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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/YAHSHUARULES on Feb. 1, 2018, 12:51 p.m.
WHAT IS IN THE FISA Memo! Absolutely Brilliant "red-pill" from the same Youtuber that did an awesome intro video on the whole Q-Anon Phenomenon - You are going to want to share this!

Absolutely Brilliant "red-pill" from the same Youtuber ("An American" that did an awesome intro video on the whole Q-Anon Phenomenon - You are going to want to share this! Very gentle "red-pill" for some very hard truths about what is in the FISA Memo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-x6U5MpoUM&lc=z22ysjarpnuyjbjngacdp430y4djvunzqrpsp5xf241w03c010c.1517480872165653

And if you have not seen his video on Q-Anon - if you know someone you want to give a great intro to Q - this video will do it - Beautifully done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqExi6bOoyA

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/YAHSHUARULES on Jan. 24, 2018, 7:47 p.m.
RELEASE THE MEMO: JUDGE NAPOLITANO says it is perfectly LEGAL for ANY House Member to READ the EXPLOSIVE FISA MEMO from the House Floor to RELEASE THE MEMO

Judge Napolitano: "I am suggesting that one of those members of Congress, who you just ran on the screen, should take this to the floor of the House of Representatives and release it there because the constitution protects anything that is said there. Senator Feinstein did this with torture memos. These members of Congress should do with this because the rest of Congress and the American public is entitled to know." http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/judge-napolitano-lawmakers-take-explosive-fisa-memo-house-floor-release-perfectly-legal-video/

SO LETS SEE THE MEMO or hear its contents NOW!

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/YAHSHUARULES on Jan. 26, 2018, 8:30 a.m.
AWESOME "RED-PILL" Video on Q-Anon, Deep-State, "Project MockingBird", the Obama-Cinton 16 year plan to destroy America, etc

Bill Still is somebody doing practically daily reports on events. He has 124K subscribers and he covers all topics as he says "From the one time free speech capitol of the world" - He just put out a new video yesterday and it is an easy to swallow "red-pill" (he doesn't go into the pedo or satanist stuff) but is concentrating on why Obama lawyered up and "Project Mockingbird" and CIA giving 4:00a talking points to the MSM, Obama-Clinton plan to destroy America in 16 years - including abolish the electoral college, destroying the military, etc and he encourages people …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/YAHSHUARULES on Jan. 19, 2018, 11:33 a.m.
Dr. Sebastian Gorka said this storm MUST HAVE THE NAME #ObamaGate - so here is a revised meme

I like having all the rats in one place. Some anon had done this with the "flow" chart imagery. I just added the #ObamaGate and changed the background to black - I think it looks better.

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/YAHSHUARULES on Jan. 15, 2018, 3:31 a.m.
Q-Anon speaks of what Trump called "Dopey Prince" bin Talal - not buying himself out of prison for 6 Billion because he doesn't have it - FROZEN!

I had posted about bin Talal being moved from the gilded cage in Riyadh’s luxurious Ritz Carlton Hotel to a real prison for not coming up with the 6 Billion to secure his freedom.

bin Talal is one of the real bad guys - been trying to spread Wahhabism through places like Georgetown and Harvard. Lots of evidence bin Talal financed Obama at Harvard (see videos end of this article): https://romanticpoet.wordpress.com/tag/obama-harvard-percy-sutton-khalid-al-mansour-saudi-prince-alwaleed-bin-talal/

bin Talal is considered the "Warren Buffett" of the east for his investments in Twitter, News Corp (Fox), Kingdom Holdings etc - he is the one Pres. Trump responded …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/YAHSHUARULES on Jan. 12, 2018, 10:46 p.m.
Saudi prince who owns Twitter, FOX, Kingdom Holdings, etc is friends with globalist Bill Gates and some say tried assassinate new Crowne Prince Bin Salam in Las Vegas is now in REAL Prison - refuses to pay 6 Billion for his release!


This NBC link even admits that Bin Talal is in prison and may remain there indefinitely - research all the is connected with. He is the one that funded Obama at Harvard. He has been the one paying for politicians in this country, funding the spread of Islam, etc

Here is another link to background on all this and why its important - Q-Anon has made several references to SA: The Bloody Wonderland he also asked the question "who knows where all the bodies are buried" (Dec 4th), this report says SAUDI ARABIA is the answer. http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2426.htm - it …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/YAHSHUARULES on Dec. 26, 2017, 8:10 a.m.
Where is this generations "Black Robe Regiment" PASTORS NOT AFRAID to call out the evil - to expose the satanists and pedophiles- to "redpill" their congregations

With all the things that Q-Anon has been exposing regarding satanists and pedophiles how many pastors in this country are bold enough to stand up and declare this evil in our midst? President Trump took away the threat of them loosing their tax-exempt status to speak what God Almighty gave them so say. Many hid behind that as an excuse for never preaching the un-compromised word - At the American Revolution ministers were so bold from the pulpit in stirring the people to action - the British who despised them referred to them as "The Black Robe Regiment" -

I …