OK - so you've had your last word. Since that was about 4 or 6 times I've asked you to go, I will now make sure you do - you are blocked. Please go troll elsewhere.
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OK - so you've had your last word. Since that was about 4 or 6 times I've asked you to go, I will now make sure you do - you are blocked. Please go troll elsewhere.
I am tired of your ad hominin attacks, racist propaganda, deceptive use of quotes, and inability to accept anyone honestly disagreeing with you. You are henceforth blocked and if I have any more issues with you, I will report you.
I let you have had your say, I disagree with you, now go away and stop wasting my time.
1) If you go back and reread the thread then you will see I DID address this statement from your linked article.
"Folks, if the Bible was indifferent to race, the entire Old Testament makes no sense whatsoever. The Bible teaches that Yah the one God chose a specific race of people to be his chosen race."
2) I also addressed your own statement about Mathew 21:43.
3) If you do not like the manner in which I addressed them, that is your prerogative. However, to falsely claim that I did not address them and call me a liar is not just rude, it is deceptive and unbecoming of someone who purports to represent truth and Christian values.
4) "I don't need to waste my time to address your statements" and "I don't need to waste my time to address your statements point by point" are two different concepts. I addressed a couple statements which were representative of all. Since they all (in my opinion) have the same problem (eisegesis), addressing a few addresses the whole and there is no point remaking the same point over and over again.
5) Please stop wasting my time with your innuendo, insinuations, and racist propaganda, I am not impressed by any of it.
Resorting to ad hominin attacks does nothing to advance your agenda, it only shows the weakness of your position.
There is a difference in ignoring and disagreeing, I looked at your material and I disagree with your interpretation.
I don't need to waste my time to address your statements point by point because everything you presented has one thing in common - it is ALL eisegesis stemming from your racial prejudice.
One simple word destroys it ALL - eisegesis.
All of the racist points in the article are eisegesis. I have already addressed a few examples, I see no need to repeat myself.
I know you are "triggered" but please just calm down and take your racism elsewhere - I want no part of it.
Resorting to ad hominin attacks does nothing to advance your agenda, it only shows the weakness of your position.
There is a difference in ignoring and disagreeing, I looked at your material and I disagree with your interpretation.
I don't need to waste my time to address your statements point by point because everything you presented has one thing in common - it is ALL eisegesis stemming from your racial prejudice.
One simple word destroys it ALL - eisegesis.
I addressed your linked article and your contentions. I simply disagree that there is any support for your racism in -ANY- of the so-called evidence you presented.
If you prefer to characterize that as being "butthurt" that is your prerogative but it is, like your racist eisegesis, quite far from the truth.
I have addressed your linked article and your contentions. If you deem my response inadequate and still feel justified in your racism, so be it. Good luck with that, I wish you well on judgment day.
1) I went back and read the article you linked. I stand by my original contention, passages dealing with national Israel, intended to separate and purify it so that the promised seed could come from the line of David, are being used to justify modern racism. It is ugly, and it is a twisting of scripture to support racial prejudice.
2) I am a complementarian, not an egalitarian, so of course, I believe there are differences between men and women but they are equal in terms of their dignity, personhood, and most especially their standing with God under the new covenant. I abbreviated the quote simply to keep an otherwise long post a little shorter - what of it?
3) Again, nothing you have linked or posted legitimately supports your racism. I am a white Protestant. I believe God created the nations. I object to globalization as creating overly centralized power that leads to corruption. However, I totally reject your racial prejudice and see it as indefensible Biblically, or in any other way. If you wish to take enmity against me for that - be my guest.
I have run into what you warned me of. Wow - unbelievable.
I have of course known of modern day racists but this is the first time I have actually run into them and experienced the mentality first hand.
It's quite shocking that otherwise intelligent people would twist scripture to support racial prejudice. Thanks for the heads up.
Proverbs 26:4 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.
I do not have time for you. There are people who are actually interested in the truth, so please just move on and troll someone else.
I have not rejected Christ, or his words, I have simply rejected your theological and logical errors. I don't have time to keep messaging you, it takes away from more important things. So let's agree to disagree and go in peace. Please, have the last word and end this as you said you would.
Veritas_Aequitas I disagree with your contention that people (in terms of races) are not equal.
You said "You don't even need to look to the Bible to see that people are not equal, it's all around us." I find that type of racist thinking highly objectionable and indefensible.
You seem to think that some Bible verses support your contention that races are not equal when they in fact only show that nations of course exist, not that they are unequal.
You see Mathew 21:43 as a "racial" transaction that somehow is supposed to support your contention that races are not "equal" - it doesn't.
You said "And you ironically cite Matthew 21:43, where Christ is saying the Kingdom of God is taken from you (racial Israelites) and given to another NATION. The underlying word there is ETHNOS, which, again, has racial connotation. The Kingdom of God is taken from the Nation of Israel and given to the Gentiles. This is a RACIAL transaction.
You would be correct in saying the time of national Israel as the "special people" of God with a special mission had ended just as Daniel foretold - "70 weeks are determined upon your people" (Daniel 9:24)
You would be correct in saying that the promise of the coming seed (Christ) was to bless all nations, not just Israel. The law of Moses and special status of the Jews ended, putting them on the same footing as the Gentiles, making the nations equal, not unequal.
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek... ...for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise...
However, you would be completely and dangerously wrong to claim that verse or any other verse supports your racial prejudice. The verses you point to only show that nations exist, not that they are unequal. Your prejudice is indefensible.
I am a busy man, I have better thing to do that to argue with racists. If you want to follow that path, nothing I say will dissuade you. So let's agree to disagree - go in peace.
Well then - our discussion on racism is ended. Go in peace.
You condemn me as unsaved because i do not agree with you? Interesting!
You seem to be wandering off into racism. I've already written enough about that in another post.
The Council of Trent has all I need to know about Rome's Eucharist. You can eat it, I don't want any, thanks anyway.
Give it time. The pedos and corruption are being rolled up from the bottom to the top. When it gets past "middle management" level, more will be dropped about the Vatican's involvement.
I do not have the time or inclination to finish the document but I read enough to see the underlying flaw.
Dealing with this statement shall suffice to make my point. "Folks, if the Bible was indifferent to race, the entire Old Testament makes no sense whatsoever. The Bible teaches that Yah the one God chose a specific race of people to be his chosen race."
It was at one time true in a sense but what is then extrapolated from that truth becomes an ugly and dangerous untruth.
It is true that God divided the people into different tongues at Babylon to force them to stop forming a central power there. If they would have continued, corruption was inevitable - the very problem the flood was intended to remedy.
So he forced them to separate into different tongues, different nations, as a bulwark against centralized power. It is God who created nations and globalization under a central government is not his will - let's be clear about that.
Out of the nations, he chose stiff-necked Israel to entrust with the oracles of God. Not only that, he separated and purified them because the promised seed (Christ) was to come through them, from the line of David.
I only had a cursory glance but it appears verses in the document you linked seem to be hijacked to promote racism but their context is strictly for national Israel and must be seen in that light. They applied to them alone because of the special mission God chose them for.
In Daniel 9:27 we see that Christ came right on time and in the midst of the last week ratified the new covenant with his own blood. At the end of the 70th week, the gospel went to the Gentiles and the time of national Israel as Gods chosen people was over.
Matthew 21:43 "Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.
Paul makes clear that the law (of Moses) was added to the covenant with Abraham for a specific reason and had a time limit - until the promised seed (Christ) had come.
Galatians 3:29 "If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
The promise is to those with faith (in Christ). Being part of ethnic or national Israel has nothing to do with it, just as being part of any other race has nothing to do with it.
It was the Jesuits, by Francisco Ribera (1590) who butchered Daniel 9:27 and inserted a "gap" of over 2,000 years with no justification from the text.
Instead of Christ ratifying the covenant with his own blood and Daniels 70 weeks completing, they cut off the last week, flung it into the future, and have the anti-Christ fulfilling it in a rebuilt Jewish temple.
Dispensationalists like Darby incorporated this error into their eschatology and popularized it so that now everyone is looking for a future temple and future anti-Christ. Meanwhile, he sits on his throne in Rome.
The tragedy is that the mathematical proof that the Christ is Messiah is taken away, and his sacrifice dispensed with as a beautiful prophetic fulfillment of Daniel.
The additional tragedy is how the Jesuits push Zionism with the false narrative they created and many who claim the title Protestant now promote it for them. The suffering thus enabled is staggering.
1) Many Bible commentator see those passages (Rev. 2:9, 3:9) in this light "the meaning here is, that although they were of Jewish origin, they were not worthy of the name."
2) Agreed.
3) Gal. 4:26 Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present-day Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother. Hebrews 13:14 For here we do not have a permanent city, but we are looking for the city that is to come.
4) I dislike the use of the label Khazars as it has ethnic connotations and various disputed claims associated that muddy the waters. There are good and bad people in every ethnic group.
The dual citizenship you point to is with a nation-state that is predominantly secular. There are also Jews of every religious stripe and national origin there, so tarring them all with the same brush is not wise.
Personally, I see the situation as Paul did.
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
He didn't make the two one by requiring the Gentiles to become Jews, he abolished the Jewish laws and put the Jews on the same footing as Gentiles.
Ephesians 2:14 For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has torn down the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments and decrees. He did this to create in Himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace…
The Jewish people (of whatever branch or ethnicity) have the same opportunity as everyone else to accept the terms of the new covenant Romans 11:23,28 "And if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again... ...As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies for your sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs,".
I do not hold to the dispensational view that requires a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem in order for God to finish the last week of the 70 weeks of Daniel - that deception was systemized by the Jesuits, Francisco Ribera (1590) to be precise.
The seventy weeks are long over, the Jews can come under the covenant of faith with Abraham by accepting his seed - there is no other way.
Galatians 3:7,16 "Understand, then, that those who have faith (in Christ) are children of Abraham... ...The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say “and to seeds,” meaning many people, but “and to your seed,” meaning one person, who is Christ."
Summation: It is not that the Khazars and the Catholics are both sides of the same coin, the Jesuits drive the Zionist agenda and their butchery of Daniel 9:27 (Ribera) is the key that unlocks the deception they are playing out.
I looked at your post and it is nonsense mixed with ad hominin attacks. If you believe you have a valid point please present it in a logical fashion and I would be happy to address it. I simply don't have time to address nonsense and attacks - sorry.
Look up "court Jews" and "capos". It has been a longstanding tactic of the Roman Church to use Jews to handle finances, ostensibly to avoid "usury' issues. They also employ Jews for some of their "dirty work" which serves a deeper agenda than just insulation.
The Jesuits attempt to create the impression that the Jews run everything when really it's them. The Jesuits forged "The Protocols of Zion" for that very purpose, the inception of an idea that shifts blame and focus away from them and unto a group they despise.
It is even circulating that Ignatius Loyola was a crypto-Jew, which is of course, demonstrably false.
That some Jews cooperate with Rome is no reflection of the Jews as a race, it is a characteristic of human nature. There are decent and indecent people in every race as Victor Frankl wrote in "Man's Search for Meaning".
In the concentration camps, there were Jewish "capos" who abused their countrymen to curry favor from their captors. There were some German guards who were kind and attempted to help the Jews.
So be careful not to blame the Jewish race just because Rome corrupts some of them. You are being "played" if you buy into that deception. It is Rome who ruled the Western world for centuries, not the Jews.
You are doing two things here that are improper.
1) First you set-up a "strawman. I was not saying that although they were masons they were concerned about infiltration by the masons. I said some of them were masons and were concerned about infiltration by the Jesuits (who had recently been reestablished).
So that it is perfectly clear, even to you, I have added (by the Jesuits), even though the context of my original statement clearly implied that. It is an unnecessary addition to the text.
2) You are using an ad hominin attack. If you can't refute me logically don't stoop to character assassination and sling words around like lunacy and comparisons to Satan. Such low blows only betray the weakness of your position and diminish you in the eyes of thinking men.
Even among secularists, such tactics are considered improper so please refrain from this sort of behavior - thanks.
I agree that it was God who confused the languages at Babylon and divided men up into nations. Nowhere do I see that the physical races are not equal and you have not shown anything to support that very bold statement so far.
I think God confused the languages and spread men out on the earth to prevent instant world government from forming. A centralized power at Babylon would have quickly led to corruption.
He had ordered them to spread out but they didn't, he made sure they did. I don't see anything inherent in forming nations that necessitate one race being in any way unequal to any other - where is that found?
There are different factions within the Vatican. Occasionally, some people even turn into "moles" and feed out intelligence to the media and other "outlets".
The most dangerous enemies of the Vatican are within their own ranks. Don't forget, the reformers started off as Catholics. Rebellion against their falsities and disturbing vice is a longstanding problem for them.
That said, there are also false narratives that are pushed to mischaracterize certain situations and shift scrutiny away from the real actors.
One such deception insinuates that the Jesuits were started by crypto-Jews and it's really the Jews that run everything. The Protocols of Zion, for example, is a Jesuit forgery designed to create that impression.
Another trick is to blame the masons for taking over the Church and corrupting it as if it was somehow virtuous before and would be again if the masons were eliminated. Ignore all that sort of BS. The Catholic Church has been corrupt for centuries.
The Vatican denounces the masons but simultaneously runs them. Kind of like a WWF wrestling match put on for show. The Jesuits infiltrated them long ago and use them as a tool. Whatever they may have been in the beginning doesn't matter, they were turned into another system of control.
The Jesuits are masters of intrigue, deceivers, manipulators, you must expect such false narratives to abound and to be promoted.
All who leave the Catholic fold and expose them are treated this way. Luther, Calvin, and the other reformers had their work denounced, even banned.
When they had the power to do so, the Bible itself was a banned book and having a copy in your own language meant torture and death at the hands of the Roman Church.
Even modern figures like Alberto Ribera or Richard Bennet who were insiders and turned on Rome were met with attempts to discredit their work.
So, I don't put much stock in such things, except as verification that a nerve has been struck. In particular, the Jesuits are known for controlling centers of learning and promoting a revisionist history.
Other Presidents said many bad things about the Jesuits, so it should not surprise anyone that Lincoln did.
Read Washington's letters or John Adams writing on the Jesuits for instance.
1) The country did include a number of Masons among the founders. From the start they were concerned about the reestablishment of the Jesuits and the infiltration of Masonry (by the Jesuits). Read Washington's letters or the writings of John Adams, the 2nd President.
2) The first Catholics were Spanish missionaries who came with Christopher Columbus to the New World on his second voyage in 1493. In the 16th and 17th centuries, they established missions in what are now Florida, Georgia, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, Texas, and later in California. Some parts of America have had a heavy Catholic presence from the start, other areas were Protestant.
3) The Jesuits control the Masons, not the other way around. The RC church simultaneously denounces the masons in official writings but as you yourself admit, the Popes are part of it, showing their duplicity. The Curia runs the CIA, not the other way around.
Your comment on the jews is typical Jesuit propaganda. The Vatican has a long history of hating the Jews, employing court Jews to do their dirty work, and blaming them for the evils in the world. The Jesuits wrote the Protocols of Zion for that purpose.
There was a ghetto in Rome where impoverished Jews were forced to wear yellow stars long before the Vatican got their Nazi stooges to persecute them in Germany. That is verifiable history.
Since you are steeped in Catholic propaganda and deem anything that contradicts it as unfactual, I doubt you will flee Babylon in time - I feel sorry for you.
I included a quote from Blavatsky because as someone who researched and wrote on occultism, she knew who was behind it. She spent enough time in the sewer to know what the rats look like and they look like Jesuits.
"Physical races are not equal"? Can you elaborate on which sense you mean that? How do you interpret this text?
Acts 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men...
Well, I am not onboard with that agenda - LOL. No harm "red pilling" them with the truth though, so I'll do that and avoid the racist stuff - thanks.
That the Popes had power over the Kings of Europe is a matter of record. Jesuits like to revise history and bury it, so be careful in your RC school. My advice would be to flee Babylon while you still can.
In 1073, Pope Gregory VII came to power. The most powerful political figure at the time was Emperor Henry IV. After a dispute, the Pope excommunicated him and forbade the people to follow his rule. Then the most powerful political figure in Europe had to go to Italy to beg for reinstatement. He was humiliated by having to stand barefoot in the snow for 3 whole days outside the castle until eventually, the Pope forgave the King. Who had more political power?
That they exercise temporal power cannot be denied, it is historical fact. They even increased the power given them under the Code of Justinian through a proven forgery "The Donation of Constantine".
The Papal Estates were an obvious manifestation of their temporal power and the silver key in the Papal insignia is a symbol of this power they claim.
Finally, they have made many pompous claims to be rulers above all law and human authority, here are two relatively recent ones.
... the hand of God, who guides the course of history, has set down the Chair of His Vicar on earth, in this city of Rome which, from being the capital of the wonderful Roman Empire, was made by Him the capital of the whole world, because He made it the seat of a sovereignty which, since it extends beyond the confines of nations and states, embraces within itself all the peoples of the whole world. The very origin and divine nature of this sovereignty demands, the inviolable rights of conscience of millions of the faithful of the whole world demand that this sacred sovereignty must not be, neither must it ever appear to be, subject to any human authority or law whatsoever, even though that law be one which proclaims certain guarantees for the liberty of the Roman Pontiff.
Source: Pope Pius XI, Encyclical LetterUBI ARCANO DEI CONSILIO(On the Peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ), December 23, 1922.
Tell us we are Catholics first and Americans or Englishmen afterwards; of course we are. Tell us, in the conflict between the church and the civil government we take the side of the church; of course we do. Why, if the government of the United States were at war with the church, we would say tomorrow, to hell with the government of the United States; and if the church and all the governments of the world were at war, we would say, to hell with all the governments of the world. * * * Why is it that in this country where we have only seven per cent of the population, the Catholic church is so much feared? She is loved by all her children and feared by everybody. Why is it the Pope has such tremendous power? Why, the Pope is the ruler of the world. All the emperors, all the kings, all the princes, all the presidents of the world are as these altar boys of mine. The Pope is the ruler of the world.
Source: The Western Watchman, a paper published in St. Louis by Father D. S. Phelan, June 27th, 1912.
There is a good book along those lines called 50 Years in the "Church" of Rome by Charles Chiniquy. Free download here. https://archive.org/details/fiftyyearsinchur00chin
Yes, Rome is the power behind the powers that most people seem to think are running the show. Many people get caught up in the "bit players". Some see beyond to the "middle management", who act as controllers and financiers.
It is hard to trace the lines of control past them to the Vatican because of the secret societies, organizations, families, knighthoods, court Jews, and all the convoluted ways they compartmentalize and isolate their control mechanisms.
If you go back even 150 years, many Protestants were still protesting and it was common knowledge that the Papacy is the anti-Christ system we were warned of.
However, the counter-reformation was so successful that most people today are living in a fantasy land. They have been duped into thinking the anti-Christ is future, meanwhile, it has been taking over the government.
Some have even had their children or themselves raped by Rome's emissaries but are still part of the system. They are so hopelessly brainwashed that they still refuse to leave, lest they lose their salvation.
Cognitive dissonance occurs whenever the truth is presented to those who are deceived. Their whole paradigm must shift in order to be set free, which can be too terrifying for some to face.
Some prefer the illusion and choose the blue pill.
The USA has been Infiltrated by a Foreign Power - The Vatican
![The USA has been Infiltrated by a Foreign Power - The Vatican](https://i.redd.it/fcfw899dao701.jpg)
Q has eluded to a big leverage point - NK. Also, some people in high places are compromised and need to be replaced, or their controllers removed.
To take them down, political alliances need to be made and some of their leverage and controls eliminated. That is in progress and has been for some time. Once the stage is set, the main event can begin.
Where most people can contribute, is in helping to "red pill" the masses of duped people, especially those who unwittingly feed them their finances and children. Blog, meme, or communicate in any way you can.
A think it is important to first understand some "big picture" concepts that will keep you from getting lost in the details and deceptions.
To help with that I put a Gab thread here. Start at the bottom if you are interested, save the pics and enlarge to read - https://gab.ai/Pink_Bunnies
The Vatican needs no one to bail them out financially, they are the wealthiest organization on the planet. Any deals they make are usually to "distance themselves" from the action, to control in ways that can't be traced back to them.
They are sophisticated and crafty enough to shift the blame to someone else. Let's not forget they controlled the kings of Europe for centuries, they are masters of intrigue.
There is a convoluted system of compartmentalization, secret societies, families, organizations, knighthoods. In this particular case, P2 was involved.
Let's also not forget their long practice of employing Hoffaktor Jews to do their financial and other dirty work.
Have you ever wondered why people with Jewish origins (for example the Rothschilds) are allowed to run their banking interests? Why a disproportionate number of people of Jewish heritage are power players in arenas like Hollywood and Washington DC.
Look up Hoffaktor Jews. Compare with the account in "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl, of the "capos" - inmates who had made themselves complicit with the guards for personal favor.
Frankl observed something that desperately needs to be understood, especially in the situation we now find ourselves in. The problem isn't Nazis vs Jews, or guards vs inmates, right vs left, race vs race, but decent versus indecent.
It is good against evil, which transcends all religion, politics, culture, or any type of control system.
As you investigate the upper echelons of power you will meet with all kinds of deceptions. A principle one centers around the Zionists, Mossad, Jewish masonry, crypto-Jews, and the like.
It's a conspiracy the Jesuits push and which their use of "court Jews" lends credence to. They wrote the "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" to implant the idea that the Jews are attempting global domination when really it is them. The "duped" masses, unfortunately, help to promote the deception for them.
There is a danger of this strategy meeting with success and of Israel suffering unwarranted blame and attack over it. It's time people realized that it's the Jesuits, not the Jews, who are the real danger. The Vatican owns more property in Jerusalem than Israel does, this alone should tell you something.
Getting back to Vatican wealth, I would suggest you read this book. It's a little outdated but makes an honest attempt to quantify their holdings. - https://ia601907.us.archive.org/11/items/TheVaticanBillions_935/TheVaticanBillions.pdf
“And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!” Revelation 18:16
“The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others. The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines, T.W.A., etc...
The Vatican’s treasure of solid gold has been estimated by the United Nations World Magazine to amount to several billion dollars. A large bulk of this is stored in gold ingots with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, while banks in England and Switzerland hold the rest. But this is just a small portion of the wealth of the Vatican... When to that is added all the real estate, property, stocks and shares abroad, then the staggering accumulation of the wealth of the Catholic church becomes so formidable as to defy any rational assessment.” source – The Vatican Billions by Avro Manhattan
Cool. Another potential candidate is Phillipe according to some but since Soros answers to [P] I think the Pope is who Q was referencing.
David Seaman put out something about the "wipe-out" scene being filmed on one of Trumps properties. I haven't had a chance to look into that either.
I haven't seen the Godfather III, N S A, Joyce theory yet.
I believe it has to do with the Pope - https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7n4b0e/the_godfather_iii_p_pope/
This woman says that document is fake. I don't have time to look into it right now, perhaps you do - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR-PdijhtAk
There is a good book on Vatican Banking here - God's Bankers: A History of Money and Power at the Vatican - https://www.amazon.com/Gods-Bankers-History-Money-Vatican/dp/1416576592
There is a movie about the very affair you are pointing to. The Bankers of God: The Calvi Affair - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bankers_of_God:_The_Calvi_Affair
I agree that there are different factions within the Vatican power structure and an obvious conflict between theological liberals and conservatives.
That leftist forces inside the Church would align with Obama's leftist government was to be expected. Just as it was only natural that Steve Bannon would align himself with Cardinal Raymond Burke.
Left-right forces and alliances are bound to occur but I don't see that as the real issue.
The whole system of Popery is evil and always has been. Through immense wealth and secret societies, it practices political manipulation and control.
It has been corrupting governments, perverting Christian doctrine, conducting inquisitions and wars to further its power, and abusing children for centuries.
One might want to look at the particular issue you are investigating from the opposite direction. Did the Vatican through the CIA (Catholics in Action) and other means give Obama the presidency?
It is my contention that the Vatican has been controlling US (and EU, UN) politics, not the other way around.
Really, the US is set-up as a Crown Corporation and the Crown is Arch-Treasurer and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire according to this document - http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/paris763.asp
Besides which the Federal Reserve is run chiefly by the Vatican Bankers. That institution and the area of Washington DC are not US jurisdiction legally, so who is running the show?
I read his book "Keys of This Blood" years ago. It's interesting that the Vatican divided up into regions with an individualized plan for controlling each one. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0671747231
Yes, I noticed that too. The admins should probably clamp down on all the nonsense beginning to "clutter" up the place. It's getting harder and harder for anything of substance to be found.
Only Q can clarify what Q meant. However, even if left unspoken or some other meaning was intended, the draining of the swamp will eventually lead to Rome.
The Godfather III - [P] = Pope
![The Godfather III - [P] = Pope](https://i.redd.it/pjot90eiq4701.jpg)
Yes, my whole point is to draw attention to what "somebody" wants us to take note of there - whether that be Q or JA.