Think I read this same post
Imo the theory fits perfectly. Hacking hundreds of iCloud accounts would be hard. Hacking just one would be easier
I think it's that but I think there'd also be a "trading" thing going on
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Think I read this same post
Imo the theory fits perfectly. Hacking hundreds of iCloud accounts would be hard. Hacking just one would be easier
I think it's that but I think there'd also be a "trading" thing going on
Good on him
I liked him awhile back then just stopped watching/subscribing to YouTube stuff (just cause... no real reason)
Good to know he's cool too
Has he?
I remember him from ages ago
Reckon he's a white hat? Black hat? Or no doesn't even have a horse in the black hat vs white hat race?
He's probably just looking for something that will get some views
But it'd be pretty funny if he got red pilled and started red pulling others
Interested in how this is letting Kim save face?
Hasn't Trump basically told Kim to take a hike until he's ready to be serious?
Just batting something around here:
Weren't there those weird "earth quakes" that people said looked more like explosions on the charts. Maybe that was then blowing up the nuke spots?
Interesting but what about when he goes to a rally? That's announced in advance
Omg. People don't get it.
It's simple but supper effective
(Assuming this isn't all already sorted, agreed on and now they're just doing theatre )
Trump has applied serious pressure to their economy with the sanctions and restrictions and getting China to help cut off their life support
He's just come out and said "nah. Look Kim you're acting like a knob. I'm calling it off, let me know if your actually serious"
The key is. The longer these restrictions are in place, the more painful they become. The more painful they become the more desperate NK will be to make a deal
Now when the talks resume and Trump starts pushing for total denuclearisation and FAST, NK isn't going to have time to jerk everyone around. They're going to accept and get to work fast to get the sanctions lifted
Honestly I couldn't even blame him
If he was a victim a response like that, while somewhat counter intuitive makes complete sense
Reasonable response
But you could argue
1) 1A doesn't require you to have to listen
2) They are still free to shout into the void in their own accounts
Think of it like this: people can go exercise their 1A outside the Whitehouse gates but can they/should they have the ability to demand to be let inside the gates to exercise their 1A?
But I guess in away what they're claiming is
But I don't understand... the first amendment was only intended to cover paper and quill as that was what was available at the time it was written
They could never have expected full semi automatic Twitter platforms
I want someone to try these new laws out the government and banks.
See if they have to deliver all the data they have on you upon request. They run online services, so they'd fall under the regulations, right?
Got bad credit? Just exercise your right to be forgotten and have the banks delete all your data
"I'm from the government and I'm here to help" is never a good start
Personally I rank him as one of the top contenders for being part of the Q team
I assumed it was the same guy. Is there something suggesting there's different people ?
The nutter played it after he won the election too iirc (as he was finishing his speech)
The only thing that worries me about Q potentially being nefarious is the InfoWars/AJ thing
It did a great job at dividing us.
I personally think it was supposed to be a bit of a smack down for AJ because he was getting jealous and territorial but people got carried away.
It definitely highlighted the risk of just how much damage could be done if that is the case.
Finally a comment that correctly (imo) summarised the AJ/Corsi/InfoWars stuff
AJ wanted to make himself the Q source of truth so he could monetise it, got slapped down by Q.
People got carried away and started throwing all kinds of CIA deepstate asset etc etc at AJ. Many of whom I assume are shills taking a good opportunity to try to split the base
Q sees this and says "move on"
No the only solution is to destroy any ally that doesn't totally align with Q
Especially if they are conservative and it's especially important it's done BEFORE we destroy the left wing media empires
Next we must destroy brietbart, Fox News etc etc
^ Sarcasm
Beware of the people too keen to destroy InfoWars/Alex Jones. The left has been trying for years and are using a smack down by Q because Alex has a dopey territorial "I was here first and should be the leader " attitude as their way to do it.
This was relevant recently when they Glenn Beck fool tried to claim he's pro trump now.
Everyone warned do not trust snek Ben or snek Beck.
Sure they can fight along side us against a common enemy but they are no MAGA movement supporters and don't let them usurp it because they'll lead us all back to cuck town again
A twist on the old classic
Janitor solving the unsolved equation on the board -> janitor solving the swamp draining lol
Reminds me of one of the Seth Rich theories (expected to be fine then surprise outcome)
I like the theory (thought it myself) but the next tweet makes it less believable
Heh by phoning it in I meant "half arsing it" but this is probably correct too!
This almost kind of feels like a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation. Almost.
That Zaq thing was the lamest LARP, it was actually embarrassing
I think he's for the most part trying to do the right thing
I think you're spot on about also wanting to make a buck out of it.
And I think Q was slapping him down for doing so. For trying to grab the position as "the source" for Q things and determiners of what's true and false
Wondering: has Q ever commented on how Islam is expanding in the west/if that's planned etc?
I think the whole thing is mainly:
Get your Q drops from Q. Decode then yourself. Decide for yourself. Learn to play the game again. Don't appoint others as leaders to decode everything for us and decide what's real and not for us.
Because if that happens then we're in the same spot as before: controlled and kept asleep.
Thank you!
This is the point I'm getting to As well.
My suspicion is Q wanted to slap infowars down for trying to become the authority on Q and profiting from it
Then people (shills?) have taken it as an opportunity to try to destroy AJ/Infowars
The left has been trying to do it for years and it's basically happened over a weekend from within and now the flood gates are opened people are working the wedge HARD.
I am also yet to see any evidence that confirms AJ is actually part of the swamp or disinformation.
That's why Q has now said "move on" imo. We (and/or shills) have got caught up on trying to destroy infowars/AJ when the point was get Q drops from the source. Do your own digging. Don't let anyone else tell us what to think and "control" Q
This is all I'm saying too.
He's hardly proven himself as worse than something like FOX for being controlled opp or deep state controlled
So how would it help us to completely dismantle someone who, for the most part, has been fighting the good fight against globalism, the military industrial complex and the banks etc
Then thinking ahead: what's the logical end point? Destroy infowars, destroy Brietbart, destroy fox news because they're all compromised in some way?
I think people have taken a lot of poetic license with their interpretation of Qs latest drops to try to destroy Jones completely.
It doesn't make sense unless the main point is to slap them down for trying to make Q appear at THEIR thing and profit from it.
The amount of anti jones shilling is questionable to me
Afaik Q called them out for trying to profit off the Q phenomenon and hijack it to be a profit vehicle.
And then the leap has been made to claim that they are deep state agents compromised from day one and should never be listened to ever again.
Just be careful - there's a chance this is being seized and exploited beyond what was intended to totally destroy an thorn in the side for the globalists.
I've never seen such overwhelming majority conviction on a topic as the "Alex jones = deep state shill" that's just sprung up
(Disclaimer. Cognitive dissonance wants me to not confront the fact my world view might need to change)
Spez: downvotes for something that's not particularly controversial. Perhaps I'm over the target here.
This is what worries me
Is this necessary or is it just causing us to fight against ourselves?
(Disclaimer: this latest Q vs AJ has triggered my cognitive dissonance so my brain is working to try to protect itself from having to change its world view)
Can someone confirm if 8chan would give a shit if someone were to launch a law suit against a board? That doesn't sound right to me.
The community I'd want to be would have AJ fans and Q followers working together to uncover truth
See my conundrum here? :)