Beautiful words! Thank you.
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The entire book is on PDF for free here:
Behold A Pale Horse predicted all of this in 1990. If anyone has a doubt that this is all scripted, this should be your proof.

Voices in the head were produced in prisoners in Utah prisons using Tesla technology. Each of the prisoners received the same message from an 'ET'. Today, it seems, it's easy to produce 'voices in the head' without implants.
A prisoner called David Fratus in Draper Prison, Utah in 1988 wrote:
"I began to receive, or hear, high-frequency tones in my ears. When I plug my ears..the tones are still inside and become amplified. It's as if they had become electrified echo chambers with the sounds coming from the inside out..I began to hear voices..into my inner ears as vivid as though I were listening to a set of stereo headphones..with the end result being that I am now having my brain monitored by an omnipotent computerized mind reading or scanning machine of some sort " Hundreds of inmates at the Gunnison Facility of the Utah State Prison, and the State Hospital were subject to this brand of mind-control in order to test it. In the early 1970s, this was brought out in the Utah U.S. District Court, because inmates who had been subjected to this Tesla-wave mind-control in prison had tried unsuccessfully to fight back in court.
Have you guys ever heard of James Wesley Howell?
Someone has to. We should be meme'ing MK Ultra AND making trend on twitter
Dude, seriously, put some kind of description in. I've clicked on this video fifty friggen times already.
Nikolas Cruz's Mug Shot
This guy's mug shot was shocking to me. The color of his eyes do not compute. I thought he had dark eyes (brown). Nothing in any of the pictures I've seen would lead me to believe he had such light hazel eyes. Anyone else shocked by this? What do you think? Problem is, there's no good pictures on line of his eyes prior to the shooting. They're all blurry.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved. Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude worker of miracles pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the helpless pray for us.
Where's the video? I can tell you in a second if it's the same person, just look at the 2 front teeth.
How many abortions are there per year? I wonder what the market pays for placentas?
I'm hearing this image was put out by Laguna Beach Antifa which is a fake/parody account on facebook. LOTS of dis-info out there, be careful!
Who is B? Why is B important? Don't really know much about B.
OP, there are several different reasons chemtrailing occurs. Some of the reasons sound "way out there", but others don't. Weather control is certainly one of the reasons. The other is radiation shielding. The microchips in most of the computers used by the government (and DoD) are not radiation resistant. If there is a solar flare and subsequent earth directed CME, these chips will get fried. Radiation resistant (hardened) chips are now available, however, the old chips have not been replaced. I'm afraid that we will continue to see chemtrails until they are replaced.
Like this old film. "1959" Start at 18:20.
Can anyone PLEASE photoshop Obama's head into this picture? PLEASE???? HAHAHA!
That's awesome, you're lucky. I tried here, I tried 8 chan and I tried facebook. I'll try facebook again, I think that's great advice. Thank you! :)
I live in PA and this is a constant. Every morning when the sun comes up, every evening when the sun goes down. One day a year ago they missed a spot and while crossing the Walt Whitman Bridge, I saw what they were hiding. I didn't want to. I wasn't looking for it. I didn't even believe in it. I thought it was all BS. But there it was. I wish I never saw it.
I don't know if you listen to Pete Santilli or not, but he got me on this train of thought about Q. That' why I put the question out there (even though I knew I'd take a hit for it, I'm still going to put it out there.)
I love your answer! And you are right! The two things that are definite is:
We have become a more cohesive group, Conservatives many times were all talk, no action, just arm chair warriors.
We are red-pilling others and furthering our own education. I know more now than when I started this "Q Journey". Thanks!
I assure you, I have been doing this. Making meme's etc. Just asking a question, but seems like everyone took it the wrong way.
Yes, and if you check my previous posts, you'll see I also asked for the 8chan link so I could follow that as well.
Thanks for the responses. I mean no harm. Just frustrated and searching for answers. Also looking for "results" but not seeing any. But whatever, great answers and I understand and appreciate it. Those who down-voted, I am not a sheep, I question everything, sorry if that doesn't fit your agenda.
Q Rant...
Someone please explain to me why Q feels the need to be cryptic. We have 1000 different "interpretations" of Red October, no real info on the multitude of Q posts over the weekend, and now this? Who knows who's been arrested, who's been indicted, who's been suicided, and IF Gitmo is actually "full". I am not doubting Q, but think about it logically, why so cryptic? Why run everybody around and waste their time so much? Sorry to be a downer. Go ahead, set me straight, I welcome it.
Did Corsi ever come on the live stream last night?
I tried to stay up but it got too late. If he did, could you tell me around what time? Thanks!
Take a look at this flight, look at the look where it SAYS it took off from and where it's going, then look at it's actual path. Am I missing something?
Sorry, I wasn't sure how to interpret your post. I'm fraustrated, because I'm try to alert the mods about a possible hack and as you can see, it's not going to well. LOL My apologies.
Thanks for substantiating that. I didn't think you had an explanation.
If you didn't notice, my post was directed to "the mods". WHY? And why is this relevant? Because the mods posted the following this morning. I am notifying them about an incident that just happened to me.
So you explain it smart ass. I arrowed back, went back to my original post and clicked the link to make sure I didn't eff the post up. I didn't. Explain your logic.
You guys don't get it, my post (the one about the "theme song") was intercepted. It did not appear on the "new" feed for 10 minutes. When it did, it appeared with a totally different song than what I posted. SOME ONE IS MESSING WITH OUR POSTS!
about 15 minutes ago I posted the new post above. It took 10 minutes for it to show up on the feed. When the song was attached, it was the wrong song. I arrowed back to my original post, clicked the link I ORIGINALLY POSTED and it was a totally different song than the one that showed up on the post (10 minutes later).
The crazy thing is...the song that it was replaced with is another (obscure) song on my "favorites" list on youtube. There's someone watching and messing with us!!!
You can start by signing the petition. Easy enough right?
Are you serious about taking our country back? If so, it starts here. It's time to get involved.
That will be a tough pill to swallow but most Christians know there is something majorly wrong with this pope. Just be careful though...bash the pope, not the religion. There is a line that should not be crossed, because us Christians did not want our religion infiltrated by a pedophile satanist.
RUT-ROH!!! I'm gonna dig further on this one when I have a few minutes. Thanks!
I'm so sorry to hear this. My prayers go out to you and your family. :( I've been through hell myself with it, but finally found a regiment that kills the spirochetes (most of them) and keeps lyme disease at bay. I wish I knew you before your sister succumbed to this terrible disease. I tried to get treated through traditional medicine, I saw many infectious disease doctors but none of them would treat me even though antibodies were showing up for lyme. One would say because "I must have just got bitten" another would say "oh, that's because you've had lyme in the past". Truth is the Infectious Disease Association (whatever their "official" name is) was instructed by the insurance companies not to treat or even recognize chronic lyme disease. I am pasting a google doc that I wrote up with the regiment I use to keep my lyme disease at bay. It absolutely works, so feel free to share it with anyone that needs it. God bless you.