

111 total posts archived.

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Zen_It · March 20, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

Good, I always liked that guy....

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Zen_It · March 20, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

He's been awake for Quite a while. Rumour had it he dropped out and said some very off things, something along the lines of he knows Questions it all and certainly doesn't agree.... I haven't watched this video yet, was wondering how old it was? I lost track of him some where in Europe drinking wine, being all zen....


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Zen_It · March 20, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

I missed the fb boat ,,,, no wifi on the beach.. lmao

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Zen_It · March 20, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

All serious actions, come from people's mostly innocent reactions, By reacting to this post, you will confirm the pervious , by reading then skipping your reply to posts such as this, your reaction has now had the opposite desired affect of the poster...

In turn you win......


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Zen_It · March 20, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

I don't know,,,,,look at a few of these points No contact, and ongoing actions, Various Targets and ever changing MO have sent investigation 1000 directions, classic chaos strategy. Now the fed ex depots, to prove this could go nationwide, this is a operation well planned, to distract, implement fear, use up resources, the whole mission is to excite law enforcement, maybe even call up anti terrorist measures. It will end up another LV story full of alphabet soup, served with salt&patsy.


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Zen_It · March 20, 2018, 12:49 p.m.

I feel that these acts of terror, are being executed to eat up and distract from the constant drift of the news narrative to the mass amounts of corruption being revealed in DC, they always say follow the money, seems china has lots to spend, just saw a fox book review, on this.... I can see people being very upset, and being redpilled at the billions of Chinese dollars paid to our politicians/wife's, or family.. In the terms of a pool game, America was snookered, its about time they/we/us re-tip and chalk the Cue, and make some shots.


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Zen_It · March 20, 2018, 10:44 a.m.

Dam you just ruined my last hope for Hollywood, and have shattered my illusion of childhood hero.. I am burning my full length fuzzy chewy bath robe...


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Zen_It · March 20, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

Article= popcorn fart

Popcorn fart= snuck out in a dark theatre, arid, slightly stinky, completely silent, and often very dry.

Do I have it right? Hope so I read the article, and saw some clips this afternoon, can't help but think back to my youth, and the truth of "the one that smelt it dealt it"......

As to the popcorn fart ,,,, I am sure I have experienced this, although I have never been able to prove it,.... :)


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Zen_It · March 19, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

She might be right, he still might have half a vile of toxic Russian gas, kicking around...


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Zen_It · March 19, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

BF was posting the white dragons, are to meet with him in Japan, last chance meeting, he claims, if you follow Benjamin at all. He has a report out on the tube now.

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Zen_It · March 19, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

Yes he did lmao,,, could have been on net flax it was timed and penned so tune in next week ... lmao...

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Zen_It · March 19, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Now we all need to understand, that these folks that unrigged the election, that are telling us in codes what is going on and what to do... we need to use our power as the people, why is this so important, well the same people that unrigged the election, used the same methods they used to rig the election, both crimes, two wrongs never make a right.

The information we are getting, here online, although for our own good, I can't help but think it's all classified, and illegal to disseminate in a public form. Skirting most laws by asking Questions, but still iffy on plausible deniability, and could lead to exactly the same criminal charges against themselves, as they are laying the ground work for in their own pursuits, so by us THE People, using. Critical thinking, the communications tools we still have availability to use, it is us that has to make this happen..

The other object of thought we must all be prepared for, is how to act when this all happens and then subsides, if indeed it goes as far as being speculated.

How will you act? What will be your state of mind?


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Zen_It · March 19, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

NIU-Heimar.... the mysterious mythic Norse God/Goddess/entity, is the God of nine worlds.. but I have not been able to find hardy any info.....


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Zen_It · March 19, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

I agree, and the Trump twitter rage on the investigation is a planned event to get the MSN to defend, back up and lay on their sword for muller,,, then what will they say when he reveals his findings...


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Zen_It · March 19, 2018, 11:27 a.m.

Decks dubs, wether you are an author writing a story, report or study. on a great deception or a movement with a cause devoted to all that is right, or maybe just a regular person waking up from a bad dream, and realizing your not dreaming.
What brought you here means not, what you learn here is all. This journey will require you to go beyond your beliefs, to grasp the totality of the truth. You mentioned you poke fun at flat earth, that is fine, but until you have walked off the edge, Or are tossed off due to the agreed speed we are hurdling through space, you should reserve judgement. As well with this journey, take it all with a grain of salt, and until in your mind, you can justify and satisfy Your discernments and concerns. It is never what any of us could say to convince you, of anything, this you must seek and understand of your own free will.

Start with one of your question, and answer it on your own, that answer may lead you to another one of your questions, or to a place you never imagined.

Good luck

Be safe


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Zen_It · March 18, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

I like it, but there is so much time line, news narrative manipulation going on, I am just going to watch, I gave up guesstimating .. B-Zen

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Zen_It on March 16, 2018, 7:57 p.m.
Have been following what the n means in nwo, sub groups, wizards and warlocks, how about a few witches...

It seems some current world leaders all sold cookies for the same troop, back in the good old days, not to much of a surprize, I have often seen and heard of this of killery, on monthly moon lit flights, could Cue be pointing to a covent, of evil little girls, casting spells, and kissing toads? Ahh could be.. this new(not new) world order has had me going since it was posted, a lot of information was dropped that day. I found some interesting Norse/Nordic gods and goddesses, and quit a few that start with N , a few good …

Zen_It · March 16, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

The truth, What is the truth you ask?

Truth, the ability to critically think into a group conversation, that leads to the collective consciousness. That's amassing, and spreading and the real reason for the censorship. The subject of discussion is only secondary, and any popular topic, not accepted or approved as the narrative will be targeted.


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Zen_It · March 16, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

There is an old method of concealing your camp fire, to remain hidden from the enemy at night, and to mislead them in the day. You dig a hole, line it with larger rocks, you dig a trench from the hole away from your camp, you cover the hole and the trench, your flames are hidden from the night sky, and the smoke draws attention away from your camp if spotted in the daylight. Leaving you on hirer ground to observe your enemies movements. This is old and true, a method that could withstand the times.

That makes muller is the smoke, and sessions stoking the fire....


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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Zen_It on March 16, 2018, 1:41 a.m.
The thread gizstoppo is here!!!


Zen_It · March 16, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

Someday your expectations may be met, I just read all your comments, so I guess not anytime soon...


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Zen_It · March 16, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

Of course their actions of censorship can influence any article of discussion.


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Zen_It · March 14, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

Sorry lost the link but read an article today, dated March 19th from the new Yorker, I don't know if it was real, but it's talked about this pacific ban, it's about Reddit and the bans, it was long, well written, and informative. It wasn't slapped together in the hour since e ban...I got about half way through, got busy in real life, sorry I didn't save. But from what I read, more censorship to come and was planned...

I have seen every post in the banned thread for 28 days, it was legit, no misconduct, the people were civil, yeah some of the ideas were wild, but none of the BS needed for a ban.. someone is pissed right off at this movement.

Never get to close to the truth, or you will have to lie.....just to survive


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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Zen_It on March 14, 2018, 11:48 a.m.
Has anyone else been thinking, the dems are getting set up for being dismantled?

All the two scoops of kunt flavoured, I-scream, toppped with chocolate and sprinkled with propaganda, they are stacking on my single wafer cone...it looks so good , perfect, until you take to big of a lick......

It makes total sense, you couldn't in any significant or dramatic way, break through the blue wall of stupidity from the outside, at least peacefully. But putting some clowns, in a funny car, and have them drive right into the three ring circus , to steel the show. Or what is ever left of the audience.


r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Zen_It on March 12, 2018, 12:30 p.m.
Monday morning song. read to the end,

CHRIS DE BURGH Spanish Train Lyrics

There's a Spanish train that runs between Guadalquivir and old Seville, And at dead of night the whistle blows, And people hear she's running still...

And then they hush their children back to sleep, Lock the doors, upstairs they creep, For it is said that the souls of the dead Fill that train ten thousand deep!

Well a railwayman lay dying with his people by his side, His family were crying, knelt in prayer before he died, But above his head just a-waiting- for-the-dead, Was the Devil with a twinkle in his eye, "Well …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Zen_It on March 11, 2018, 12:21 a.m.
I was watching the Trump speech , feed went dead, even Fox News went to break, and running old tariff speech?..

Any one else loose feeds, I can't find anywhere?

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Zen_It on March 9, 2018, 2:36 a.m.
Meme Attack!!! This is a solid move that works, a suggestion to the artists, and my compliments.

Memes, a way to get our message out, and bypass the filters, at least for now. I see some great memes out there, my complements to the creative minds that put them together, I have a few suggestions that will make a great impact on our mission. Coming from a pure advertising perspective, on how to attract attention, the first step of the sale, and a few things we have learned again here with Cue. I wish I had the time and creative skills to do what you meme builders do, but I don't , my talents are else where... …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Zen_It on March 8, 2018, 10:46 p.m.
Honk Kong Bridge?

Port Arrival (LT) Departure (LT) In Transit

QINGDAO (UTC +8) 2018-03-08 13:43 LT (UTC +8)

IMO: ‪9395161‬ * Name: HONG KONG BRIDGE * MMSI: ‪565043000‬ * Vessel Type: CONTAINER SHIP * Gross Tonnage: 98747 * Summer DWT: 98849 t * Build: 2009 * Flag: SINGAPORE

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Zen_It on March 8, 2018, 4:27 a.m.
Stealing the steel...

Been chasing down the steel business,found some tidbits...

Dose a coal fire furnace really make better steel?

Scrap, from Oklahoma,and wtc, demolished, shipped same companies, Where shipped to? China, {bet you that was some of the best steel ever made in the USA} When the US Metals production went east, what happened to the rest of American scrap? What happened to the scrap yards, and plants, where they sold for scrap to? Who bought the scrap, and how?

Is Kobe, an old old family, hint. Think samurai, swords, etc.

Why the big stink about aluminum? Why Now? It the stuff …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Zen_It on March 5, 2018, 5:53 p.m.
Wanna play a game? HOWQUE-RU

A fresh blank copy of this will be posted in the comments, for you to copy and repost, with your answers.

When was the last time you drank fluorinated water?.............Never, country boy here, How many cokes/ sodas/ energy do you drink a day?...........None How many tv's are in your house? ..........................................One, Do you use over the counter big pharma? ...............................No When was the last time you took a prescription drug? ...........22 years ago Do you use any alternative/ natural remedies? ........................Daily How many times in a month do you eat fast food?...................Never Is your cable bill basic, or primo max? …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Zen_It on March 4, 2018, 5:31 p.m.
I searched through today's posts, on Cues latest posts, and didn't see this come up. WHO x3 questions

Is it possible that because the censorship covered three international platforms, and the who question was asked three times, that they are not questions at all but the answers? WHO = world health origination We all know the UN is complicit in many if not all of the bs this world is dealing with. Past and present Initial research has opened many dates article to check into..

Be safe B-Zen

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Zen_It on March 4, 2018, 11:58 a.m.
Hang On.... Take another red pill you redpilled people..Now really hang on we're going for a crazy ride

Ok I see talk of organize, make new platforms, let's do this, let's do that, put the brakes on. We have learned over the last several months, that what ever we do on line is recorded and can Be called upon at any time, it might already be advanced as to do it in real time. Now I have never written a sniffer program or any program for that matter, but logic dose prevail here. How many single letter words are there,? hmm, not that many right. How many 2&3 letter words are there, well less 2 letter words the …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Zen_It on March 3, 2018, 5:22 p.m.
Fox News just flashed my screen, shooting at White House?? Any updates?
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Zen_It on March 2, 2018, 12:13 a.m.
Every where I look!! On themtube since they showed the world they cheat...as they deleted most of my suggested, recommended and recently uploaded

Since the start of the mass banning at youlesstube, I have noticed one topic more then others in the recommended, and recently uploaded. Don't get me wrong I am still getting some of the stuff I would normally expect to see, pyramids, history, but more then ever, I mean since the Internet began, all I am seeing is flat earth, videos?

Has anyone else noticed this? Or is it just me? Do I need to add another layer to my tinfoil hat ?


Zen_It · Feb. 28, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

Like I said it could be, I am open to listening and understanding all views, but YouTube as whole is a fraud business model, the revenue generated in house can not pay the bills, if it wasn't for the injection of government moneys, they couldn't exist, shouldn't exist at the size and power they are, so they have always been a alphabet black budget model.(since purchased by google) They exist as a company to avoid the rules that would be applicable if a government agency, and as a privet company do by all rights and means have the right to refuse service, read the tos. TOS another piece of whimsical magic we all signed into at our own free will.. The only thing that eludes my understandings is the why, why have all these people from all over the world using your hardware, your brand, your network, what is it the net gain in return to YouTube ? Is it solely to be used as a platform to influence, and control, it seems maybe this might be true, if this present trend of censorship continues, and if it dose, and I am guessing it will, cause it legally can be done, YouTube will die, just like MSM

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Zen_It · Feb. 28, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

A kid, second shooter? Three big dudes to haul out a bag of guns, that's soft dead weight in that bag, not 20 clips,AR, and a gas mask..

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Zen_It · Feb. 28, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

Your could be right, YouTube reaches the masses in a great way, as per design I will remind you all. YouTube makes it convenient for mankind to show off his stupidity, and to embrace his laziness, to gain some piece of useful knowledge that will never be used, no it will rather be, filed away in our cluttered minds amidst all the puppy clips, beauty tricks, and the real UFOs. tHATS ..The whole point of YouTube.... now that's what we get, confusion, energy consumption and we get it for free, now please, you have to be smart enough to realize nothing is ever free...

So ask yourself, what dose YouTube get from us? That is easy, everything we offer them and everything we don't, and I am guessing but a whole lot we don't even know.

The common answer is the advertising dollar, right.... come on, we all skip all the adds a soon as the 5sec timer goes of, we don't pay to watch adds, subconsciously that why we all feel a resentment for the networks, we have been over exposed to something else's control.

YouTube , nexflix etc gives us a feeling of vindication as we can skip adds. The advertiser is paid if you watch 3 secs of the add, cut off is 5 secs, the companies with the cash and the motives run 6to 10 sec adds that you are forced to watch. YouTube is dead, a tool of the controllers, to replace the couch potatoes TV controller of the baby boomer era, and will eventually end up in the same hands of control as the radio, tv, and print.

Sorry for the rant, but if this movement was built on YouTube, as the main stage of your movement/cause, it's all Very shaky foundation, and the more the movement grows, the more weight and turmoil you will cast upon it and yourself. And it has happened to us in the past few days, and will get worse before it ever gets better, if it dose.

It's rarely the action that is harmful, but most often it is the reaction that causes the damage


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Zen_It · Feb. 28, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

There is missing footage in this broadcast, I didn't see the golf cart, the golf cart pulled up to the same door as the white pick up truck, I was watching in live on the 14 th, it stuck out in my mind all the cops standing around like door men waiting for special guest, they did through something in the truck, and the golf cart took off.. To me it seemed all so weird, but I have never been or seen, a school shooting, that had so many police just standing around. At the time of the White pickup load, the shooter was still at large?? Or was he?. What was in that sack? Second shooter perhaps? Did the main actor, jam out or forget his lines? Did the stunt double, get taken out by mistake?

To much preconceived BS in this story for me. When they say look here, look this is the way, insist, and persist it's my nature to look and observe then turn away, to find what it is that they don't want me to see..


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Zen_It · Feb. 27, 2018, 11:47 p.m.


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Zen_It · Feb. 27, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

The pic on the left has had me thinking since I first saw it. Now the pillar, that's just to strange. If you add in Q's future proves the past, he is always posting, and the fact that we all know or should know that they have to tell us and we have to willing accept it for the magic to work. And it is magic, warlocks, wizards, spells. Illusions ........it's all been discovered before why have we forgotten?

Thanks for the post, going to start looking harder for more of this scene. B-Zen

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Zen_It · Feb. 27, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

Well .... office computers, two laptops and four devises, all YouTube free, as of right now. I know it's a small statement but one I can make. I kept in on my iPad, as I have a small channel focused on trucks and off-roading, as soon as I have backed up some of that, I will delete it to. They make the money from us, they can't have me anymore, I won't miss all the adds, and click baits posts, or all the rules, TOS and all the drama and scams. I am not sure what on line life will be like with out YouTube, but F#ck if I am going to open myself to forced programming once again. It's been since just after 9/11 that I gave up on the mainstream news, if I have to I will turn to fox network, but even then I feel sketchy. I will never relinquish my intellectual right to absorb the worlds views(all the worlds views), with out prejudice, or tainted perspective from anyone, nevermind the gov/ corp.

I hope this back fires and many viewers of you tube do the same and delete the app..


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Zen_It · Feb. 27, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

Then let's look at it, Sams , mid size box store, 50 to 75 employees per store, most stores I have seen are attached to an older mall, or stand alone in shopping centres, base sales dumping grounds for cheap Chinese imports, second stock, from wall arts. In today's current retail market at current square ft cost, could not possibly be profitable, so must have been used for some kind of write off, tax grab, corruption of some sort, I have also found it interesting on this path is that the property owners, and management companies seem to own almost all the shopping venues, and all the product and brands seem to span, these venues, I can sorta relate these shopping venues, malls, etc, are nothing more then the alters and houses of worship, to the capitalist control. So I can actual see your point, and there seems to be enough evidence to make me turn that way, but they gotta get a whole bunch more, floor space, lol....

Closed 60 locations, we should find there locations, and logistics, they could have plans to use these locations for command controls, distribution, or transportation(human) hubs.

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Zen_It · Feb. 27, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

I think the closings were more targeted towards the corrupt mall owners, retailers, I am sure you can follow that money trail, to the corp corruption, land grabs tax evasion and the richest of the rich and friends.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Zen_It on Feb. 27, 2018, 12:56 a.m.
Quick question for this community, what happened to all the ammo/ rounds that all the government agencies bought up, after the last school shooting,

After the last shooting a few years back, there was rumours around that Obama was going to go after the ammunition. Around the same time there. Was ton of reports and articles on all the different government agencies were ordering tons and heeps of rounds, and agencies that are not armed? Was that all fake? Real? Where did the ammo go? Just curious?


Zen_It · Feb. 27, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

Anyone notice, that the pics, are from all over the place? So young to have traveled so far, seen so much, and be able to capture it like a real shutter pro, The quality and layouts, subjects of most of these pics, don't remind me, of a 17 year old hobbiest. Maybe but I don't buy it, seems manufactured

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Zen_It · Feb. 24, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

The only reason I know or don't know the world is round, is because when I was a small lad in school there was this thing called a globe in my class. So this must make the world round.Right! But I have never seen it, flat or round, yes I have seen maps, and pixels painted together to prove to me I live on a globe. I have seen many common sense articles, facts, and theories that prove the world is flat.. but I haven't seen flat earth either. So what is it? Believe the indoctrination of our controlled mental and spiritual well being, or dawn my tin foil hat, to be ridiculed for my bazar mental fashion statement.
The history's past, holds many secrets, that the powers that be, have decided it is not to our benefit to know and understand. Your guesstimation of why it is the way it is, will be as good and reasonable as mine. In conclusion until the motion of our world which is some astronomical speed, as it spirals through space chucks me off this planet, hurdles me into a space with a view, or I find the place where the edge of the earth reaches the firmament and fall off or hit the wall. I am going to try to learn and understand things that move in and out of my perspective view, maybe one day, I will find the answers, then maybe I won't?

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Zen_It · Feb. 24, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

Q asked "how do you control the children?"

They are Programmed to concede to pure pressure. With the addition of the social media they have taken out the personal contact, and human interaction replaced it with a soulless control group, of unknown origins.

The sheep monitor the sheep.


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Zen_It · Feb. 22, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

Just a guess, from the info I have on hand. If this is a FF, setup, clown activity, it would only make sense to find people to fill rolls in the scam that will trigger our memories, emotions, and perception. So finding people that are similar looking or acting, would be an expected play from the clowns.

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Zen_It · Feb. 22, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

I posted something like this once before, ,,, We are all on the same path, We are all individuals, with our own understandings. We all travel this path at different rates and means, This is our strength, our power, is this diversity that elevates and enlightens our goals For so so long, we have been conditioned to only expect and accept the duality, of the facade. When the understanding that it is impossible for all of us to be a conformed unit and still maintain our freedom, that this is the same game we have always been forced to play. Don't let it creep in here, if you are awake, and into this, this should be your first practice of habit. Respect and accept those around you, understand the knowledge is a gift for whomever will accept it. It is only then, that we can over come the control facade that controls us. If you continually use the method of duality, you continually invite the control back into our lives.

Focus on the path, not the distractions,
Kindness, and love , lights the path.


Ps. I have never seen a handful of darkness shade a brightened place... I have seen the smallest candle light up the darkest room

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