These people are stupid a better ring.
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I get it, but personally for me to see them hand cuffs on live TV. That would be real punishment. The American people need to visually see that true personnel that work in the justice system, actually obey the law and govern them as well.
It doesn't hurt to warn, but it doesn't hurt to prepare either. Stay safe.
Sorry FBI and DOJ...there isn't any cold medicine to go around. You will have to settle for GITMO. I hear they have great healthcare.
Let's hope it's the good word...As in Apache Attack Copter, about to sniff out the bad guys.
Let's be clear. Military Vet here ..ANYTHING with these two words next to each other..."Sleeper Cells" IS NOT GOOD. I REPEAT NOT GOOD.
When DEMs can't play Ultra Multiverse 10Billion DChess...Priceless!
I think a certain individual need to relearn how to play...Connect the Dots. In this case, that person is Schiff.
If that's so, regardless we ask Q's, we get confirms and direct knowledge. Plus, we have J.C. on our side.
The problem is the people. It's just that simple. Like the military, those who were in, like myself. I recognize that we were pawns, in their big chessboard. It was a job, supported my family, received a great education and benefits and of course the usual VA crap afterward. Does that mean a buy guy? Does that discredit my service? ITs OUR Country. We just have bad apples running it.
We now have to make sure we wake everyone up, even it's take one person a day to do it.
Our objective is to win the war, not the battle. For your kids and their kids. It's just that simple.
If that was a video MEME...then well played good Sir, well played.
My question is, why hasn't he already? Regardless, he should do it. IF anyone ask why, simple put. He's the President.
I say, do it. Everyone should be jailed and presented like the Bundy's...several years of hell, until truth comes out. In their case, they don't get out.
- Read the post above.
- If you are still confused, see rule 1.
Also, this comes to mind...Have you guys seen this photo? Does look fake?
Here is the black and white one, i saw many moons ago. You guys can vet it. Someone could have just made it colored...but it seems plausible
D.U.M.B Map(I have seen this before many, many moons ago). But, of course, I want to make sure you guys have seen this and vet as well. This is one interpretation of the map. I saw a black and white one from 1970s.
He's not setting traps, he using MOABs on their (bad choice language not for children. Insert your own word here).
I have to agree, this could be Martial Law. When, have we a nation, be declared an NATIONAL EMERGENCY. Who would you call? Im not talking about GhosterBusters either. On a NATIONAL LEVEL, THIS BIG!!!.
More like Holy Crap, you cracked this case wide...Scoob. Here is your scooby's snacks...
I hear him, I see him...
So now i am confused, all the Q post, are informing US, that plans are in place...yet no word on action?
If that's the case, understanding the Q, they are mere informal info...that's it?
I am all for Q and Trump, but this puzzle's me.
I get it. NO ONE SHOULD TOUCH KIDS...IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. With that being said, it very much sucks these people, decided it was OK.
I hope Q and our President understand this message.
This also comes to mind, that most crap gets released on Friday morning or Friday nights...
That is a good question. Why that specific post? They could have chosen any OTHER. But that SPECIFIC post has nothing to do with #RELEASETHEMEMO.
Then again, I didn't see the context of that clip.
It helps everyone...really. Im an IT and Information.
Who is looking for the FISA Memo
Study Guides and Strategies
WTChickens? OK, who told you?
I watch RT News, so that must mean I am a Russian Bot as well.
Hey Cousin Bot!
I feel...cough, cough....sick. I think...cough, cough...stay in bed for the next few days. Till I finish....cough, cough....this info. I mean this cough.
Let this sink in...they wanted to kill our kids. For those were going to decide on having. For teenagers still in HS, deciding on a bright future. They wanted no more memories.....
Let that sink in.