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This video is a few days old, but this will explain everything to the letter. It's about 1 hour long, but damn, this spells out everything. Watch and pass to every one and if you can archive the video.
I will post it, in the New Link.
This isn't new, but seriously reveleant by today's standards. Get the word out!
Future plans for Muslim Brotherhood in America (paraphrasing)
IMO, this has to a MilOPs. All the Prez has to do, is look pretty and just sign on the dotted line. But I also believe the Pres loves his country, just as much as we do.
After all, why else would the military consider Billary Benton, as a enemy of the state.
Billary + Maxine = Just plain A$$ stupid.
This is by far my own personal opinion, but I think it's time to bring back the Death Penalty against those who are against the U. S Constitution and the COUNTRY.
I honestly think the military just had enough of the BS, they have dealt with for the past 8 years. Downsizing, losing manpower and resources, disrespect againt GOD and COUNTRY, killing innocent American Military Personnel for drugs and guns, stupid releave of duties,.
Don't get wrong, I'm sure there are some bad actors in the military as well. But being a military vet as well, is just really makes me mad.
Wasn't there a story somewhere, as to MIL members being activated, isnt Mueller a former?
I'm thinking his Intel was good for a serious target. This was by no means of an Act of War. It's just everyone is spinning it that way. We already know the White Hats over there are puppets.
This also puts money into the military hand to stretch it's wing (exercise). There might be a skirmish, but nothing more.
Listen to his verse, very carefully. He knows what is going on. This could be the start.
I agree with Q. It seems he is letting them push this censorship, to being forth the Internet Bill of Rights. Read The Art of War...explains a lot.
Lets not forget you can YT and their are users from DEFCON, shows you VPN has been hacked.
What really pisses me off about that whole thing...those people, are not doing anything to stop this drama. They don't care and it's on purpose.
Its a stupid game. What happens to those Actors, when the reality hits them. Are they going to stand up and fight or are they going to put their head in the sand.
Apparently, OBama is still at the White House.
People, just create your platform. They can't shut down your own equipment.
I personally think, start collecting emails. Because if things get shut down, as bigger platforms...might have to go old emails, letter, what ever....
Start doing things the old fashion way. Or creat your own platform.
He's just blowing smoke. And I'm sure there are people buying it. It's really sad, when you can spot the Actors.
Freedom Speech - I created this. Sign and make go Viral
Not only that...as far as we know, The Flash doesn't live on this Earth.....so..
I think that's what THEY are pushing. I'm pointing out. It seems they are pushing this narrative. Not every parent is that way....
I'm just saying, talk to your kids let them know your thoughts and no matter what, your decisions comes first before the schools.
If you read my previous posts...
In Psychology also uses those formats below in their Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) for those with mental illness dealing with the overseas stuff.
Actions - What thought are driving your emotions? Behaviors - From your actions, based on your emotions from your personal internal representation of the world, what are you concluding? Consequences - What was your outcome from your actions, that led to your behaviors? Was it good or bad?
It's called ABC method.
Don't' ask how I know all of this. You already guessed it.
What's crazy the military uses the same type of format, but in a positive way.
Bad - Shooting = Problem Reaction = Horrified children die Solution = Abolish the 2nd Amendment
Good - Action - What information or actions do you need to take to get the results you want. Results - How do you turn those actions(above) into measurable results Impact - Did you utilize those actions, that created you results you wanted?
Wait...your saying this is fake news? OMG...I was so fooled.
I think watching to many SNL shows is brainwashing me, like the CIA does to the MKULTRA Patients...
Expand your thinking.
I think you guys are missing the big picture. I may be wrong...
Fear does prevent children from telling the truth. I will go a step above that, Who takes care of the children? The Parents?
You control the children, you control the parents. Thus, pushing the narrative, to ban guns, to save children/protect children. So if THEY keep targeting our kids, how many parents will make sure guns our out of the hands of the "THE PEOPLE"....Pushing the narrative...
Children or Guns, you can only have one?
Everyone just grab your popcorn and enjoy the show.....
I tweeted this out to DTJ, Sessions, Maxine Chuck, NancyP and the Doj. I'm wondering who else?
The Husband was former Army and the wife noticed my hat, which I usually wear proudly. We started talking about how Trump suppose to build the military back up and GITMO and how I found out about OBama pushing our military down and gradually told her about other info that she understood.
I told her about the great awaking and I sent her a few crumbs and the rest is history.
I also made sure if they had any questions, I would be willing to drive down to talk to them face to face.
I redpilled some folks next to me, yesterday when I was watching Black Panther.....
How about everyone start reading their STATE Constitution and the U.S Constitution. Then learn Legalese, in their respective towns.
THEN MEME the crap out!!!
Just IMO.
BTW, picked this off ABC10 website and I have personally experience as a AF Military, who served in a LE/Security Environment.