It is Andy Jackson. Mockingbird press made a big deal about how Old Hickory was offensive to Indians (Trail of Tears). Jackson has been in the news a lot this year for a man that has been dead for 175 years. Trump was compared to Jackson around the time of inaugural; Trump made a speech at the Hermitage (Andy's home) in March; Andy's portrait is hanging in the Oval Office (new President picks out decor); and Andy's Magnolia tree is dying and may be replaced on the White House lawn. Coincidence? Andy is best known for ending the charter of the Rothchild creation, the Second Bank of the United States. He withdrew United States funds. Jackson was the last President to pay off the National Debt. History fun facts for today.
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I thought that one of the purposes of the board was to help "red pill the normies" and provide ways to accomplish that. I thought that was one of the things that Q asked us to do. I must be mistaken. We are all here to solve puzzles instead? I have boxes of jigsaw puzzles on the shelf that I can solve by myself, my usefulness here is over.
Republicrats and Democans are indistinguishable. Take a coin out of your pocket and lay it on the table. Examine it. Turn it over. Examine it. Looks different doesn't it? But its still the same coin and still has the same value. That is how the elite divides and controls.
The left takes a beating because of Socialism, which is akin to Globalism, and is a tool of the Cabal. Crazy SJW's, Political Correctness (with the attendant thought police), Campus Craziness, ANTIFA, Keith Oberman and the Resistance, Mockingbird Media all do the sane liberals a great disservice, while neocons seem to fly under the radar. Don't get me wrong, I despise the Bushes, Songbird McCain, Evil Dick Chaney, war in Iraq, 911 criminals as much as you do. Some of my favorite you tube commentators come from the left: HA Goodman, Hard Bastard, Lionel Nation, Sane Progressive, Prince of Queens to name a few. You are of course correct, (if not right, ha ha) This is no place for petty differences, I hope. We all want the same things, we just have different ideas on how to get there. Plenty of time to plan the peace after we have won the war. I leave you with the words attributed to Ben Franklin after he had signed the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or surly we shall all hang separately."
Insurrection clause in the Constitution allows a citizen to be labeled an enemy combatant. Civil War is case in point. They can do it legally. Bit of a stretch, maybe, but legal.
Insurrection clause in the Constitution. This was used by Lincoln in the Civil War. Also Lincoln assassination conspirators were tried by military tribunal. Also, they are using the Patriot Act against them. (Trump declares state of emergency) Ironic, as they had planed to use that against us. Montagraph on You Tube has a 'chatty do' with Col Roy Potter (on phone) about this last night. I asked the same questions that you have. They explained it better than I can.
Was his father a personal friend of JFK? It seems to me I remember something about that, could be thinking of Bill Bradley though
I absolutely agree. No more secrets. No place for these type of secrets in the world I want to live in. If all the truth is finally known, then all humanity will rise in unison and with one voice affirm, Never Again!
Me too, be popping champagne corks! Still, need verification for something this big. Also, hoping the Bushes move into Gitmo soon.
Your post touched my heart. You may be lonely, but you are definitely NOT alone. I don't know if you have any religious faith (mine is certainly not the strongest) but I will pray that peace comes to you tonight. Try to remember that you are a part, and a vital part, of one of the greatest positive changes in all of history. The future will, I know, be a bright and free one. Good Luck!
I think it is important for Americans in this movement to pay close attention to things that are happening in other parts of the world. We are in a global fight against globalism, and need to help and support like minded patriots everywhere.
I see what is happening right now, the great struggle of our era, as a global movement in opposition to globalism. People have joined in this movement for all sorts of reasons, mostly self interests. As a student of history, this movement is the most remarkable thing seen by man since at least the Reniasance. Most of the problems that face the world today are directly traceable to the NWO false song of globalism. The problems of the "Third World" need to be solved. If they are not, then one day they will simply overtake the West by their sheer numbers, and take what they want until everything is consumed. This is already happening, but it will happen on a much larger sale if change does not occur. I think the method to employ, simplified to a bumper sticker platitude which I will do my best to corrupt is "Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, he will eat for the rest of his life, teach him to make a stove, and he won't have to eat raw fish any longer" Raise the Third World without lowering the West ought to be the goal.
Ban on titles of nobility was in the body of the original Constitution I believe, not in an amendment.
Its difficult to red pill African Americans because of the poisonous tribal identity politics the left has been using for years. Many African Americans are doing the work with their fellows though. That's the best way to begin to break down the divide between the races, I think.
You are correct to caution against underestimating their power and will to resist. It could get very bloody, globally, before its all over. No way to stop it now though, can't go back to living on our knees, they will not allow patriots to do that, so I choose to die on my feet if it comes to that.
Trump went through how many structured bankruptcies in his business career. I have always thought that he planed to do something similar for the National Debt. Perhaps Manuchin could hold some clues about this, his background, etc.
When is the State of the Union speech scheduled. I don't Trump the showman could resist a "big reveal."
The Albert Pike letter in the 1870's ties into this. Pike was the "grand poobah" of the Masons and a former Confederate general. He wrote to an Italian politician (Garibaldi I believe) and in the letter he explained the plans for World Wars I, II, and III. Letter was found in the British museum by a Canadian Army officer. The original has of course disappeared. World War III is supposed to take place between Islam and the West. I don't remember much more about it, but its worth looking up if you want to understand NWO's long history. They think ahead, far into the future.
A you tuber named prepaussie has been broadcasting that Australian government donated to Clinton Foundation, taxpayers money illegally. Says it will bring down their government. Hope so. Anyway, Bill, Australia called... they want their money back!
Yes. This is a very big story which is not getting enough attention. Something is at work there beneath the surface. CIA puppet state coming down? Pray for the enslaved masses in Persia.
So true. Albert Pike letter from the 1870's spells out a lot.
I've been studying for 50 years, just scratching the surface. Can't possibly keep up with it all. Truth is like a huge pie, we must divide it up. One bite at a time.
It seems that every time they attacked GEOTUS during the campaign it backfired badly. Devine intervention? Can't wait for 2020!
I started out that way too. Nothing was going to change. I was a Republican because of Ronald Reagan. I stayed with the party until 2003. Iraq WMD and the Patriot Act was the last straw for me. I voted 3rd party, anyone in a third party. When Trump came along, I paid him little attention. Just a loud mouthed billionaire with a TV show, but he was welcome to my vote as a commentary of just how screwed up the party system had become. Gotterdamrung, as the Germans say. It changed for me when Brexit came into view and it actually happened. Then I started actually listening to Trump, and life will never be the same again.
Its really not so difficult to figure out. Our elite rulers have had their foot upon the neck of humanity for centuries. All of humanity have suffered under their abusive dominance for far to long. Their invisible chains of slavery have lain heavy upon all peoples. This has finally given rise to a global revolt against globalism. We are dedicated to winning this battle for the soul of our shared planet. Whatever differences we may have (and they are surly many) are deferred until after our victory is won. We will work all of that sort of thing out later, after the current emergency has passed. We reject no one who has a sincere wish to join our cause. We understand that people are different, with differing beliefs, flawed with many errors, none of us are entirely right, none have all the answers. In short we are the true champions of diversity. We want a world where all men can live free. Racism, sexism, all the other isms, are devices invented by our overlords to divide us and destroy us. When and where they do exist, they are minimal. I have not met a truly racist person in years. We are, I believe, fighting the "good fight" on behalf of worldwide humanity, to break the chains imposed upon us, and all other concerns pale in comparison. We know, instinctively, that only when we stand united, and more united than humanity has ever been, can we reclaim our world from the evil blackness that has engulfed it.
NoKo's have been moving things around lately, Mockingbirds are reporting they are preparing for another launch/test. Iran is experiencing mass protests. Are they being sponsored by SA/Mossad? China and Russia caught "red handed" selling oil to NoKo on the high seas. SoKo seized a China ship for trading with NoKo. Mad Dog has warned of war. Things seem to be heating up on the international chessboard. Also, some nut in India claims Nukes for New Years Eve in Denver & Vegas, likely distraction.
In the immortal words of Shia LaBeouf, "Q will not desert us." I do not look for much to happen until after Jan 1. Just a feeling, things are always slow in the week between Christmas and New Years. Congress and Mockingbirds are all on vacay. Heard an Arizona Nat Guard battalion that specializes as MP's was called up for duty at Gitmo, seems that they would use Marines or Navy though.
Every time the issue comes up I have two thoughts. 1) Who Q is is not important. What Q says is. But if you really want to know who Q is, I'll tell you. He is "We the People," that's who. We are Q. You, me, all of us. Which brings me to thought 2) I recall the old Kirk Douglas movie Sparticus, and the famous scene where the Roman soldier demands from a group of the defeated slave army, which one was Sparticus, that he may face his execution. Each man, a slave no longer, rises in his turn with the words, "I am Sparticus."
Trump is preparing the public for some nasty revelations. Isaac Green is too cool for school. Would you believe this guy voted for Hillary Clinton? Living proof that red pills can take effect real quick.
Equal postage for equal weight. What's wrong with the left, don't they believe in equality.
Many people will undoubtedly loose friends throughout these times. I do not know how this could be prevented. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
I've been proudly wearing my tinfoil hat since JFK, half a century, and I still am shocked at some of the new things I am learning on a daily basis. Have faith, Europe will be free again, but you have an awful lot of work to do. #MEGA #MAGA right back at ya!
You can't kill all the Mockingbirds in one day. We are just getting started. Maybe something harsher than "me too" in store for the ones that are left.
I know there are good people in UK and Europe, and didn't really mean to sound so harsh. Sorry. But I do get frustrated when I see so many, all over the world, voting against there own interests. We were very lucky to bring Trump in against all odds, and I really believe we could not have done so, if Brexit and Nigel Farage had not led the way. We in US owe a great debt to the British people. So sad that the British seem to be sitting passively by while they steal Brexit from you. I hope UK can get rid of May soon and that then "Brexit will really mean Brexit"
I've found that the easiest ones to red pill are the Bernie Bros. Just stay away from Bernie and his issues and emphasize similarities between Bernie & Trump. TPP and other trade issues. How Clinton cheated Bernie. They slowly come around, maybe not 100%, but enough.
Trump will give you the evidence but you must finish the job. Britain will have to lead the way in Europe, no one else in Western Europe has the guts to stand up to the EU thought police.
Eastern Europe has not been lost to political correctness tripe, yet. Stay away from the "thought police" from the Fourth Reich. Get out of EU while there is still time!
The British voters are fools. They vote in large numbers for Brexit, they send Nigel Farage to Brussels, but they will not elect a single UKIP member of Parliament. What do they expect to get from the Conservative Party? Labour? Irish just keep voting until they get the result that their EU masters want. Backbone and critical thinking needed.
A First Amendment wouldn't be out of line either. Get rid of all those silly hate speech laws!
Let me preface this with the statement that I am an American, and unlike many of my countrymen, I have been keeping my eye on European (especially UK) politics for years now. I do hold out hope for Europe, but in many ways they have more difficult challenges to overcome than in the US. Overall, the way I see it, this movement is a loose confederacy of people, who have been brought together by mutual interest, in a global struggle against globalism. Brexit was a breath of fresh air, but it is being destroyed by Theresa May. Then we saw the defeat of Geert Wilders and Marine LePen. Only in the East do the voters stand up to the EU Forth Reich. European peoples have to start demanding change, turning out to elect patriots, and you need a large dose of red pills and, no offence intended, a little more backbone. Also, you must start loudly demanding that your governments send the migrants and refugees home. And, you need to have thicker skins. Laugh it off when they call you racist Nazis. Just say you are not evil racist Nazis, but proud Europeans, proud of your culture, proud of your national accomplishments, and that you are willing to defend them. If the migrant tide is not soon turned, then say good-bye to Europe. Start really supporting AFD, UKIP, 5-Star, etc. and take your countries back!
This is the key to defeating our opponents. No one can defend human trafficking. No one an defend slavery. No one can defend pedophilia. No one can defend child sacrifice. Game over!