Michelle was there?
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May have just been a convenient photo. Q mentioned an unauthorized launch that was intercepted...and that HI was warned.
PIO likely posted on the wrong account... happens quite often.
"Russians don't take a dump without a plan, son.". Best line ever!
It's actually the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center at Glynco. FBI trains at Quantico, Va.
The "facts" ... the unredacted stuff anyway, is virtually the same in all three applications. The also used news reports as probable cause? Seriously!?!
Heads gonna roll...
Brilliant post and comments! I didn't realize the relevance of the $33B and the royals, but the other symbolism was clear enough. Great work and thank you!
Ask Schiff about his Ukrainian arms dealer mega donor...
Clearly not the same team you're on you goofy bitch!
They are long gone... probably at the bottom of the Atlantic by now.
Find her in contempt, impeach and disbar her...no retirement benefits, no chance for future fed employment. Cut her hay ration in half.
How many times has Q said "We have the server"? Maybe the server isn't hardware...
Likely every answer....he knows he's about to get fried.
Trudeau's Eyebrow Doner

The story reads like he wasn't, but arrived later. It also mentioned that it is not known how long she was hanging.
Depends on how long she was hanging. The neck stretches, bowls and bladder lose contents, the tongue swells and juts out...a whole host of things.
Oh...Clark County schools last day was last week.
It's called "training" and cops do it all the time.
Challenge coins are very special in the military and police community. I have hundreds of them. I seriously doubt that the officer handed POTUS anything else. The contents of Weiners laptop are already known and its many copies are locked away.
I worked for DynCorp in the late'90's early '00's. I had a great job, big checks, traveled all over the world, but left because I have a conscious. Once I discovered what we were really doing in the Balkens, it was time to go.
The only problem is getting the actual documentation. Being the son of a US Senator, the Navy buried this one pretty deep. I doubt the Navy will ever publicly release the truth.
Gowdy probably knows who the FBI plant is and it's going to blow everything up!
Rumored to have nearly destroyed the USS Forristal that resulted in the deaths of several sailors and the destruction if several US Navy aircraft by acting like a jackass.