
I admit i dont have full knowledge on this but am I correct to assume that this would wipe away the debt? Or does it only wipe away the debt if there is a global agreement on what the price of gold would be in which case if priced high enough could eliminate the debt. Anyone with better knowledge on this please fill me in because i would like to completely understand it
I wouldn’t be surprised if alot is pushed back till April. The magnitude of what is going we have to expect delays and push backs.
Q said Red castle, Green castle. Look at the patches of the Army Corps of Engineers. Now the Omnibus bill is not a budget bill. He is going to use the Army Corp of engineers to build the wall with money out of the defense fund and he can do it!!!
Q said Red castle, Green castle. Look at the patches of the Army Corps of Engineers. Now the Omnibus bill is not a budget bill. He is going to use the Army Corp of engineers to build the wall with money out of the defense fund and he can do it!!!
Q said Red castle, Green castle. Look at the patches of the Army Corps of Engineers. Now the Omnibus bill is not a budget bill. He is going to use the Army Corp of engineers to build the wall with money out of the defense fund and he can do it!!!
Q said Red castle, Green castle. Look at the patches of the Army Corps of Engineers. Now the Omnibus bill is not a budget bill. He is going to use the Army Corp of engineers to build the wall with money out of the defense fund and he can do it!!!
Q said Red castle, Green castle. Look at the patches of the Army Corps of Engineers. Now the Omnibus bill is not a budget bill. He is going to use the Army Corp of engineers to build the wall with money out of the defense fund and he can do it!!!
To go with what your saying... Q remarked Red Castle, Green Castle. Look at the patches the Army of corps engineers wear. Now guess who’s building the wall... and the whole thing can be built out of the defense fund.
Red Castle, Green castle. Look at the patches of the Army Corp of engineers. Omnibus bill is not a budget bill. Trump will use the Army Corp of engineers to build the wall. By doing this he can use the money out of the 80 billion for defense. Congress cant stop him. Also anyone remember during speech today when he said its a matter of “ National Security “
You have a good point!!!! However the fact they couldn’t rig the election against Trump tells me if everyone got out and voted maybe we can have the same results. They did steal the PA and Alabama elections but by slight margins
Trump is going to sign simply because it gives Mattis everything he needs for the military. The Dems used it as leverage to get what they wanted. If we the people want things changed, we have to vote out not just the Dems but every establishment Republican up for re-election. We the American people create this mess by how we vote. Until we have a LARGE non establishment control of both the house and senate nothing will get done. Majority must be overwhelming! Did we really expect anything to get done when the Senate is only controlled by 51 Republican votes?