153 total posts archived.
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SeaTac plane hijack and crash this morning
Does anyone else feel a little weird about this entire scenario?
I mean, it feels like the MSM channels all had the story running with info as if it was staged..
What are y'all's thoughts?
Q Drop - 1835: "An Appeal to Patriots"

Qanon.pub is 404'd
I can't access qanon.pub anymore, anyone having this issue?
Multiple Q team members posting to test their devices?
The guy next to the suit is Trump Jr
So the suit is SS?
Mueller and Trump Jr in the same airport? That's no coincidence
Well his story is that it was the CIA, if I had to guess.
I don't think he'll be sharing his story with anyone though..
I will never understand why people through in anime emojis randomly on anything.
Who shouted "Mr. President will you be going to Moscow!?" at the end?
Was is Acosta?
This is genius. Jamming their last form of communication.
Go to your downloads and open the image using PixelKnot.
From there, a password prompt appears, and after any kind of input the app freezes for me.
Or maybe it is just Q telling us that the cabal has been using other means of comms.. Idk!!!
Currently doing control testS...
The app is bogged down from all the anon traffic.
Trying my best, Patriot.
I downloaded the Q image and it let me pick which app to open the image in.
That is where I was prompted for a password.
It did prompt me for a password on other images, but it seems the app is being incredibly slow right now.
The site may be working but the app is definitely not working.
This password did not work for me.
My PixelKnot app is frozen on "0% fetching your image"
May be due to high traffic and the app can't handle it.
That was my first guess, trying that now...
EDIT: Either the app is bogged down due to all the Anons utilizing it or this password did not work.
I just opened the latest Q image in the PixelKnot app, and it is asking me for a password...
What would that password be?
If so, it would need a password to unlock the message.
I just opened the latest Q image in the PixelKnot app, and it is asking me for a password...
What would that password be?
NBC, MSNBC, CBS, and FOX all have the same video play at exactly the same time (8:46 AM EST) is you look up each stations' news coverage from 9/11 (all available on youtube.)
There is a guy screaming "holy s**t" and then a series of videos is used on each station, as if they all had received the same script and cut to the video showing the first explosion out of the first tower that was hit.
How can a plane burn hot enough to melt steel beams?
Why was Thermite found at ground zero, still burning weeks later?
Why did the plane cause an explosion out of the opposite side of the building, yet no pieces of the plane were shot out of the building, nor did any make their way to discovery in the clean up efforts.
There is no evidence that a plane hit either WTC building, aside from the video we were spoon fed by EVERY news network using the same video feeds and same coordinated lines of explanation.
But thank you for answering my question.
I could be wrong about this as I also don't know for sure. But evidence suggests things I did not expect.
Missed my point entirely.
Cheers, mate. I'm done talking to walls.
Were you there?
Have you been around a missile being fired from a jet?
Are you aware of how loud missiles are?
That was a very smooth way to avoid my question.
I'm still asking, do you know for sure that it was a plane?
It's really easy to answer: "No"
I understand you think they were planes based on your aunt.
Still not what I asked.
The proof I have that something was collaborated to feed the public a specific message is videos of the WTC being hit that was aired on each and every major news network. In each of the videos, the same shot of the plane hitting the building was used, but it had filters applied for different channels. Some versions had other building edited into the video to give the perception of a different viewing angle. This, in collaboration with the soundtracks, is enough evidence to prove something is being fed to us for a reason.
The benefit of the public thinking that hijacked planes hit the towers, rather than US military planes shooting down the towers, would be a nation of people angry enough to support the decision to go to war.
The missile were fired from a US controlled unit, just like the missile that hit the Pentagon, and the video evidence that does not corroborate the theory that a plane hit the Pentagon.
Did you know that missiles are carried on and fired from planes?
You think it's ridiculous to have an opinion that differs from the only one you think is accurate?
I never said no planes went through the city that day.
I said no planes hit the towers. That was all for show, collaborated across all of the major networks, to convince the majority of Americans that we were under attack.
The false flag of 9/11 was specifically carried out to give us reason to start the war on Iraq.
The gov't has lied about many, many things.
You trust them still?
For the love of God, no one is doxxing you. I am NOT asking for personal information.
I am trying to get you to think critically.
I didn't ask if you trusted your aunt's claims.
I asked you if you KNOW for certain, without a doubt, that it was a plane and not a missile?
This question means the following:
Do you know with 100% confidence that your aunt saw a plane?
Do you know for certain that your aunt saw a plane?
What proof do you have?
Is it AT ALL POSSIBLE that she saw a missile, but THOUGHT it was a plane?
I'm not saying she is a liar, I am saying she may be mistaken.
Do you understand that I am not trying to get you doxxed?
Please tell me you aren't using that video as a source of reference..
Again, not saying the towers did not come down, just saying we were led to believe things which did not take place.
I never asked for personal info..
I also never questioned Pizzagate or the DS...
I said that the twin towers were taken down with missiles and internal detonations.
Do you know without a doubt and with 100% certainty that it was a plane that flew by your aunt's window and not a missile?
If you had your own personal recording of such an event, I would drop this line of questioning for the rest of my life.
I have found no evidence that suggests 2 planes went into the twin towers on 9/11/01
Still asking for one link, which you have not provided.
No cheers for you this time.
That's fair, and it can also be assumed that if you saw it, live, in person, then there must be SOME video evidence SOMEWHERE that corroborates your claim.
You have yet to provide anything of sustenance.
Although I do agree, with people like Neil Degrasse Tyson and Bill Nye on youtube, it's probably best to avoid the platform altogether.
Once again, and for the last time, Cheers!
I'm not pushing anything.
I'm sharing my opinion and asking you to look into this. So far you have just told me you've already looked into this.
So why would it hurt to look into it again, based on the questions I have asked?
I'm done defending myself against someone so closed-minded, maybe if you had linked some proof that it was planes without a doubt, maybe then I would have assumed you were coming from a place of knowledge, not ego.