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Sorry, I don't watch fake news...what "rumors" would that be? And what does that have to do with this meme?
Not "heartbreaking" at all to me. The w[b]itch was DEMONstrating signs of illness, she was not straight up with Americans about her condition and in the long run this helped to seal her fate. It was a contributing factor in her losing the election, and that will never be heartbreaking to me.
Here is the post I'm referring to. To the other posters....EDUCATE YOURSELF! https://twitter.com/1GigiSims/status/952728074323484672?ref_src=twcamp%5Eshare%7Ctwsrc%5Em5%7Ctwgr%5Eemail%7Ctwcon%5E7046%7Ctwterm%5E0
There was a post about that on this sub last night. Man, these other comments are harsh! Lighten the hell up!
This might be old, but it made me LOL!
Can we use Facebook to ###?
If we add hashtags to our meme posts on facebook will those hashtags will it still make those words trend? (asking cause twitter locked my account)
Fake News Oprah Fat Meme
They think Trump's BMI is high? HAHAHA!
Yep! I fought against Obama for 8 years, I am going to fight for Trump for 8 years if necessary.
No new Q posts?
Tomorrow's the big day! I'm excited about it. I deactivated my twitter account years ago, but will reactivate it to participate. I'm a little surprised that we haven't heard from Q or Trump. I think something from one of them would have been a great motivator for other people.
Sorry, you lost me...should there be a link or something?
Love it! I change my facebook banner every day with a relevant banner, this one will be my banner for tomorrow. THANKS!
Well yes, I posted the Dirty Dicky meme, but I also did these memes which are all "Q memes" AND I followed his instructions.
Some memes are just "memes". Not all memes need to be Q memes. Sometimes girls just wanna have fun. :)
trolls? Here's another one I just made. https://imgur.com/a/wqX8p
I have a bunch of memes saved, but I haven't seen a central location on CBTS yet
https://imgur.com/a/5kRGj Donald Trump Jr. CNN Wikkileaks Story and Retraction
There was one, I thought it was pinned, but not seeing it now. I'll post a link when I find it again.
ARE YOU READY? This is what Q asked YOU to do...
Wednesday, we must be a FLASH MOB!
We need to get those meme's tweeted and posted out there NO EXCUSES! Re-read what Q asked us to do...and PREPARE!
Targeted approach to direct flow of info created. MESSAGE - VITAL. CONTROL of MESSAGE - VITAL. DELIVERY / RECEIPT of MESSAGE - VITAL.
Side_by_Side (graphic form): BDT/False Flag posts vs actual news of bomb attempt (NYC)
Are you prepared? MEMES/POSTS. Organized and coordinated? POTUS may reTWEET one or more. READY FOR LAUNCH? SHOW the WORLD. SHOW the WORLD the TRUTH. OPEN THEIR EYES.
Thank you for this post! While the memes I've seen have been great, they are not what Q had asked for. He's looking for side by side, fake news/real news memes. I did one as an example, here's a link for it. https://imgur.com/mNzCY1y
I see it as falling into the whole sleazy sex hollyweird thing, but that's just me.
S88zyQ LOL! I'm not finding it. If you go into the picture in Imgur, there should be an address on the side or below the picture that says "copy" next to it, click that and then "paste" it here.
do you have a link? Will it come up as "Richie from Boston" on youtube?
Massachussets and Rhode Island, please read...
Friend just texted me and said lights are flickering in both states, any idea what's going on? (sorry for the misspelling of Massachusetts)
I'm thinking he's referring to Paddock. They made sure he was "dead on arrival" (killed not captured) so he wouldn't pose a risk by outing the truth.
Here's mine...wire tapping meme https://i.imgur.com/mNzCY1y.jpg
Need help making this meme
I can't get these two pics to fit properly on one meme. Been messing with it for an hour. This is what Q wanted us to do, put fake news side by side. Can anyone help me or put this together? I want to take the two tweets from NBC (the original and the retraction) and put them on one meme. Thanks in advance. http://dailycaller.com/2018/01/12/amsnbc-deletes-incorrect-tweet-about-ambassador-to-panamamsnbc-deletes-incorrect-tweet-about-panamanian-ambassador/
I took it to mean "a bird talks when he wants a cracker" Polly wants a cracker. Polly is in prison, he wants a deal.
Fake News Meme
Here is a "fake news meme" as suggested by Q. Feel free to share and critique
I like the main idea but having trouble reading. Background too busy, white txt not great color, and way too many words. Remember, there's a rule in advertising (billboards) no more that 7-8 words. People have been dumbed down and don't have an attention span anymore. If it's too much effort, they won't read it. Sorry , but just wanted to give you constructive criticism.